Author: Chelsea (Page 62 of 111)

BOOK REVIEW: Noughts & Crosses (Noughts & Crosses #1) by Malorie Blackman

BOOK REVIEW: Noughts & Crosses (Noughts & Crosses #1) by Malorie BlackmanNoughts & Crosses (Noughts & Crosses #1)
by Malorie Blackman
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Two young people are forced to make a stand in this thought-provoking look at racism and prejudice in an alternate society.

Sephy is a Cross -- a member of the dark-skinned ruling class. Callum is a Nought -- a “colourless” member of the underclass who were once slaves to the Crosses. The two have been friends since early childhood, but that’s as far as it can go. In their world, Noughts and Crosses simply don’t mix. Against a background of prejudice and distrust, intensely highlighted by violent terrorist activity, a romance builds between Sephy and Callum -- a romance that is to lead both of them into terrible danger. Can they possibly find a way to be together?

*3-4 stars, what’s the difference?? I just started bawling as I added the quotes, so clearly I’m unreliable*

I held out my hands and she put hers in mine, looking at me ruefully. Love was like an avalanche, with Sephy and I hand-in-hand racing like hell to get out of its way-only instead of running away from it, we kept running straight toward it.

So…hmmm…yeah. This book is an asshole. Seriously. What the ever loving fuck, I mean, REALLY??? Fucking REALLY?!?!? I wouldn’t take much stock in my rating because I don’t know what to rate this. I don’t know how to rate this. And, most importantly, I don’t know what I feel!!! This book is what I’m going to call a ‘Blur Rating’. It’s a new thing, join me, will you? I just decided last night I need a shelf for my blur ratings since they seem to be happening more often than not, lately. I am angry. I am livid. I am upset. I don’t know what to think. I am crushed.

I’ve finally figured it out. I’m dead. I died a long time ago, woke up in hell and didn’t even realize.

The beginning of this book started out with a bang. It was clear that our two main characters were never going to be able to be together and live peacefully. He is a naught, she is a cross. A cross is high society, a naught is low society. One grew up privileged, the other did not. Naughts are spit on, crosses are revered and looked upon as if they are royalty among peasants. But ever since they were little, Callum and Sephy have been meeting up at their ‘secret spot’ so they can hang out together-they are best friends who got separated after tragic circumstances and they have been struggling to stay close since. And my my my what do we have here, you ask?? Well, I’d say we have a case of star-crossed lovers, if I do say so, myself. 😉

Was that all love did for you? Made you give up and give in? Left you open to pain and hurt? If it was, I swore that nothing would ever make me do the same as her.


Even now after sleeping on what happened at the end of this stupid book I am a mess. My eyes are puffy and I hardly slept a wink. I tossed and turned and grumbled and fumbled around until I was a pissy asshole-oh, hey! Just like this book! Ugh.

Each move I made in Callum’s direction just seemed to pave my way faster to hell.

Now, I think what makes me the maddest is that the writing wasn’t even that great. It was all about the characters, for me. From the very beginning I was invested in what happened to these two young people who loved each other despite their differences and their social classes-nothing could keep me away from seeing what all the fuss was about-after all, I do love a climactic conclusion, dontcha know? So, I excused the juvenile writing because every time I would start to get angry with the situations or the characters or the GD writing, something truly gripping would happen that would suck me back in. Especially the last 30%-It was truly gripping. The edge-of-my-seat-gripping. I mean, after all, they were 12 at the beginning of the book and teenagers in the middle, so naturally it’s easy to except lots of exclamation points (well, I lie, I can’t stand over use of exclamation points!!!!!!) because I know kids, ya know….exclaim….a lot. lol But as the book progressed, one would ponder why the author kept this style of writing up. And I came up with one simple answer: The author just writes like this. Which brings me to my next answer: I will never, ever, EVER read another book by this author-and not only because of the writing.

I’m not a blanker. I may be a naught but I’m worth more than nothing. I’m not a blanker. A waste of time and space. A zero. I’m not a blanker. I’M NOT A BLANKER.

I just….there were so many moments where hate spewed from the two main characters and it broke my heart. They loved each other, but all these horrible situations kept happening where Callum’s class would show and he would get this visceral feeling where he resented all the crosses (naturally and understandably), including Sephy. It’s so easy to group those we are closest to with a bad situation and I found it to be very realistic-but it still broke my damn heart. Each time they’d overcome something, another obstacle catapulted itself right in their way, each situation more venomous than the last. It was a great look at the struggle between different races and the battles that can come with class and hierarchy. I felt it to the bottom of my soul, and it definitely flipped the coin-quite a bit.

