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BOOK REVIEW: Immortal Fire (Red Winter Trilogy #3) by Annette Marie

BOOK REVIEW: Immortal Fire (Red Winter Trilogy #3) by Annette MarieImmortal Fire (Red Winter Trilogy #3)
by Annette Marie
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Once, Emi believed the heavenly gods were righteous and wise, while the earthly yokai spirits were bloodthirsty and evil. But with a traitorous deity poised to destroy her world, and the yokai standing as humanity's only defense, the lies of her upbringing have toppled to reveal a far more terrifying reality.

Despite the looming threat, Emi can't escape her greatest distraction: Shiro, the fox yokai who has so deftly claimed her heart for his own. Soon—too soon—she will have to break the curse that binds his magic and memories. And once the ancient power inside him awakens, the yokai she loves will be changed forever.

As the earthly gods gather to wage war against the heavens, Emi and Shiro must gamble everything to turn the tide against their immortal, all-powerful foes. Together, they will find a way to save her world—even if it means losing each other.


*Buddy read with Sophie @ Beware of the Reader and Raven @ Dreamy Addictions*

Immortal Fire was an epic conclusion to a thrilling trilogy!  I devoured every page and yet at the same time, I wanted to slow down and savor every moment.  I became so attached to these characters, I didn’t want my time to end with them.  With twists, sacrifice, love and friendship flowing throughout the pages, this book was impossible to put down.  I can’t ever recommend this trilogy enough!  Here are a few reasons why you should pick up this book….

“Now that I’ve finally found you, why must I lose you?” His torment cut through her, rending her heart. “Every instinct I possess demands that I protect you, that I save you. But I can’t. I can’t stop this.”

The story:

Shiro drew her up and, for a single instant among the chaos, he crushed her against his chest, his face in her hair. Somehow her arms were around his neck, and she held him just as tightly, knowing it was their final embrace, their final moment together. There would be no more time for farewells.

Immortal Fire was a beautiful and deadly tale.  There were lots of obstacles in their way.  So I kept finding myself with sweaty palms.  I didn’t always feel like I knew what was going to happen next and I’d get so nervous it felt like my stomach was tied up in knots.  So of course I kept finding myself gasping out loud.  And again there were elements to the story that creeped me out.  The kanashibari…ugh *shudders*.  With an action packed story and some epic battles, this book had it all.


The characters:

“Saving my life won’t earn you Amaterasu’s forgiveness!” She shouted the words, her hands clenching with sudden fury. “I would rather die fighting than give up!”
His dark eyes widened.

Emi was perseverance.  No matter how bleak the situation was, she kept trying.  And even though it felt like sometimes she didn’t even get two second to breathe, and I was terrified for her, she kept going.  I loved how much she continued to grow and how much she was capable of thinking on her feet!

“Command me, Emi.”
This time, her heart didn’t stumble. It soared. How casually, how confidently he ordered her to rule him. Without restriction, without hesitation or doubt, he’d demanded she ask him for anything she wanted. Anything she desired.
A shiver ran through her. Before she could think, before she even realized she was speaking, the words slipped from her traitorous tongue.
“Kiss me.”

Shiro was the ultimate book boyfriend.  He was always thoughtful of Emi.  And I loved how he always listened to her.  How he always chose her.  And even when he was possessive of her.  I’ve said it before, but the lengths Shiro would go to protect Emi made my heart soar.  Add in the fact that he made me laugh and had so much wisdom and insight.  Sigh.  I loved everything about Shiro.

He staggered back a step, holding his hands away from her as though he had no idea how an embrace worked. She pressed her face against his shoulder, tears streaking her cheeks.
“Thank you, Yumei,” she choked.
“She’s crying,” he growled at Shiro.
“Try returning her embrace,” Shiro said with a snicker. “That might help.”

