Author: Veronica Roth (Page 1 of 2)

BOOK REVIEW: Carve the Mark (Untitled Duology #1) by Veronica Roth

BOOK REVIEW: Carve the Mark (Untitled Duology #1) by Veronica RothCarve the Mark by Veronica Roth
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Fans of Star Wars and Divergent will revel in internationally bestselling author Veronica Roth’s stunning new science-fiction fantasy series.

On a planet where violence and vengeance rule, in a galaxy where some are favored by fate, everyone develops a currentgift, a unique power meant to shape the future. While most benefit from their currentgifts, Akos and Cyra do not—their gifts make them vulnerable to others’ control. Can they reclaim their gifts, their fates, and their lives, and reset the balance of power in this world?

Cyra is the sister of the brutal tyrant who rules the Shotet people. Cyra’s currentgift gives her pain and power—something her brother exploits, using her to torture his enemies. But Cyra is much more than just a blade in her brother’s hand: she is resilient, quick on her feet, and smarter than he knows.

Akos is from the peace-loving nation of Thuvhe, and his loyalty to his family is limitless. Though protected by his unusual currentgift, once Akos and his brother are captured by enemy Shotet soldiers, Akos is desperate to get his brother out alive—no matter what the cost. When Akos is thrust into Cyra’s world, the enmity between their countries and families seems insurmountable. They must decide to help each other to survive—or to destroy one another.

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Wow. I just…there are times when the words flow out of me in torrents and I can’t stop no matter how hard I try, but then there are times when I have literally one million things to say…and no idea how to say them. This book touched me in a way I’m not often used to-at least, not anymore. A long time ago, when I finally found my favorite genres and what made me the happiest, I was finding a seamless stream of five star books because I had finally found what worked for me. But lately, those streams of winners are harder to come by.

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For one, I’m extremely picky now-I know what I like, down to the very last word, and anything less is unacceptable. It’s no secret to any of my friends that I love all things mayhem, death, destruction, forbidden love mixed with peril peril peril. But not many authors truly, truly give you all those things at once. It’s so rare, anyway. And, because it’s so rare, those authors who do deliver on all things nasty and despicable in the name of love make it impossible to forget who they are.

“You’re a Noavek,” he said stubbornly, folding his arms. “Brutality is in your blood.”

I have this little niche of what I like to call ‘peril authors’. They are my go-to when I want something that isn’t always rainbows and unicorns. Now, I’m not saying the stories don’t eventually end happily…but they leave you with some very nasty cliffhangers. Did I happen to mention that nasty, white-knuckle cliffhangers are literally my favorite thing EVER?? So, these authors, they never shy away from doing what they need to pack a devastating punch. I never go all in when my head isn’t in the right place-after all, even the most dastardly and peril obsessed reviewers need a break from all the heart-break. We aren’t robots, ya know?? And, after a while, if you read hardcore books one after the other, you are bound to become a little bit jaded.

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So, when I was offered this beauty from the publishers of Veronica Roth’s newest MASTERPIECE, I, of course, accepted. For one, what an honor-little ol’ me, getting a book from a best-selling MEGA FAMOUS author before most of the world. It’s crazy, and I did not look a gift horse in mouth-I didn’t hesitate in responding. Secondly, I adored-ABSOLUTELY ADORED-the Divergent trilogy. And not just the first two-all three. Veronica Roth, while a very cunning and devious woman, is someone I wholly admire. Her writing is poetic and flows effortlessly from paragraph to paragraph, page to page. I have ALWAYS lumped her in with my favorite poetic authors.

“A knife,” I said. “A hot poker. A rusty nail.”
“You are more than any of those things.”

And, while she isn’t someone I think of weekly, or even monthly, I have never forgotten her after her shocking finale to the Divergent series. The ‘what-if’s and ‘what will she do next’s were never far from my mind…it has just taken a while to finally see a new book in the works from this spectacular woman.

“And you’re starting to sound kind of cocky, for someone I routinely beat up.”

I know many people are weary of what comes next from the daring author who shocked the world (and that is the LAST time I will mention her former series, because it is doing a great injustice to this beautiful book), and I know there are going to be a million comparisons-it’s just inevitable. But I truly saw something so amazing here-something I never thought I’d see. It would be such a shame to not give this duology a chance because of an uncertain future and phobia of the past. I know everyone is quick to fall in love with main characters (I fell so hard, so fast for these two new characters that it shocked even me) and people are quick to protect those they love—but the love I feel for these two AMAZING characters is so unparalleled, and permanent, that I must insist on reading this the moment it comes out.

