Our Most Anticipated Releases For February

We love talking about books that we can’t wait to read! And that includes the ones that haven’t been released yet. So on the first day of every month we’ll share with you the books coming out that month that we’re the most excited about. There’s a link to Goodreads in case you want to add them to your tbr too! So here are the books we are counting down until they are released in February.


Releases 2/06 – Assassin of Truths (Library Jumpers, #3) by Brenda Drake


The final book in the trilogy!

The gateways linking the great libraries of the world don’t require a library card, but they do harbor incredible dangers.

And it’s not your normal bump-in-the- night kind. The threats Gia Kearns faces are the kind with sharp teeth and knifelike claws. The kind that include an evil wizard hell-bent on taking her down.

Gia can end his devious plan, but only if she recovers seven keys hidden throughout the world’s most beautiful libraries. And then figures out exactly what to do with them.

The last thing she needs is a distraction in the form of falling in love. But when an impossible evil is unleashed, love might be the only thing left to help Gia save the world.



Releases 2/06 – Immortal Reign (Falling Kingdoms #6) by Morgan Rhodes


The final book in the series!

Jonas continues to willfully defy his destiny, but the consequences of plotting his own course are drastic. As the fight for Mytica rages on, he must decide just how much more he’s willing to sacrifice. 

Lucia knows there’s something special about her daughter and she’ll do anything to protect her, even if that means facing Kyan alone.

Amara is called back home to Kraeshia. Grandma Cortas has her own plans for Mytica’s future. She promises Amara  power, revenge, and dominance if she agrees to be part of her scheme.

Magnus and Cleo‘s love will be put to the ultimate test. Dark magic is causing widespread destruction throughout the kingdom. Enemies across the sea are advancing. And unrest is stirring throughout the land. Is their love strong enough to withstand the outside forces tearing them apart?


Releases 2/13 – Honor Among Thieves (The Honors #1) by Rachen Caine & Ann Aguirre


Petty criminal Zara Cole has a painful past that’s made her stronger than most, which is why she chose life in New Detroit instead moving with her family to Mars. In her eyes, living inside a dome isn’t much better than a prison cell.

Still, when Zara commits a crime that has her running scared, jail might be exactly where she’s headed. Instead Zara is recruited into the Honors, an elite team of humans selected by the Leviathan—a race of sentient alien ships—to explore the outer reaches of the universe as their passengers.

Zara seizes the chance to flee Earth’s dangers, but when she meets Nadim, the alien ship she’s assigned, Zara starts to feel at home for the first time. But nothing could have prepared her for the dark, ominous truths that lurk behind the alluring glitter of starlight.


Releases 2/27 – This Heart of Mine by C.C. Hunter


Seventeen-year-old Leah MacKenzie is heartless. An artificial heart in a backpack is keeping her alive. However, this route only offers her a few years. And with her rare blood type, a transplant isn’t likely. Living like you are dying isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. But when a heart becomes available, she’s given a second chance at life. Except Leah discovers who the donor was ― a boy from her school ― and they’re saying he killed himself. Plagued with dreams since the transplant, she realizes she may hold the clues to what really happened.

Matt refuses to believe his twin killed himself. When Leah seeks him out, he learns they are both having similar dreams and he’s certain it means something. While unraveling the secrets of his brother’s final moments, Leah and Matt find each other, and a love they are terrified to lose. But life and even new hearts don’t come with guarantees. Who knew living, took more courage than dying?


So these are the books we can’t wait to be released this month! Are you excited about any of these releases too? Or is there a book we missed that we should definitely check out? Let us know. ♥
















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  1. Raven

    Great TBR! I hope you enjoy all of these books! I’m also looking forward to This heart of mine, and Honor Among The Thieves.
    Raven recently posted…February Most Anticipated Releases! [2018]My Profile

    • Jen

      Here’s hoping we don’t bawl our eyes out to This Heart of Mine *fingers crossed*! I’ve been nervous to start that book……….but I’m so excited at the same time. The struggle is real lol!

  2. AngelErin

    Honor Among Thieves sounds so good! And I STILL need to read the first Library Jumpers and Falling Kingdoms books. I need to get on these. 😛
    AngelErin recently posted…The Hate U Give By: Angie Thomas Mini ReviewMy Profile

    • Jen

      I still need to read ALL the books in Falling Kingdoms! I’m hoping to binge read that series this summer. Maybe if the timing works out, we could buddy read. 🙂

  3. Sophie @ Blame Chocolate

    Ah love these! I can’t wait for Immortal Reign and to find out what happens to poor Magnus… Also really intrigued by That Heart of Mine! It sounds really cute but also (excuse the pun) heartbreaking.
    Wonderful post, Jen! 🙂

    • Jen

      YES! That’s why I haven’t picked up my arc yet of This Heart of Mine. It sounds heartbreaking and tear worthy…..and I completely agree, it’s definitely pun worthy lol!

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