In my bad dreams, it was only when my hands were bloody and I was gasping frantically for breath that I realized I wasn’t in a box at all. It was a coffin. And once I realized that, I stopped struggling and just waited to die. That’s what terrified me the most.
I stopped struggling and waited to die.


So. I don’t know. My mind and my heart wrestled over what to rate this. On the one hand, I loved how the story had this huge emotional deal from 70% on. On the other hand, I hated lots of parts of this book and I couldn’t stand the overly dramatic dialogue a lot of the time-I know, me and my dialogue. But near the end I was very heavily leaning towards a four…I really was. But my heart got thrown into a wood-chipper and came out the other side a bloody pulp. I was sobbing, unexpectedly, last night and I wanted to hurl this stupid un-throwable ebook across the room and smash it against the wall. And while I am one of the only people in my close-knit group here on Goodreads who loves self-sacrifices, perilous endings where bad things happen and, hey, let’s say it-deaths (sometimes), this ending was harsh beyond measure and I just…couldn’t. I am strong. I love crazy, heart-stopping endings, but this book took it one step too far and I was already a little on the fence with it.

So many before me have loved this, and I did, to an extent, as well. But their love touched me so deeply that I feel I’m a little scarred-and I don’t take kindly to emotional scarring.

BOOK REVIEW: Reclaiming the Sand by A. Meredith Walters

BOOK REVIEW: Reclaiming the Sand by A. Meredith WaltersReclaiming the Sand (Reclaiming the Sand #1)
by A. Meredith Walters
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Bully and victim.
Tormenter and tormented.
Villain and hero.

Ellie McCallum was a bully. No connection to anyone or anything. A sad and lonely existence for a young woman who had come to expect nothing more for herself. Her only happiness coming from making others miserable.

Particularly Freaky Flynn.

Flynn Hendrick lived a life completely disconnected even as he struggled to become something more than that boy with Asperger's. He was taunted and teased, bearing the brunt of systematic and calculated cruelty, ultimately culminating in a catastrophic turn of events that brought Ellie and Flynn’s worlds crashing down.

But then Flynn and Ellie grew up.

And moved on.

Until years later when their paths unexpectedly cross again and the bully and the freak are face to face once more.

When labels come to define you, finding yourself feels impossible. Particularly for two people disconnected from the world who inexplicably find a connection in each other.

And out of the wreckage of their tragic beginnings, an unlikely love story unfolds.

But a painful past doesn’t always want to let go. And old wounds are never truly healed…and sometimes the further you try to run from yourself the closer you come to who you really are.

So…..I don’t have a ton to say about this book, other than I was severely disappointed. I’ve recently fallen in love with a book that has the whole ‘Mean Girls’ and bullying thing going on, so I really wanted to find another book like that-bullying wise. I’ve also recently started to realize I am in LOVE with flawed characters….especially of the male variety. So, naturally, I figured this book would be a slam dunk-and all my friends mostly seemed to love it.

Well, I’m only posting this review so I can clearly voice my displeasure: This book was moronic. From the cheesy dialogue to the overly mean friends who can only be described as villains in a sad B-list movie(am I saying that correctly?? I mean A HORRIBLE WANNABE BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE), this book had very little going for it. In fact, the one thing it had in its favor? I can’t even remember his name-this book is THAT forgettable. I loved the guy from the very beginning-he was sweet, kind, and he broke my heart. But that’s literally the only reason I finished.

As for the plot?? Also moronic. Why advertise a book like it’s present day when all the bad shit happens years ago??? I didn’t sign up for flashbacks, thank you very much. It was weird and it halted the story horribly and when it did become all present day, it was boring boring boring. I just wanted it to be over. Like…..I FORCED myself to finish this-but I should have called it a day from the first cheesy moment-it all went downhill from there.

So…Not much to say, really, that I haven’t already said. I have no clue why so many of my friends gave this such a high rating. Call me a bitch, but I didn’t feel even an ounce of the angst or see a smidgen of the beauty that was talked about. It was very sad, sure, but these were deplorable characters who did deplorable things….what else is there to the story aside from, errrr, Flynn? Is that it? He was the only character I cared about. So, ya know, everyone seemed to love this and none of my friends rated low…but me, Anna, and Jen certainly had no qualms about posting big, fat 2s on the record. Hopefully you’ll find something to love about this book. I just found personal torture.



