Category: Z-Old Users (Page 50 of 50)

BOOK REVIEW : The Assassin’s Curse (The Assassin’s Curse #1) by Cassandra Rose Clarke

BOOK REVIEW : The Assassin’s Curse (The Assassin’s Curse #1) by Cassandra Rose ClarkeThe Assassin's Curse (The Assassin's Curse #1)
by Cassandra Rose Clarke
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Ananna of the Tanarau abandons ship when her parents try to marry her off to another pirate clan. But that only prompts the scorned clan to send an assassin after her. When Ananna faces him down one night, armed with magic she doesn't really know how to use, she accidentally activates a curse binding them together.

To break the spell, Ananna and the assassin must complete three impossible tasks--all while grappling with evil wizards, floating islands, haughty manticores, runaway nobility, strange magic...and the growing romantic tension between them.

First of all : I’ve always been a sucker for pirates.

Humm. Nah. Not those ones


Hell, yeaaaaah!

*blush* Okay I must confess, I loved the first two too.

Guybrush Threepwood powaaaa!

Oh, well.

Moreover, I have enough emphasized my taste for independent and courageous heroines.

So here’s my reaction when I read the summarize : a pirate heroine? A curse? Several tasks to perform? an assassin who wants to kill her?

And as if that were not enough, I read : “The assassins were blood magicians in addition to skilled fighters.”

OK. Where can I throw my money?

Here I am. If you’re not as excited as I was, perhaps you won’t think like me.

“I ain’t so heartless I’m gonna let someone be struck down with pain on account of me. Even if that someone is a murderer and a liar. Hell, murderers and liars used to sing me to sleep.”

Welcome to Lisirra, desert city, where we meet Ananna of Tanarau, only child from Tanarau’s family and whose parents decided to marry her to Tarrin of Hairiri in order to form an alliance with his family. And the least one can say is our heroine isn’t pleased by the fate her parents chose for her. Like, not at all.

Her only option? To escape.

“[Papa] wasn’t never one to miss an opportunity, and I am nothing if not my father’s daughter. Even if the bastard did want to marry me off.”

This is where our journey starts. That’s gonna be awesome.

1) The characters : I couldn’t start my review without talking about Ananna. The heroine of our story. The true heroine. What I mean is, we often find ourselves stuck with a main character who only turns out to be our window into the story, the eyes and the heart by whom we perceive events. That’s not the case here. Of course Ananna is the narrator of the story, but not only : she lives it, she transformes it, she owns it, in a word : she’s freaking heroic. I admire her . That’s simple, her caustic wit and repartee won me from the first line. Pretty rare, isn’t it? That’s utterly wonderful to follow the story in her point of vue : her digressions are hilarious, she thinks before acting (I know!!!) and seriously, we can’t help but care for her. Although her ethics derive from pirates lessons. Or maybe because of it, actually. Lessons we can’t help but learn with a huge smile on our face, as the entire world created by the author seems true. No paper mache decor as a stooge of any Romeo and Juliet operetta here. Nah nah : aventure, I said.

“Fortunately, Mama and Papa never much went in for things like that. They always taught me that honor was best defined on a case-by-case basis.”

So, as you may have noticed, with her humor and her knife, Ananna won a place in my favorite heroines of all times list, with Meda and Alex. Because she knows how to fight. And rule a ship. And construct shelters. But I must stop here, or I might overshadow Naji, the famous assassin, who would have much to learn from our little pirate. But I’m coming to that.

“Some people, soldiers especially, make a big deal about their swords, and you can get ’em to talk about the things forever. Never been one for that sort of thing myself. A weapon’s a weapon.

Ah, Naji, you don’t know who you’re dealing with when you meet Ananna.

Don’t be fooled though : I strongly loved his character. He’s mysterious, unable to open to others, reckless, grumpy, he knows how to handle a sword – and magic, to sum up, he’s a real assassin. Besides he’s funny in… humm… his own way I guess – that is to say, without intending to be. The only thing is – *sigh*, that would be sooo cool he acknowledges the fact he would have been lost without Ananna. Several times. And I’m okay with it, but I’d have loved he admitted it.