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When I looked at him again, he was smiling at me hesitantly.
“You love them,” he said. “All these places, all these things.”

I’ll admit that I was scared of the prospect of space travel-and for that matter, space lingo-but not once did I ever slow down or feel lost as I was racing through this fast-paced, addicting story. And that’s my favorite thing-I never wanted to put this book down. Roth’s passion was reflected on each and every page, echoing to us in a new, inventive way with each arising issue. Each character was created in a delicate manner, making for layered, flawed, and believable characters. These were people you wanted to root for, and you never really knew if they were going to win-in both mental and physical scenarios.

“You and I, we’ve become what we were made to become.”

Their minds were tested in unimaginable and barbaric ways, twisting what they believed and hoped for in life to the point of utter despair. Loyalties were bent and broken, repaired and restored-the boundaries of love and family snuffed out in a manner of minutes. You were forced to pick a side and survive…whether you wanted to or not.

The same thing she always did, only now he noticed-noticed that he knew it, that was; knew her routines, knew her.
And liked her.

Akos is from the peace loving Thuvhe, a wintery world where you have to wear goggles to walk around outside. It’s beauty is unparalleled to its inhabitants, crystallized and serene and snowy as can be. Grays are the norm, much like the environment…which can be seen as dull to others. Cyra is Noavek-Brutal and unforgiving Shotet tyrants who wear blue. Their beliefs couldn’t be any different, nor could the difference in style of life: One place bloodthirsty, unrelenting in its quest for power and dominance. Pain is no stranger here. You can immediately see why our two main characters are the way they are, and you instantly feel for both. Sides are hard to choose and lines are blurred…as becomes evident the farther into the story we get.

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And here comes the good stuff, the stuff that makes this beautiful love story possible. Forbidden love…isn’t it the best thing ever, when done correctly? Yeah. I think so, too. Cyra’s currentgift is pain, Akos’s is to diffuse people’s gift. Both very valuable currentgifts…and both susceptible to manipulation and vulnerable to almost everyone. When paired together without a say in the matter, they realize they can be an asset to one another. Neither is willing to put all their trust in the other, but they also don’t fight what seems to be a tentative alliance. After all, it’s nice having someone who understands you (to a degree), someone who is there to take some of the burden away, who wants to help (again, to a degree-they do have differing conclusions to what they believe to be their story).

“Honor,” I said with a snort. “Honor has no place in survival.”

But, as they get closer, what was once clear begins to become a convoluted cloud of emotions and hope-could they possibly want the same thing?? Is she truly a monster, or can she still be someone who helps make the world a better place? Does she want to help Akos…even at the expense of going against her only brother?

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Akos’s kindness was something that resonated deeply within me right away-but, even more than that, his gradual fierceness. He’s not perfect, nor is he indestructible, but his silent fury mixed with an unrelenting kindness made him an instant book boyfriend that I was absolutely obsessed with. And then Cyra-one of my favorite female leads of all time. Some might say I even have a girl crush. Yeah-serious stuff, right?

“Next time, when something that sounds remarkably like war drums is going to wake me at dawn, could you maybe warn me?”

Cyra deals with pain 24/7. Literally-all day, all night-no matter what. Until she dispenses that pain into an unwilling victim, causing them pain so severe they would reveal their deepest, darkest secrets. She is numb to the power now, her brother’s little torture device. Cunning, witty, and skilled in combat like nobody’s business, she is not to be trifled with-seriously, she’s so badass. But-and probably why my girl crush (on top of my book boyfriend crush (so much win)) is shining so bright-she wasn’t so strong she didn’t have vulnerability or weakness. She lost sometimes. She didn’t always make the right choices. And, if I’m comparing here, I kept thinking of a female book character I really didn’t like…she kind of made up the anatomy of Cyra, here.

It was not hope; it did not soar; it slithered, clawed, and dragged, and it would not let me stop.

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I saw a lot Adelina from Marie Lu’s most recent trilogy. Dark, corrupted, and willing to do what she had to for those she loved-and herself. She had to relieve the pain sometimes, you know? It’s not all about choice. But, see, I hated Adelina. She was okay, I guess, but I found her pathetic and whiny-not here. Cyra took the BEST PARTS of Adelina and made her someone I adored. Okay, I didn’t really read the second or third books of that trilogy, nor is there a direct line that connected these characters in any way-I just got the vibe, that feeling, and I dug it.