Yeaaaaah this book wasn’t very good….not at all what I had expected and as it got later in the story, the dialogue became so cheesy (not Flynn, never Flynn) it was a struggle to finish. Man am I on a roll.

2 stars for Flynn.

Review to come


Buddy read with Anna and Jen!

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BOOK REVIEW: The Deal (Off-Campus #1) by Elle Kennedy

BOOK REVIEW: The Deal (Off-Campus #1) by Elle KennedyThe Deal by Elle Kennedy
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She’s about to make a deal with the college bad boy...

Hannah Wells has finally found someone who turns her on. But while she might be confident in every other area of her life, she’s carting around a full set of baggage when it comes to sex and seduction. If she wants to get her crush’s attention, she’ll have to step out of her comfort zone and make him take notice…even if it means tutoring the annoying, childish, cocky captain of the hockey team in exchange for a pretend date.

...and it’s going to be oh so good.

All Garrett Graham has ever wanted is to play professional hockey after graduation, but his plummeting GPA is threatening everything he’s worked so hard for. If helping a sarcastic brunette make another guy jealous will help him secure his position on the team, he’s all for it. But when one unexpected kiss leads to the wildest sex of both their lives, it doesn’t take long for Garrett to realize that pretend isn’t going to cut it. Now he just has to convince Hannah that the man she wants looks a lot like him.

Sometimes people sneak up on you and suddenly you don’t know how you ever lived without them.

Once upon a time….No, seriously. This book had all the elements of a childhood fairy-tale where the hero comes to save the damsel in distress-except, get this-the damsel isn’t in distress. She doesn’t need some random dude entering her life when everything seems to be going well for her. It’s a modern day type fairy-tale where the prince is a jock who is cocky as fuck, but somehow is sweet as can be. And the girl is an intelligent, independent student with a blossoming music career that will take her all the places she’s ever wanted to go. But while this fairy-tale type story seems perfect as can be on the surface, because it almost was, there’s a tremulous storm brewing underneath. These two characters are broken. They hurt. They have secrets. Secrets they’ve never told anybody….and it’s time they unraveled them-Together.

Sometimes I don’t feel half as cool as people think I am, and I’m pretty sure that if any of them took the time to actually get to know me, they’d probably change their opinion. It’s like that pond I skated on when I was a kid-from a distance, the ice looked so shiny and smooth, until you got close enough to it, and suddenly all the uneven edges and crisscrossed skate marks became visible. That’s me, I guess. Covered with skate marks that nobody ever seems to notice.

No, this isn’t a fairy-tale, nor is it marketed as such. But don’t you ever just read the perfect book for your mood and it makes you all happy and giddy and excited and it gives you more butterflies than you’ve had in weeks? Well, this is that book (Yes, sigh, I know, Jennifer/Harriet…you guys told me). It was happy and sad and heartwarming and uplifting and no…it didn’t teach me any life lessons and it wasn’t any deeper than a puddle after the rain, but it worked for me. Sometimes books just work. Sometimes we need that little fluff on our pillow to finally get comfortable, and lemme tell ya-I had my lowest book rating week last week since, like, I’ve ever been on GR-a 1, a 3, and a 2. It was horrible, I felt horrible, and I needed a pick me up. Thank God for this little slice of adorable-ness.

“For almost two months, Hannah. I went two months without knowing your name.”
“Well, we didn’t know each other.”
“You knew my name.”
I sigh. “Everyone knows your name.”
“How did I go so long without noticing you, damn it? Why did it take seeing a stupid A on your midterm to make me notice?”

Let me get the fangirling out of the way, because I think it’s inevitable. Garret….Garret is….I just….

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Yeah, thanks, Dylan!! Exactly!!! I mean, yeah, I’ve fallen in love with so many guys I can’t even begin to count them, but there’s just something so so special about this guy. It’s been a while since a dude who calls a girl ‘baby’ has gotten my heart pumping, so it must mean something that I was able to overlook such a cheesy term of endearment. He’s sweet. He’s funny. He’s smart. He’s a hockey player. AND DESPITE BEING A TOTAL MANWHORE…..HE’S *gasp* LOYAL. Once he, inevitably (I mean, come on), fell for Hannah, he never once looked at another girl. I found this to be so refreshing and sweet and did I say refreshing?? He broke my heart with how protective he was over Hannah and how he would do anything for her at the drop of a hat. And, something you don’t always find in NA, they were best friends. Even when they were ‘together’, they were as dorky and sarcastic and bantered like any other time. Every moment where they were together was better than the last, and I couldn’t help but to get snared in their trap as the story progressed.

