Author: Stacia Stark (Page 2 of 2)

BOOK REVIEW: Dance With the Demon (Deals With Demons #2) by Stacia Stark

BOOK REVIEW: Dance With the Demon (Deals With Demons #2) by Stacia StarkDance With the Demon (Deals With Demons #2)
by Stacia Stark
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What’s scarier than hunting demons?
Being bonded to one of them.

Ever since I got involved with the demons, my life has fallen apart.

Now, I’m persona non grata with the mage council. And because of me, my sister is in danger. If that wasn’t bad enough, I’m also the lead suspect in an attempted murder.

But it gets worse. I’m learning that everything I thought I knew about myself was a lie. And the underhanded demon who bonded with me? Well, he’s convinced he can keep me.

When an ancient fae artifact turns up missing, I have to use every trick up my sleeve to locate it. Someone wants to watch the world burn, and if I don’t stop them, every paranormal alive is a target.

Armed with a power I don’t understand, and with a demon I don’t trust by my side, it’s up to me to dodge the people who want me dead and protect my city.

Before Samael loses patience with whoever is hunting me and burns the city down himself.


Dance With the Demon was a fabulous continuation of the Deals with Demons Series!  Grimoires, bargains, prophecies, and betrayal swept through the story making it another addictive read!  I loved that we learned more about Danica’s life.  And her interactions with others like Gary, Mella and her sister, Evie.  Evie was one of my favorites because she cracked me up and I’m so excited that she got her own spinoff series!  But beware, because there were others within this story who will make you simmer with rage.

“I have lost everyone who ever mattered to me,” he hissed. “I won’t lose you too.”

Regardless of how Danica thought it would all play out, she found herself bonded with Samael.  I got her anger and rage.  Even if I was secretly excited about it since it was Samael *hides face*.  Because no matter what happened, Samael always protected her.  He was kind, thoughtful and tried his best to take care of her.  Or at least he did what he thought was best.  But then in the blink of an eye he had no problem going to his darker side.  I absolutely loved his morally grey self!  Yet Danica fought him every step of the way, since he had stolen her freedom.  Through it all they continued to have the most delicious sexual tension, a date that left me screaming with excitement and some moments that were hot, hot, hot! 

I slowly brushed one finger along the edge of the closest feather as he silently watched me.
“You’re beautiful,” I admitted.
He nodded. “I know.”
I burst out laughing, and he took the opportunity to climb onto the bed with me and capture my mouth with his. His wings blocked out the light, and it was as if the world had disappeared, and we were the only two people who existed.

In Dance with the Demon we got to know Samael better.  Oh he was such a tortured soul.  He had a horrific past that still haunted him to this day.  And it made sense why he was the way he was.  There was so much more to him than meets the eye.  And that had me falling harder for him.  The gestures he made were beautiful, I even got tears in my eyes.  And seeing that Danica was his humanity warmed my heart time and again.  So I couldn’t get enough of the moments when Samael and Danica were together!  We also got to see another side of Danica in this story.  Yes she faced things she didn’t want to.  But she also allowed herself to break down and my heart ached for her. 

I’d let him in, I realized. Somewhere along the way, I’d let him crawl beneath my rib cage, and he was buried there, where my fucking heart should be.
I was going to be sick.

This story played out like a movie in my head.  I can’t recommend it enough for fans of paranormal and urban fantasy! There was adventure, friendship, passion and so many different creatures that I was fascinated learning about. I also enjoyed that this story brought about more of a familial side, with Gary’s kids. I loved watching Samael interact with them. And of course again there’s so much I can’t talk about. But it was so much fun and I read this book way too quickly!

BOOK REVIEWS: Fool the Demon & Speak of the Demon (Deals With Demons #0.5 & #1) by Stacia Stark

BOOK REVIEWS: Fool the Demon & Speak of the Demon (Deals With Demons #0.5 & #1) by Stacia StarkFool the Demon (Deals With Demons #0.5)
by Stacia Stark
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This is the free prequel/short story which begins before Speak of the Demon, the first book in the Deals with Demons world.

I’ve searched for my mom’s murderer for two years. But now I finally have a way to narrow down my suspects.

The ancient fae artifact is mine for the taking.

Well, not quite.

The artifact belongs to Samael— the scary-as-hell demon who runs this country. There’s a reason why no one would dare steal from him. But with great risk comes great reward… right?

All I need to do is get close to him, sneak past his dragon, and steal from his hoard.

Wish me luck.


Fool the Demon is a must read before diving into the Deals with Demons Series! Yes it’s a novella, but it sets the series up perfectly.  And makes you completely understand Danica and Samael’s background.    Which is a rather precarious one.  After reading this quick story, I just knew that I would fall head over heels in love with this series and I was definitely right!

His arrogance would be his downfall. And my gain.

You can grab a copy of this book for free on Stacia’s website here.


BOOK REVIEWS: Fool the Demon & Speak of the Demon (Deals With Demons #0.5 & #1) by Stacia StarkSpeak of the Demon (Deals with Demons #1)
by Stacia Stark
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I hunt demons.

I don’t work for them.

