BOOK REVIEW: Enshadowed (Nevermore #2) by Kelly Creagh

BOOK REVIEW: Enshadowed (Nevermore #2) by Kelly CreaghEnshadowed (Nevermore #2)
by Kelly Creagh
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True love takes a twisted turn in the second book of this modern gothic romance trilogy channeling the dark brilliance of Edgar Allan Poe.

Varen Nethers is trapped in a perilous dreamworld—a treacherous and desolate realm where the terrifying stories of Edgar Allan Poe come to life. Isobel Lanley, plagued by strange visions and haunted by the nightmares of Varen's creation, is the only one who can save him.
Isobel knows that her only hope lies within a Baltimore cemetery. There, in the early morning of Edgar Allan Poe's birthday, a mysterious stranger known as the "Poe Toaster" will make his annual homage at the legendary poet's grave.
Only the Poe Toaster holds the key to the way between worlds. But great dangers lie ahead for Isobel. An ancient evil, draped in veils of white, is watching, challenging her for Varen's affections. When Isobel finally finds Varen, he is no longer the quiet and brooding boy who once captivated her, but a dark force, powerful and malevolent.
Could Isobel's greatest love also be her greatest adversary?


I keep telling myself That you’re just a girl. Another leaf blown across my path Destined to pass on And shrivel into yourself Like all the others. Yet despite my venom You refuse to wither Or fade. You remain golden throughout, And in your gaze I am left to wonder if it is me alone Who feels the fall.

Ahhhhhh this author is killing meeeee!! Why why whyyyyy do these things keep ending this way??? And the dreams…so damn terrifying. Though, I can’t help but to love every minute of this mix of dream and reality, never knowing where Isobel is and what she needs to do to save Varen.

All the attention made her feel so small, so helpless, like she’d somehow reverted to being five years old again. Only now her parents couldn’t tell her that nightmares weren’t real. Because she knew better.

And Varen…what a lost, poor, tortured soul-His story is a sad and desperate one. One where no matter how hard Isobel tries, he sinks lower and lower, slipping farther from her grasp. I am so beyond invested in this story that it’s sickening. Consuming my every thought on vacation, including on the beach, I am lost within this story just as Varen and Isobel are. Lord help me. I don’t think I can handle this lol.  

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  1. AngelErin

    Aaaaaaand now I want to read this series even more. 😀 I’m so glad you are loving it!

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      I really am!!! I actually have like 7 reviews I lined up from finishing them weeks ago! Lol So on Wednesday the final book of this series (Oblivion)’s review is set up to post 🙂

      And then all my Seven Realms reviews. Yeah, I got behind a little after vacation ha!

      My point?? I ADORED THIS SERIES, and books one and three were my absolute favorite. None disappoint 😀

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