Tag: Contemporary Romance (Page 28 of 88)

BOOK REVIEW – Caught Up in a Cowboy (Cowboys of Creedence #1) by Jennie Marts

BOOK REVIEW – Caught Up in a Cowboy (Cowboys of Creedence #1) by Jennie MartsCaught Up in a Cowboy (Cowboys of Creedence #1)
by Jennie Marts
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This cowboy plays to win

Rockford James was raised as a tried and true cowboy in a town crazy about ice hockey. Rock is as hot on the ice as he is on a horse, and the NHL snapped him up. Now, injuries have temporarily benched him. Body and pride wounded, he returns to his hometown ranch to find that a lot has changed. The one thing that hasn't? His feelings for high school sweetheart and girl-next-door Quinn Rivers.

Quinn had no choice but to get over Rock after he left. Teenaged and heartbroken, she had a rebound one night stand that ended in single motherhood. Now that Rock's back―and clamoring for a second chance―Quinn will do anything to avoid getting caught up in this oh-so-tempting cowboy...


Caught Up in a Cowboy was such a fun, heartwarming story!  I loved how quickly we jumped in and I found myself completely captivated by Quinn and Rock.  Their back story, their family, and their run ins all had my full attention. And with moments of sexiness, heartache, and laughter all tied together, it made for such a charming book!

It didn’t matter how many sparkles of heat shot through her or how ridiculously muscled his arms were or how his offer of peace between them filled her heart with a secret longing of hope, the cold, hard truth was that he wasn’t back. Not really. He was back only for now.

Right from the start, Quinn and Rock met back up.  It was hilarious, yet at the same time there was a lot of other emotions mixed in too.  You see, Rock broke Quinn’s heart 9 years ago.  They were High School sweethearts who planned to spend their future together.  But when Rock pursued his hockey career, he left Quinn in the dust. And with Quinn feeling bitter and upset, she had a one night stand which left her pregnant and alone.  As years passed, Quinn and Rock ran into each other but it was always a tense and brief hello. But not anymore. Rock suffered an injury while playing for the NHL and he’s back home on an extended break.  

A thick chunk of regret settled in his gut, and he knew letting her go had been the biggest mistake of his life.

Through a fun turn of events, Rock found himself back in Quinn’s life.  And the chemistry between the two of them was definitely still there. You could feel it every time they were near each other.  Even if Quinn still held her anger in a death grip, ha! And while I loved watching the tension between them build, I also loved how easily their friendship restarted.  It was filled with honesty, teasing and it all felt so simple and heartfelt.  Ohhh and I loved, loved, loved how quickly Rock and Max bonded.  Max is Quinn’s eight year old son and he was seriously the most adorable child ever.  He made me laugh and smile so much. I loved how much heart he brought to the story! And while I watched them all interact, I started to imagine what they would be like.  As a real family.

He picked up a loose strand of her hair and twisted it between his fingers. “You were the best part of my life, and for the past eight years, I feel like a piece of me has been missing. And that piece is you. I want you back in my life, Q.”

So while Quinn and Rock grew closer, I got Quinn’s uncertainty.  She’d been left and heartbroken by him in the past. And everyone knew that once Rock was healed, he was heading back to the NHL.  Quinn tried her hardest to protect her heart, but Rock was persistent…. I loved that about him!  Just you wait and see all that he does, sigh.  But Rock definitely had some growing up to do and I loved how much he progressed as the story unfolded.  He gained so much wisdom and insight being back home and I was so proud of him.  It left me with a lot of faith, and I could easily see Quinn and Rock getting their happily ever after.  Well that was until a different variable stepped in……the suspense was a lot of fun! I can’t say anything more, other than I was impressed with how it all played out!

He gingerly set the necklace down and raised his hand to cup her cheek. “You still have it, you know. No matter where I’ve been, or what stupid decisions I’ve made, my heart has always belonged to you.”

