The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms #4) by Cinda Williams Chima

The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms #4) by Cinda Williams ChimaThe Crimson Crown (Seven Realms #4)
by Cinda Williams Chima
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A simple, devastating truth concealed by a thousand-year-old lie at last comes to light in this stunning conclusion to the Seven Realms series.

Spoiler free for the whole series


*pushes The Crimson Crown in your hands*



This is how you end a series : BLOODY. FABULOUS.


Alright. I can think of some things :

1) WE ARE OUT FOR BLOOD. SO. We need IN YOUR FACE! moments with the villains and all those who annoyed the hell out of us. Yes, this is MUCH needed. Nothing’s worst than anticlimactic confrontations. Give us GIDDINESS.

2) If you want to give us a romance, PLEASE SLOW DOWN, because the butterflies, here? They would never have had the same impact if not for the wait. My ship made me suffer along the way, but it paid up x1000.

3) NO NEED FOR CARDBOARD PEOPLE. Give us fleshed-out and interesting secondary characters – some we love to hate and other we’d defend with our *fictional* life.

4) We also need EPIC ENDINGS. No Mockingjay “I don’t know if my ship really sailed or what”. No dull as hell temporizing like In The Afterlight (I know, I gave it 5 stars at the time… I wouldn’t now, honestly). The last book should always be the BEST of the series. If you want 600 pages of great battles, though, look elsewhere. This is not what it is about and I’m so glad it isn’t. Alright, it is fairly predictable, but again, I. Don’t. Care. Any book that manages to engross me like this deserves its 5 stars. Now, maybe I’m bewitched, and many readers will argue that nothing really happens and … you know what? Perhaps that’s just the point. It is not so easy to bewitch me, if I dare say.

5) Last but not least, you wouldn’t want us to be disappointed in our main characters now would you? Take 3 stereotypes and call it a hero? Use idiotic misunderstandings to drive them through a painful joke of character development? NOPE. You do NOT want this. Try this instead : give us flawed characters in whom we can believe. Now make them grow. Then again. Then again. Now perhaps, if you’re lucky, you’ll have Raisa and Han – I just freaking LOVE them. Here are characters who know what that means to have a backbone.

Of course The Crimson Crown passed all these tests with flying colors.

Damn, I’m exhausted, I just know that a huge book hangover is coming, but it was so worth it.

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  1. AngelErin

    I’m so glad that this one passed all the tests with flying colors haha. Too funny, love your test and that’s so true. This series looks fabulous. 🙂
    AngelErin recently posted…Reached By: Ally Condie ReviewMy Profile

    • Anna

      Thank you! I absolutely ADORED this series <3

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