A little bit, at least?

But where I have to thank the author, warmly, that’s for the absolutely perfect way she manages the relationship between our two heroes. Because now that I finished my reading, I can admit I was afraid our assassin wouldn’t be able to kill Ananna because of, you know, love at first sigh. Can you believe it? That’s not the case here, and their relationship evolution is really remarkable and credible, involving the reader from the very beginning.

Because come on, an assassin is an assassin, right? If he doesn’t even try to fulfill his task because of some woman’s beauty, he’s not really an assassin, right?

Nah. He’d be a moron with a sword.

So see, Naji, even if you need Ananna, you’re still super awesome. Loyal. Adorable. And that’s a true pleasure to see your shells breaking, even if it takes a ridiculous amount of time. After all, you’re a freakin’ assassin.

“Um… I’m sorry?” I waited for a few minutes, watching him. Then I asked, “Are you going to kill me or what?”

2) The plot : Aventure, do you want aventure? You won’t be disappointed. The pace never slows down, and we are immediately drawn into this infernal race in which our heroes are thrown against their will. The world building is created with such talent – I’m always there. Actually I’m waiting on an island, to be clear. But that’s another story. The writing style is catchy, and as I said earlier, the twists aren’t created to showcase a love story. How refreshing is that? You might not believe me, but there is a real plot here. You heard me. Exciting, filled with magic, fights, a beautiful witch who annoyed me something fierce, mysterious creatures from another world and pirate’s life.

How could I not fall in love with that book?

BOOK REVIEW : All Our Yesterdays (All Our Yesterdays #1) by Cristin Terrill

BOOK REVIEW : All Our Yesterdays (All Our Yesterdays #1) by Cristin TerrillAll Our Yesterdays (All Our Yesterdays #1)
by Cristin Terrill
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Em is locked in a bare, cold cell with no comforts. Finn is in the cell next door. The Doctor is keeping them there until they tell him what he wants to know. Trouble is, what he wants to know hasn't happened yet.

Em and Finn have a shared past, but no future unless they can find a way out. The present is torture - being kept apart, overhearing each other's anguish as the Doctor relentlessly seeks answers. There's no way back from here, to what they used to be, the world they used to know. Then Em finds a note in her cell which changes everything. It's from her future self and contains some simple but very clear instructions. Em must travel back in time to avert a tragedy that's about to unfold. Worse, she has to pursue and kill the boy she loves to change the future.

Well, well, well, it does occur to me that I’m living in a high-ratings fantasy world lately.

Basically I have two options here :
– Either I become easier and easier to satisfy
Or, thanks to my wonderful GR friends and hours spent to go through a ridiculous amount of reviews, I’m lucky enough to grab books which perfectly suit my tastes. Of course I’m gonna go with that answer, what do you think?

“James leans against the wall, letting it takes his weight. “You two agree on this?”
” I know, it’s weird,” Finn says. “I feel dirty.”

Let’s talk about the plot without talking about the plot (yes, I can do this)
All Our Yesterday brings us in a shattered world where time travel is not only a reality, but also a terribly frightening weapon when hold by delusional and powerful hands. I must admit that while I often love time-travel stories, I usually find myself wondering about the possibility of it – I mean, of course I know I’m reading a science-fiction book, hey, I’m not a fool but I need to be able to rely on some believable explanations or I’m not buying it.

So, here? I have to congratulate Cristin Terrill because I find myself drinking and believing the explanations The Doctor gives us – The Doctor aka The Evil, and no, I won’t say anything else about him, except he’s the creator and user of the time machine, Cassandra (am I the only one to see a messed-up joke in that name? Cassandre? Reaaally?)

Verdict : I finished that book with the almost absolute certainty it could be possible to create such a dreading machine – and what a scaring possibility, I’m telling you!

