Tag: Young Adult (Page 12 of 158)

BOOK REVIEW: Cupcake by Cookie O’Gorman

BOOK REVIEW: Cupcake by Cookie O’GormanCupcake by Cookie O'Gorman
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I know what you're thinking.

You're thinking this will be just one more story of the ignored, "big-boned " girl, who sheds her glasses and a few extra pounds and finally attracts the notice of the most popular guy in school.

Except it isn't. Because I'm not unpopular. Not all that ignored. And I love the way I look―just as I am.

Then someone puts my name in for Homecoming Court.

The bigger surprise?

People actually vote for me!

Now, I'm a "princess"―whether I like it or not―but the guy I'm paired with isn't exactly Prince Charming.

Rhys Castle is the strong, silent type who always wears a frown―he's certainly never smiled at me. I'm 99.9% sure he hates being on Court and being my partner, but surprisingly…he doesn't switch when he gets the chance.

Turns out Rhys has a secret―something that makes him run hot and cold throughout the entire three weeks of Homecoming festivities. Whether he's stepping on my feet during dance lessons or gallantly escorting me through the Homecoming parade, I can't get a read on this guy, and for the first time, I find my confidence wavering.

But there's more to Rhys than meets the eye. And the more the spotlight shines on me, I realize there's more to me, too.


Cupcake was a laugh out loud, adorable, heartwarming story! With characters that felt real and a storyline that was oh so easy to devour, I finished this book in two sittings. Cupcake became an instant favorite and romance lovers will definitely enjoy this book!

“Hi, my name is Ariel,” I said, feeling so embarrassed. “Because my mom loves Disney, I was named after a mermaid who collects forks and talks to fish.” Rhys’s lips twitched at that, but I forged ahead. “Surprisingly, I don’t hate it. I just wish the name fit me better.”
I nodded for him to go.

Ariel Duncan, aka Cupcake, had a heart of gold. She was kind, caring, compassionate and I loved her passion for baking! I connected with her on such a deep level with baking ♥. She not only stress baked too, but I loved how she baked to bring others joy. I desperately wanted to be bestie’s with her!

“Do you enjoy embarrassing me?” I asked.
Rhys pretended to think about it as he handed back my phone. “Honestly? I don’t hate it,” he said with a smirk.

During the announcements for Homecoming court, Ariel was shocked to hear her name listed! She was to be a Princess. Which led to her being paired with a sexy, blue eyed quarterback named Rhys Castle. Rhys was such an unknown. Yes he was gorgeous, but he could come off as cold and grumpy. And Ariel was stuck being his partner for the next three weeks for all of the Homecoming festivities.

“Are you going to put your hand on my shoulder or what?”
I scoffed. “Of course. I was just about to do that.”
It was clear Rhys was laughing internally. His eyes dared me to make the first move. In what seemed to be slow motion, I watched my hand rise and then rest gently on his shoulder. In answer, his hand moved to my waist.
My breath hitched.

Ariel and Rhys had to do everything together from dancing, trust exercises to so much more to prep for homecoming. I loved every minute of it! From getting to know each other to the inevitable dancing where they had to touch, I couldn’t stop smiling. It was adorable watching them try to connect and work together. It felt real how everything played out and I could easily see myself watching their story as a movie! It was a ton of fun!

“Did you like Dirty Dancing?”
“I did.” Rhys lifted a brow. “If that was us, though, you’d be Johnny, and I’d be Baby, aka the one who carries a watermelon.”
I laughed in delight.

I was obsessed anytime Rhys was on the pages! I desperately wanted to know what he was thinking. Because while he came off as quiet and distant, we also got to see moments where he was kind and thoughtful. He seemed so much more than meets the eyes and as the story progressed, he made me fall so hard for him! Sometimes the simplest words from Rhys made my heart melt. But still, I wanted to know exactly where he stood with Ariel and what secret he was keeping too!

“You like him,” she said.
I blinked, not having expected that. “N-no, I don’t.”
“And she stutters on the denial.” Toni stared at my face then shook her head. “You must like him a lot, huh?”
My tongue felt paralyzed for a moment. I was so surprised.

Rounding out this story were side characters I adored. From Ariel’s mom who was loving and caring. To Ariel’s bestie Toni who was her biggest champion! I loved that she had Cupcake’s best interest in heart. That she stood by her side and cheered her on every step of the way. She was a true friend. And even the “mean girl” Lana’s story turned into more. I’m not saying anything else other then I loved how it didn’t take the typical path, yay!

