Author: Chelsea (Page 56 of 111)

BOOK REVIEW: A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses #1) by Sarah J. Maas

BOOK REVIEW: A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses #1) by Sarah J. MaasA Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses #1)
by Sarah J. Maas
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A thrilling, seductive new series from New York Timesbestselling author Sarah J. Maas, blending Beauty and the Beastwith faerie lore.

When nineteen-year-old huntress Feyre kills a wolf in the woods, a beast-like creature arrives to demand retribution for it. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she only knows about from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor is not an animal, but Tamlin—one of the lethal, immortal faeries who once ruled their world.

As she dwells on his estate, her feelings for Tamlin transform from icy hostility into a fiery passion that burns through every lie and warning she's been told about the beautiful, dangerous world of the Fae. But an ancient, wicked shadow grows over the faerie lands, and Feyre must find a way to stop it . . . or doom Tamlin—and his world—forever.

Perfect for fans of Kristin Cashore and George R. R. Martin, this first book in a sexy and action-packed new series is impossible to put down!


This was such a lovely dream. I’d never slept so wonderfully before. So warm, nestled beside him. Calm. Faintly, echoing into my world of slumber, he spoke again, his breath caressing my ear. “You’re exactly as I dreamed you’d be, too.”

When I first saw the description for this book, I was immediately enamored. Truth be told, I am a HUGE fairy-tale person, so when a popular author plays at releasing a re-telling, I get extremely excited. What better way to relive the best parts of my childhood than to read fun twists on all the classics-especially with heaping piles of peril mixed into them to satiate my adult hunger for not all things to go correctly…but maybe that’s just me. So when I saw this was a play on Beauty and the Beast, I knew I was going to love it. Sometimes you just know…and I definitely knew.

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I knew I was headed down a path that would likely end in my mortal heart being left in pieces, and yet…and yet I couldn’t stop myself.

I think that the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale has the most room for multiple adaptions, but it also leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Opinions tend to overflow because some people think it should be this way, some believe it should be that way, but the fact remains that, in the end, it’s only what the author wants it to be. And that’s where it’s tough. I’ve seen multiple plays on this classic fairy-tale, but I have to give Maas credit where credit is due: This might be my favorite interpretation yet.

“I love you,” he whispered, and kissed my brow. “Thorns and all.”
He was gone when I awoke, and I was certain I had dreamed it.

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One of the reasons I say that is because of the authentic feel to it-I really and truly felt like I was re-imagining Belle and Beast’s journey as I read. It had just enough similarities that I was drooling all over the [screen] pages, and not once did I balk at the way Maas played out this newly imagined look at a young girl being held captive with someone she’d never think of in a million years as her prince.

Tamlin gave me a lazy grin. “And miss a chance to show off to a beautiful woman? Never.” I smiled down at my plate.
“You do look beautiful,” he said quietly. “I mean it,” he added when my mouth twisted to the side. “Didn’t you look in the mirror?”

Another thing?? I got all the peril I could ever want. It didn’t seem like much was going to happen, for a while, but bit by bit I began to see little things happening here and there that would totally excite me. And then, near the end, I got more than I could have ever hoped for. I am a sadistic monster, I know this, but I was absolutely ravenous while I read all the final trials. I couldn’t believe how quickly everything went perfectly downhill, making for a wonderful conclusion to a beautifully built up crescendo of emotions and desperation to save a newly discovered love. I was so tired it was almost painful to read, but from a certain point on, I didn’t care. My eyes were glued to the screen and I was done-I was stuck in this world whether I wanted to be or not. And, if anyone close to me cares to remember what I mean, here’s a huge hint as to why I’m ecstatic: The one scene I crave most in fantasy, paranormal, and dystopian was fully present, and it was oh-so-amazingly done. If nothing else, that whole scene/part/segment was made for me. My stone heart was obliterated and the 5 came pouring out of me…I was a smiling madwoman.

Against my volition, my body straightened, every muscle going taut, my bones straining. Magic, but deeper than that. Power seized everything inside me and took control: even my blood flowed where he willed it.
I couldn’t move. An invisible, talon-tipped hand scraped against my mind. And I knew-one push, one swipe of those mental claws, and who I was would cease to exist.

