Welcome Post: Say hello to my dearest friend, Cassie!

I am SO beyond honored to be introducing one of my ‘REAL LIFE’ best friends in the whole world to the blog-Cassie!

It’s so funny to think that Cassie and I met randomly at a spin class we both went to after work-only TWICE a week! We sat on total opposite sides of the room from one another, which just goes to show you how big of a loud mouth I am (and apparently she is, too, since here we are today lol). One day I randomly yelled something across the room to her (she seemed nice enough?) and she smiled and yelled right back…while everyone else stared at us. Losers didn’t know what they were missing out on 😉. Not the most lively group, they weren’t.

After class we met up and decided to sit together for the next class-and so it began. The next time we got to class-somehow, and I’ve no clue how-the conversation of books came up. I’m almost positive it went like this:


Cassie: Yadda yadda yadda and finished up a book I’m reading



Cassie: Red Queen?


Cassie: No. I don’t like Cal-I LOVE HIM!



Chelsea: ……..
And Maven?

Cassie: Nah, I just don’t understand why people are so obsessed with him!

And the rest was history.

I soon learned she’s a thriller book junkie (yikes) and that she loved some of the same YA fantasy books that I did, and that she loved recommendations. Since then we’ve bonded over books, book boys, and whining about our husbands together. And, really, what else do you need? I hope you all grow to adore her just like I do!

Better yet? NO MAVEN LOVIN’ THERE! Muahahaha

Here’s what Cassie has to say about herself ♥

Hi! I’m Cassie and I’m a dog and cat mom and wife to my wonderful husband. I’m from the United States but love to travel for both work and leisure. I’m a pop music junkie (late 90’s/early 2000’s preferably) and enjoy Netflix-binging and putting my MoviePass card to work. I love diet coke, chapstick, cruelty-free beauty and listening to true crime podcasts (hello Murderinos!)

But I also LOVE to read. I always have, but these past two years I have been obsessed. My favorite genres are mystery/thrillers and young adult. I will read books outside these genres (I’m a sucker for a good celebrity memoir or GOOD contemporary romance), but I just drawn to these two genres the most. A common theme in my favorite books is a strong female lead character. She absolutely can have flaws (I encourage it!) and struggle and make wrong choices, but as long as she can ultimately persevere and learn from the past, I’m a happy gal. A good romance to go with it doesn’t hurt either, especially of the slow burn or hate-to-love variety. I’m ok with a good love triangle, but keep any kind of insta-love away from me.
I’m so thankful for this opportunity to join these wonderful women at the Star-Crossed Book Blog. I’ve been a follower of theirs for awhile now and am so excited to join this amazing team and share my love for all things books. My favorite authors are Victoria Aveyard, Gillian Flynn, Megan Abbot, Lauren Oliver, Megan Miranda and V.E. Schwab to name just a few!


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  1. Kristina

    Welcome, Cassie !!

    I hope you’ll love to be blogging apart of us ☺️ Xx

  2. Raven

    Hello, Cassie! 😉
    Raven recently posted…Trick (Foolish Kingdoms #1) By Natalia Jaster [Review]My Profile

  3. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    Welcome to the blog, Cassie! I love the story of your budding friendship. 🙂
    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Some Changes Around HereMy Profile

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