Feeling a bit funny about it, I placed the tiara on my head, then turned to Rhys.
“Well?” I said. “Is it straight?”
“Almost,” he said. “Here, let me.”
As he reached up, I held my breath. His hands were gentle as he adjusted the tiara. When his eyes met mine, he pushed a stray lock of hair behind my ear.
“You look perfect.”

Warmth, humor and romance splashed across the pages and I loved every minute of it! Cupcake was a feel good story that left me with a smile on my face! If you adore YA and romance, then definitely make sure you have this one on your tbr!

For the first time in my life, I actually felt like a princess.
And it had nothing to do with the tiara. Or even the boy.
It was all me.

PS Even the acknowledgements had heart! Her comment about the cake and princess, oh my heart that made me cry. Hugs!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

BOOK REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Broken Skies by Theresa Kay

BOOK REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Broken Skies by Theresa Kay

I first read Broken Skies almost 4 years ago and I still continue to think about it today. The characters and their story are permanently etched into my heart. So you’ll definitely want to check out my 5 Star Review below and enter a fabulous giveaway! Enjoy♥

BOOK REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Broken Skies by Theresa KayBroken Skies (Broken Skies #1)
by Theresa Kay
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Jax will do anything to save her twin . . . even team up with a teenage alien left behind by the same ship that took her brother.

She agrees to help the alien get back home, and in return, he agrees to sneak her into the alien city to find her sibling.

Too bad it's not that simple.

Jax soon finds that she's drawn to the alien boy with bright green hair and jewel-like scales on his back and he's equally affected by her, the courageous redhead with haunted eyes. But she doesn't know the alien's true motives, and he has no idea that she is much more than she seems.

Worse, the connection forming between them has unknown consequences.

The humans and the aliens are both hiding deadly secrets and the forbidden bond linking the two teens threatens to reveal everything. What started as an uneasy alliance and a seemingly straightforward rescue mission could spark an inter-species war.

The Broken Skies series is a completed series filled with action, adventure, aliens, and romance. Perfect for fans of the Lux series, Under Different Stars, and The Fifth Wave.


Broken Skies gripped me to the core and was truly outstanding. The story continually built and became more intricate, causing me to become obsessed with this book. It’s all I can think about. Seriously. The pages were scattered with hardships and butterfly inducing moments that were breathtaking. I never wanted this book to end.

“It’s going to be okay,” he says.
But I know it’s not. I don’t know if anything is ever going to be okay again.

After the war left 10% of the population alive, the aliens, known as the E’rikon, arrived to share Earth. They kept to themselves, until a group of them kidnapped Jax’s brother, Jace. In the commotion, a teenage E’rikon was left behind with no way to navigate home. In a desperate attempt to get her brother back, Jax agreed to help navigate Lir to his city in exchange for getting inside to find her brother. What started out as a simple journey, escalated into something that kept me on the edge of my seat!

The fingers of one hand curl into claws, perfect for ripping and tearing. I won’t go quietly. Icy fear has no place in my body now. Instead, I’m filled with fire, burning me from the inside out and just waiting to be released.

I already knew I loved Jax the first few pages into Broken Skies. She was resourceful, savvy and I loved that she was the one responsible for taking care of them for their journey. Whenever she opened her mouth and fumbled over some words or would start blabbering, she made me laugh, smile and truly care for her. But at the same point, she was somewhat broken. She had hardships from her past that she struggled with, and I desperately wanted her to overcome them.

“You are everything I was taught humans were not.”

Lir was charming, sarcastic and I fell head over heals in love with him. He was gentle, sweet, sincere, sexy and smart. I honestly could not get enough of him! And of course I still felt that way about him, even after he kept secrets from Jax. Although, they were wonderful secrets that added so much depth. Ohhhhh, Lir was everything I love in a male character.

Lir stands and reaches a hand out to me. I eye it for a moment before accepting it and allowing him to pull me to my feet. Trust has to start somewhere, I guess.

Jax and Lir were unforgettable characters. And when they were together, their relationship was sweet, slow and natural. Nothing was rushed. Nothing was forced. It was so much fun to watch them evolve. Sigh, I am still on a book high. This book was so much fun and I’m dying until I can read the second book. But until then, I can’t recommend this book highly enough. You must discover this world, characters and story! I look forward to reading the rest of Theresa Kay’s books, because her storytelling has enraptured me!