Why did I love those characters ?
That’s pretty simple actually : they’re so realistic I could almost grasp them. Throughout the story we become witnesses of their evolution and I was very passionate about that experience : Call me cynical, but I never thought there were bad guys and good guys out there – Actually I think sometimes people drive on a thin ice without knowing it, and as we say in French, l’enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions, understand : even if we think we’re doing the right thing, unexpected really bad things can arise from our so-called good actions. We’re in real life here, and from a sci-fi novel, I say bravo. Either Em or Finn grew fiercer and fiercer, all the events and suffering they have to go through making their final resolution completely believable and understandable.

“I glance at Finn to see if he’s starting to sweat and shake the way I am, but he seems unaffected. He’s probably been working out in his cell, the vain little bastard.”

How can we recognize a good characterization?

Huuuum, Let’s see :

Option 1
Character A is character A at the beginning of the story.
Character A is put in the middle of a war-a wild and frightening world-whatever.
Character A never changes and stays Character A in the end of the story.
Character A is a f*cking robot. He bores me to no end.

Option 2
Character A is character A at the beginning of the story.
Character A is put in the middle of a war-a wild and frightening world-whatever.
Character A evolves through the story and becomes Character A’.
Character A’ is believable. I love Character A’.

As you can guess, in my opinion All Our Yesterday belongs to the second option. Plus, icing on the cake, I loved Finn‘s character from the beginning to the end, from the sarcastic and loyal best-friend to the adorable and fierce cell-mate.

Saving the world is not easy, but if I had to choose, he’d seem a really great option. Trust me.

To sum-up, what do we have here?


“But maybe it’s simpler than that. Maybe it’s that Finn has this magical ability to make you smile even when things are grim.”

BOOK REVIEW : Under My Skin (Immortality Strain #1) by Shawntelle Madison

BOOK REVIEW : Under My Skin (Immortality Strain #1)  by Shawntelle MadisonUnder My Skin (Immortality Strain #1)
by Shawntelle Madison
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Everyone wants to either be a member of the Guild or work for them. Little does the populace know that the Guild hides sinister secrets...

For Tate Sullivan, life in her small, coastal town is far from glamorous. The affluent lives of the Guild members and their servants isn't something she has ever wanted. But all sixteen year-olds must take a simple test, and Tate's result thrusts her into the Guild's world, one where they hide horrible plans for those they select. Tate must fight the relentless General Dagon for control of her mind, body, and soul to keep the one precious thing she has always taken for granted: herself.

Her only ally is the same handsome boy she is pitted against in General Dagon’s deadly game. Quinn desires nothing more than to end the life of General Dagon who has taken over Tate's mind. While romance blooms between Tate and Quinn, General Dagon plots to eventually take over Tate's body, and love might end before it even begins.

Well, well… How can I do justice to that original and alluring book?

First I think I can say without a doubt that the writing is compelling, as it was such a page turner for me – even with the sleepy way I acted the whole week – Last event : falling asleep on my couch and waking up in the middle of the night, believing my boyfriend who said to me it was 7a.m. Yes. I was that tired.

Second I grew fond of these characters : We follow Tate‘s journey in the Guild, and well, that’s difficult to tell you more without spoiling you – really difficult – but let’s say she has a hard time staying herself and to see her fight for her believes is truly fascinating and heart-breaking, as slightly creepy her situation is. Because trust me, that’s f*cking creepy. That kind of horror which brings me chills. Not ghosts. Not vampires. Not even a doll or a clown, and the whole world knows how much I’m afraid of those bulging eyes – What? Aren’t you?

No. Just the very kind of monsters I despise the most, the regular ones : those who walk on two legs, you know, humans.

So, Tate. She’s not far from the kind of heroines I love the most : strong-minded, courageous, yet relatable because she goes through moments of doubts – and trust me, she does has valid reasons to. Yet she’s a fighter, and I’m always incredibly pleased to see that side in a character.

Therefore, do I want more female leads like Tate in the books I read?
Yes, pretty please.

As for the love interest, hummm. 3 words, guys : Master. Of. Blades.

