TOP TEN TUESDAY – Books We Loved Before We Started Writing Reviews

Top Ten Tuesday.13

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This week is – Books We Loved Before We Started Writing Reviews.  And they are….

(Jen’s Choice)

(Jen’s Choice)

1. Half-Blood (Covenant #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Amazon * Goodreads

Greek mythology, forbidden love, a kick-ass heroine and a male that made my heart beat faster all made me fall madly in love with this series!  I ♥ JLA and it always bothers me that I don’t have any reviews for this fabulous series.  Someday I hope to go back and re-read it!

2. True of Blood (Witch Fairy #1) by Bonnie Lamer
Amazon * Goodreads

This book made me realize that book boyfriends really do exist and it got me back into reading.  Not only was it sooooo easy to devour but the story-line was adorable and there were some scenes that melted my heart.  I still think about this series all the time, and it’s another that I want to re-read someday.

(Jen’s Choice)

(Chelsea’s Choice)

3. The Upheaval (The Survivor Chronicles #1) by Erica Stevens
Amazon * Goodreads

I read this book in a matter of hours.  It was so fast paced and I had to know what happened next.  But then it ended on a cliffhanger that nearly killed me.  So I waited until all the books released and then I forgot to finish this series *smacks forehead*.  How could I forget that, especially when I can remember every single detail from The Upheaval?!  I’m so glad I did this post because now I can finish this series!

4. Yours to Keep (Kowalski Family #3) by Shannon Stacey
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By far one of the sweetest contemporaries I’ve ever read-and I’ve read a lot of contemporaries since then!

(Chelsea’s Choice)

(Chelsea’s Choice)

5. Deep in the Heart by Sharon Sala
Amazon * Goodreads

My very first ‘adult’ romance book…it hooked me from beginning to end. So sweet, fun, and sexy!

6. Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful #1) by Jamie McGuire
Amazon * Goodreads

So bad its good…I’ll never regret loving this book, no matter what other people think.

(Anna’s Choice)

(Anna’s Choice)

7. Royal Assassin (Farseer Trilogy #2) by Robin Hobb
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THIS SECOND BOOK is when I fell in love with my beloved Fitz – I still remember the first time I read it and felt SO MUCH for his tortured soul <33

8. The Count of Monte Cristo. Alexandre Dumas by Rob Nudds
Amazon * Goodreads

By far my favorite French classic but I could have recommended you any one of Dumas’ novels : please don’t be shy and try them, they’re fantastic!

(Anna’s Choice)

(Anna’s Choice)

9. His Dark Materials (His Dark Materials #1-3) by Philip Pullman
Amazon * Goodreads

Ahhhh such an enchanting trilogy! I absolutely LOVE Orphée’s tale so I couldn’t help but enjoy the way Pullman used it 🙂 This said, I will never get past the ending. N E V E R.

10. W, or the Memory of Childhood by Georges Perec
Amazon * Goodreads

Another favorite French novel of mine. Again, try theeeeeem! You won’t be disappointed!

So these are the Books We Loved Before We Started Writing Reviews. Have you read any of these books or do you have them on your tbr?  If not, then what books did you love before you started writing reviews?










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  1. Lillian @ Mom with a Reading Problem

    I have got to read Half-Blood! Love mythology and Armentrout. I don’t know how I missed reading this one 😉
    Same with Robin Hobb. How did I miss this series?! I’m finding so many books on today’s TTT topic that I need to go back and read. Great list 😀
    Lillian @ Mom with a Reading Problem recently posted…TTT #121 – Top Ten Books From My 1st Year BloggingMy Profile

    • Jen

      Ohhhh YES! Half-Blood is absolutely amazing! LUX is what got me addicted to JLA but Half-Blood was just as amazing. I hope you enjoy it too! 🙂

  2. Raven

    Great List! I love Jennifer Armentrout’s books especially The Lux series and Covenant series but I still haven’t finished those series yet. I hope I’ll get to finish them someday.
    Raven recently posted…#The Reading Quest Final Score board+wrap UP!My Profile

    • Jen

      Oh. My. Gosh. LOL!! Now I’m dying to hear what you think of the ending of Lux and Covenant. Both of those endings hit me, hard. But for entirely different reasons. I hope you do get to finish them someday. 🙂

  3. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    Half-Blood is a newer one for me, I’m a little more recent in the whole JLA fan club I guess. But I love her books. And I liked Beautiful Disaster. Great list! You can check out my Top 10 in the link below!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Top 10 Tuesday: Ten Books I Loved During My First Year of BloggingMy Profile

    • Jen

      I love her books too! I’m planning on reading her newest release next week, but I heard that it’s a tear jerker ack. *deep breath* Ohhh I’ve wanted to read Beautiful Disaster forever but I’m super weird and can’t read books where the main guy has the same name as my dad or brother. It just feels sooooo awkward. And since Travis is my brothers name that’s why I skipped that book lol. I’m so glad you enjoyed it though!

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