***ARC was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review***


**Broken Skies Is Currently On Sale for Only .99 cents!!**


Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers)

Broken Skies #1


Fractured Suns #2


Shattered Stars #3


About Theresa Kay:
Theresa Kay writes stories that feature flawed young adult and new adult characters in science fiction, urban fantasy, or paranormal worlds, all with a touch of romance thrown in for good measure. She’s constantly lost in one fictional universe or another and is a self-proclaimed “fangirl” who loves being sucked into new books, movies, or TV shows. Living in the mountains of central Virginia with her husband and two kids, she works as a paralegal by day and spends her free time reading tons of books, binging Avengers movies, anime, and Doctor Who, or playing Tomb Raider and Assassin’s Creed.

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BOOK REVIEW: All of Us Villains (All of Us Villains #1) by Amanda Foody

BOOK REVIEW: All of Us Villains (All of Us Villains #1) by Amanda FoodyAll of Us Villains (All of Us Villains)
by Amanda Foody
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The blockbuster co-writing debut of Amanda Foody and Christine Lynn Herman, All of Us Villains begins a dark tale of ambition and magick...

You Fell In Love With The Victors of The Hunger Games.
Now Prepare To Meet The Villains of The Blood Veil.

After the publication of a salacious tell-all book, the remote city of Ilvernath is thrust into worldwide spotlight. Tourists, protesters, and reporters flock to its spellshops and ruins to witness an ancient curse unfold: every generation, seven families name a champion among them to compete in a tournament to the death. The winner awards their family exclusive control over the city’s high magick supply, the most powerful resource in the world.

In the past, the villainous Lowes have won nearly every tournament, and their champion is prepared to continue his family’s reign. But this year, thanks to the influence of their newfound notoriety, each of the champions has a means to win. Or better yet--a chance to rewrite their story.

But this is a story that must be penned in blood.


**I’m being extremely honest here when I say that grammar took a SERIOUS hit in the name of purging my emotions- ALSO- ARC PROVIDED BY TORTEEN IN EXCHANGE FOR AN HONEST REVIEW**

Grins like goblins.
Pale as plague and silent as spirits.
They’ll tear your throat and drink your soul.

That feeling of dread slowly inching up your spine is not the emotion nor the feeling I had imagined I’d experience when I started this novel. The vague sensation of helplessness that comes with the realization that you are not in control of this novel, this novel will not bend to your will, and you WILL be in pain as you see yourself slowly maddening at the fact that you WILL have to wait more than a year to see these characters through to their gory end. The utter calm [and a bit unhinged] madness that inhabits you when you realize- You don’t like that you have to wait for a very long time to see what happens…but you do love this brutal love song written just for you and all the evil things your now favorite character is doing to write said song. You don’t just like it-you love it.

“Do you hear that?” The older one, Hendry Lowe, stood up, brushed the forest floor off his gray T-shirt, cracked each of his knuckles, one by one. “That’s the sound of rules breaking.”
“Do you hear that?” Alistair echoed, smirking as he rose to his feet. “That’s the sound of bones breaking.”

This story wasn’t what I expected. And, that being said, I don’t know what I expected. Did I think it would be akin to my favorite series of all time, THG? No. I didn’t. Did I really think it would be about actual villains? No. And did I think it would hold up to any of my macabre fantasies when I imagined reading it? Heck no. But…It was BETTER. It was MORE. No matter what my mind could have dreamed up, it wasn’t this-never this. And that’s just…it’s a breath of fresh air. Look, I like predictability a lotthere are certain formulas you just cannot beat, no matter what you do, in my opinion. That’s me. But the fact remains that when I go into a book with no idea what to expect and it delivers with such ferocity-I hardly know how to contain myself. And that is this. I am in shock. I am in awe. I am so grateful for TorTeen for thinking of me, for sending me what is now a prized possession in my treasure trove of my absolute favorite stories. Even though I can’t even quite pinpoint what clicked for me-it just did.

Monsters couldn’t harm you if you were a monster, too.