Yumei was the truest of friends to Emi and Shiro, even if he would never acknowledge it lol!    He was still cunning, cut throat and wickedly handsome, yet friendship entered his heart.  And I loved seeing how much he would do to help his friends in need.  With darkness radiating around him and never knowing what he was thinking, I loved watching Yumei in this story.  He could be so matter of fact and he made me laugh.  But I loved how protective Yumei was of Emi and Shiro and I’m hoping he gets his own story some day!


The ending:

“I would have kept you forever, little miko.” His words were soft, almost soundless. “I would have taken you with me wherever the tides of time carried us, and I would have loved you until the very end.”

That ending was beyond epic.  If you love happily ever afters, then you’re in for a treat with this series.  It was an extremely rough path to get there.  It even made me shed some tears and all out cry.  Multiple times.  But that ending was everything my heart could ever want!

“You realize you’re mine now, don’t you?” he growled. “I am keeping you. Forever.”

Immortal Fire was an emotional tale that continually pulled at my heart.  Especially since there was a love story that felt forbidden and star crossed.  They were truly doomed from the start, but I still held out so much hope for Emi and Shiro.  But it helped that there were humor in moments you wouldn’t expect.  I loved how the hidden smiles and laughter could be found in this story.  Especially since sacrifice felt like a strong theme in this book.  So just know that I closed Immortal Fire on cloud 9 and I can’t ever recommend this series enough.

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers) & Book Depository (click on book #)

Red Winter


Dark Tempest #2

Immortal Fire   #3


BOOK REVIEW: Dark Tempest (Red Winter Trilogy #2) by Annette Marie

BOOK REVIEW: Dark Tempest (Red Winter Trilogy #2) by Annette MarieDark Tempest (Red Winter Trilogy #2)
by Annette Marie
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Emi has dedicated her life to becoming the perfect vessel for the goddess Amaterasu, but the insidious betrayal of another deity has changed everything. Now Amaterasu has charged Emi with an urgent mission: to find and free the earthly gods before mankind is brought to its knees beneath divine tyranny.

At her side is Shiro, the mysterious fox spirit. When she first saved his life, she could never have imagined that behind his cunning and confidence, he was lost--his power bound by a devastating curse and his memories obscured. His veiled history is somehow tied to the missing gods, but he can't remember how or why.

As their search leads them into the murky depths of the spirit realm, the shadows of Shiro's past begin to emerge. With each brief awakening of his true self, she loses a little more of him. The fate of the heavens and earth rest in her mortal hands, and she must find the missing gods before time runs out for her world--and for Shiro.


*Buddy read with Sophie @ Beware of the Reader and Raven @ Dreamy Addictions*


Dark Tempest was a lush and vivid story and in this second installment, the ante was upped even more!  There was adventure, it was action packed and there were so many impossible hurdles in their way.  Yet there were moments that made me laugh, smile and melt into a puddle.  This book had it all!  Here are some of my favorite reasons why you should pick up this series…..

✮ An intricate story line that held me in it’s clutches:

“Does it get easier when you live a long time?” she whispered, a tear slipping down her cheek. “Or does pain still cause the same suffering? Does regret still make it hard to breathe?”

Nervous energy fitted through me as I read Dark Tempest and I found myself laughing because I was so excited with how it kept playing out. Pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, yet they kept coming up against impossible feats.  So yes I had sweaty palms and was extremely nervous in some moments.  Other times it was eerie, creepy or my claustrophobic self was freaking out.  I even screamed out loud, much to the dismay of my husband sleeping next to me.  And towards the end of the book, I even had tears in my eyes.  It’s just that I was completely immersed in their world. Nothing existed around me except Emi, Shiro and their story.