Caught Up in a Cowboy was such an adorable story!  There were a few cheesy moments in the beginning, but it was definitely warranted.  All I can say is birthday party and pirates…..it made me laugh and smile. And if you’re a fan of families playing an integral part in stories, you’re in for a treat.  I absolutely loved both of their families and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that their brothers will get their own stories down the road.  So if you love second chance romance, with family thrown in the mix, definitely check out Caught Up in a Cowboy!  It was such a cute story and I’m looking forward to the future books in this series!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by SOURCEBOOKS Casablanca. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

Reading Order & Links:

Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
***Each book can be read as a standalone, but best enjoyed in order.***

Caught Up in a Cowboy #1

You Had Me at Cowboy  #2

It Started With a Cowboy  #3

Wish Upon a Cowboy  #4


BOOK REVIEW & GIVEAWAY – Spies, Lies, and Allies by Lisa Brown Roberts

BOOK REVIEW & GIVEAWAY - Spies, Lies, and Allies by Lisa Brown Roberts

I absolutely loved this book! So check out my 4.5 Review below and enter a fabulous giveaway. Enjoy!

BOOK REVIEW & GIVEAWAY – Spies, Lies, and Allies by Lisa Brown RobertsSpies, Lies, and Allies by Lisa Brown Roberts
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Summers are supposed to be fun, right? Not mine. I’ve got a job at my dad’s company, which is sponsoring a college scholarship competition. I just found out that, in addition to my job assisting the competing interns, I’m supposed to vote for the winner. Totally not what I signed up for.

My boss is running the competition like it’s an episode of Survivor. Then there’s Carlos, who is, well, very distracting––in a good way. But I can’t even think about him like that because fraternizing on the job means instant disqualification for the intern involved.

As if that’s not enough, an anonymous informant with insider intel is trying to sabotage my dad’s company on social media...and I’m afraid it's working.


Spies, Lies, and Allies had me a laughing, sighing, swooning mess!  This was such an adorable book and it almost had a Breakfast Club feel to it at times, which I absolutely loved!  When I finished that last page, I realized that Lisa Brown Roberts has become one of my favorite authors.  Each time I pick up a book by her, I not only fall in love with the characters and story line, but I always have the hugest smile on my face while I’m reading.  I did just that with Spies, Lies and Allies and I can’t recommend it enough!

Did anyone ever tell you your eyes look just like Hershey’s Kisses?”
Omigod. That was my outside voice.

In hopes of spending more time with her dad, Laurel Kristoff got a job at his company over the summer.  She would be assisting the new interns and at the end of the project she would help vote for which intern would win a $100k scholarship.  You guys…. I loved Laurel right from the start! Yes she was Star Wars obsessed, huge heads up about that, but she had me laughing from the nicknames she gave people, to her Facebook stalking, to her reactions to something as simple as someone else leaving notes in her notebook.  But she was so much more than a teenage girl who made me laugh.  I felt as though I got to grow up right along side her.  So many of her feelings and insecurities took me back to moments in my past where I felt just like her.

I sneak a peek at Carlos. If I had to vote today, I’d vote for him. He was so passionate when he spoke, and he did so much research and he— he— My brain shuts off as he raises his head and meets my gaze, one corner of his delicious mouth quirking up.
? What is wrong with me?

There was four summer interns – Carlos, Elijah, Ashley and Jason – competing for the scholarship.  And alongside them was Trish, whose father worked at the company. They were all so different from one another and their first project was to work together as a team.  They had rocky moments with each other, especially Trish and Laurel. But we watched as they tried to put aside their differences and take those first few awkward steps to form a friendship.  It wasn’t easy and mistakes were definitely made along the way. But I loved watching them all figure out how to mesh together as a team.  It was so entertaining and smile inducing!

I’m indignant , but my body is also buzzing from the adrenaline of this… this whatever we’re doing. Are we just joking around? Or are we flirting? Whatever it is, I don’t want it to stop. But it has to. I’d never forgive myself if he was disqualified because of me.

When Laurel was at work, she constantly found herself drawn to Carlos.  They could joke so seamlessly together, but it always had this undercurrent of electricity.  Sparks flew any time Laurel and Carlos were around each other and I found myself gripping onto every word they said to each other.  It made me feel like I was falling in love for the first time, all over again.  But nothing could happen between them.  There was a no fraternizing rule at work and if it was broken Carlos would get kicked off the team and lose his opportunity for the scholarship.  Sigh. I have to say that Carlos was so easy to love. He was thoughtful, smart, and such a hard worker. He also stood up for Laurel and every once in a while a little bit of jealously would peak through.  I loved everything about him. But Laurel? She could be so clueless at times since she didn’t have much experience with boys.

