BOOK REVIEW: Mafia Madman (The Kings of Italy #3) by Mila FinelliMafia Madman (The Kings of Italy #3)
by Mila Finelli
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I may be a mafia princess, but I have bigger plans than to stay in this sheltered world.

I’m in Milan to pursue my dreams as a fashion designer. Having an affair is the last thing on my mind, except he’s handsome and charming and Italian. In other words, he’s irresistible.

What’s the harm in having a little fun?


Years of work, my family, and almost my life—all stolen from me. For four years I rebuilt my empire, plotting in secret, planning to make him suffer as I suffered.

When the perfect weapon drops into my lap, who am I to say no?

Except Gia doesn’t seem to mind my darkness. She likes it, even welcomes it.

I can’t let her distract me, no matter how much I want her. No matter the fire that burns hot between us. I’ll have her—and then I’ll break her.

If she expects mercy, she’ll be disappointed. I’m no hero. I’m a ruthless king, born to be the villain.


MAFIA MADMAN is written by a USA Today Bestselling author. It can be read as a standalone, but it's probably better if you read Mafia Mistress and Mafia Darling first!

If you like feisty heroines, heroes who are a little bit cruel and a lot filthy, and plenty of heat, then welcome to Mila's twisted world. Don't say you weren't warned!


Mafia Madman is Enzo and Gia’s story, and I was not prepared.  While this can be read as a standalone, I highly recommend reading the two previous books in this series.  You’ll see how everything evolved, which led to Enzo being kidnapped.  And for the horrific torture he was put through.  I actually was very unsure about reading this story.  Enzo was filth in my eyes.  What he did was unforgivable.  Yet, Mila Finella had me not only feel compassion and empathy towards him.  But my heart fell for him too.  And I didn’t think that was ever going to happen.

He put his mouth near my ear and whispered, “What I want, Gia Roberts Mancini, is revenge.”

Gia was a mafia princess, who landed in Enzo’s crosshairs.  Her brother-in-law was his mortal enemy.  And that made Gia stuck in a very precarious situation.  So I was terrified for Gia.  That she had a monster lurking in the dark after her.  Where Gia ended up had me gripping the pages with dread simmering within me.  I was cheering her on every step of the way with her ingenious ways and perseverance.  I won’t say more, because there are way too many spoilers.  Just know that this story was extremely erotic with BDSM.  And we were given an epilogue in the future that will have you feeling all happy and warm inside.  Next up is Giulio’s story, I can’t wait!

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