I think it goes without saying that characters are key, especially in a book with such a dark theme-Yeah…villains. Okay. But why. WHY are they villains? The answer is simple-they really aren’t. And herein lies my largest conundrum: Why I am so defensive of my precious book? Because people are so judgmental. I thought each and every character had something dark about them (even if it wasn’t on the surface, but lurking far beneath)-but most of these klds-which they are just kids, in the end-were just pawns in their family’s lineage to grasp high magick for them to horde until the next tournament…And the family that possesses the high magick runs the town.

Like I said-I’m here for it. These characters-to me-were, in fact, villains. Maybe not the twirling your mustache kind, but they all had deeply disturbing ideologies and would do anything and everything to reach what they deemed necessary in their own mind’s eye: to either make a name for themselves, to gain glory, to earn a spot in the tournament (ie, beat out the other contenders in the family), to prove their worth, or to avenge-I won’t expand on that. Avenge is plenty good. My point remains valid-villains are what we make them, not always by what they actually do. And that is this tournament – seven families putting forth someone in their name, the town always viewing these families as evil, corrupt souls (well…maybe mostly just one family), or bottom-dwellers, attention seekers, or soul-suckers. Fact is, heavy is the head that wears the crown-and everyone wants a piece of it.

The Lowes did not tell their children monster stories so that they could slay them.
The Lowes told them so their children would become monsters themselves.

Of the four point of views, there are two that always always made me happy, sigh in relief, and really immerse: Isobel and Alistair. And then there was just ONE that made my heart beat faster, my mouth dry up, and my insides clench in dread, anticipation, and hope…and anyone that knows me at all knows that would be Alistair Lowe. Predictable, anyone? I. Don’t. Care.

Alistair’s fear wasn’t for his life, but for his mind. Even the most villainous Lowe victors left the tournament changed, broken. But Alistair refused to accept such a fate. No matter how brutal, how terrible he’d need to be, he couldn’t let himself care. Not about the other champions. Not about his soul.
He needed to become the most villainous of them all.

Look, Alistair is the clear favored champion-the one everyone knows has the best chance of winning and the favorite of the tournament…but really that makes him enemy number one and everyone also hates him and wants to gang together and make him dead and cease to exist and wants to steal his family’s smarmy glory. But the fact is, though he is among the wickedest of the contenders, he is also cool, calculated, and able to see reason-which many of the champions fail to do because they trust only what they know and what they’ve been taught, they can’t read between the lines and dig deeper within themselves to see a bigger picture, a deeper picture. And what does Alistair have to lose? NOTHING. Which makes him DANGEROUS. Makes it easy for him to lean back, relax, and fight the predictable and inevitable tide of people allying against him-except one.

“Hello, rival,” he whispered.

Isobel was not only my other favorite because she was closely connected with Alistair (And I will admit I was like the Pavlov dog becoming immediately butterfly-induced by simple association, shut up), but because her chapters fit. They just fit with my mindset like Alistair’s did. Was this intentional? Were we meant to favor them? I’m sure. I wouldn’t call Al the most relatable, but he was someone you rooted for simply because others didn’t like him and obviously he was the misunderstood bad boy-obviously. But Isobel didn’t care to be a champion, she only did it to keep others out of the fray and because she is the best at magick-her cool demeanor pre-tournament and haughty confidence was enough to snare me even without the help of a certain dark, brooding bad boy. I have a type, and these two were it. I’m predictable, but in this, I’m also sane.

“You want to know something funny?” he asked. “In a choice between staying here or going home, I’d still choose here. With you.”

The other contenders were easy to read about, as well-Briony being my likely third favorite due to her positive outlook and loyalty to her optimistic cause….then there was Gavin. I see him being a fan favorite (for those who are not like me and did not fall easily for the widow-peeked, pale, genius prodigy) but I couldn’t get on board with his motives or the way he processed things. I like an underdog, which also, coincidentally, likely makes him a bad boy or tortured hero as well, but deep down he had a bit more rot, perhaps more decay, and that was harder for me to acceptThese characters are layered far more than I gave them credit for, so that makes this hard to say, but in the end I couldn’t root for him, no matter his life nor his choices. That being said, I didn’t hate his chapters nor did I skim them as I do in books where I don’t entirely cherish a character as I do my favorites-that has to be noted for these authors to understand how deeply they reached me. I am a flawed reader, but I can be won over.

Innes had called the tournament a pattern. Patterns could be disrupted.
Reid had called it a machine. Machines could be broken.
Briony had only ever thought of it as a fairy tale. But even the grandest stories eventually found their ending.