“And you’re a lot smarter than I thought you were.” An ironic smile curves her lips. “You’re still a princess, but you’re more of a Fiona than a Sleeping Beauty.” – Trish to Laurel

There was so many hidden gems in this story about friendships and family relationships.  I absolutely loved the interactions between Trish and Laurel.  Trish could be so bitchy towards Laurel and they seemed like polar opposites.  Yet I loved watching Laurel find her backbone and I have a feeling that a lot of people are going to love this part of the story!  But I also loved watching her relationship with her dad develop. It was funny, awkward, and had moments of hurt and love all rolled together.  Laurel and her dad came to become one of my favorite father/daughter relationships in any book I’ve read. It warmed my heart and there was so much emotion between the two of them.  So if you adore relationships outside of the couple, you are definitely in for a treat!

“But we’re not supposed to fraternize. Rule number eight. Remember all the exclamation points?”
He takes a long sip of water, so I take the opportunity to stare at his mouth.
“I see rules as suggestions.” He sets his glass on the table and his lips take their sweet time curving into a tempting smile.

There is so much I’m not even touching on, but pick up this book and you’ll discover my love for Elijah, or the ridiculous daily jokes Laurel told Miss Emmaline or even the mystery that was in this story.  But my favorite thing was that I couldn’t make it more than a few pages without busting out laughing or having the hugest grin on my face.  And I won’t ever forget how a scene towards the end made me cry.  I absolutely loved Spies, Lies and Allies! So if you adore YA Romance, you definitely have to give one of her books a try!

I wish I was like Rey in The Force Awakens, brave and tough. Or Princess Leia, snarky and brilliant. But right now, I feel like a young Anakin Skywalker, when no one thought he was capable of piloting his own Podracer, let alone winning a race.

PS I have to give a heads up that there were A LOT of Stars Wars references, she even calls her dad Vader.  And at first I was definitely confused.  You see, I’ve seen six of the movies but that was forever and a day ago.  And besides kinda knowing the characters names and what they looked like, that’s it.  Yup, sorry lol. So when we kept getting Stars Wars references I thought this book may not be the best fit for me.  But I was completely wrong. Even if there were probably a few things I completely missed….I totally had to Google stuff like Alderaan….I still loved every single minute of it.  Oh I didn’t get the Harry Potter references too. Yes I know I’m an awful human being lol. But hey I got The Big Bang Theory reference ha!

PPS There were a few moments between Carlos and Elijah that I would have died to be able to know what they were saying!!  Does anybody else feel that way too??

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by Entangled: Teen. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*


About Lisa Brown Roberts:

Award-winning romance author Lisa Brown Roberts still hasn’t recovered from the teenage catastrophes of tweezing off both eyebrows, or that time she crashed her car into a tree while trying to impress a guy. It’s no wonder she loves to write romantic comedies.  

Lisa’s books have earned praise from Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly, and the School Library Journal. She lives in Colorado with her family, in which pets outnumber people. Connect with Lisa at www.lisabrownroberts.com.

Author Links:

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BOOK REVIEW – Shine and Shimmer (Glitter and Sparkle #2) by Shari L. Tapscott

BOOK REVIEW – Shine and Shimmer (Glitter and Sparkle #2) by Shari L. TapscottShine and Shimmer (Glitter and Sparkle #2)
by Shari L. Tapscott
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All her life, Riley's followed in her perfect sister's footsteps, but now that she's graduated high school, she's not sure who she really is.

When she meets Zeke, a brooding artist who's the very definition of trouble, she decides to throw caution to the wind and set her sights on a guy no good girl would dare bring home to her parents. But just when things are looking promising with Zeke, in steps Linus, a genuinely nice gamer who's just a little (or a lot) geeky for Riley's tastes. But where Zeke is the bad boy she's always dreamed of, Linus just might be her knight in shining armor.

By the end of the summer, she's going to have choose, but if she takes too long, she just might lose them both...


Shine & Shimmer was beyond adorable and I found myself laughing, smiling and falling in love.  This is the second book I’ve read by Shari L Tapscott, and I’ve come to realize that I’ll definitely be devouring the rest of her books.  They’re completely addicting and I love how the character’s voices pull me right into their hearts!  While this can be read as a standalone, I recommend picking up the first book, Glitter & Sparkle, since the series revolves around a group of friends that I completely love!

Something about Linus sets me slightly off-kilter. It’s like we’re dancing, and, for once, I don’t know the steps. I don’t think he’s flirting with me; he hasn’t even tried to ask me out.
It’s almost as if he wants to be…friends.
And that’s weird.