“Die trying?” Wow, he was a piece of work.
“Isn’t that a bit harsh, Captain Belfry?”
” That’s the reality of your situation. The name’s Quinn, by the way.”

Whaaaat? Don’t you see where I go with that? Come onnnn. Master. Of. Blades. Nope? Is it only me? Naaaaah, I can’t believe that. Okay, let’s move on.

Quinn is such a mysterious character. Apart from the fact I told you before (master of blades, you know, and no I’m not obsessing here. Nope), I must admit we spend the major part of the book without learning many information about him. But even if I get it can be taken as a flaw, it never really bothered me because I loved every single apparition of him. He even succeeded in waking me up when I struggled to keep my eyes open. Yes. He had that effect on me.

I sighed. “Still offering me an out? You make a great hero, Quinn.”
“All in a day’s service.”

Plus, I kind of share his vision of the dreadful effect the power has on people, even if well, that’s pretty pessimistic : it reminds me of Stello, a classic French book from Alfred de Vigny I studied when I was in college : one of the main character, the “Docteur Noir” – black or dark doctor, explains that in his opinion if we’d choose any person and give him too much power, that person could become a tyrant, no matter how kind he’s been at first.

Yes, that’s depressing and yes I think it’s almost always true.

“He laughed. “You still believe in the human race. I like that about you. But that’s not the way the real world works.”

Oh, and before I forget : no instalove, no What-is-the-plot-I-don’t-care-I-saw-a-cute-boy-let-me-dream-of-his-eyes. Quinn is here, he’s interesting, even adorable sometimes, but he never owns the show. Tate does.

Let’s talk about the plot : In a word? Captivating. And, yes, that’s the only thing you’ll get because I strongly believe the book is actually better if you begin it without any clue. So nooo, that’s not because I’m lazy. I guess.

Why didn’t I give it 5 stars though?
– The lack of world-building. No, that’s not right. The lack of world exploration : I might be harsh about it because the plot is wrapped in a way which leaves no room for a world exploration so what I see as a flaw can easily be explained and more than that, justified. But that’s a dystopia and in that kind of book I’m willing to discover a new world and I’m not very indulgent with the lack of details, where many readers might not care about it. Yet this is the first book of a trilogy, so I might change my rating in the future if the sequel provides what I missed here.
I didn’t laugh. I know, I knooow, all the books aren’t written to make me laugh but still, it stays something I seek out in the books I read and that’s definitely a plus this one didn’t offer me. How can I explain? In dystopias, and harsh stories in general, I need bubbles of laughter to reduce the pressure. What can I say? Funny comments are one of my main peeves.

With this being said, let me answer to the two most important questions :
Would I recommend it? Absolutely.
Will I read the sequel? What don’t you understand in the words “kind of heroines I love” and “Master of Blades”? Huh?

*** ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review ***


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BOOK REVIEW : The Retribution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer #3) by Michelle Hodkin

BOOK REVIEW : The Retribution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer #3) by Michelle HodkinThe Retribution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer #3)
by Michelle Hodkin
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Mara Dyer wants to believe there's more to the lies she’s been told.
There is.

She doesn’t stop to think about where her quest for the truth might lead.
She should.

She never had to imagine how far she would go for vengeance.
She will now.

Loyalties are betrayed, guilt and innocence tangle, and fate and chance collide in this shocking conclusion to Mara Dyer’s story.

Retribution has arrived

Now, Here’s how you should end a trilogy.

Reviewing this book without any spoiler?

Well, I guess I’ll do what I can.

Can I remind you something? The sequel was very confusing. Awesome, but you know, it was this kind of plot, when we don’t understand anything. I must admit, I was afraid that Michelle Hodkin lost us in her final, and guess what?! I couldn’t have been more wrong. Because the only thing I can say is the plot ended to be very well-wrapped and even if I didn’t get all the answers I was waiting for, that was good enough for that wonderful mystery.

“One scalpel (held)
One tape recorder (held)
One human eye (brown) (held)
One blood-soaked surgical gown (worn)
One gold Rolex (worn)
I really wished the stupid hospital gown had pockets.”