And now that I’ve rambled on for literal AGES I’ll get to the actual story-I just. For many moments in this book, I just couldn’t breathe. The heartache, the yearn, the fear, the not-knowing. And then there were so many moments, something I’m not accustomed to, where I frowned or furrowed my brow at the page, where I wondered just what I was reading and why it was assaulting my senses in such a manner. A certain blood bath, an inevitable, heinous act, the deaths, the…well…moment that may or may not have ripped my beating heart from my chest and incinerated it (and, for once, I wasn’t sure I liked it). Oh, who am I kidding-I LOVED IT, and the end, naturally. My smile-my smile couldn’t have been larger, my heart couldn’t have beat any faster, and my stomach couldn’t have been in more of a butterfly tornado. This story, it hurt me in all the best ways possible, which makes me wonder just what’s wrong with me that these are my favorite types of stories and I seek these horrendous plots out.

If he was truly a monster, then why was he so afraid?

I always say I want bad things to happen and my name even boasts peril-but I found that-when it comes down to it-I don’t actually like when terrible things happen to people. And I guess that’s not the same as ‘perilous situations’, because those rarely can always be so dire, but the actual gore of it…it gets to me. In fact, for the first time ever, my blood trigger appeared seemingly out of nowhere (this never happens when I read) and my hands went numb and I physically couldn’t hold my book and had to lay it down for a moment. I really and truly wish for the madness, then when the madness comes slowly crawling to me, I back away and cringe-I’d make a horrendous villain. Truly.

After they’d slain all the other champions-her ex-best friend among them-it would only be the two of them left. Maybe that would be months from now. Maybe it would be days. But that was what this alliance led up to. Not a kiss stolen in the dark, or a priceless gift given without being asked.
A duel.

I must say one last thing before I depart-if you’re even still here with me, reading my nonsensical rambling- I am so big on character driven books, which I think I’ve mentioned no less than five times in one way or another as I type out this review, and this is a perfect example- I don’t think this was the most action packed book, but I think where it lacked (and I say lacked for loss of a better word) in lots of action, it gained in connecting with the characters so when something happened or was mentioned, we felt instead of riding along beside it. I think this is the biggest execution flaw in some of these popular series that gain so much momentum-they win us in book one and two, then throw in so much action in book three that I personally lose interest and forget the whole series even existed when, before, my world centered around said series. So I think subtlety is key-every bad moment, every sacrifice, any betrayal, any shortcoming, they mean so much more when staring down the barrel of these characters’ wants, needs, plans, desires. We care so much MORE when the battle comes because we had time to immerse ourselves, and I think that is so important here, and perhaps why I am just so elated I had the opportunity to read this novel and go in blind before others start to talk about it (but also, what a curse).

I went on and on and on and for that I’m sorry, but these emotions have been brewing inside of me for over 24 hours and I needed to purge everything epic that is this book. These authors ensnared me with simple words and a brooding, tortured boy, but they kept me because of the choices they made, the way they shocked and surprised me at each and every turn, if only because they didn’t do the typical (and sometimes they did, further confusing me more), and the way they captured my heart and soul. That’s truly not an easy thing to do-I may bluster and boast that I love giving out 5 stars to books that make me happy, but a true five star is one that can capture my heart and wind it’s way into my daily routine, invading my thoughts even when I don’t want them to-that’s this book, and I’m so happy to be ordering a copy to support these authors as soon as I’m able-with a certain special personalization, of course ;).

*This is an uncorrected proof, so quotes are subject to change*

BOOK REVIEW: OUR VIOLENT ENDS (These Violent Delights #2) by Chloe Gong

BOOK REVIEW: OUR VIOLENT ENDS (These Violent Delights #2) by Chloe GongOur Violent Ends (These Violent Delights #2)
by Chloe Gong
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Shanghai is under siege in this captivating and searingly romantic sequel to These Violent Delights, which New York Times bestselling author Natasha Ngan calls “deliciously dark.”

The year is 1927, and Shanghai teeters on the edge of revolution.

After sacrificing her relationship with Roma to protect him from the blood feud, Juliette has been a girl on the warpath. One wrong move, and her cousin will step in to usurp her place as the Scarlet Gang’s heir. The only way to save the boy she loves from the wrath of the Scarlets is to have him want her dead for murdering his best friend in cold blood. If Juliette were actually guilty of the crime Roma believes she committed, his rejection might sting less.