“I like to move.”
“I’ve noticed.”

She is a tool of destruction, of torture, she is a key to be used in war-she can bring any one person to their knees with her amazing power-but she is vulnerable to the pain, and to herself-she is resigned to be the monster she was fated to be. But not ONCE does she whine about it-it’s her life and she lives with it daily…And I found that so amazing. She just goes about her life in suffering, trying to (at Akos’s influence) be the best she can be. And, again, she doesn’t always succeed. Did I mention I love her? And Akos? And I ship them? Hm. Well. I’ll say it again: they are everything to me.

He offered touch to me so freely, without realizing how rare it was. How rare he was, to a person like me.

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So, as you can see, I’m hooked. I was hooked from the first part that was in his POV, and I was sunk-line and sinker-when I met Cyra. These two were made for one another, but born enemies. They don’t want to like each other, and they don’t always understand, but…things happen. And isn’t slow burn romance the best kind of romance (especially paired with forbidden romance-HA thought you caught me there, didn’t you)?? Roth’s writing was, as promised, better than ever and even a bit more mature, if that’s even possible. She writes in a way you don’t once get confused about, no matter the content, and makes you physically ache for more. It’s been a long time since I was so stressed out I couldn’t breathe, but more than once I found myself gasping for breath and clutching my heart-stopping and staring at the page with wide eyes as I tried to calm my breathing (maybe this partially has to do with being pregnant, but I say no, I was just super excitable because…excellence at work, people) and get myself under control. I smiled so big without even realizing it that it bordered on embarrassing. I tried, and failed, repeatedly to find errors with the book and why my best of friends wouldn’t like the story (or anyone, for that matter, if I’m being honest), but never once could think of anything. And, if there was something, it was nit-picky and I completely missed it. I don’t know if this book is for everybody, or even what everyone else will think-All I can do is go with my heart and my gut, and they both say this is a winner. I know, without a doubt, that when this releases it will be my (late) Christmas gift to all friends and family that read. I know it’s a certainty I will be rushing to Barnes and Noble on release day to buy myself a hardback of this new absolute favorite. I have found three favorite books this year, all by amazing authors almost everyone loves…and this book tops them all. So, my hope is, with this long-winded review, that I’ve convinced or intrigued almost everyone to give this book a shot. And, for those who are not so easily swayed (or manipulated), honestly, its their loss.


*I was sponsored by HarperCollins to share my review, but all opinions are my own!*

**Quotes taken from an uncorrected galley and are subject to change upon release of the finished book**


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BOOK REVIEW – Divergent (Divergent #1) by Veronica Roth

BOOK REVIEW – Divergent (Divergent #1) by Veronica RothDivergent (Divergent #1)
by Veronica Roth
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*Re-read with my buddies Kristin (KC), Jennifer, Sarah, Maythavee, and Annie :)-my rating obviously stays 5 amazing stars*

It has been a long time since I have read a book where the romance takes a backseat to action and suspense and I have actually enjoyed it. It seems with these types of books that the author tends to write with a simplistic nature that, at first, is hard to get used to, but then ultimately becomes addicting and adds to the tone of the story. I found I was trying to immerse myself into the story on page one, but was having difficulty getting back into the simplistic writing style. But once I plunged head first into the story and embraced what was happening, I could not put Divergent down.

Tris is such a likeable female lead. She is hard and she gets gritty, but she ultimately loves. She doesn’t think so, but as the story progesses, we see her difficulties with the decision she chose and that crack in the armour that makes her human. She wanted to separate from a boring, selfless lifestyle where she was just another grey shirt that blended in, but never really belonged. But throughout her journey she shows guilt, anger, selflessness, betrayal-all the emotions possible-things she never thought she should be allowed to feel and things she never thought she’d feel again. Who can she trust? Who should she trust? All questions she must face daily if she wants to become initiated.

Four…ooohhh Four. I loved him! He was a great addition to the story and he was woven in perfectly. Not too much and not too little…just enough for me to flip through the pages (or in my case, SLIDE the pages)hastily. My next point-it has been such a long time since I have read every. single. page. without skimming. None. NO skimming. I skim even on my all-time favorite books, so this is quite a feat. Honestly.