I won’t lie. I hate Maas’s other series that is so widely loved that surrounds Caelana (or however you spell it) and her brothel of men. I mean, come on, seriously?? How many guys can fall for her. SO…to say I was scared about this one would be an understatement. I mean, what if Maas is going to do it again? Rhysand seems to be pretty into our main character, from what I can tell….and I won’t lie and say it doesn’t worry me. I’m in love with Tamlin and it seems like it’s in the bag but…why should I invest my heart in someone that might likely just become another pawn in Maas’s quadruple love interest game? I don’t know. I’m STILL nervous. And then there’s the simple fact that I read an absolutely earth-shattering perfect book before this one, so I was having a hard time making this one a priority. It’s hard to follow something you loved so deeply. And I think that’s why I’m even mentioning that fact-for a book to still get a 5 while I’m wholeheartedly still invested in a prior story as I read (I still can’t stop thinking about it) then it has to be pretty good…I’m so so stubborn.

He smiled at me still, broadly and without restraint or hesitation. Isaac had never smiled at me like that. Isaac had never made my breath catch, just a little bit.

Let’s get to it, shall we? Tamlin. Come on, now. How fucking perfect was he? From the moment we met him I was….okay, I wasn’t completely into the story at first. Like I liked it, but I was just holding out to see how I’d feel about it before I got too attached. But then when I let my walls down, the feels came flooding in-along with the peril and protective alpha male tendencies. Can you say hot? Because oh boy, that’s the way to Chelsea’s heart, right there. Give me a damsel in distress any day and you’ve got my love and devotion to the story.

Insufferable. Lucien sighed as he looked me over. “Do you ever stop being so serious and dull?”
“Do you ever stop being such a prick?” I snapped back.
Dead-really, truly, I should have been dead for that.
But Lucien grinned at me. “Much better.”

And then our main girl, Feyre, she actually adds to the best part. She’s human, she gets herself in trouble, but she’s so strong and able to defend herself. She isn’t weak or meek or mild-she has a smart mouth and a somewhat bad attitude, but she doesn’t let anyone tell her off. And when she gets a chance at love? She takes it. She doesn’t play any games or doubt what she’s feeling, she just goes for it. And I think that’s another reason I loved this so much-we got LOVE SCENES!! Actual. Love. Scenes. Yaaaassss.

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So, I really enjoyed this one. I didn’t really know what to say when I started this, and I still don’t know if I like everything I said or if it’s what I imagined when I thought of writing this review, but I think I portrayed my feelings correctly, if nothing else. This story wasn’t necessarily given a totally fair shake, and it still came out on top. I think that speaks louder than anything I could say on my own, even with that excessive fangirling I’m known to do from time to time. Feyre was a great lead to follow and Tamlin stole my heart-even Lucien and Rhysand were epic characters. If you’re feeling skeptical, I’d say give it a try. I think people are just so hard on certain books. Maybe all of them, if I’m being honest. But, yeah, some people were super harsh with this one and that’s fine…but I always wonder why. What else did they expect? It’s just a re-telling…and Maas told it how she wanted to. End of story. The end. Oh well. What do I know?





Chelsea Peril Scale Rating:


Peril Approved?


There’s a She Wolf in the closet, open up and set her free….aaaoooohhhh!

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Relevance to this book? Not much…..I was listening to it on loop on the way to work this morning for some odd reason and he’s a wolf and…yeah. She’s feisty. 😛

Review to come 🙂


This looks…sooooo bad asssss

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Why do you have to be so far awwaaaaayyyy???? *sad face*

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BOOK REVIEW: I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios

BOOK REVIEW: I’ll Meet You There by Heather DemetriosI'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios
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If seventeen-year-old Skylar Evans were a typical Creek View girl, her future would involve a double-wide trailer, a baby on her hip, and the graveyard shift at Taco Bell. But after graduation, the only thing standing between straightedge Skylar and art school are three minimum-wage months of summer. Skylar can taste the freedom—that is, until her mother loses her job and everything starts coming apart. Torn between her dreams and the people she loves, Skylar realizes everything she’s ever worked for is on the line.