And I promised my mom one thing before she was murdered: Under no circumstances, would I ever go near the high demons.

But I’ll break that promise over and over again if it helps me avenge her death.

When my only lead turns to ash in the middle of demon territory, I’m suddenly a dead witch walking. Violence in Samael’s club is an automatic death sentence… unless he can use you.

And it turns out that the most powerful demon in the country has a use for little ol’ me.

Demons are being slaughtered. His demons. And as a bounty hunter, it’s up to me to find out who would dare hurt his people.

I’ve got two weeks to find the killer, and if I fail, I’m bonded to Samael. Forever.

Samael’s certain that I’ll be his, but I’m not the kinda girl who risks her freedom for a demon.

I’m the kinda girl who won’t let anyone get in the way of her vengeance— not even the Machiavellian control freak who thinks he can run my life.

The problem? I’ve pissed the wrong people off.

Now I’m the one being hunted, and someone’s coming for me with everything they have.

But I’m never more dangerous than when my back is up against the wall.

And I’m ready to come out swinging.


Speak of the Demon was impossible to put down! With the start of an enemies to lovers romance and danger at every turn, it made this book so easy to devour. It was fun, magical and beyond addictive! Fans of urban fantasy or those looking for a quick series to binge, make for sure you have this on your tbr! But don’t forget to start with Fool the Demon, it’s a great introduction to this world.

Samael leaned close. “You smell familiar, little witch.”
I swallowed. If he connected me to the witch who stole from him six months ago, I’d soon be begging for death.

Danica’s thoughts made it so easy to connect to her.  She made me laugh, and I loved that she allowed us to see her world in such an easy, vivid way. She was brave, fearless, and kept going even in the face of death. I loved how dedicated, ruthless and so wickedly clever she was! When she ended up being Samael’s bounty hunter, I was so excited yet nervous for her. Something was hunting demons, and he needed her to find out what was hurting his people. So while yes, he thought she was beautiful, he also knew her skills. She had made a reputation for herself, and he knew that she could get him answers, when others had failed.

Exactly when did I begin having dirty thoughts about the demon? This was not okay. It must have something to do with being weak and healing from the attack. Witches did not lust after demons.

Samael was a morally grey character who was swoon worthy. We got the story in both of their povs and it was intoxicating seeing that he was calm, collected, deadly, possessive and shockingly thoughtful too. When he was around Danica, I couldn’t stop smiling. Their interactions had me laughing out loud with how they messed and toyed with one another. It was done so perfectly. And the chemistry between them was through the roof hot. Their sexual tension was done so fabulously! And it was fun seeing Danica keep Samael on his toes. As the story unfolded, it was addictive watching that Samael would do anything to protect her. No matter the cost.

“You’re a walking armory,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to the tip of my nose. The move was so surprisingly tender that all I could do was stare up at him, momentarily stunned.

Fond family, enemies to lovers, a slow burn romance and characters that were so easy to love were laced through the pages. And as someone who has already finished this series, I have to say that this series is binge worthy! One of my favorite things about this series, besides the characters, is how well it was planned out. This story was so intricate and well executed. I thought there were things from this book that were just left up in the air. Or didn’t make sense or were holes. Nope!  All of our answers could be found in future books. Sometimes it took a while, but it’s woven into the storyline so well. So as pieces fell together, I wanted to clap out loud, because it was masterfully done! Fans of urban fantasy should definitely binge this series too!

BOOK REVIEW: A Court This Cruel and Lovely (Kingdom of Lies #1) by Stacia Stark

BOOK REVIEW: A Court This Cruel and Lovely (Kingdom of Lies #1) by Stacia StarkA Court This Cruel and Lovely (Kingdom of Lies #1)
by Stacia Stark
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For years, when I fell asleep, I dreamed of a man with blazing green eyes and a cruel smile.

The day I meet him, the ruthless mercenary leaves me for dead.

Just hours after humans are born, the gods take what little power we have. In return, they protect our borders from the vicious, merciless fae.

The humans who manage to keep their power are known as the corrupt.

And they are burned.

When my forbidden power is discovered, I'm forced to flee my tiny village and the life I adore.

To survive, I make a desperate bargain with the mercenary who abandoned me at my weakest.

Our deal is simple: I'll help him and his mysterious friends sneak into the city. And he'll help me learn to wield the strange, dark power I've always kept hidden. The power that may just be the key to my survival.

But the ruthless mercenary is hiding secrets of his own. Secrets that threaten the safety of everyone I love. Secrets that could tear this kingdom-and perhaps even this world-apart.


Sometimes there are stories that are so beautifully crafted that they steal pieces of your heart and soul.  They consume your every waking thought.  And saying it’s one of your favorite books ever still doesn’t feel like enough.  That was A Court This Cruel and Lovely.  This book stole my breath time and again.  If you love enemies to lovers, a slow burn romance, forced proximity, found family, a heroine that comes into her power and a morally gray grumpy male then you desperately need this book in your life!  This romantasy was everything!

I could do this.
After all, against all odds, I was still alive. I just had to keep reminding myself of that.