Let me be short : I got shivers from the beginning to the end. Some parts were so creepy I had to stop reading to breathe, frightened under my blanket like a middle-grade child. Yet it isn’t an horror book, nah, but it contains the exact amount of tension and angst to make me worry all the freaking time – and especially at the beginning. Brrrr. What a rude rude world to live in.

Concerning the characters, that final book kept the flaws present since the very first book in my opinion : That is to say, the relative hollowness of the secondary characters. Of course Stella and Jamie are here, but, you know, I never really cared about them. Maybe that’s just me, but I think Michelle Hodkin failed to improve their characterization unfortunately. It didn’t affect me though, because I utterly enjoyed the fact Mara was finally able to evolve. Freed from her whining or annoying I’m guilty inner monologues, our heroine became much more interesting for me. A bad guy? Let’s kill him, dammit!

Hey, Mom, I’ve been tortured and experimented upon, but don’t worry because my tormenters are dead. Because, P.S., I killed them.

Of course Noah was my hero – even if I was waiting for him a ridiculous amount of time. His personality started to grow in the sequel and he ended to be that multi-layered man whose actions we can’t always understand and let me say, that’s f*cking great, because he’s never, ever boring. Oh, and because he speaks french! That’s amazing, isn’t it? Say it. That totally is.

As for the writing, I found it addictive as usual : Whereas I wanted to savor it, I couldn’t fail to eat that beautiful book. Of course it wasn’t perfect : we came through a cheesy crisis at some point, and I found myself wanting to roll my eyes, but what can I say? I can forgive Noah everything.

“Would I trade one of them to have Noah back?
Would I trade all of them to have him back?
I was stripped of all illusions, about this and myself. I knew without thinking that the answer was yes.”

BOOK REVIEW : The Archived (The Archived #1) by Victoria Schwab

BOOK REVIEW : The Archived (The Archived #1) by Victoria SchwabThe Archived (The Archived #1)
by Victoria Schwab
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Imagine a place where the dead rest on shelves like books.

Each body has a story to tell, a life seen in pictures that only Librarians can read. The dead are called Histories, and the vast realm in which they rest is the Archive.

Da first brought Mackenzie Bishop here four years ago, when she was twelve years old, frightened but determined to prove herself. Now Da is dead, and Mac has grown into what she once was, a ruthless Keeper, tasked with stopping often—violent Histories from waking up and getting out. Because of her job, she lies to the people she loves, and she knows fear for what it is: a useful tool for staying alive.

Being a Keeper isn’t just dangerous—it’s a constant reminder of those Mac has lost. Da’s death was hard enough, but now her little brother is gone too. Mac starts to wonder about the boundary between living and dying, sleeping and waking. In the Archive, the dead must never be disturbed. And yet, someone is deliberately altering Histories, erasing essential chapters. Unless Mac can piece together what remains, the Archive itself might crumble and fall.

” What if I mess up? ”
” Oh, you will. You’ll mess up, you’ll make mistakes, you’ll break things. Some you’ll be able to piece together, and others you’ll lose. That’s all a given. But there’s only one thing you have to do for me. ”
” What’s that? ”
” Stay alive enough to mess up again. “

See, I don’t know if that’s because :

a) I actually read a lot of slow-paced-kill-me-now books when I was in college – like this one, the riveting story of a man who decides to never go out of his house anymore because “too much luxury, people!” and intends to describe everything he thinks or sees or does in his freakin house during about 3 months (yes, that’s as horrible as it sounds and yes, I had to read it like, 3 times. My eyes are still hurting – and I don’t care how mind-blowing it’s supposed to be – I read French literature so. damn. better.)

b) I used to be a fantasy fan, aka a reader who used to go through 3 books in a series before –
✶ getting in the middle of the action,
✶ understand who is Tennahra and Kileken exactly (yes, I’m typing randomly on my keypad) and why the King/the Queen/The Witch/*add random character here* are such weirdoes.