Nineteen-year-old Josh Mitchell had a different ticket out of Creek View: the Marines. But after his leg is blown off in Afghanistan, he returns home, a shell of the cocksure boy he used to be. What brings Skylar and Josh together is working at the Paradise—a quirky motel off California’s dusty Highway 99. Despite their differences, their shared isolation turns into an unexpected friendship and soon, something deeper.

Why is it that some people in the world get to wake up in beautiful houses with fairly normal parents and enough food in the fridge while the rest of us have to get by on the scraps the universe throws at us? And we gobble them up, so grateful. What the hell are grateful for?

Beautiful, profound, thought-provoking. More than anything I wanted to read something that erased the filth from my prior book. I really didn’t know what I was going to read, which rarely happens to me, but I was determined to find the perfect fit. So, a few days ago I saw this totally random and ghastly cover on the feed because a friend of mine had been reading it. I saw words like ‘favorite’ and ‘best of 2015’-to say I was intrigued is an understatement. Naturally I had to know what this horrible book cover represented. The blurb held a lot of promise, I have to say, but I’m not one to necessarily like these kinds of stories-but after that previous massacre of a book, I was open to anything that might be a bit different and off the path for me. But OMG, never in my life did I imagine that I’d find an instant favorite-I opened this story up and thought, hmmm, okay….So this might not be for me. Then, out of nowhere, we got Josh’s POV and we began to see why things were the way they were and why people were the way they were and…This book?? This book became my world. This book became my everything. This book owned my soul.

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When I got to his truck, I leaned against it, drinking the night air in great, heaving gulps. My hands were shaking, and my lips tingled, and the skin around my wrist-the part that Josh had touched-the skin was singing.

I am always the black sheep on stories like these. When I first got an account on Goodreads, I tried to conform to what popular reviewers were reading and I was sure there was something wrong with me because I would read them and just feel…Nothing. Such classics as [book:The Sweet Gum Tree|2761356] and others like [book:The Edge of Never|16081272] and way more that I could care less about remembering were so highly spoken of on here and I just knew I had to like them. And I did….A little. But the whole time, while I read them, all I could think was, ‘Why is this so popular? Literally nothing is happening and this drama…Why the drama??’ I, for the life of me, could not find this deep and spiritual connection that everyone was getting with these stories. The drama felt forced, to me, and I just kept rolling my eyes because life isn’t that hard. It just isn’t. And, while it’s awesome that people adored these stories, they bored me. Yet I rated them highly and grasped onto the few good things in the books that excited me so I would fit in (I recently have been trying to rectify all those old false ratings). Why?? What was I trying to prove?? These books just Were. Not. For. Me. And that’s okay! So, my whole point is, in a roundabout way, that I avoid these types of books because I just have extreme difficulty reading about daily life with very little going on-It drags, frankly, and I just need something, anything to feel even an ounce of enjoyment. That is…until this book.

Sky turns around and waves and she has this little smile on her face and suddenly I’m okay, like she broke through the mess of me. I remember I don’t need to be at that razor’s edge anymore, so I drive home. I don’t realize I’m smiling until I see my reflection in the side mirror. Didn’t even recognize myself.

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This book is everything I try to avoid: Slow pace, daily activities and trivial dramas, and small town bias. But Holy Shit, guys. Nothing could have prepared me for how deeply I felt for these characters. That town. That life. It all seems so trivial, learning about where our main character works and how she and Josh have always worked together at the Paradise Motel. But I swear to you, I swear to you all, this book was not slow. It was not boring. Not one page passed where I wasn’t drooling over the writing or tearing up for Josh or wishing for a better life for Sky. It’s like this book was made for me. The drama felt real. The pain felt real. The sacrifices and friendships and slow-building relationships weren’t forced or misguided-they were genuine and authentic. Everything happened for a reason-Or maybe it didn’t, I don’t know, but what I do know, for certain, is that I’ve never felt such a deep-rooted connection, that physical connection I oh-so-crave, with a contemporary quite like this. It was a long story, but it never once felt excessive or drug out. And I just want to hug my IPad and squeeze it tight and never let it go, because I just don’t know how to let go of these characters and I never wanted this story to end.

”How’s the Sky today?” he asked, his voice soft.


What am I supposed to do when I’m bad for the one good thing in my life?