✮ An Unlikely Team:

Emi didn’t move as he stopped beside her and gazed down with those solid silver eyes. A shiver of fear ran down her spine.
Then he extended his hand to her.
“Today, we claim victory.” His ever-unreadable expression softened fractionally. “Well fought, Emi.”
Her breath caught. He had actually called her by name. She managed an exhausted smile as she reached up to take his hand. – Yumei

A kitsune, a Tengu and a mortal girl.  They couldn’t be more different if they tried.  Yet Shiro, Yumei and Emi made an unlikely but strong team. It took them a while to get there, but I loved watching their journey.  I loved each trial that pushed them closer together, that had them working as a team.  They had to find trust.  They had to have hope.  And I loved that they made me laugh at times.  We added two more to this group, as the story progressed, and I loved seeing how it all played out.


✮ A Great Love That Can’t Be, Yet I Still Hold Out Hope:

“Say the words, Emi,” he breathed. “Tell me you don’t want me.”
Eyes wide, she trembled, unable to speak, unable to think. He was telling her what to say, but she couldn’t say it. She didn’t want to.
“Shiro.” She wasn’t sure what she’d intended to say, but his name came out in a pleading whisper and even she could hear the longing in it.
That was all the answer he needed.

Throughout Red Winter, Shiro and Emi had been through so many trials and tribulations that it all felt so effortless for them to help each other now. Their relationship progressed and the trust that was there was built on a solid foundation.  And even though Shiro and Emi weren’t together, because they couldn’t risk the future, it still all felt so monumental.  What they sacrificed for each other.  The lengths they would go to protect one another.  It was beautiful.  Plus their their banter was fabulous.  I kept hoping for their HEA, but with the revelations in this book, my heart will keep trying to find hope.


✮ A Heroine We Can Respect:

His hand closed on her sleeve. “You have to run.”
“Not without you. Get up, Shiro.”
“Emi …” His eyes lost focus entirely and his eyelids drooped.
As she sucked in a panicked gasp, she realized how slow his breathing was. “Get up, Shiro!”

Emi was given an impossible task from Amaterasu.  She was to find the other Kunitsukami, the earthly gods, and free them since Izanami had imprisoned them.  On top of that, she had to fight for others to believe her.  To trust her and her judgement.  And I loved how she earned allies and others respect.  I loved that she refused to back down and that she found her voice.  And I loved that she stood up for what she thought was right.  Emi was brave, fierce and I was so proud of her and for how much she grew!


✮ A Hero I Love:

“I don’t know how I’ll feel about anything when my memories return.” His arms tightened around her. “But I know I fear losing you more than anything that might befall me.”
Tears stung her eyes. “Shiro …”
He would lose her no matter what. She was destined to die, to be consumed by Amaterasu in only a few short weeks.

Even though Shiro’s past and memories were still bound, he always felt larger than life to me.  Shiro was oh so cocky and I loved the fire inside of him.  He could be fierce and lethal when he needed to be.  And I loved how he was always protective of Emi.  His actions and intent always showed he cared.  Plus there were so many little details that tugged at my heart…..like I adored that he called her little miko, and I loved when he called her Emi, since it was so rare.  Shiro continued to capture my heart.

From within the shadows of his gaze, something ancient looked out at her, something wise and cunning and dangerous. Something that whispered to her and called to her soul.

With snowy, winter vibes and magical places that set the scene, I absolutely loved this second book!  And while there was a huge revelation, that I guessed in the first book, there were so many aspects to this story that kept me on my toes.  These characters have my heart and even though I didn’t talk about him above, I love Yumei.  Yumei was still brutal, harsh and seemed to have no remorse at times.  Yet he captured a piece of mind heart too.  I couldn’t wait to see what happened in the final book, and I’m so thankful I was able to drive right in.  And just in case you can’t tell, I definitely recommend this series!

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers) & Book Depository (click on book #)

Red Winter


Dark Tempest #2

Immortal Fire   #3


BOOK REVIEW: Red Winter (Red Winter Trilogy #1) by Annette Marie

BOOK REVIEW: Red Winter (Red Winter Trilogy #1) by Annette MarieRed Winter (Red Winter Trilogy #1)
by Annette Marie
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Emi is the kamigakari. In a few short months, her life as a mortal will end and her new existence as the human host of a goddess will begin. Carefully hidden from those who would destroy her, she has prepared her mind, body, and soul to unite with the goddess—and not once has she doubted her chosen fate.

