by Sophie Davis
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**ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**
So…I was really excited about this one. I got it on my Ipad and immediately put it in front of other ARCs to read…but it just didn’t work for me. It didn’t seem to be bad at first, and as a whole, the story actually was pretty well thought out and fun. But as the dialogue started to drag and I began to lose interest (rather quickly), I started to realize that perhaps this was not A) What I was in the mood for and B) At all what I expected it to be. But, as I said before, I think the story as a whole had a lot of potential and this leads me to believe that this is, in fact, my perception of the story and that many people will love it.
Talia wants revenge on the man who killed her family-Ian Crane. She has a talent to both open the mind of others and open her mind in return. She is dating Donovan, the head of the Academy she will be attending’s son. I loved their little bubble they hung out in at first, but as the story started to expand and the cute little moments became repetitive, I began losing interest. It was adorable when they were together, sure, but it wasn’t altogether gripping paired with the story as a whole. It would say that Talia and her team were going out to train and then all of a sudden the next night would be there in a flash, or maybe I had began to zone out so frequently that I didn’t realize. I just don’t like when scenes aren’t played out for me and I can’t become immersed in the world, and I felt this happened more than once with this one.
There was also an extra love interest, Erik, who was her right hand man and teammate. Now, I did love their scenes together and I even still loved Donovan. This book made me want more, but also had me backing away. At the moment, I can’t seem to find a reason to continue because I was so put off by the cheesy dialogue between Penny and Talia, the cliched moments when Donovan got jealous (that scene could have been epic-I love jealous scenes), and altogether my lack of love for the story, but, I really see myself coming back and attempting a re read in the future because this book/series holds so much promise. By the time the action and peril got to the story, I felt like I didn’t care and it was too late…but maybe next time I can find the love I didn’t have this time and fully immerse myself into their world.
It didn’t work out for me this time, but next time I hope to be able to appreciate the action brought forth from this story and hopefully be able to love what this author has created. It is loved by countless others and I hope to join them in that love some day. But, for now, I will put this series down and take a breather.
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