I guess I better say a little about the characters, shouldn’t I? I mean, they ARE the reason I’m so obsessed, right? Right. Okay. So….First we have Sky. She lives in a trailer park-has her whole life-and hates Creek View, the town she’s grown up in. She longs to get out of Creek View, to learn and create and to absorb art to it’s fullest extent. She wants more out of her life, more for her mother’s life. Longs for the people in town to want more, need more, strive for more. Well, she has her ticket out-A college in San Fran far from Creek View…and all those she loves and might be leaving behind. It isn’t until she is set to leave Creek View, after having spent a summer with the new [and somewhat improved] Josh, that she begins to see the beauty hidden underneath the grime and rough edges of Creek View.

It’s seeing your friend die and then trying to scrub his blood off your boots except it won’t come out. The water turns pink and your hands are shaking and you’ve got what’s left of someone you were just standing next to under your fingernails and you need these boots for inspection so they gotta get clean, they gotta get clean, and suddenly you’re angry, so fucking angry, stupid bastard had to die all over me, and then you’re crying like a fucking baby and the boots are red and there’s nothing you can do.

And Josh. Oooooooh my sweet, tortured soul, Josh. He makes mistake after mistake, reads situations in all the wrong ways, has a reputation and has made a name for himself that any sane person would run from, and is scarred beyond belief after his tour in Afghanistan-both physically and mentally. Needless to say, he isn’t without his flaws. Some from the war, and some he is still trying to overcome from before he left for the war-Namely womanizing, a loose tongue, and a party-boy attitude. But it’s more than that, now. What if it’s all a front, sometimes, to cover up the pain he feels from losing friends, seeing things he should never have seen, from people only seeing his prosthetic leg, or even just the God among men brat that he was before the war? How does someone handle what no one else understands?

Time to move on, buddy. I don’t really know what it means to move on, but lately, with Sky, I’m starting to feel like I want to because when I look at her, I don’t see you or the war or any of the shit in my head. I just see her, and it’s like suddenly I can breathe again after holding my breath for so long.

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I’m not going to lie. Some of the things that happened would normally have made me irate. Like…Very irate. But, for some reason, literally nothing bothered me about this story. All the pain, all the heartache, all the tears, they were totally worth it. And I’m not one to embrace such brutal words or harsh misunderstandings…but it worked. Every little piece. And I wouldn’t change a damn thing. None of it. In fact, I wish in my heart of hearts that I could re-read this right away, right now, but I can’t. So, I’ll savor all these slices of perfection that were handed my way and I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth. But I’ll tell you this: None of you are safe. I am a book pimp, through and through, and you WILL hear about how much I loved this story….Over and over again-take my word for it. Oh, and also, I WILL be re-reading this at the first available opportunity. You bet your ass on that.

”Yeah, well…” There was the sound of some shuffling, then, “Oh, hey, you know what I ran across last night?”
“Do you mean ran literally or figuratively?”
“Ha-ha,” he said.
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”
“Guess you’re keeping me on my toes,” he said.
“All five of them.”
Josh laughed. “I walked right into that one–er, limped.”

Whether it’s my mood or the moment or the horrendous book I read before this (though I highly doubt it’s the last one) I found an instant favorite. Like…straight to the absolute favorites shelf-Which, like, never happens. I kept putting this story down, trying to do normal person, every-day activities, and would realize I still had my IPad glued to my right hand. And, even after I finished, I kept trying to start my next book-I tried to pick it up four times, but I had to keep putting it down because it just felt WRONG, like I was cheating on these wonderful characters I had fallen so deeply in love with. I had no idea what this book would come to mean to me, no idea that this book was so deep and meaningful I wouldn’t be able to function. And, in the end, I might even say it’s one of the prettiest covers I’ve ever seen…Since I TOTALLY get the understated simplicity and significance of it now and, more likely, because it WILL be on my bookshelf…IMMEDIATELY. Oorah.

Ten deep breaths.
One prayer: uncertain and desperate.
Five recitations of
Two tears.

BOOK REVIEW: Delicate Monsters by Stephanie Kuehn

BOOK REVIEW: Delicate Monsters by Stephanie KuehnDelicate Monsters by Stephanie Kuehn
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From the Morris-Award winning author of Charm & Strange, comes a twisted and haunting tale about three teens uncovering dark secrets and even darker truths about themselves.