Shiro is a yokai, a spirit of the earth, an enemy of the goddess Emi will soon host. Mystery shrouds his every move and his ruby eyes shine with cunning she can’t match and dares not trust. But she saved his life, and until his debt is paid, he is hers to command—whether she wants him or not.

On the day they meet, everything Emi believes comes undone, swept away like snow upon the winter wind. For the first time, she wants to change her fate—but how can she erase a destiny already wrought in stone? Against the power of the gods, Shiro is her only hope … and hope is all she has left.


*Buddy read with Sophie @ Beware of the Reader and Raven @ Dreamy Addictions*

Do you promise?
She squeezed her eyes shut, fighting tears. Yes, she would remember him until her last day.

Red Winter was a beautiful mythology tale that had the most addictive slow burn romance.  With magic and lies filling the pages, I found myself desperately hunting for little clues here and there to see what the bigger picture was.  And with action that kept me glued to the pages, I was so invested in this story that I actually jumped during one moment.  So if you’re looking for a new mythology book to pick up or if you love fantasy then definitely add this series to your tbr!

Her entire life had been forged by a terrible lie, and there was nothing she could do to change her fate.

Red Winter slowly unfolded and the world was setup before our eyes.  We learned about the mythology, got a strong sense of the world’s culture and the different roles people played.  It was all so new to me, I’ve never read a book with Asian mythology before.  Emi was our main heroine and it took me a while to warm up to her since she was so pure and selfless.  She had spent her life, since she was eight years old, making her body the perfect vessel.  One of their gods would descend into her body during this winter solstice.  Emi sacrificed so much from food to family to finding love, all in the name of her God.  She was so devote and it almost felt like I didn’t know the true her.

His amusement at her terror sparked a tiny surge of anger. “Let me go!”
“Ah, little miko, didn’t anyone ever tell you not to run from yokai?” His deep, purring voice sent a shiver across her skin. He leaned down as his hand on her throat forced her head back. He brushed his nose along her jaw, from her chin up to her ear. “It’s the surest way to make us pounce,” he whispered, his breath tickling her ear.

While we slowly started to learn some of the truths, my connection to Emi grew stronger.  I was shocked at what unfolded, just like her.  I loved when she started to let her emotions out and take a stand for herself.  My respect and love grew for her and I was infatuated watching her transformation.  I felt like I finally knew Emi inside and out, it was brilliant how it all unfolded.  Emi became a resilient and brave woman who I respected.  

“Actions count,” she rasped. “Not intentions.”
“Not to yokai,” he murmured. “Actions change our course, influence our futures, but intentions define us, empower us. Without intent, we are nothing.”

By around 20%, the story picked up and I was completely captivated.  Emily made one decision that took her on an entirely different path.  And when the fox stepped into the picture, I couldn’t stop reading.  The fox was a yokai, who were sometimes perceived as monsters and demons.  Emi shouldn’t have helped him.  Yet she did, since he protected her first.  From there, this book took us on a wild and crazy ride that had me completely addicted.

He stopped, ruby gaze returning to the fading stars. “Because you are more to me now. Because you keep secrets like a kami and I’m curious what you hide. Because you are lonely and scared and I don’t understand why. Because you trust me when you know you shouldn’t. Because I believe you when you say you will keep your word.”
She stared at him, unfamiliar emotions tightening her throat. Her pulse beat in her ears. “Shiro …”

Shiro, the fox, had me obsessed.  He seemed to have good in him but his instincts and who he was countered that.  But he made me laugh with his nonchalance and actions.  And I loved that he could be brash and that he didn’t follow proper procedures for the world Emi lived in.  Shiro went by his own set of rules, he felt wild and enchanting.  But he kept so many of his thoughts to himself.  Even when Shiro was seductive and methodical, I always desperately wanted to known what he was thinking.  I loved Shiro with my whole heart and was easily obsessed with him.

