COVER REVEAL & GIVEAWAY: The Resistance by T.H. Hernandez

This is one of my favorite series ever!  Romance, action, twists, friendship and political intrigue fill the pages and each book is always impossible to put down.  So check out this gorgeous cover, it’s my favorite one yet!  And enter into a fabulous giveaway below.  Enjoy!
P.S. The first book is currently free, so go grab it here. ♥


The Resistance
T.H. Hernandez
(The Union Series, #5)
Publication date: February 25th 2020
Genres: Dystopian, Young Adult

Suddenly battling on two fronts, fighting back is about to be twice as hard.

Living in an encampment in the Ruins, life is harsh for most Unis in the Resistance, but for Cyrus and the other Ruins survivors, it’s just more of the same. While training for their ultimate mission to take down the Uprising, tragedy strikes, turning Evan’s and Cyrus’s world upside down. Before they can recover, they discover someone in their ranks is working against them.

Facing tougher odds than they ever imagined, the group realizes the only hope they have of saving the world they know is to find help. When no one is above suspicion, even accomplishing everyday tasks is fraught with danger, but seeking out reinforcements could mean the end of the Resistance and all of them along with it.


Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo



About T.H. Hernandez:

T.H. Hernandez is the author of young adult books. The Union, a futuristic dystopian adventure, was a finalist in the 2015 San Diego book awards in the Young Adult Fiction category.

She loves pumpkin spice lattes, Game of Thrones, Comic-Con, Star Wars, Doctor Who marathons, Bad Lip Reading videos, and all things young adult, especially the three young adults who share her home.

When not visiting the imaginary worlds inside her head, T.H. Hernandez lives in usually sunny San Diego, California with her husband and three children, a couple of cats, and a dog who thinks he’s a cat, affectionately referred to as “the puppycat.”

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram



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  1. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    What a cool cover! I’ve never even heard of this series but it certainly sounds exciting. It’s been a long time since I read a YA dystopian so I’m off to check out the series. Glad you shared!
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted…WWW Wednesday #72 | January 15, 2020My Profile

  2. Ash

    Wow what a stunning cover! I love the monochrome. I haven’t heard of this series but I’ll be checking the first one out.
    Thanks for the opportunity with the giveaway!

    Ash@ JennReneeRead
    Ash recently posted…Jenn Vs. Ash 2020 Monthly Reading ChallengeMy Profile

  3. T.H. Hernandez

    Thanks so much for sharing!!
    T.H. Hernandez recently posted…Cover Reveal – KEEP FOREVER by Alexa KingaardMy Profile

  4. Greg

    This sounds fun. and wow- I love that promo art. Awesome!
    Greg recently posted…After the FloodMy Profile

  5. Danielle Hammelef

    I do enjoy how the covers are designed. I think this series has everything I love in my YA books.

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