When nearly killing a classmate gets seventeen-year-old Sadie Su kicked out of her third boarding school in four years, she returns to her family’s California vineyard estate. Here, she’s meant to stay out of trouble. Here, she’s meant to do a lot of things. But it’s hard. She’s bored. And when Sadie’s bored, the only thing she likes is trouble.

Emerson Tate’s a poor boy living in a rich town, with his widowed mother and strange, haunted little brother. All he wants his senior year is to play basketball and make something happen with the girl of his dreams. That’s why Emerson’s not happy Sadie’s back. An old childhood friend, she knows his worst secrets. The things he longs to forget. The things she won’t ever let him.

Haunted is a good word for fifteen-year-old Miles Tate. Miles can see the future, after all. And he knows his vision of tragic violence at his school will come true, because his visions always do. That’s what he tells the new girl in town. The one who listens to him. The one who recognizes the darkness in his past.

But can Miles stop the violence? Or has the future already been written? Maybe tragedy is his destiny. Maybe it’s all of theirs.

Oh how I disliked this.

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Be good. Be patient.
It whispered,
You’re going to shine.
It whispered,
Just you wait and see.

If not for the fact that this was an ARC I would have left my review from above, but since it is in fact an ARC, I feel I owe everyone an explanation. I think there were multiple reasons I didn’t like this book. For starters, one of our main characters, Sadie, had no sense of remorse. And, while that’s fine in a a lot of stories with me, for some reason it rubbed me the wrong way this time. It’s not so much that I hated her-I didn’t. No, I very rarely fault a character for being who they are. I think it’s more that all she wanted was demoralization of character and chaos…and I guess I just wasn’t in the mood for that.

But that’s not even really a blip on the radar for me. She was actually my favorite character (if it’s possible to have one) aside from Miles. If it had only been a story centered around Sadie, I truly believe I might have given this a 3 or 4-maybe. It’s somewhat interesting to be inside the mind of someone so well and truly messed up in the head. But, on top of psycho Sadie we have, oh Lord what’s the word? We have….let’s just say secretive Emerson, to play coy. He was the reason I was repulsed and I just couldn’t find anything about him to like. So, on top of all of his idiosyncrasies and his lack of protectiveness for his sick brother, we had Sadie and a hardly lucid Miles.

I can’t say much lest I give the plot away, but let me be clear: I don’t mind a messed up story every now and again, but this story was very clearly not written in any way, shape, or form for me. I had nothing and no one to connect to, and the degradation of both humans and animals alike in this story (okay, let’s face it, MOSTLY animals) was too much. I am an animal lover and when multiple animal situations arise in a horror-type story, I don’t take kindly to it-especially when there’s no need.

Maybe none of this would have bothered me if the plot was interesting at all, but as it was, it did. One thing I absolutely have to say before I end this mini-review is a bit of praise for this author: I absolutely adored her writing style. It was very addicting and I could see loving her other works if only because of her writing. I have been advised from one of my best friends for months that Charm and Strange is absolutely amazing and I would fall in love with the main character, and I just haven’t had the time to pick it up. But after seeing the wonderful writing in this story, I’m even more excited to read it, now (I’m pushing aside the bizarre and disturbing incidences from this novel to move forward).

Perhaps any other time this would have worked for me, minus the animal things. Or perhaps not. I just have to take it as it is and realize that not every thriller will be a four star for me, no matter my prior winning streak. So, I’ll take this as it is, and I’ll tell people that they might even like it. If you are one that likes to read something outside the box that will both horrify and surprise you, this is likely the book for you. If not, then you’d likely be taking a large chance you won’t like it if you decide to read it. Either way, it’s just not for me.

*ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*


BOOK REVIEW: Made You Up by Francesca Zappia

BOOK REVIEW: Made You Up by Francesca ZappiaMade You Up by Francesca Zappia
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Reality, it turns out, is often not what you perceive it to be—sometimes, there really is someone out to get you. Made You Up tells the story of Alex, a high school senior unable to tell the difference between real life and delusion. This is a compelling and provoking literary debut that will appeal to fans of Wes Anderson, Silver Linings Playbook, and Liar.