This was a fun, gripping read that had me on the edge of my seat 90% of the time. I do wish some things had turned out differently, and I can’t say what-but in the end, I discovered everything I could ask for: suspense littered all throughout the pages, romance, betrayal, a few if-I-don’t-get-my-ass-outta-this-I-WILL-die moments, and a good family backstory. Yes, I loved her family. In other books like this I didn’t necessarily care what happened to the family. But in Divergent her family was solid and strong, and I found myself terribly addicted to what happens with her mother, brother, and father. So now I can’t wait to read Insurgent. I just hope it’s as good as the first.

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
divergent veronica roth
Divergent #1

insurgent veronica roth divergent
Insurgent #2
allegiant divergent veronica roth
Allegiant #3

Four: A Divergent Collection #0.1 - 0.4
*Four's Story*

BOOK REVIEW – Insurgent (Divergent #2) by Veronica Roth

BOOK REVIEW – Insurgent (Divergent #2) by Veronica RothInsurgent (Divergent #2)
by Veronica Roth
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Re-read with my buddies Kristin (KC), Sarah, Jennifer, and Maythavee. So much fun guys! 🙂

Love as defined by a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
Love as demonstrated by Tris and Tobias in Insurgent and Divergent: Two stubborn people who consistently participate in selfless acts that get them into horribly dangerous situations for the other person.

If that isn’t love, it’s just foolishness…but I’d like to think it’s a little of both. Tris and Tobias find themselves in the middle of a war for the factions-even those that would rather not be involved. They don’t know who to trust or what their next move should be, which leads to one thing: What’s the lesser of two evils? Trust one known wholly evil person, or a person who has just recently resurfaced and might have a hidden agenda. Who doesn’t in this faction divided world?

I really liked the story behind Insurgent. Anybody who chooses to read my reviews knows that I like a good romance sandwiched by suspense and peril. Both Divergent and Insurgent dove head first into my favorites pile for these exact reasons, and I am now left feeling a little ache in the pit of my soul where these books ended and left us to wait for the final installment in the trilogy. It seems this has been happening a lot lately-adding books to my “not yet released” shelf. It’s driving me crazy.

A lot has happened since initiation day when everything was still normal. There are even more characters involved and a lot more at stake. People from the past who were undoubtedly out to get them [T/T} aren’t as much of a threat anymore and may even be an unknown ally. We can’t be sure, what with all the deception and lies, but Tris is realizing things are black and white-you are either good or you are bad, you might help this time and not help the next, and no one is ever truly innocent in their intentions.

Overall, a truly fun read. While not as good as the first, I still became immersed in the story and couldn’t put it down. My heart was pounding in my chest and I was nervous as shit for each and every perilous situation. With one more book to go there is a lot that can still happen, but I can only hope for twenty times the action and quadruple the romance. I can’t wait to see what becomes of Tris and Tobias-hopefully a happy ever after.

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
divergent veronica roth
Divergent #1

insurgent veronica roth divergent
Insurgent #2
allegiant divergent veronica roth
Allegiant #3

Four: A Divergent Collection #0.1 - 0.4
*Four's Story*

BOOK REVIEW – Allegiant (Divergent #3) by Veronica Roth

BOOK REVIEW – Allegiant (Divergent #3) by Veronica RothAllegiant (Divergent #3)
by Veronica Roth
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I know some things-I know that I’m not alone, that I have friends, that I’m in love. I know where I came from. I know that I don’t want to die, and for me, that’s something-more than I could have said a few weeks ago.

This is such an impossibly hard review to write, because I loved this series so very much. I have seen so many negative reviews pertaining to this particular installment, and while I understand the sadness, what I don’t get is the harshness with which people rated this story. Yes, things happened that can never be ‘undone’, but there is so much more to the story than the inevitable ending. Many different thoughts cross my mind when I think of Allegiant, but outcasting it based on one event has never been one of them.

Now she looks pale and small, but her eyes make me think of wide-open skies that I have never actually seen, only dreamed of.-Tobias
A piece of her hair falls into her eyes, and I am brushing it back before she even notices it. She covers my hand with her own, which is warm and strong, and the corners of her mouth curve into a smile.-Tobias

Told in dual POV, we get an insight into Tobias’s head that helped us to see his inner turmoil and strong feelings for Tris. Anyone who has read the novellas in Tobias’s POV knows that Veronica Roth can write for both the female and male POV with no problem. For those of you who haven’t, well, it was a surprise to me as well that Roth chose to make the final installment in alternating views. She welcomed those readers who hadn’t had a chance to be in his head into the inner workings of his mind, and overall I think people enjoyed it. Refreshing, well-written, confused, and meaningful, not a moment was wasted in Four’s head. Roth wrote an intricately woven web for Tris’s counterpart, and just like in Tris’s POV, the writing was vivid, imaginative, and flawless. Not many authors can do that, and that’s why I had to focus on this for a bit-I loved seeing what made Four’s soul so full of turmoil, and I loved seeing him work through it all-it added a much needed layer to the story that I never expected possible, transitioning from T-T seamlessly and without a single glitch-I enjoyed every second of each POV.