We met Riley in Glitter & Sparkle.  She was Lauren’s best friend and lusted after who Lauren was crushing on, unbeknownst to her.  Now that Lauren and Harrison were together, it felt super awkward.  And while she was happy for her friend, Riley desperately needed an escape.  So she decided to spend the summer in Montana, with her Aunt. Upon arriving in town, Riley found a new guy to crush on.  His name was Zeke and he was a bad boy, oh so sexy and had an artist vibe.  He was unlike anyone she’d ever dated, so she set her sites on him.  But to get close to him, she lied.  A lot, and she kept digging herself in deeper.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you lol! She definitely set herself up for disaster and I found myself stressing out while laughing at everything that happened.

“Thanks for coming.” Linus smiles, gives my shoulder a friendly squeeze, and then wanders off to help clean up.
I stand here for several minutes, watching Linus help load dozens of empty kennels and cages into a van, and I realize I haven’t thought of Zeke all evening.
Now I’m more conflicted than before.

Confession time, yeah Zeke was charismatic and hot, but I never lusted after him like Riley did.  He always rubbed me the wrong way.  Which is ironic because Zeke is most definitely my type of guy when it comes to books!  Instead I had my eyes on an entirely different boy and I was desperately waiting for Riley to catch up with me.  His name was Linus and he worked at a video game store.  Riley quickly dubbed him as a geek.  But he sure didn’t act or look like how she typically viewed one.  

Leaning close, he snatches my goggles off the counter behind us and dangles them in front of my face. Then he flashes me an ornery smirk. “Can you refrain from wearing these around me? If you continue to flaunt them in front of me, I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep my hands off you.”
I laugh, embarrassed and surprised. After I grab the goggles from Linus, I swat his shoulder with them. “You’re very funny.”
That smirk grows and morphs into something real. He leans against the back counter and crosses his arms. “Seriously, Riley. We’re good. Just friends.”
Which is exactly what I asked for, so I shouldn’t be this disappointed.

Oh I loved Linus.  I loved how he was always there, how he was patient with Riley and that he would always help her out. He was the good guy who was so easy to be friends with.  And while he came across as just a friend, every once in a while he’d say or do something that would make her second guess their just friends status.  And those moments made my heart race and had me sighing out loud.  But then in the next minute he’d go back to calm, collected, good guy Linus.  And as the summer went by, he became sexier and even more intoxicating.  Over time Riley started to notice too. But she wanted Zeke not Linus, right?

Slowly, with maddening control, he slides his hands up my arms until they’re gently cupping my face, and his fingers are in my hair. His eyes are intense, almost gray in the dimming light, and they’re focused on mine.
No one has ever looked at me the way Linus is looking right now, not ever. My heart hiccups, and a wave of confusion and longing washes over me.
Linus’s thumb brushes over my bottom lip, making me gasp, and he leans in until our noses brush. “Just for the record, nice doesn’t necessarily mean boring.”
Just as I’m weak-kneed and utterly defenseless, he drops his hands and steps past me, heading back the way we came. I turn, bringing a trembling finger to my lips, and watch him go.

Riley was her own worst enemy.  Again. She was the struggle in this book.  With her preconceived thoughts or how she handled things, she definitely didn’t do herself any favors.  And some of the decisions she made, especially after the halfway point, oh I wanted to shake a lot of sense into her.  But the girl had the hugest heart, could be the sweetest person ever and she was someone I definitely liked. So I gave her a lot more patience than I normally would, and I’m so glad I did because I watched her mature.  I love that I got to watch her figure out who she was and what she wanted!

Yes, I like Zeke. But there’s something here, too. Something real and warm and honest.
Something, that if I’m truthful, scares me a little bit. Linus isn’t like anyone I’ve ever met. He doesn’t like me because I was a cheerleader, he’s not using me to boost his social status. He’s just him. And I’m just me.

The way the story played out was a ton of fun and I loved how my emotions felt all over the place.  I even found myself shocked near the end, because I ended up liking a character I wasn’t the biggest fan of.  Shari L. Tapscott writes characters that somehow speak to my heart and I can’t help but like them all. And by that last page I found myself ecstatic again.  That epilogue was beyond perfect! Now I’m off to devour the next book, which is about Riley’s older sister, I can’t wait!