Alex fights a daily battle to figure out the difference between reality and delusion. Armed with a take-no-prisoners attitude, her camera, a Magic 8-Ball, and her only ally (her little sister), Alex wages a war against her schizophrenia, determined to stay sane long enough to get into college. She’s pretty optimistic about her chances until classes begin, and she runs into Miles. Didn't she imagine him? Before she knows it, Alex is making friends, going to parties, falling in love, and experiencing all the usual rites of passage for teenagers. But Alex is used to being crazy. She’s not prepared for normal.

Funny, provoking, and ultimately moving, this debut novel featuring the quintessential unreliable narrator will have readers turning the pages and trying to figure out what is real and what is made up.


“You’re Jetta.”
He shook his head.
I frowned. “Theo?”
“Well if you’re not either of them, you’d have to be me.”
He blinked.
“It’s me?” I said.
“I couldn’t think of anyone else,” he said.

So….to keep pace with my current obsession of flawed and/or tortured characters and unreliable narrators, I just had to read this. I can’t even begin to imagine living in a world where I don’t know what’s real and what isn’t. It’s just unfathomable, to me. To look on my desk and see a spider, only to immediately think, ‘Wait wait wait…is this an actual spider…or am I just imagining it?’ That would surely be the end of me. But just ponder this: Nothing is certain, no one is guaranteed to be real, and you might never know if what you’re seeing is actually truly happening. How terrifying is that?

Was everything made up? Was this whole world inside my head? If I ever woke up from it, would I be inside a padded room somewhere, drooling all over myself?
Would I even be myself?

Now, this really wasn’t what I was expecting. But then, I don’t know what I was expecting. I have both strong and lukewarm feelings for this one. Let me explain: The characters were so addicting. I couldn’t get enough of mean old [tortured] Miles and poor Alex. I knew from the moment these two met that I was hooked. He was surly as shit, and she wasn’t going to take his crap like everyone else in the school. And this is what drove me forward from the very beginning. But then on the other hand…for some odd reason that I can’t explain, the story just felt so unrealistic to me. Which makes no sense! Of course it didn’t!! We are following an unreliable narrator and we don’t know what’s real and what isn’t.

“Alex. Wait.”
I turned back. It was the first time he’d said my name. He held a hand out. “Well played,” he said.
Oh no. No, we were not doing this. I hadn’t spent ten minutes gluing his locker shut just to admit it to him. So I arched my own eyebrow and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The corners of his lips twisted up right before I walked away.

But I don’t even think it’s that. Maybe it’s their high school life. But when have I ever picked up a book and said-‘This is so unbelievable.’ Never. I never have. Unless the cheese is through the roof and I can’t believe a girl could be so stupid, I never say that. No amount of dystopian or fantasy or paranormal could make me say that….So why did this book make me wonder things I never have? And that’s where my lack of that last .5 or full star comes from. I can’t decide if I liked the surreal feel of the story…or disliked it.

“You’re going to go up there”-he pointed at the empty bleachers-“and shut up.”
Was there some kind of law about drop-kicking assholes in the face? Probably. They always had laws against things that really needed to be done.

Not often do I say less is more, but due to lack of time and the fact that this story is based on belief of what’s real and not real, I think I need to stick by that thought. I fell inexplicably hard for the male lead, Miles, and I think that stems from my current obsession of ‘tortured boys with ‘tude problems.’ There wasn’t one minute where I wasn’t begging for more of him, just so I could get to the core of why he was just. So. Mean. I wanted and needed to know what made him tic and, most importantly, I needed to see more of his anger-riddled jealousy. Ah yes, Miles dear got extremely jealous on more than one occasion-Though, he’d never admit it. And I have to say-I loved the confused look on his face all the time. It was adorable. And the eyebrow raise!! And lastly-I loved how he always stood up for Alex, even if it didn’t look like he was. How he always was there for her and respected her (in his own way, okay) and took care of her. I loved it. He was a mean shit…but he had reasons. You’ll have to read to know anything more than that.

I really needed Finnegan’s Magic 8 Ball. But I could guess what kind of answer it would give me. Ask again later. So freaking noncommittal.

