BOOK REVIEW: Happy Singles Day by Ann Marie Walker

BOOK REVIEW: Happy Singles Day by Ann Marie WalkerHappy Singles Day by Ann Marie Walker
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Single and proud of it! Oh, oops…

As a Certified Professional Organizer, everything in Paige Parker's world is as it should be. Perfect apartment, perfect office, perfect life. And now, the perfect vacation planned to celebrate Singles Day. After all, what's better than celebrating her pride in being single? Because who needs a man anyway? They have zero taste in quality television, leave the toilet seat up, and sleep with your best friend. No thanks. Her life is fine just the way it is.

As the owner of a now-dormant bed & breakfast, single dad Lucas Croft finally has some peace and quiet. It's only him and his five-year-old daughter, which is just the way he likes it. Because who needs a woman anyway? They nag you to clean up your stuff, want the toilet seat put down, and expect the dishes to be done the same day the meal is cooked. No thanks. His life is fine just the way it is.

But when Paige books a room that Lucas' well-intentioned sister listed without his knowledge, their two worlds collide. If they can survive the week together, they just might discover exactly what they've both been missing.


Happy Singles Day was a forced proximity, opposites attract, single dad adult romance that was such an adorable story!  With all the small-town charm, an adorable little girl, and a bed and breakfast that I would love to visit in person, this story was beyond entertaining!  I listened to the audio and flew through it way too fast!  

Paige Parker was a breath of sunshine.  She was so likable, and I adored listening to her thoughts.  Whereas Lucas Croft could be such a grump!  He had a jaded past and I loved watching him work his way to healing.  Btw I loved that he got a Friends reference!  In the beginning, I loved Paige and Lucas’ animosity towards one another.  But as each day passed, watching that animosity slowly turn into a friendship was heartwarming.  Yet with every moment, there was an electricity that ran between them.  And the dog scene and then s’mores moment?!  Aww, I loved it so much!

Happy Singles Day would make for a fabulous beach read!  So, if you’re looking for a closed-door romance, with a wonderful happily ever after, definitely add this one to your list!  I enjoyed how the narrators brought the story to life and look forward to reading more books by Ann Marie Walker!  

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  1. Sam@WLABB

    I adored this book. It was fun and sweet; a rom-com with some emotional depth.

  2. Lisa+Mandina+(Lisa+Loves+Literature)

    This is on my TBR already and glad to hear it was a good one! Thanks for your review!

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