BOOK REVIEW: Bloodwitch (The Witchlands #3) by Susan Dennard

BOOK REVIEW: Bloodwitch (The Witchlands #3) by Susan DennardBloodwitch (The Witchlands #3)
by Susan Dennard
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Fans of Susan Dennard's New York Times bestselling Witchlands series have fallen in love with the Bloodwitch Aeduan. And now, finally, comes his story.

High in a snowy mountain range, a monastery that holds more than just faith clings to the side of a cliff. Below, thwarted by a lake, a bloodthirsty horde of raiders await the coming of winter and the frozen path to destroy the sanctuary and its secrets.

The Bloodwitch Aeduan has teamed up with the Threadwitch Iseult and the magical girl Owl to stop the destruction. But to do so, he must confront his own father, and his past.


“From the day she had stabbed Aeduan in the heart, that heart had become hers—and she would not let this be his end.” 

Why. Aren’t. More. People. Reading. This. Series?!@?!?! WHY. I’m serious. Sooz’s writing is on an entirely different level than like 80% of the stuff currently out right now in YA fantasy. Yes it’s complex. (When has that ever been a bad thing?) Yes, sometimes you can lose track of what’s happening and where it’s happening. (That’s what a map is for) But isn’t that sometimes part of a series’ appeal?! Getting so caught up in a story that sometimes you stop and think about all these ~threads~, lol see what I did there, and realize there are so many awesome plot points and you don’t know where any of them are going but you KNOW that since you’re reading a book by Susan Dennard that all of your questions eventually WILL get answered and probably in a super dramatic, crazy-ass way that you weren’t expecting AT ALL.

“I was supposed to tell you somethin’ else, sir. Something to make you believe Captain Sotar really sent me and that raiders are really coming. She said, ‘Noden and the Hagfishes ought to bend to a woman’s rule.’” 

One piece of advice I will give to those of you who do have trouble with complex story-lines, though, is to read all four one right after the other. I picked up Truthwitch earlier this year and read Windwitch and Sightwitch right after. I started this one but got distracted by who knows what and then didn’t start it again until about a week ago. And then, I actually started listening to this on audio (which was awesome btw because the narrator did a ton of different accents that I didn’t expect) while at work in my free time so I created a bit of a disconnect for myself. However, all I really had to do was google whatever questions I had (and mostly those came from the stuff we learned from Sightwitch—SO DON’T SKIP THAT ONE) and the lovely world of bookish wikis saved me.

He was a Bloodwitch no longer. He was a monk no longer. He was man, just a man. It would have to be enough.

Now to the nitty gritty of this book. Aeduan’s book. I LOVED learning more about him, even though what we learned is enough to make my heart feel like it was ripped out and stomped on, tbh. My poor bloodwitch boy. At this point, all of our main characters—Aeduan/Iseult/Owl/kinda Leopold, Merik/Esme, Safi/Vaness/Hell-Bards, and then Vivia—are scattered across The Witchlands so we have a lot of different POVs that are entirely different from one another. Sometimes it would bother me if I didn’t want to leave a particular group just yet but books that are told like this always seem WAY more intense once the story picks up and gets more frantic and you find that some of their paths might start to intersect again. I love the drama that it builds. Just like with its predecessors, the last quarter of this book is INSANE. Like…..insane. I waited to start that entire chunk until after my daughter went to bed because I knew it was going to be non-stop crazy until the last page. Thank God I did that.

Going to throw in a spoiler paragraph real quick so I can really flail without ruining things for anyone…

View Spoiler »

So yeah basically if anyone has any thoughts/answers about all that I put under the spoiler tab PLZ MESSAGE ME ASAP. I loved this book and Aeduan and I CANNOT wait for Iseult’s book, holy crap. I NEED IT BAD.

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  1. T.H. Hernandez

    I will never live long enough to read all the five star books you all recommend! Stop it, stop it now!

    P.s. please don’t stop.

    • Arielle

      Muahahah I will never stop!!!! 🙂

  2. Raven

    Skipped the review part because haven’t read the second book yet. I’m glad you enjoyed it so much! I really need to back to this series soon!
    Raven recently posted…Cinder & the Prince of Midnight (Midnight Tales #1) By Susan Ee [Review]My Profile

    • Arielle

      Oh my gosh you should! They keep getting more and more intense and amazing

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