BOOK REVIEW – Glitter and Sparkle (Glitter and Sparkle #1) by Shari L. Tapscott

BOOK REVIEW – Glitter and Sparkle (Glitter and Sparkle #1) by Shari L. TapscottGlitter and Sparkle (Glitter and Sparkle #1)
by Shari L. Tapscott
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Lauren's senior year is going exactly as planned. Her craft blog is getting more visitors every day, and she knows what she's going to do with her life after graduation: get her associate's degree, marry someone fabulous, and live happily ever after.

Sure, she doesn't know what she's going to get that degree in...and there's no Prince Charming on the horizon yet. But, still, that's the plan. At least it is until her older brother’s cocky best friend shows up out of nowhere and announces he’s moving in.

Now Lauren’s crafting area has been relegated to the garage, and Harrison’s stuff has taken over the guest house—her guest house. He’s the only boy she’s ever despised, and he’s always there, getting under her skin, looking and smelling just a little too incredible for Lauren’s good. She wants to hate him...but she's going to have to stop daydreaming about him first.

Lauren's counting down the days until Harrison leaves. But when time runs out, will she be able to let him go?


Glitter and Sparkle was the cutest book ever!  If you’re a fan of Cookie O’Gorman, or even the feelings you got while watching the movie Clueless, then you definitely have to give this one a try!  From that very first chapter, I found myself laughing so hard I couldn’t catch my breath.  And as I dived deeper into the story, I had butterflies, couldn’t knock the smile off of my face, I kept sighing and then gasping out loud and I fell madly in love with the story and characters.  This book is definitely going on my favorites list and I can’t recommend it enough!

Why did Harrison, of all people, have to grow up to be so devastatingly good looking? It’s such a shame.
It’s such a waste.

Right from the start I loved Lauren!  She has the most adorable voice. She was honest, heartfelt, and I loved her passion for crafting and her blog.  She pulled me right in and she was someone I would love to be best friends with!  On top of that, she has an annoying older brother, who’s away at college. But they definitely love each other.  And her parents reminded me so much of mine, especially when I was in High School. They were caring and involved in her life.  But Lauren’s wonderful little world is about to get very complicated when her brother’s best friend, Harrison, ends up moving in with them.  Even though he’s also her mom’s best friend’s son, they haven’t seen each other in seven years since his family moved away.  Their past was filled with Harrison teasing or being awful to Lauren. And well, not much has changed lol!

Then he strides to me and does the unthinkable—he sets his hands on my shoulders and leans down.
And, much to my horror, my heart stops. It just
stops. I go cold and then hot, and every square inch of me tingles. Oh, and I hate him. But good heavens, his lips look scrumptious.

Ohhhhhh I loved Harrison SO much!!  Harrison could be so sweet, thoughtful and caring but in the next minute he could be the biggest douche on the planet to Lauren.  It was so much fun!  I loved watching what he would say or do to get a rise out of Lauren, because I’d find myself gasping and then laughing so hard I’d have tears pouring down my face.  But I was left feeling so guilty because I loved Lauren, and the games Harrison played with her was sooooo bad.  It was all so hilarious, but oh so wrong, on so many levels. And I loved every twisted moment of it! But regardless of what Harrison would say or do to Lauren, I loved him with my whole heart and soul.  Harrison was so charming and captivating and he sailed right to the top of my book boyfriends list!

He stretches higher, and his shirt shifts a little more. “Like this?”
Bad Lauren.
I rub a spot behind my ear, feeling a little guilty. “Maybe just a little higher…” Oh, I give up. I can look at him, can’t I?
I can detest someone while admiring their hotness?

So the story followed Lauren through her final year of High School.  And I have to give a warning that there were jumps in time. It made me pause the first few times it happened, but I quickly warmed up to how the story progressed.  Lauren was big into drama, and a guy she always had a crush on ended up being roped into her class.  Grant was an all-star athlete and since he needed to bring up his grade, his coach forced him to take drama.  You could tell that Grant really liked Lauren and it was cute to watch their awkward moments together. From accepting rides with Grant, to hanging out, to even dating, it all progressed easily.  But her feelings for Grant? They weren’t anything like her feelings towards Harrison.

Then there’s Harrison. He stands, his hands in his pockets, his eyes on me. The world fades; he’s all I see. All I want to see.