Roma is still reeling from Marshall’s death, and his cousin Benedikt will barely speak to him. Roma knows it’s his fault for letting the ruthless Juliette back into his life, and he’s determined to set things right—even if that means killing the girl he hates and loves with equal measure.

Then a new monstrous danger emerges in the city, and though secrets keep them apart, Juliette must secure Roma’s cooperation if they are to end this threat once and for all. Shanghai is already at a boiling point: The Nationalists are marching in, whispers of civil war brew louder every day, and gangster rule faces complete annihilation. Roma and Juliette must put aside their differences to combat monsters and politics, but they aren’t prepared for the biggest threat of all: protecting their hearts from each other.


*Arc provided by SimonTeen in exchange for an honest review-And I literally cannot thank them enough as they have made my whole year*

“You destroy me and then you kiss me. You give me a reason to hate you and then you give me a reason to love you. Is this a lie or the truth? Is this a ploy or your heart reaching for me?”

I am going to be frank right up front: A book hasn’t caused such a deep, emotional, and visceral reaction out of me in a very long time. I eagerly awaited the moment I could dive back inside myself, immerse myself into this lush, enriched world of enemies to lovers. I lost sleep waiting and pining and anticipating what fate my beloveds were dealt…and I only had to wait a few weeks. So I can’t even imagine what my frowny French friend feels, how she deals with the wait on a daily basis. Because I have to say it-My heart couldn’t possibly have waited any longer, it had too many questions and needed far too many answers. And this author? She delivers.

Juliette was not frightened. If anything, she was only resentful-not at Roma, but at herself. At wanting to lean in even while Roma was actively trying to kill her. At this distance between them that she had willingly manufactured, because they had been born into two families at war, and she would rather die at Roma’s hand than be the cause of his death.

I am SUCH a final book snob. One minute duologies are my favorite, the next, trilogies. Then sometimes standalones. And, I have to say, standalones sometimes keep my heart the longest-though they are far and few between-because there is little margin for overthinking/overwriting/underwhelming endings. It’s all wrapped up in a neat little package all at once. But here, now, Gong has showed just how amazing and well-done a duology can be. How, if done correctly, it delivers great impact in smaller quantity. How, if she CHOSE to expand the universe, to connect with MORE people without dragging it on too long, she could easily pick a less explored side character and create a whole new spin-off without everyone already being exhausted with it (Can anyone rejoice this is, in fact, happening?). Gong restored my faith in books. She restored my faith in how I can be addicted and pine and hope for a certain path to be taken and for the author to write certain things, it not go my way (I am veryyyy picky with my romance and enemies to lovers and peril), and STILL love how it goes. Not one thing felt forced. Not one moment blemished by rushing and trying to fit everything in. It all felt real, it felt natural. That is the mark of a true author. THAT is how you create forever fans. THAT is how you CRUSH the YA world.

And with that realization, it should be no secret that Roma and Juliette own my soul. Not a week goes by that I don’t reminisce over my favorite moments between them-the what-ifs, the pain and longing and anger, the imminent danger that continually brings them together. Not a moment passes without the crescendo of chaos crashing in around them, melding into the most perfect storm raging inside my heart. These two are a couple that are so deeply rooted into one another, into me, that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget them, even for a second.

Gone are the games of book one. Blood has been shed, lines have been drawn, sides have been chosen. The masks are back in place and their hearts are no longer on their sleeves-betrayal has cut deep and Roma can’t see past the pain and heartache that Juliette has caused…he also still can’t fully believe it. Thus begins the tragic circling of one another as they have to work together-again-against a common enemy for the greater good.

He thought her a monster. He thought she had hated him the whole time, so viciously that she would destroy everything he loved, and he had to think that if he was to keep his life. Juliette refused to drag him down just because she was weak-willed.

I truly loved these two for more than their romance, though-Juliette became this girl that I loved so deeply in my heart, because even though it hurt to not see eye to eye with everyone, with her own familyshe followed her heart to do what was just and right. She cared more for her people, for her city, than she did for an ancient blood feud that had no end in sight. That didn’t allow her to be with the love of her life. She cared more for Roma, his sister, the friends she made, and even her cousins, more than something as petty as being a gang leader-in the end, love and hope and the unknown were more important than upholding a reign of terror that was shredding the city apart, piece by piece, no side truly safe.