So, that is all. Still not a short review, by any means, but not near as long as they’ve been running lately, it seems. I think this book will touch many people because it’s not an easy topic to write about, nor is it an easy book to find written well. And that’s what this was-an excellently written story with deep characters and a meaningful story-line. I will be suggesting it to many, and I can’t wait to come back someday and re-read this with an open mind and knowing what is real…and what isn’t.

I don’t want you.
I don’t need you.
I don’t love you.


BOOK REVIEW: Blurred Lines by Lauren Layne

BOOK REVIEW: Blurred Lines by Lauren LayneBlurred Lines by Lauren Layne
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In a novel that's perfect for fans of Abbi Glines and Jessica Sorensen, USA Today bestselling author Lauren Layne delivers a sexy take on the timeless question: Can a guy and a girl really be “just friends”?

When Parker Blanton meets Ben Olsen during her freshman year of college, the connection is immediate—and platonic. Six years later, they're still best friends, sharing an apartment in Portland's trendy Northwest District as they happily settle into adult life. But when Parker's boyfriend dumps her out of the blue, she starts to wonder about Ben's no-strings-attached approach to dating. The trouble is, even with Ben as her wingman, Parker can't seem to get the hang of casual sex—until she tries it with him.

The arrangement works perfectly . . . at first. The sex is mind-blowing, and their friendship remains as solid as ever, without any of the usual messy romantic entanglements. But when Parker's ex decides he wants her back, Ben is shocked by a fierce stab of possessiveness. And when Ben starts seeing a girl from work, Parker finds herself plagued by unfamiliar jealousy. With their friendship on the rocks for the first time, Parker and Ben face an alarming truth: Maybe they can't go back. And maybe, deep down, they never want to.


**ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

We begin walking, and the tension seems to fade, and I think we’re back to normal. Back to where we should be.
But then…
Ben slowly reaches out a hand toward me, and I’m confused right up until the moment his fingers brush mine.
The gesture is tentative. Sweet. And maybe just a little desperate for something that neither of us want to name.
Ben-my best friend in the whole world-is holding my hand.

Sigh. I’m biased. So so sooo biased…except I’m not. Every time I go to pick up another Lauren Layne novel, I get extremely nervous. I’ve even gotten to the point where I don’t even read them as soon as I get the ARC (‘cuz you know I’m a stalker for that shit) because I am excruciatingly nervous that ‘this book will be the LL book that doesn’t do it for me.’ Imagine that-My favorite author writing a book that doesn’t make me swoon or giggle or cry. That would surely be the end of me. So, while this book sounded EXACTLY like what I needed, I didn’t rush to read it right away when I received it. I’m weird like that. But, when my two great buddies asked me to read this with them, I literally couldn’t say no. I mean, I can’t say no to an LL book, right? They picked it up and were so excited….but lo and behold, guess who came out of this one with the largest smile on their face and no regrets?? That would be moi…naturally.

When I saw this was a story about friends with benefits, I knew that it would either go strongly one way or the other: I’d either love it or hate it. I’ve never been huge on friends-to-lovers romance-it’s just not something I seek out. I don’t dislike it, per se, but I mostly enjoy when the people don’t know each other at first. But, from the moment I picked this up, I knew it was a winner. I was laughing, smiling, and had so many feels just from two chapters. The dialogue, AS ALWAYS, was so realistic and on point that I could barely contain my ridiculous urges to bust out laughing. The characters were people that I immediately became obsessed with, which isn’t that easy to do-I’m so picky with my leads. And the story was just extremely…lighthearted and effortless. The most genius thing about Layne’s novels isn’t that her stories are as sweet as cotton candy-it’s that within that fluff there are real emotions and tough situations that never fail to make my heart ache and my eyes to well up. The angst is never over done and there is just enough that you don’t feel like you are reading a snooze-fest of a happy book (Because, come on, admit it-books with zero angst these days barely stand a chance-we lubbs the drama). And while my two cynical Sally wonderful wonderful friends found more that aggravated them with the characters and their decisions than joy, I thought it was perfection. But don’t I always?