Lauren tried her hardest, but she couldn’t ever get Harrison out of her head.  And as time passed, Harrison became even more involved in her life.  He was always there. Through her worst moments. To her happiest moments.  He always seemed to be in the background witnessing her life unfold. And as Lauren started to know more about Harrison, she saw this other side of him.  The one he kept hidden. Harrison could be so considerate and kind to Lauren.  And sometimes it seemed to happen at the worst moments, and my heart started to break for him.  I even got tears in my eyes a few times. But Harrison made it clear that he was not interested in Lauren.  And to complicate matters, her best friend Riley crushed so hard on him.  But Lauren shouldn’t be jealous because she was supposed to be with Grant…..right?  

“I thought you decided high school girls are off limits,” I whisper as I lean forward.
“They are.” His breath tickles my lips, making me feel heady and reckless.
“Then what are we doing?”
“Breaking the rules.”

This was a book I hope all of my friends will read!  This was such a heartfelt book and I loved ever single minute of it!  Between the back and forth banter, the scenes that made me laugh and cry and the beautiful characters, it was just all so perfect!  And as if that wasn’t enough, the epilogue was the most amazing thing ever!    If you are an epilogue junkie, like me, you’re going to love it so much!!  Now I’m off to go read the next book in this series that’s about her best friend!

BOOK REVIEW – Tangled (Tangled #1) by Emma Chase

BOOK REVIEW – Tangled (Tangled #1) by Emma ChaseTangled (Tangled #1)
by Emma Chase
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Drew Evans is a winner. Handsome and arrogant, he makes multimillion dollar business deals and seduces New York’s most beautiful women with just a smile. He has loyal friends and an indulgent family. So why has he been shuttered in his apartment for seven days, miserable and depressed?

He’ll tell you he has the flu.

But we all know that’s not really true.

Katherine Brooks is brilliant, beautiful and ambitious. She refuses to let anything - or anyone - derail her path to success. When Kate is hired as the new associate at Drew’s father’s investment banking firm, every aspect of the dashing playboy’s life is thrown into a tailspin. The professional competition she brings is unnerving, his attraction to her is distracting, his failure to entice her into his bed is exasperating.

Then, just when Drew is on the cusp of having everything he wants, his overblown confidence threatens to ruin it all. Will he be able untangle his feelings of lust and tenderness, frustration and fulfillment? Will he rise to the most important challenge of his life?

Can Drew Evans win at love?

Tangled is not your mother’s romance novel. It is an outrageous, passionate, witty narrative about a man who knows a lot about women…just not as much as he thinks he knows. As he tells his story, Drew learns the one thing he never wanted in life, is the only thing he can’t live without.

Women fall in love quicker than men. Easier and more often. But when guys fall? We go down harder. And when things go bad? When it’s not us who ends it? We don’t get to walk away.
We crawl.

This book was seriously so much fun! At this point in my life I’ve read a crap load of romances and I can easily list off what formulas do and don’t do it for me. As long as the book and characters have that little something extra to set them aside, chances are I’m going to genuinely like them. This one for instance was a classic hate-to-love story BUT the thing that this book has going for it is that it’s entirely narrated by Drew. I’ve read a lot of dual POVs before, but I honestly can’t think of any that are by the male perspective. It was a HILARIOUS idea. Throughout the book if he or his friends would say something sexist, inappropriate, etc. he would do a little aside and kind of be like, “sure, I sound like a total douche right now, but you know it’s true” or just explain himself in some way that had me kind of shaking my head like, ‘okay, yeah, he’s right, I get it’ and then laughing to myself. I basically was laughing out loud for what felt like 75% of the book and when the world around is you stressful and chaotic, that can be a very good thing. 

Then I flip Kate the finger. Immature, I know, but apparently we’re now both functioning at the preschool level, so I’m guessing it’s okay. Kate sneers at me. Then she mouths, ‘You wish’. Well—she’s got me there, now doesn’t she?”

I also was a big fan of the way it took a good 20% of the end of the book for Drew to make up to Kate. I feel like most of the time when the guy fucks up, he shows her one kind gesture to sweep her off her feet and all is well. Nope, Kate does NOT let up easy here. Drew has to work his ass off to show her that he’s serious about her and I really appreciated that. I would very much recommend this as a lighthearted read that will have you laughing almost the entire time!

Assume nothing. Even if you think you know everything. Even if you’re sure that you’re right. Get confirmation. That whole “ass” cliché about assuming? It’s right on the money. And if you’re not careful, it could end up costing you the best thing that’s ever going to happen to you.
And another thing—don’t get too comfortable. Take chances. Don’t be afraid to lay it on the line. Even if you’re happy. Even if you think life is happy. Even if you think life is freaking perfect.

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