Above me, panes of glass reflect light in every direction. Somewhere up there is the chair I sat in while I was running the attack simulation, and a smear of Tris’s father’s blood on the wall. Somehwere up there, Tris’s voice pierced the simulation I was under, and I felt her hand on my chest, drawing me back to reality.-Tobias

Now for the hard part. It’s difficult to write about something so weighted. Slinging words around like ‘genetically damaged’ and ‘genetically pure’, I found myself detaching from the middle of the story because of such technical content. While essential to the story, I felt as if Roth could have toned it down a bit or not dragged these sequences out as long as she chose to.

The shaking moves down my arms and into my hands, and soon my entire body is shuddering, as if rejecting some kind of poison that I’ve swallowed, and the poison is knowledge, the knowledge of this place and its screens and all the lies I built my life on.-Tris

See, that’s the thing with this story-it was all about choices. Every. Single. Page. The choices we make separate us from those who are too weak to do so, from those who are too damaged to make the right or harder choice, the choice that will ultimately set a path for the rest of our lives. Heavy, right? Each chapter had the wheels turning in my head, constantly trying to figure out what the best choice was, who T/T should trust, what the best option for survial might be, and ultimately, what each character was willing to do to save an entire society, even at the cost of their own life-or whether they were willing to save it at all. These were the choices that would shape the rest of their lives, and I couldn’t put the book down. I just had to know what became of some of my favorite characters of all time.

I feel a pang in the middle of my chest. She’s right. Desperation can make a person do surprising things. We should both know.-Tobias

Now, I rated this four stars because of content. I have been anticipating Allegiant for months, extremely excited to finish out an unexpected series that came highly recommended by one of my better GR friends. And while I started this book with an optimistic outlook, DESPITE the negative reviews that have plagued GR and other book websites, I couldn’t change the fact that the middle of the story made me both angry and eager to skim. I have read some very sad and heavy books lately, but none like Allegiant. It crushed me with it’s intensity and swallowed me whole. I felt weighed down with the knowledge Roth was giving us, I even began bordering on depression. There is a complete bone deep certainty that comes with the choices I was speaking of earlier, and they kickstarted a swell of emotions inside of me, making me dizzy with the gravity of what was to come.

All the knots of tension inside me come apart at once. I feel just for a moment, like I am remade, like I am brand-new.-Tris

Overall, I did enjoy the story immensely. It was harsh, it was realistic, and I guess in a way I respect Roth for not feeding us complete fairytale bullshit. It doesn’t mean I enjoyed every aspect of the book, but I have complete and utter respect for it. I am at peace with the way the story ended, and I will not likely forget it soon. Maybe that was what Roth was going for-an unforgettable ending that will always be with us, whether we loved or hated it. Bittersweet and with a twinge of redemption, I found myself rooting for each and every character (aside from Nita-fuck her). Tris has grown so so much over the course of these three books and became one of my all time favorite female leads. She was rational and steady, even when Tobias wasn’t, and she kept her feet on solid ground even in the face of danger. I hate to say goodbye to these characters forever, but their story is complete, and I am happy (enough) with the conclusion and what is to come for all of our beloved fictional favorites.

“And,” I say, “I think you’re still the only person sharp enough to sharpen someone like me.”
“I am,” he says roughly.
And I kiss him.

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
divergent veronica roth
Divergent #1

insurgent veronica roth divergent
Insurgent #2
allegiant divergent veronica roth
Allegiant #3

Four: A Divergent Collection #0.1 - 0.4
*Four's Story*

BOOK REVIEW – Allegiant (Divergent #3) by Veronica Roth

BOOK REVIEW – Allegiant (Divergent #3) by Veronica RothAllegiant (Divergent #3)
by Veronica Roth
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What if your whole world was a lie? What if a single revelation—like a single choice—changed everything? What if love and loyalty made you do things you never expected?

The explosive conclusion to Veronica Roth's #1 New York Times bestselling Divergent trilogy reveals the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of readers in Divergent and Insurgent.


