by Barry Lyga
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Jazz Dent has never been closer to catching his father.
And beyond Billy? Something much, much worse. Prepare to meet...the Crow King.
From acclaimed author Barry Lyga comes the shocking conclusion to the bestselling I Hunt Killer trilogy
These days, we reviewers are often asked how we choose our ratings. For the sake of transparency, I’m going to let you enter my brain a few minutes. Don’t be scared, as I already said, I don’t always bite. Nothing that I recall, anyway.
Creeped out yet? Good.
► Let’s strike an average, shall we?
▣ You don’t say! Thriller and surprise factor : ★★★ – Although I did guess some parts of the big scheme (ME! The thriller dumb!) I stayed blind on several things (What? You really thought I would see it coming like some other reviewers? Huh-ho, nope, I’m not that good). Above all that, it can seem strange for a thriller but in my opinion, in my experience as a reader flowing through this book, I just didn’t care at all of what I could guess, because that wasn’t the point. What interested me was seeing the characters – Jazz, Billy, Connie, Hughes, even – and following them to see how far they would go to succeed in their quests. Can we lose a piece of ourselves when we take a decision? Do our actions define what we are? Or is it more complicated than that? Tell me? Who gets to make that call? Who gets to choose where are the boundaries between bad and evil? Are we either good or bad? Really?
▣ Rollercoaster of emotions : ★★★★★ – Because my mood was shifting every second, either making it difficult to breath or warming my heart – Get in gear for the super-charged thrill.
▣ Humor me, because I like it : ★★ – Because there weren’t as many funny strikes as the other twos. See below ↓
▣ Darker than dark : ★★★★★ – Because I have now at my disposal a whole bunch of serial killer tips. Of course that’s creepy, what do you think?
▣ Let’s ride through this action-packed hunt : ★★★★★ – Because no dull moment here. No boring passages. At all.
▣ Chelsea *Peril Please* scale™ : ★★★★ – Because we come across some epic moments – how can we recognize them? Well, now, holding my breath and yelling in my living room was certainly an indication, I’m almost sure of it.
▣ There’s no such thing as a good cop : ★★ – Because man, they’re fucking stupid. Trust me on this. From the beginning of the series, that’s the main flaw, I have to admit. Now, did it bother me? *whisper* Not at all, I must confess. Take it or leave it.
▣ I do love me some *Fangirling* about Jazz : ★★★★★ – Because. Just because. I’m so picturing myself sticking my tongue at you. Sorry about that.
▣ Overall rating : ★★★★★, duh, because I never knew how to calculate an average. Don’t tell my pupils, though.
► And finally, 5 stars because let’s face it, a book can be flawed as hell, yet if we’re enjoying every. fucking. moment in it, how could we rate it lower than 5 stars?
Do you know how? Because I don’t, and I won’t.
PS : I chose to not include quotes, because in my opinion, every one of them can be spoilery. Yeah, I can be nice like that. You’re welcome.