BOOK REVIEW: The Unmarked Witch by Miranda Lyn

BOOK REVIEW: The Unmarked Witch by Miranda LynThe Unmarked Witch by Miranda Lyn
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A land where witches wear their spells like tattoos is no place for a woman without a single magical mark—except for Raven, whose unblemished skin contradicts the truth of her power. Surviving under the scowls of her fellow witches has carved indelible scars into her mind over the years—just as the day she watched the Dark King's men murder her grandmother in cold blood.

But the Dark King's reign of terror is far-reaching, and Raven's grandmother won't be the last witch to die under his rule. After the death of a coven leader heralds the start of the infamous Witch Trials, Raven finds herself dodging death to triumph. The journey quickly descends into perils far greater than she'd ever imagined, including a war on her heart from a man she’d only ever known as a villain.

Still, trust is always fragile in kingdoms ruled by magic, especially when love enters the fold. Yet, something else is awry in the land of spells and shadows and Raven must decide whether she trusts her gut or her heart.

The Unmarked Witch is the first gripping book in the seductive and intriguing duology,Unmarked.

From the author of the heart-pounding fantasy series, Fae Rising comes this new darkly ambitious tale.


This book….was so much more than I could have ever anticipated. Because I have been reading fanfic nonstop since, oh, about last May, I have barely made time for new authors that I’m not familiar with unless someone I know has read it first and “pushed” it on me. Luckily that happened to me here!

One thing that I feel pretty well versed in when it comes to fantasy is magic. I have always loved books with any kind of magic and I have very strong opinions on what I think works and doesn’t work within a given fantasy world. I thought Lyn crafted SUCH a unique system in this where witches can receive spells throughout their life and afterwards they are inked on their skin. More powerful witches are obviously then more marked and they can call upon any number of marks at any time.

The only witch to NOT receive any markings despite having numerous spells in her arsenal is, you guessed it, our main character, Raven. I LOOOVED Raven. She was such a real character who always tried to stay true to herself and would do anything for the people she loved. I am so excited to learn more about her magic in book two and hopefully to find out why she is unmarked!

Honestly every single character in this book was excellently crafted. Easy to love and easy to hate which to me usually is a great indicator of a talented writer because who wants to read about characters that you don’t care about? Kirsi was an obvious favorite and I can’t wait to see more of her in book two *side eyes emoji* LOL. Bastian….I could go on and on but I will keep my lips zipped other than to say two words–THE CHEMISTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHH!!!!! And Grey. I am a sucker for Grey-like characters so I’m very intrigued where his storyline will go in book two as well.

This book made me feel a lot of things and the biggest feeling I have to express right at this second is that I NEED BOOK TWO LIKE YESTERDAY! I highly recommend to anyone who loves magic, witches, fantasy, a gripping romance, and a twisty plot.

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1 Comment

  1. Sophie

    I so want to read it now!

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