BOOK REVIEW: House of Shifting Tides (The Kingdom of Crows #4) by Olivia WildensteinHouse of Shifting Tides (The Kingdom of Crows #4)
by Olivia Wildenstein
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Dive into the first standalone spin-off of the bestselling series and Booktok sensation, The Kingdom of Crows. Cathal's story takes place right after the events of House of Striking Oaths and should be read in order.


I was reborn with no memory of my previous life and no powers, save for transforming into an aberration most wish eliminated. Among the few who don't wish me dead are the Shabbin Queen, Fallon and her mate Lorcan, and Cathal Báeinach-Fallon's father and my self-appointed sentry.

Despite my best efforts, I cannot understand why the Crow King's boorish general has decided to guard me, a woman he can barely stand to look at. I may lack education and be physically unpleasing, but do I deserve such scorn? More importantly, though, if he's repulsed by me, then why stay?

When I suggest he leave, he reminds me that he's one of the most lethal males in the realm. And while he may be that, he's also one of the most infuriating. A male who makes my blood run hot with equal measure irritation and lust.

Why must I be drawn to the brute who loathes me?

And why, when I forge a magical mind link to another male, must I keep hungering for the Crow who-finally-left?

House of Shifting Tides is a spellbinding tale of destiny, found family, and second chance romance, where blood isn't always thicker than water and where fated love consumes all.


House of Shifting Tides was an emotional and beautiful addition to the The Kingdom of Crows SeriesThose we loved and cared for got the HEA we desperately wanted, it was impossible not to cry tears of joy.  Yet, there are still other stories that need to be told, including ones who we have yet to meet.  I absolutely love this world and can’t wait to see what is in store for it down the road!  If you adore found family, second chances, and romantasy, this book is a must read!

I cant my head. “Where I belong, Dádhi Cathal?”
He blinks. Then blinks again. And then he grimaces. “Dádhi?”
“Isn’t that name?”

When House of Striking Oaths ended, we were left in a precarious position.  Everything was up in the air.  Zendaya was a shifter unlike those that had ever been seen before, and she had no memories of her life.  Starting out, we found ourselves just as lost and in the dark as Zendaya.  Not only was she trying to figure out her body, but she was struggling to even understand those around her.  While there were moments of frustration, we slowly got to watch Zendaya grow.  And I loved watching her understand the world around her.  Especially when those moments led to me laughing out loud.  And that had solely to do with a beautiful crow shifter named Cathal.

I may always belong to her, but in this lifetime, she doesn’t belong to me.

Cathal had already captured my heart in the previous books.  So, to watch him get accidentally called Daddy Crow and deal with Zendaya and her lack of memories, it was impossible not to feel the gamut of emotions.  My heart bled for Cathal and what he lost.  And while moments between them felt scorching hot, it was challenging since Zendaya didn’t understand what her actions were doing to Cathal.  I loved that we got a few chapters here and there in his POV.  Especially since Cathal was protective, loyal, loving, brave and a book boyfriend you can’t help but love!

Why do I feel so…so…restless? Why do my lids burn and my heart ache? Because I’ve lost my grip on the past, or because I fear the future?

From the moment Zendaya started thinking of Cathal as her crow, I was elated.  Yet they had an insurmountable road in front of them.  Not only with each other, but because of the world and turmoil around them.  With politics in play, characters you can’t help but hate, and motives unknown, there was a lot going on in this story.  But we also got to see so many of our favorites, and those we love!  Plus, I loved some of the twists that took place!  It made this story impossible to put down.  And I have a new favorite side character, but their name won’t be mentioned because of spoilers…. page 284 hugging is your clue if you’ve read this book!

His rough hand cups my cheek with the utmost tenderness. “Zendaya of Shabbe, you are and will always be my one and only.”
My chest heats. At first, I think it’s because I must’ve struck another bargain, but when the heat spreads, I realize it doesn’t stem from magic but from how powerfully my heart beats for Cathal.

House of Shifting Tide was laced with betrayal, love, bargains, visions, sacrifice, friendship, and some fabulous twists and turns!  I couldn’t help but feel everything the characters felt.  From frustration, to love, to even crying tears of joy and relief with them later on.  This book took us on a wild ride and I’m so thankful Zendaya and Cathal’s story was told!  I can’t wait to see what happens next in this world!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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