She’s already moving up the stairs. “Suddenly that D you got in biology is making total sense. You apparently missed the entire section on how hormones work.”
“It just so happens that biology is a specialty of mine,” I call up the stairs.
“Earlier today, you didn’t know what the uterus was,” she calls back.
“I knew,” I mutter.

And here’s what’s funny about that: It’s not like I go in all balls to the wall and say, ‘No matter what, I’m giving this a 5-I mean, it’s Lauren Layne!’ No. I actually am the opposite. I am a fair reviewer and I go in with an open mind for each and every story for each and every author. I don’t play favorites-My mind is strong. But I can’t help what the heart wants.

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I feel like Lauren Layne takes thoughts directly from my mind and writes exactly like I would if I had even a little ability to do so. She inserts humor in the most wonderful places to soften harsh blows and….Sigh. Will there ever be a universe where I’m not obsessed with LL? I don’t think that’s possible. Which makes me wonder-I have no idea why 20,000 people don’t jump on this woman’s books immediately upon release. I don’t get it. Certain authors, and I certainly won’t say who, release a book and all of a sudden there isn’t one person on my feed who isn’t reading it-and the sad thing is, I think [some of] these authors don’t have half the heart that Layne does. But that’s just me.

I hold her. I pet her hair. I let her soak my T-shirt with her tears, and supply her with ample tissues to cry into. (She’s not a dainty cryer, this one.)
Whatever the cause, the tears always rip at me a little bit, like there’s this pressure on my chest that I don’t know how to relieve. I mean, all girls’ tears do that.
But Parker’s especially. She’s my girl.

Ben. Oh. Em. Gee. Ben. I didn’t know how I’d feel about my boy at first…but from the minute he held Parker as she bawled uncontrollably, I was hooked. He was mine. I’d totally be his. Even with all of his man-whorish ways, he still always put Parker first-always. Call me a sucker, but Ben Olsen pushed all the right buttons. Best friends from college on, he never let a girl get between him and the person that made him happier than any guy friend could. To sum up?? Ben made my heart flutter and my soul soar…And he really didn’t have to do anything but defend Parker. Man oh man I have problems.

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And then there was Parker. A lot of people, from what I can tell, didn’t like Parker and the way she handled many situations. I, on the other hand, felt connected to her. I felt like she was a super realistic character-And I know, I know we all like ‘flawed’ characters and we expect certain behavior, but I don’t think readers really all mean it when they say that. Because, yes, Parker was flawed. She had some issues when it came to making decisions and not being a total hypocrite-she was-but here is the kicker: So am I. A lot of you people might not like me that much if you really knew me, considering I can’t make a decision to save my life. And I am a total hypocrite. What’s good for the goose is certainly not good for the gander, for me, sometimes. I am so bad about that. And I know I’m being a tad extreme comparing myself to this character, but I’m trying to prove a point. Layne’s scenarios are completely realistic, at least to me, because not one of us is perfect. And I know in books we don’t want to read about ourselves, but just look at it from every perspective, ya know?

“There is too a rule about shirts in the kitchen,” I insist. “House rule number fourteen. Speaking of which, where are my house rules?”
“Hard to say,” he says, opening the fridge and glancing at it’s meager offerings before pouring a cup of coffee instead. “But I may have used them to mop up OJ the other day. Or maybe as a coaster for my beer.” He snapped his fingers. “Oh wait, no, I remember. I just plain threw them away the old-fashioned way.”

So…yeah. Another huge win for me. And it’s so shocking to me this isn’t more popular than it is, already, because this might be my absolute favorite by her. But, I say that a lot about her books. That says a lot about this author: No matter how many times I say nothing will ever top one of her books I just read, I always come out at the end of a new book gushing and proclaiming my love for it. So….as I was desperately hiding in the bathroom on my husband’s birthday trying to finish this beautiful, fantastic book, I realized how far I would go to get more Lauren Layne-Making time where there is none (seeing as how I was supposed to be done a half hour prior). So, Lauren, can we please have lunch sometime? I know we’d be the BEST of friends. Seriously. Besties. Call me. 😛

**Quotes are subject to change upon release date**




Aaaahhhh so it begins-A buddy read with my two favorite cynical NA Sally’s…I shall defend the Lauren Layne name.

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Blurred liiiiiines…

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Why yes, yes I do 😛

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