Touching him was forbidden. Kissing him was forbidden. Wanting him was forbidden.
Her fingers brushed over his lips and his warm breath tickled her hand, sending tingles rushing up her arm.

Red Winter captured me in it’s spell and was completely enchanting.  Curse, lies and deception filled the pages and I fell wildly in love with this story and the characters.  One of my other favorite characters was Yumei.  I don’t want to say much about him other than I was kept on my toes in regards to my thoughts about him!  Ohhhh this book also had the most gorgeous drawings!  So yes, I definitely recommend this series.  I’ve already binged this trilogy and just know that each book gets even more addictive than the last!

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers) & Book Depository (click on book #)

Red Winter


Dark Tempest #2

Immortal Fire   #3


BOOK REVIEW: Lore by Alexandra Bracken

BOOK REVIEW: Lore by Alexandra BrackenLore by Alexandra Bracken
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From the #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Darkest Minds comes a sweepingly ambitious, high-octane tale of power, destiny, love and redemption.

Every seven years, the Agon begins. As punishment for a past rebellion, nine Greek gods are forced to walk the earth as mortals, hunted by the descendants of ancient bloodlines, all eager to kill a god and seize their divine power and immortality.
Long ago, Lore Perseous fled that brutal world in the wake of her family's sadistic murder by a rival line, turning her back on the hunt's promises of eternal glory. For years she's pushed away any thought of revenge against the man--now a god--responsible for their deaths.

Yet as the next hunt dawns over New York City, two participants seek out her help: Castor, a childhood friend of Lore believed long dead, and a gravely wounded Athena, among the last of the original gods.

The goddess offers an alliance against their mutual enemy and, at last, a way for Lore to leave the Agon behind forever. But Lore's decision to bind her fate to Athena's and rejoin the hunt will come at a deadly cost--and still may not be enough to stop the rise of a new god with the power to bring humanity to its knees.

*Note that these quotes come from an uncorrected eARC and are subject to change upon publication.*

“I know my fate,” she whispered to him.
And I will change yours.

I’ll tell you what, Alexandra Bracken never ceases to amaze me with how well she writes. I may not always entire love the story, but writing wraps me up and has me feeling things throughout the entire span of the novel.

This one in particular was not exactly what I had expected….and that’s to say that I guess I didn’t even entirely know what to expect other than this was going to be pretty heavy on the Greek mythology. While I’m no expert by any means, I have always had an interest and appreciation for it and I am an AVID reader of Lore Olympus on Webtoon (sorry Castor, I have an unapologetic hate for Apollo from that, lol). So, that being said, even though I personally didn’t remember what every god and goddess stood for, or what great deeds each hero had accomplished, I really enjoyed doing my own research as each character arrived on the page. Even if I wouldn’t have, there is enough information and context clues that that wouldn’t have really been necessary, anyway. I’m just a tru librarian to my core and always need to know more, more, more.

“It’s a good thing, then,” Iro said with a small smile, “that neither of us has ever been afraid of a fight.”
She opened the door, only to turn back. “By the way, that sword has a name. Makhomai.”
I make war.

Lore smiled.

The biggest part of this story that I didn’t expect was just how fucking VIOLENT it was going to be. Now, I’ve talked about this a lot with Chelsea, and both of us has said that ever since we’ve had kids, we can’t read the same thing as we used to. This, I think????, was a prime example of this. Since it’s in the summary, I’m not spoiling anything by saying her family dies a brutal death. Now, this may sound bad but if It had just been her mom and dad, I think I could have been okay….but no. It was also her two LITTLE SISTERS. Not going to get into it because it makes me sick to my stomach even thinking about but I will just say that the sheer violence that continually crops up in this book is hard to read.