“I’m not other women.”
No she isn’t. Because other women don’t entertain me as much as she does. I suddenly wonder how I ever made it through life without Hannah Wells’ sarcastic barbs and annoyed grumbles.
“Stop grinning,” she snaps.
I’m grinning? Didn’t even realize it.


Hannah takes a breath. “We studied. We watched TV. I went home late. That’s what happened. Got it?”
I fight back laughter. “As you wish.”
“Did you really just Princess Bride me?
“Did you really just use Princess Bride as a verb?”

I know a lot of people thought there were tons of cliches, but I really didn’t mind. If a story flows well and has good grammar and isn’t cheesy (Hallelujah), then that’s something I hold dear. Lol, oh, and I love how Hannah always calls him ‘Dude’…I sometimes slip and say it to my husband as well so I thought it was hilarious. It’s so few and far between that I enjoy a NA so strongly, so I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth. There was adorable jealousy, self-sacrifices, confessions, protectiveness, and a possessive gleam any girl could get behind….Hell, can I just have Garret, please?? Please??

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While I didn’t fall head over heels right away for this story, it began to seep slowly into my pores as the story progressed and I couldn’t help but to fall in love. Of course the deal isn’t going to go perfectly as planned-then we wouldn’t have much of a romance, would we?? It wasn’t overdone and it had all the perfect amounts of cheese-I think anyone could like this, if they give it a chance.

Sweet Jesus.
Penises everywhere.
Horror slams into me as I register what I’m seeing. Oh God. I’ve stumbled onto a penis convention. Big penises and small penises and fat penises and penis-shaped penises. It doesn’t matter which direction I move my head because everywhere I look I see penises.

^^Definitely one of my top favorite scenes lol^^

I laughed so hard and so frequently with this story it’s not even funny (ironically). The humor was absolute perfection. Sometimes I think we all need to put our pitch forks aside and go along for the ride…it’s nice to just stop and enjoy and not over think a book-in fact, I find it’s necessary sometimes. So, I will end my NA week on a VERY strong note…..I’m going back to my fantasy/dystopian/paranormal….boy have I missed it.



Buddy read with Sarah (AND MAYBE ANNA OH ANNA YOU BETTER YOU TURD (Do you feel guilty yet)) starting this weekend!! Woot! Let’s see what all the fuss is about 😀 ♥

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BOOK REVIEW: Confess by Colleen Hoover

BOOK REVIEW: Confess by Colleen HooverConfess by Colleen Hoover
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From #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover, a new novel about risking everything for love—and finding your heart somewhere between the truth and lies.

Auburn Reed has her entire life mapped out. Her goals are in sight and there’s no room for mistakes. But when she walks into a Dallas art studio in search of a job, she doesn’t expect to find a deep attraction to the enigmatic artist who works there, Owen Gentry.

For once, Auburn takes a risk and puts her heart in control, only to discover Owen is keeping major secrets from coming out. The magnitude of his past threatens to destroy everything important to Auburn, and the only way to get her life back on track is to cut Owen out of it.

The last thing Owen wants is to lose Auburn, but he can’t seem to convince her that truth is sometimes as subjective as art. All he would have to do to save their relationship is confess. But in this case, the confession could be much more destructive than the actual sin…

“Are you here to save me?”

Hmmmm…it appears I’m on a roll this week. I’m not rating ANYTHING as I had expected. Me and Hoover have had a tremulous relationship, I’m the first to admit that. But after the epicness of Ugly Love (oh shhh) and the extreme fangirling that commenced after I fell in love with my dear Miles, I figured this next one would be the same in a lot of ways. Meaning, maybe I’d finally bridged that hurdle with her writing and I could maybe finally start connecting to all her books. I mean, I LOVE ART. I OBSESS over drawing and painting and what have you. What could possibly go wrong with a story that has a pretty decent female lead, an adorable good guy, and lots of beautiful artwork?? Apparently a lot, it seems.

I continue to stare at my feet, not wanting her to see in my face that I think she’s crazy for agreeing to spend the weekend with me, because she deserves better than what I can give her. I don’t however, think she deserves better than me.