This book broke my heart into a million pieces. I have never sobbed so hard or for so long while reading a book. I guess that’s because I’ve never read a book that can be so true to life. In real life happy endings don’t always exist and life is not always fair. We see this every day in our lives yet we rarely see this in books. And truthfully, I did love this book. I loved this book all the way until the end. The end is NOT what I wanted and I was so upset that I wanted to rate this book a 1 star. BUT when I thought it through, I still loved Allegiant and I realized that the rating should be based on EVERY part of the book, not just the ending. And again I found myself lost in the action, I fell in love with the dialogue, there were so many characters that I loved and loved to hate and I was enraptured with how the story progressed. I was so lost in this book that I was ignorant to think the ending could be what really happens. Looking back, I can see that Allegiant flows perfectly with how the two previous books progressed and it sticks with the theme Veronica Roth has created and doesn’t deviate from it. That in itself I highly value. Ultimately, I will read whatever Veronica Roth writes in the future BUT I will go into the books being realistic and knowing that I may need a huge box of tissues.

Tris: I fell in love with him. But I don’t just stay with him by default as if there’s no one else available to me. I stay with him because I choose to, every day that I wake up, every day that we fight or lie to each other or disappoint each other. I choose him over and over again, and he chooses me.

This book starts off exactly where Insurgent left off. Tris and Christina are locked in a cell since Evelyn sees them as traitors and she and the factionless are now in charge of Chicago. Everyone, including Tris, is still reeling from Edith Prior’s revelation about what lies outside of the fence and that being Divergent is more important than they ever could have thought. When Tris and Christina are released as traitors they learn that there is a group, called the Allegiant, and they are allied with the original purpose of the city – sending people outside the city to help and living in factions. Upon hearing of this, Tris becomes resonate in her plans that she has to escape the city. She HAS to know what is out there. And again, from here I became completely absorbed in their world. Between the action, the knowledge we gain, how the relationships blossom and wither apart and the way the story progresses, Allegiant is addicting!

Tris: He is stronger than anyone I know, and warmer than anyone else realizes; he is a secret that I have kept, and will keep, for the rest of my life.

This time we get to alternate between being in Tris’ and Tobias’ head. I loved being able to listen in to both of their thoughts and see the situations from both of their points of view. I loved being able to see the logical process of why Tris wanted to do certain things and then how Tobias viewed what Tris did and how he reacted to it. It made me feel as though I knew them both inside and out and I felt that much closer to them. I finally understand what makes them tick and why they both do the things they do. Sometimes they can be neurotic but in the end their love for each other is beautiful.

Tobias: I feel like what I have become is halfway between my mother and father, violent and impulsive and desperate and afraid. I feel like I have lost control of what I have become.

I was so happy to see that Tris seems to have more of a grasp on who she is. Her compassion, her strength and her ability to analyze situations amazed me and even though she still struggled I felt as though she was confident with who she was and the choices she makes throughout the book. Tris is back to someone that I would want to stand behind in times of great unrest and danger. Tobias is a little bit different……since we get to see inside Tobias’ brain we finally get to see how much he struggles in this book. It reminds me of how Tris struggled in Insurgent. He is desperately trying not to become who is parents are and he is also struggling with trying to figure out what is really right and wrong. Even though I wanted to yell at him a few times he is still sexy as ever. His love and loyalty for Tris is a force to reckon with and I think that’s what makes me love him the most.

There are so many ways to be brave in this world.
Sometimes bravery involves laying down your life for something bigger than yourself, or for someone else.
Sometimes it involves giving up everything you have ever known, or everyone you have ever loved, for the sake of something greater.
But sometimes it doesn’t.
Sometimes it is nothing more than gritting your teeth through pain, and the work of every day, the slow walk toward a better life.
That is the sort of bravery I must have now.

I LOVED the huge revelation of what was outside the city. I was so excited to find out that it went along with what I thought from the beginning when Tris sees that the gates on the city’s fence lock from the outside and not the inside. Overall, I love this series. Did I wish it ended differently….uhh yeah! But in the real world and Divergent you don’t always get what you want. And sometimes that can be ok and other times you just have to the make the best of things and think of all of the wonderful moments you got to experience while going through this journey.

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
divergent veronica roth
Divergent #1

insurgent veronica roth divergent
Insurgent #2
allegiant divergent veronica roth
Allegiant #3

Four: A Divergent Collection #0.1 - 0.4
*Four's Story*

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