“This is Scarlet territory.” Her words were even, but it took everything in her to keep them that way. “You forget yourself.”
Roma grew still. He stared at her, utterly unreadable as the moment drew long-long enough that Juliette almost thought he would surrender.
Only then Roma leaned into the blade instead, leaned until the metal was pressed right into his neck, one hairsbreadth away from breaking skin and drawing blood.
“Then do it,” Roma hissed. He sounded angry….He sounded pained. “Kill me.”

And Roma-He was far darker in this story and, clearly, that only made me love him more. Is this a flaw in me? No. It is the BEST part of me…I LOVE a good moral dilemma within a character, and when Juliette broke his heart, it opened a dark chasm inside of him that made him question everything he knew about the girl he had always fought side by side with. But that’s just it- he knows her inside and out-at least he thought he did, and nothing adds up. From her actions in book one to her complete lack of doing what he’d expect time and time again, she remains someone he can’t figure out. But they are enemies once again, regardless, and he needs to eliminate her. End of story. But that’s easier said than done as he misses opportunities time and again, never fully able to do what needs to be done to rest his broken soul. But once it’s done it cannot be undone, and that is what truly haunts him.

I can say without a shadow of a doubt that if someone loved book one, they are going to devour book two. The pain, the heartache, the lead up to an inevitable end…it’s so deliberately and deliciously evil that I couldn’t help but fall head over heels for each stolen moment they shared, every future within grasp but hate nipping at their heels, no one content to let them be free, and each stolen moment that slipped from my greedy claws, keeping me on my toes and pining for more-always more-in their battle to do what’s right for their city…while also selfishly trying to escape to a world where they can be free to love one another openly for the rest of their lives. I don’t know about you, but I see myself reading these books over and over until the end of time, and I don’t think I could ever find a flaw. Period.




If you don’t ever hear from me again, it’s because I drowned in a puddle of my feels. Kay bye.

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: 10 Truths and a Dare by Ashley Elston

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: 10 Truths and a Dare by Ashley Elston

I’m so excited to be on the tour for 10 Truths and a Dare! I absolutely loved and adored this story! So check out my 5 Star Review below and enter to win a copy of this book! Enjoy!♥

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: 10 Truths and a Dare by Ashley Elston10 Truths and a Dare by Ashley Elston
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This companion to Ashley Elston's beloved 10 Blind Dates follows Sophie's high-achieving cousin Olivia as she juggles last-minute P.E. credit, end-of-year parties, and a secret new romance in the chaotic week before graduation.

It's Senior Party Week, that magical in-between time after classes have ended but before graduation, chock-full of gimmicky theme parties, last-minute bonding, and family traditions. Olivia couldn't be more ready. Class salutatorian and confident in her future at LSU, she's poised to sail through to the next phase of her life.
But when the tiny hiccup of an unsigned off-campus P.E. form puts Olivia in danger of not graduating at all, she has one week to set things straight without tipping off her very big and very nosy extended family.

Volunteering to help at a local golf tournament should do it, but since Olivia's mom equipped her phone with a tracking app, there'll be no hiding the fact that she's at the golf course instead of all the graduation parties happening at the same time. Unless, that is, she can convince the Fab Four--her ride-or-die cousins and best friends Sophie, Charlie, and Wes--to trade phones with her as they go through the motions of playing Olivia for the week.

Praise for 10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston:
2020 ALA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers Top Ten Title
2020 Florida Teens Read Book List

"POSITIVELY DELIGHTFUL—all caps—from beginning to end."—NPR

"This piece-by-piece romance doesn't need its Christmas theme to sell, but it makes it glitter all the more."—Booklist

"A fun story of finding love, getting to know yourself, and getting to know your family."—Kirkus Reviews

"In a funny holiday romance that has Sophie dog-sitting in a hockey rink, watching porn at a drive-in theater, and playing the Virgin Mary in a middle school Nativity, Elston cleverly reflects the family members' personalities through their choices of dates for Sophie."—Publishers Weekly


10 Truths and a Dare was impossible not to devour in one sitting!  Charm, humor, family, friendship and romance were laced throughout the pages and I loved every minute of it.  If you’re looking for a beachy read or a feel good, heart-warming story then this is the book for you!  It became an instant favorite and I have a feeling fans of YA romance will fall in love with 10 Truths and a Dare too.

