BOOK REVIEW – The 100 (The Hundred #1) by Kass MorganThe 100 (The Hundred #1)
by Kass Morgan
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**ARC kindly provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

Well, that was not what I expected-at all. This has such a low rating and only a small amount of people liked it. I find that I am in the group that found enjoyment out of this. No, it wasn’t a completely action packed dystopian and no there wasn’t a TON that went on, but I guess, for once, the romance was enough.

It would be better to lie. His father would have an easier time believing that Wells had been carrying out a dare. Or perhaps he could try to pretend he had been on drugs. Either of those scenarios would be more palatable to the Chancellor than the truth-that he’d risked everything for a girl.

Some people immediately disregard ARC reviews because they likely feel that we are stretching the truth so we can receive more copies in exchange for our ‘honest’ thoughts-well, I can assure anyone who reads this-I am always honest. I may sometimes not 100% know which solid star to stick with, because there are a lot of gray areas for me, but I always say what I feel in my reviews-I have rated so many books five stars only to add a couple paragraphs of what bothered me with the story, because not many stories are perfect.

But, I can say with all honesty, while this book isn’t going on my favorites shelf, I still got very excited to pick it back up again when I was separated from it. That’s saying something, especially with an ARC these days.

Now, there are literally four, yes four, POVs in this book. I do think there could have been less, but it never truly bothered me that there were so many. I do, however, know I had a favorite duo to follow and that their story engrossed me the most. I would get so excited when either Clarke or Wells were the narrators and I became so obsessed with their love story. I can’t help it! I adored them as a couple and I loved the emotional angst separating them for reasons I cannot say. Wells sacrificed everything to be one of ‘The 100’ sent to Earth so he could protect Clarke, and I fell for him the minute he admitted this. I also love how his ‘sacrifice’ came full circle at the end-so fun.

Humans had abandoned Earth during its darkest hour. It wouldn’t care how many died trying to return.

What I didn’t like was how Clarke blamed and treated Wells. In fact, after a certain point (again, can’t say when), it infuriated me. Screw you, Clarke-for real. And if I had to choose a POV to cut out, it would definitely be Bellamy. Not because he isn’t a good character, but he caused problems that really angered me. I’ve got my eye on you, Bells. And finally, Glass. I didn’t know how I felt about her character until about the 50% mark. Her story was almost as heartbreaking as Clarke and Wells’s…almost. I felt for these characters and I cared what happened to them. I didn’t expect that when I picked this one up, but I did, and I’m glad I could connect with so many characters in one single story.

He was being ridiculous, he knew. The rain was only water, and there was no such thing as a fresh start. That was the thing about secrets-you had to carry them with you forever, no matter what the cost.

No, this won’t resonate with everyone and yes, it is most likely an amazing television series. I know for a fact I will be tuning into the good old CW to see what’s up with the TV show because even as I was reading I could see all the turmoil and romantic angles that would make a fantastic plot for the show. It will be pretty awesome, I think. But, in all honesty, I do see how people would be angry this is more a romantic plot than a perilistic plot-I do. But, lucky for me, I knew going in that it was all (mostly) romance and was okay with that. For the most part, I really enjoyed this story and am actually excited to start book two. I have no clue what it’s about, but I guess I’ll soon find out.

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