Colleen Hoover seeps, if nothing else, passion into every one of her works. You feel her physically pushing love, adoration, energy, heart into her stories no matter the content. I may not love all the music, poetry, lyrical type writing, but many of you adore it-so why not keep doing it, if it works for her? She’s an artist, in her own way, so she SHOULD keep expressing her passion in her books. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The problem for me? It was broken. I didn’t feel an ounce of the passion I’ve felt in her other stories. I’m not saying she didn’t put effort into her story, I’m just saying it was missing something. Something that was a vital pulse this story lacked. I can’t put my finger on it, but it wasn’t there. And I think that’s my problem-I just felt disconnected.

He pulls my legs until they’re wrapped around his waist, and then he lifts me off the bar and directs us toward the living room without stopping our kiss. I try to ignore the smell of pizza being overcooked in the oven, because I don’t want him to stop. But I’m also really, really hungry and don’t want the pizza to burn.

The first 12% of this story I was very happy. I loved Owen and his cute little facial expressions and his optimistic attitude. I liked the mystery shrouding Auburn and her secret lawyer meetings and the loneliness that exuded from her with each of her walks to and from work. But for some reason, around 20%, something didn’t feel right. I wasn’t getting any butterflies I had gotten in the beginning and I was losing the tentative connection I’d had earlier. There were parts in the middle I loved-drunk scene, Target scene, etc. But as that passion, for me, started to fizzle, so did my interest. I’m not going to lie, I was going to DNF this at 55%. I knew all the little twists I needed to know and I just wasn’t feeling it. But then I skimmed, a little, to get past a lot of the blah blah blah parts. I got past them and I moved on. I was still considering DNFing. Then something happened-I stopped skimming (almost completely! 😉 ) and started to become connected again around, oh, 65-70%? I can’t be sure. And the story totally exploded for me. I got super into it and I was so glad I pushed myself to stick it out. If the rest of the story had half of that intensity, I’d have never been bored. The last 30% was by far my favorite, and I can’t help but to be sad the rest of the story didn’t grip me as deeply.

It’s amazing how much distance one truth can create between two people.

To give you guys an idea of the characters, I’m just guna say a little about each. Owen was a sweetheart-if that isn’t your thing, then pass on by. He was adorable, self-sacrificing, and sweet as candy. He had his sexy, protective moments, believe me-but more often than not he was very kind and funny. (It’s funny that that isn’t a huge turn on, book wise, for a lot of people) I love a break from the intense boys, every now and then, so I definitely did not mind. Auburn I really liked. She was funny (especially when drunk) and very hopeful. She had her own issues we don’t find out about until later in the story, and normally I’m not into these kinds of twists, but this one kind of worked for me. And Trey. That dumbass. He was like those old time villains who twist their mustache while laughing maniacally. He was a little too…err…fake villain-ish for me. Almost unrealistic-but what do I know??

“I’m scared I’ll never feel this again with anyone else,” I whisper.
He squeezes my hands. “I’m scared you will.”

I’m very sad this one wasn’t a complete win for me. I’m always looking for the next great book to obsess and fangirl over, and this one just wasn’t it. I didn’t have HUGE expectations, but I had expectations, all the same. It even had a hint of that insta-love, at first, but it isn’t what you’d ever guess. I think this story will touch many people, some more than most, based on your own personal experiences, but it definitely isn’t for everyone, I don’t think. It’s slower than you’d expect from Hoover and, like I said, not as colorful or passionate as I’m used to seeing-No matter my previous opinions on her other stories, they are always painted so vividly for us and leave little to the imagination. I think a lot of people will feel the same way, but I guess time will tell.




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BOOK REVIEW: The Winner’s Crime (The Winner’s Trilogy #2) by Marie Rutkoski

BOOK REVIEW: The Winner’s Crime (The Winner’s Trilogy #2) by Marie RutkoskiThe Winner's Crime (The Winner's Trilogy #2)
by Marie Rutkoski
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Book two of the dazzling Winner's Trilogy is a fight to the death as Kestrel risks betrayal of country for love.

The engagement of Lady Kestrel to Valoria’s crown prince means one celebration after another. But to Kestrel it means living in a cage of her own making. As the wedding approaches, she aches to tell Arin the truth about her engagement…if she could only trust him. Yet can she even trust herself? For—unknown to Arin—Kestrel is becoming a skilled practitioner of deceit: an anonymous spy passing information to Herran, and close to uncovering a shocking secret.

As Arin enlists dangerous allies in the struggle to keep his country’s freedom, he can’t fight the suspicion that Kestrel knows more than she shows. In the end, it might not be a dagger in the dark that cuts him open, but the truth. And when that happens, Kestrel and Arin learn just how much their crimes will cost them.