Prisca lived in a harsh world where when you were born, your magic was taken from you and given to the Gods.  It was so they would help protect the borders from the ruthless fae.  But Prisca had been keeping a secret.  She still had her magic.  Which made her part of the corrupt. After those were caught, they were burned to death for defying the Gods.  So when Prisca was discovered for still having her magic, she was forced to flee her home and family.  And while on the run, she met a man that she had been dreaming about.  Yet he left her for dead. 

“I don’t want anything you’re offering. Remember that time you left me to freeze to death?”
He sighed. “Are you always this dramatic?”
One of his men snorted, and I trembled with the need to punch Lorian in the mouth.

I loved Prisca!  It hurt to watch her live in a village that she could never stay at, where she would never be able to fall in love, and could never let her guard down.  But when she left her home, brother and mother, it was even more gut wrenching to watch.  Her whole life changed in the blink of an eye and she was forced to survive or else she would die. Prisca showed us time and again that she was brave, smart, tricky, kind and fearless!  Being on the run had her meeting Lorian.  Who left her for dead.  He was a man she dubbed as a ruthless mercenary.  And it was the start of a beautiful enemies to lovers romance that I’m beyond obsessed about.

Don’t do it. Don’t you dare do it.
My gaze dropped to his toned ass, and I swallowed, my mouth suddenly dry.
“See something you like?” Lorian purred.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
He chuckled, turning to the bath, and I slammed my eyes shut. It wasn’t fair that he was so annoying and yet so fucking perfect.

Lorian.  Oh my heart.  He made me laugh when I shouldn’t have. He made me like him when I shouldn’t have. But I didn’t care. I loved that we got his thoughts too. They could be so coarse and ruthless, but I loved when he thought about her. Even when he didn’t want to. But make no mistake, he could be so cold at the drop of a hat. And in the next moment he would kill for you. Trick you. Be protective. And keep all of his secrets to himself. I never seemed to know which side Lorian would show us. Yet as the story unfolded, I fell for every single side of him. Something I didn’t think was possible. This morally gray male will gladly steal and capture your heart, even if you don’t want him to!

Nerves fluttered in my stomach.
We don’t have time for your insecurity and self-doubt.
How Lorian would laugh if he knew just how much I was relying on those words.
In another life.
My chest tightened, and I shoved the memory out of my mind.

Even though Prisca and Lorain hated each other, they needed one another. And while they had their moments that felt like something more, or there wasn’t animosity between them, it never lasted long. Their enemies to lovers romance was done so fabulously! Especially when they would mess with the other. I lived for those moments and couldn’t stop smiling when they could be playful and hilarious. Their banter was fabulous and there was always a tension that simmered between them. No matter how much neither one of them wanted to admit it.

Beneath the terror, my fury burned bright. So bright, I didn’t have to reach for my power. No, instead, the threads seemed to reach for me, my skin heating.

While Prisca, Lorian and his men Marth, Rythos, Cavis and Galon traveled together, there was definitely a strain. Yet as their journey continued, it almost felt as though there was a camaraderie there. One that felt like a fond family. Or maybe that’s just what happens when you face life and death moments. I was terrified for so many of those in this story. I cried, I screamed, I gasped, but I also laughed out loud and couldn’t stop smiling. And as we watched the story and the characters unfold, I loved where this story led us. It held us in the palm of its hand.

“I thought we’d moved past threats of torture,” I muttered.
He took a single step closer, and my skin tingled at the look he gave me. Dark, hopelessly amused, dripping with lust.

This twists in this story were phenomenal! Some of my guesses were close or right on. Yet other things I didn’t even some coming. This is one of those stories where I can’t wait to re-read because I can now see the clues. And while reading, I had to know what happened next. The story and characters were impossible to walk away from! I also think that fans of FBAA will fall head over heels in love with this story! Reading those ARCs consumed my whole being these last few years. And this is the first book that has given me all of the same vibes and feels.

“…Promise me you’ll free them. And one day, you’ll come back and burn this fucking place to the ground.”
There was only one thing I could say. “I promise.”

A Court This Cruel and Lovely was filled with revenge, murder, survival, jealousy, bargains, betrayal, friendship and more. I loved that these characters had one another’s back and put their faith in each other. Even if they didn’t want to. I loved that plans were made that led to more. And I especially loved how steamy kisses turned into seductively scorching hot moments. This romantasy was impossible to put down and easily became an instant favorite! I will be counting the moments until that next book is released and I’m so thankful we stopped at the perfect stopping point.  I desperately  have to know what happens next, yet I can breathe.

“How do I know you won’t just kill everyone?”
“Oh, Prisca,” he purred. “I would never kill you.”

PS Barmaid. I still laugh out loud thinking about that!

“I know what we’re about to do. It doesn’t change the fact that I want to strip that dress off you and see what I find beneath it.”
“You’ll find knives,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.
His smile was dark— almost feral. “Wicked women are my weakness.”
I couldn’t help but grin up at him.

PPS I loved the letters Lorian and his brother sent back and forth. One of the last ones he sent back to him was everything for me lol!

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*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*



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