Bracken does not shy away from details and I could vividly picture each death, each cut, each blow. It just got to be a lot for me and that really took a little bit away from the story for me (honestly though I should have known better and prepared, Ancient Greek was savage and we all know it).

Alone. She was alone…
“Stay with me.” Lore let out a choked cry, sobbing for breath and relief at the crush of it all. Don’t leave me…
They didn’t.
She felt her family around her–the soothing touch of them, brushing her cheeks, wrapping around her center. And beyond them, the presence of unseen eyes.

Other than that though the only thing that tripped me up was the fact that in my head this wasn’t a standalone so I wasn’t picturing everything wrapping up so neatly at the end, lol. Also my bad.

ANYWAY, let’s get on to the good stuff. The characters. It shouldn’t surprise you when I say she wrote an excellent leading lady (Lore), a best friend I wish I had (Miles), and ~the~ love interest (Castor). Also many other great supporting characters, AND villains (hooooo let me tell you that betrayal fucking STUNGGGG), but the mains are my favorite of course. I do wish we could have gotten a little more of Lore and Castor…I don’t know…happy interacting in the present??? but I lived. Still many heart-pounding, butterfly inducing moments.

The story, as I said, wraps up neatly by the end and while I at first was like waittttt, this was too easy??? I’ve been thinking about it more and I’m like nooo, girl. Lore has seen SO MUCH death. She needed an ending like that. I also liked the ongoing mention of the Fates and the talk and dwelling on what people are fated to become and how fate can’t be changed and how Lore at the end finally thinks to herself “There was nothing fated. Lore had not been chosen for this; she had chosen to come here herself. Every step she’d made, every mistake, had led her here.” I just think that was such a HUGE moment for her to realize that her life DIDN’T have to be ruled by these crazy ass gods/goddesses or the Agon. She made her own decisions and could be the person that she chose to be. Ahhh gives me shivers just thinking about it.

So, overall. I did really enjoy this but sadly my tender heart can’t take the violence anymore and I had to take a star off. Totally a personal preference (but it does also make me wonder if this is really being marketing for YA lolll).

“You may be a god,” she told him, relishing the sight of his struggle. “But I’m the Persides.”

Huge thanks to NetGalley and Disney-Hyperion for allowing me to read an eARC of this novel in exchange for my honest feedback.♥

BOOK REVIEW: The Brightest Night (Origin #3) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

BOOK REVIEW: The Brightest Night (Origin #3) by Jennifer L. ArmentroutThe Brightest Night (Origin #3)
by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
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He is the darkest star.
She is the burning shadow.
And together, they will bring about the brightest night.

Less than a year ago, Evelyn Dasher was a normal girl, living a safe, rather unremarkable life―a life that was a total lie. Now she’s learned the truth about who she was and what she is.

Hidden within Zone 3, she knows that if she loses control of her dangerous abilities again, she not only puts everyone in the secret community at risk, but also the beautiful, deadly inhuman Luc. He will do anything to keep her safe. Lie. Barter. Beg. Kill.

But there are truths that not even Luc can prepare for, and as Evie’s abilities evolve, the consequences of everything he’s done turn devastating.

Luc is stepping into the darkness. But Evie might already be lost to the shadows.


We just all have a little bit of a monster inside of us. How could we not when we love someone like we do?

The Brightest Night was breathtakingly emotional and beautifully captivating.  From that very first page, I was pulled right into their world and couldn’t put this book down.  Love, friendships, action, ghosts from the past, and scenes so emotional that tears poured down my face splashed across the pages.  If you’re a fan of Jennifer L Armentrout, the Lux Series or Paranormal/Sci-Fi stories then definitely add this one to your tbr!  I can’t recommend this book and series enough!

We had no idea what was going to happen from hour to hour, and I just wanted the beauty of this, of him, of us together, and there wasn’t a single thing wrong with that.