“Sometimes you think you want something,” Arin told him, “when what you need is to let it go.”

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Fucking seriously? Is this series incapable of not crushing my heart into a thousand tiny pieces after each installment ends?? A whirlwind of angst, heartbreak, heartache, doubt, and self-sacrifice to the FULLEST extent, I could barely breathe through most of this story. It was harsh. It was evil. There wasn’t a moment where I wasn’t sitting on the edge of my seat….Agh. Who am I kidding? I fucking loved it.

Like she had broken her own heart. Kestrel felt the pieces of her heart suddenly, as if love had been an object, something as frail as a bird’s egg, its shell an impossible cloudy pink. She saw the shock of it’s bloody yolk. She felt the shards of shell pricking her throat and lungs.

This installment, to me, was more about the sacrifices we make for love. It still had the forbidden love elements, sure, but a lot of the story was centered around heartbreak for Kestrel. And, essentially, heartbreak for me. It was so hard to already be in a bad mood and try to differentiate my emotions from Kestrel’s. I think that was my biggest struggle with this story-our emotions meshed together a little too well. So maybe in a different time or place I’d have given this a five, but for my mood this weekend, I don’t feel I got that ‘5’ feeling. But I digress.

“If you won’t be my friend, you’ll regret being my enemy.”

Like I said before, this story was quite vastly different from the first book. The first book was all about how Kestrel bought Arin, how Arin loathed her for who she was and how she began to open up to him. How she would take him as an escort to functions and how he began to see how cunning, smart, wise, brave she was. We got to see him break down his barriers and earlier thoughts of how spoiled and privileged she was and, ultimately, fall madly in love with her…and she him. They developed a camaraderie built on crushed hopes and unrealistic dreams, but they loved deeply, all the same. It was beautiful and magnetic and it was most assuredly a favorite of 2014, for me. And while there was still a magnetic pull to this story, it was more devastating than anything. What would it be like to give up your one true love to keep him safe? What would it be like to have him begging you to be honest, begging you to tell him what he did wrong? How would that make you feel when, in fact, he had done nothing wrong but steal your heart?

He saw her honesty with him. She offered it like a cup of clear water that he drank deep.
Her tears, glinting in the dark.
Her fierce creature of a mind: sleek and sharp-clawed and utterly unwilling to be caught.
Arin saw Kestrel step between him and punishment as if it meant nothing instead of everything.

I was so emotionally charged while I read this story. I was covering my mouth, gasping out loud, and pulling my hair out. There was never a good end to this story. I knew that. Kestrel knew that. Arin didn’t, but boy did he begin to see it that way. The King was an evil, conniving son of a bitch, and he was the main reason I couldn’t breathe through this story. He watched Kestrel’s every move. He watched Arin’s every move. He watched his son’s every move…and when Kestrel’s father came back into the story, it only added an extra layer of oh shit and me pulling more of my hair out.

“Lower your voice,” Kestrel hissed at Arin. “Stop being so-”
“Frankly, yes.”
His smile came: quick, true, surprised by itself. Then changing, and slow.”I could be worse.”
“I am sure.”
“I could tell you how.”

Loyalty is key. Stay loyal? Stay alive. Who’s the most loyal to the crown? A general would be, one would think. Name a general-Kestrel’s father. Name someone who isn’t truly loyal to the crown-Hmmmm, Kestrel? Add Arin to the mix. Add a little emotional angst because Arin just doesn’t know what he did wrong. Maybe add some deceit, lies, betrayals. Put them all in a palace with spies and evil knights who do the King’s bad deeds behind closed doors. Add some sneaking around and trying to help Arin out, secretly, behind the King’s back…and what do you have??? You have one of hell of a story on your hands, my friends.

Pain seared from forehead to cheek. Red flooded Arin’s left eye. He was blinking, he was half-blind, he was desperate to know if someone can still blink if an eye has been gouged out. He wept blood. His face had split. He could feel air inside the parted flesh, and his hand instinctively went to it.

Lies. Lies lies lies lies lies. Secrets and secrets and misunderstandings and assumptions and lots of heartbreak. Hope….bleak hope. And then that door closes on you, too. I still think book one was way more addicting for me, but I also think my mood was effected this weekend for my own personal reasons. I WILL be reading this series again before the final release, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised to be giving this a five next time. Read these-they are beyond beautiful and the writing is still so poetic….and they’ll rip your heart to shreds, just like mine.





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I’ve been waiting a year for this Muaha!

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