But what do I know? In my opinion the beginning isn’t dull or boring. It’s called… watch out, big big words! world-building people. Characterization.

I know, that’s pretty rare out there.

Striking fact# 1 : The writing was impressive

The story is told from two different times : in present day, we follow Mackenzie, the youngest Keeper in the Archive organization (whose purpose is to keep the dead quiet on shelves), when her family moves in the Coronado Hotel whereas other parts let us have a glimpse of the memories of her training which took place years before – before her grandpa died.

Before her baby brother died, jeopardizing all her family, leaving an incurable wound in their heart.

I loved the writing, which contains the kind of magical blissfulness I found in The Raven Boys – we’re struck by the way the objects seem to be brought to life somehow. The only thing we have to do is to let ourselves get lost in these corridors, walking through these doors hidden behind our consciousness, and enjoy the enchanted feeling created by Victoria Schwab’s pen.

I ruined my post-it reserve I had created for… work. Bad me.

” Why? ”
You take the cigarette out, jabbing the air with the unlit tip. “That is the most worthless question in the world. Use your words. Be specific. Why is like bah or moo or that silly sound pigeons make.”

Striking fact# 2 : The story fascinated and enthralled me from the beginning to the end : I was hooked.

I won’t get back to the no, I don’t think the beginning is boring conversation, because hey, I’m pretty sure you saw my point earlier.

So let’s go straight, shall we?

– The world-building is inventive and filled with originality. Of course it is! Seriously, have you ever heard about dead people resting on shelves? Keepers whose job consists of hunting Histories, aka dead who’re not so comfortable on their shelves? Well?

– Now, the romance. You’re worried to find another love at first sight/love overtakes the plot/whatever love does?
Try this : friendship, getting to know each other, light and smile-inducing flirting.

– Here’s a mystery book which actually contains a mystery. I know. I’m excited too. That plot? Thrilling. Intoxicating. Slightly creepy at times. Because murderer people! Trust issues! Bunch of lies!

Oh. My. Am I bad to love that so damn much?

– Also, Histories’ waking up? It gets a strong but awesome zombie vibe, without the lame heroine – yes, you got me! I don’t like zombie books! While here I found it fascinating.

Striking fact# 3 : Can I have more of these characters, pretty please?

As I said earlier, I was amazed by the characterization qualities : you won’t believe me, but we get the impression to really know the characters, who are far from the ghosts we’re sometimes accustomed to. Now tell me, how incredible is that?

” Well, there’s this new girl who just moved in on floor three. Her family re-opening the café. I hear she likes to lie, and hit people.”
“Oh yeah? Well, there’s that strange goth guy, the one who’s always lurking around Five C.”
” Strangely hot in a mysterious way, though, right? “

Multiple choice quiz time!

can’t stop thinking about the eyes of some boy
genuinely thinks before acting
makes me want to throw the book in my chimney with her annoying crappie thoughts
could be a friend of mine – apart from the fact she can’t really have friends, of course, duh.

M. That’s what I call her, this normal, nonexistent me. (…) I can pretend to be M ; I can wear her like a mask. But I can’t be her. I’ll never be.
M wouldn’t see blood-covered boys in her bedroom.
M wouldn’t spend her time scouring her dead brother’s toys for a glimpse of his life.”

is the savior everybody was waiting for. Hey, what did you expect? He’s a boy dammit!
likes blueberry cupcakes and … let’s see… Did I smile so big it hurt each time he made an apparition? Absolutely.
wears guyliner. Okay, I know, nobody cares about that, but –

is genuinely interested in Mackenzie, takes her feelings in consideration, and never tries to take the decision out of her.

” It’s the same for me, you know? This is all new to me. And I’m not going anywhere. It takes at least three assassination attempts to scare me off. And even then, if there are baked goods involved, I might come back. “

Is an Archive Librarian whose age isn’t really clear and whose life is a mystery and whose choices are full of selflessness and caring and courage, okay?

Why, thank you, can I have the sequel pretty please?

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