The Brightest Night started exactly where The Burning Shadow ended.  Evie and Luc were in Zone 3 with all of our favorites.  I was shocked learning the scope of what Evie was and what the Daedalas planned to do.  But I wish someone would have said, just hold on because that’s nothing.  What’s to come in this book will blow your mind!  I gasped multiple times, screamed NO so loud I woke up my husband and even stared at a wall because I couldn’t believe something happened.  Many truths come to pass, and each one rocked me more than the previous one.  The way this book unfolded was absolutely brilliant!

“Well, that’s kind of offensive. I’m totally trustworthy,” Luc argued. “And I give great gifts.”
Daemon crossed his arms. “You once tried to gift Kat and me a llama because, according to you and literally no one else, they’d make a great family pet for a baby.”
Luc’s smile turned thoughtful. “They will protect a herd—”
“A lone child is not a herd, Luc,” Daemon sighed.

At the core of this story is Luc, Evie and so many people errr Aliens, Hybrids and Origins whom we love from not only this series, but The Lux Series too.  The happy moments had me flying so high.  I loved watching their lives unfold, catching up with everyone and I laughed more times than I can count.  I even had happy tears over some of their moments together.  They felt like a big family that would pull together at times for one another.  It all warmed my heart.  And yes we even got to hear more of Luc’s fabulous cheesy pick-up lines ha!  But I’m thankful for all of these happy moments, because there were also ones that shattered my heart.

I was something they thought they could use to take over the world, then why couldn’t I be used to fight back?

I couldn’t shake this feeling that I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.  So I was extremely nervous for Evie at times.  I was terrified how her power would affect her, but I loved watching her grow in leaps and bounds.  I was so proud of Evie for learning more about herself, her abilities and even how she interacted with Luc.  She was someone I respected and could look up to.  It became even more obvious how she had captured Luc’s heart so easily.

“I loved you before I even knew what that meant, and I loved you even when you were gone, and I loved you when you became someone else,” he said— pleaded, really. “And I fell even more in love with you when you walked through the doors of Foretoken. I’ve never stopped loving you. I never will.”

Luc was the ultimate book boyfriend!  He was fierce, deadly, and would do whatever it took to protect those he loves.  There’s literally nothing he won’t do to protect Evie.  But on the other side, he could be so calm and collected with her.  His patience, gentleness, and the amount of affection and love he showed her melted my heart.  Luc was sexy, intense, passionate and most definitely sigh worthy.  And when he was with Evie, they felt like the ultimate power couple.  I loved how they talked and confided with each other.  It felt like even if the world was falling apart around them, they would still be standing by each other’s side.

His forehead pressed to mine. “I need to forget that we’re both stained with your blood.”
Closing my eyes on a shuddering breath, I cupped his cheeks. “You have me.”
Luc kissed me, and there was nothing slow or tentative about the way his mouth moved or how his lips parted mine. The kiss deepened, and there was an edge of desperation to it, a hint of lingering fear.

I can’t say more than what I have, but just know that The Brightest Night will keep readers hooked and has a heart stopping ending!  That ending was powerful and shook me to my core!  So if you love fierce and loyal characters, a story line that has tons of heart, and moments that will make you laugh, smile and cry, then you definitely need to pick up this series.  Now I’m patiently waiting until we can see how the series ends with the next book!  I can’t wait!

He pulled out a sour apple Blow Pop. “The Daedalus have more like her, and when they decide to break up this little militia you have going on here, even someone who isn’t particularly intelligent would know what a good idea it would be to have her on their side.”
The world just stopped spinning on its axis. Pigs were flying. Santa was real. Hell had even frozen over.

PS I love Grayson’s love of blow pops!

Love was the thunder in our hearts, the lightning in our veins, and it was what kept us together where we landed, even after our skin had begun to cool and our breaths had slowed.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

Reading Order & Links:
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The Darkest Star #1

The Burning Shadow   #2


The Brightest Night

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