Truth #1: If something happens but your nonna doesn’t find out about it and tell the whole family, then it didn’t really happen

I had already fallen madly in love with these characters in 10 Blind Dates.  Oh how I have missed this huge family and their dynamics, I love them so much!  In this story, it’s senior week and Olivia is ready to celebrate with all of her classmates before she gives her speech as their salutatorian.  Yet there’s one tiny problem.  Olivia is short a half credit, from her off campus PE class, and can’t graduate without it.  With the help of her best friends, surely she can make it up.  Yet what unfolds is definitely more challenging than she ever thought it would be!

Remember that time Olivia almost didn’t graduate because she screwed up golf?  Four years whittled down to one sentence.
This will not be my legacy.

I loved Olivia with my whole heart.  She was kind, thoughtful, loved her family and was so relatable.  She sometimes stacked too much on her plate, but she always had her best friends at her side to cheer her on.  With her mom out of town, and constantly tracking Olivia’s every move on her phone, she needed help babysitting her phone while she made up her credit at the golf course.  Her cousins Charlie and Sophie, along with Sophie’s boyfriend/Charlie’s best friend Wes stepped in to help Olivia with her problem.

“This is a bad idea,” I say, when Sophie’s car pulls away from the curb.
“We’re full of bad ideas. So what’s one more?”

Olivia, Charlie, Sophie and Wes were the Fab Four and I loved their connection.  Their moments together reminded me of the comfort I get watching my favorite show Friends.  They just felt like home to me and were so real.  Their love and friendship for each other ran so deep; they always had each other’s backs.  Their moments together had me laughing out loud and I couldn’t stop smiling.  This group was SO much fun and each one of them easily captured my heart!

“I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t driving me nuts that I’m keeping your secret but I don’t know why.” His voice is a near whisper.
My eyes stay glued to my phone. “I’m okay with you lying.”
I have a smirk. I can feel it. I cannot make it go away.

And then there was Leo.  He was a family friend to Olivia’s evil twin cousins.  So even though I was intrigued by him, he willingly associated with them.  If you’ve read 10 Blind Dates you’ll understand my animosity towards her twin cousins, the drive-in….I just can’t even lol.  So Leo should feel tainted, right?!  But oh my goodness you guys, I loved Leo.  He captured my heart so easily.  He gave me butterflies and I couldn’t help smiling anytime he was near.  That’s all I’m saying, but I dare you not to fall for Leo!

Dare #1: Tell the truth

10 Truths and a Dare touched a piece of my heart.  This story was filled with warmth and love, but I also had tears too.  I loved how this story unfolded, I loved all of the emotions it pulled from me and I loved watching Olivia grow.  I finished this book in one sitting and it easily sailed onto my favorites list.  I can’t recommend it enough!

L: Maybe I’ll see you when he’s not around
She’s probably going to kill me for this.
ME:Come find me later – Charlie with Olivia’s phone haha

PS I would love for Charlie to have his own story!  I don’t want to say goodbye to these characters.  And the moments we got to spend with Charlie, like when he was watching over Olivia’s phone, he leaped from the pages!  Keeping my fingers crossed!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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About Ashley Elston:

Ashley Elston is the author of several novels including: 10 Blind Dates (a Top Ten ALA Quick Pick and the companion to this book), The Rules for Disappearing (a finalist in the Best Young Adult Novel category of the International Thriller Writers Thriller Awards), This Is Our Story, and The Lying Woods. She has a liberal arts degree from Louisiana State University in Shreveport and worked for many years as a wedding photographer before turning her hand to writing. Ashley lives in Shreveport with her husband and three sons. For more information about Ashley and her books, please visit www.ashleyelston.com.

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3 winners will receive a finished copy of 10 TRUTHS AND A DARE, US Only.

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Tour Schedule:

Week One:


The Book View


Week Two:


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YA Books Central



Fire and Ice



BookHounds YA



YA Book Nerd



Lifestyle of Me



Moonlight Rendezvous


Week Three:











Amani’s Reviews






Eli to the nth



Emelie’s Books


Week Four:


Kait Plus Books



Zainey Laney















two points of interest


Week Five:


Book Briefs






Star-Crossed Book Blog






Rajiv’s Reviews



Do You Dog-ear?



Books and Zebras


Week Six:


My Fictional Oasis





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