Tag: Contemporary Romance (Page 37 of 88)

BOOK REVIEW: Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas

BOOK REVIEW: Punk 57 by Penelope DouglasPunk 57 by Penelope Douglas
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“We were perfect together. Until we met.”


I can’t help but smile at the words in her letter. She misses me.

In fifth grade, my teacher set us up with pen pals from a different school. Thinking I was a girl, with a name like Misha, the other teacher paired me up with her student, Ryen. My teacher, believing Ryen was a boy like me, agreed.

It didn’t take long for us to figure out the mistake. And in no time at all, we were arguing about everything. The best take-out pizza. Android vs. iPhone. Whether or not Eminem is the greatest rapper ever…

And that was the start. For the next seven years, it was us.

Her letters are always on black paper with silver writing. Sometimes there’s one a week or three in a day, but I need them. She’s the only one who keeps me on track, talks me down, and accepts everything I am.

We only had three rules. No social media, no phone numbers, no pictures. We had a good thing going. Why ruin it?

Until I run across a photo of a girl online. Name’s Ryen, loves Gallo’s pizza, and worships her iPhone. What are the chances?

F*ck it. I need to meet her.

I just don’t expect to hate what I find.


He hasn’t written in three months. Something’s wrong. Did he die? Get arrested? Knowing Misha, neither would be a stretch.

Without him around, I’m going crazy. I need to know someone is listening. It’s my own fault. I should’ve gotten his number or picture or something.

He could be gone forever.

Or right under my nose, and I wouldn’t even know it.

Punk provided something I hadn’t realized I had been missing: Fun. Yes, I’ve read plenty of fun books and yes, believe it or not, I’ve read a fair share of hot, steamy books. But I can admit one thing, for sure: Not for a long time have I found a more satisfying mix of sexy, fun, and smoldering hot hate

It may come as a surprise to many of you that I used to read so many of these books it was almost exhausting. I got to the point where it became mundane, meaningless, and I felt like I was trapped in a pretty bad book funk. And I was-that’s the problem.

Eventually we all have to weigh what we want more: wanting back what we had or wanting what could be. To stay or to risk everything to move forward.

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And, because of this problem, I really don’t let myself indulge in the finer trashy books in life. I don’t normally miss them, either, if I’m being honest. But there comes a time when you’re just in the mood for something hot, angsty, and completely antagonistic you’d go so far as to search into your old roots. And, it just so happens, I have a friend who knows me about as well as anyone….and she specializes in smut, the little tart.

So, after a long week in NC where I was having the best time ever, relaxing and truly enjoying myself, but not finding the book to match my mood, I figured out what I was craving: Angst. All the books I had targeted seemed like they might have angst, but they weren’t hitting that perfect spot. So, when I finally connected the dots that that was exactly what I craved, I thought of none other than my lovely, smut-loving friend, Pea.

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Which, as you can all see…led me to my first five star read of 2017. A great start, if you ask me. Bold, daring, antagonistic, and even with a bit of moral ambiguity, this book touched on everything I had been aching for since The Hating Game.

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Punk 57 isn’t necessarily a new formula, I don’t imagine, but it certainly felt new. Two 7 year friends who were accidentally made pen pals in the fifth grade continue to write to one another long after the school year ends. They have rules to never exchange phone numbers, to never look each other up, to keep things as they have always been.

Masen just makes everything seem smaller. Like I have a new perspective. He’s becoming a part of my heart, and I feel good when he’s around. Almost like none of my fears matter as long he’s there.

But, as they grow older, they become each other’s crutch. They begin to secretly (or not so secretly?) fall for one another, having been each other’s sounding board for so long. And as they begin to near the end of High School, something happens that will irrevocably change their lives…even if only one of them knows about it. And, after all these years, they both finally want to see what the other is like in real life…but what if it changes everything?

Fat tears spill over, and I feel a weight on my shoulders. It’s not Trey. It’s not Lyla. It’s me. I don’t know who I’m supposed to be.

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I’ll admit that I didn’t know what I would think of this book-I’ve always been fond of the old Penelope Douglas. I mean, come on, Bully??? I ate that shit up!!! But I’ve heard some things over the years that deterred me from really following up on her work, perhaps hiding from the progressive approach she had been taking a path towards. But I’ve never forgotten, never stopped watching, and always kept tabs with H, making sure to not let any hidden gems slip through my fingers-and here we are, three years later…And I’m already like a junkie ready for my next fix.

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I’ll admit this wasn’t without its flaws. I even was going to mention them…but why taint what I thought was a pretty addicting book? I don’t want to be negative, I just want to focus on the positive, which is how I’m going to end this review-with why this book was so unflinchingly addicting.

I may have mentioned before that they wanted to meet each other-But what happens if they meet and see its all been a lie? That they aren’t truly made for one another and after all these years, falling in love with one another is all a big fat waste?

I learned a long time ago that you don’t need to reveal everything inside of you to the people around you. They like to judge, and I’m happier when they don’t. Some things stay hidden.

By far the best part of this book is when Misha decides that its all been a lie-that Ryen is a fake, a phoney, and nothing at all like she is in her letters. When he realizes this, sees he has fallen for a girl that is all smoke and mirrors, as fake as a person can be, he snaps. He immediately hates her. How could she be so different than that beautiful girl (on the inside) he had been talking to all these years?

I know him very little, but after every encounter, I feel like I know him less.

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What follows is him taunting her, berating her, trying to show her she is better than she acts-that this facade she is putting out there for the world to see makes her no better than the trash she hangs out with. But by far the best part of the novel…is that she has no idea why the hot new guy hates her so quickly when the rest of the school practically worships her. That’s right-The best part of this book is that she has no idea that the new guy who seemingly hates her for no reason is her best friend, the guy she compares all other guys to, the one she loves, and the one she cares about most in the world.

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Fucked up, right?? But oh so perfectly perfect. Need I say more? I don’t think so. For all it’s minor errors and total lack of believability (I mean…a principle would let this shit go on? I hardly think so), it was exactly what I needed. So, maybe its for you, maybe it isn’t….but I’ll tell you one thing-It was hot as hell. ‘Nuff said.

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BOOK REVIEW: The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

BOOK REVIEW: The Hating Game by Sally ThorneThe Hating Game by Sally Thorne
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Nemesis (n.)
1) An opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome;
2) A person’s undoing;
3) Joshua Templeman.
Lucy Hutton and Joshua Templeman hate each other. Not dislike. Not begrudgingly tolerate. Hate. And they have no problem displaying their feelings through a series of ritualistic passive aggressive maneuvers as they sit across from each other, executive assistants to co-CEOs of a publishing company. Lucy can’t understand Joshua’s joyless, uptight, meticulous approach to his job. Joshua is clearly baffled by Lucy’s overly bright clothes, quirkiness, and Pollyanna attitude.

Now up for the same promotion, their battle of wills has come to a head and Lucy refuses to back down when their latest game could cost her her dream job…But the tension between Lucy and Joshua has also reached its boiling point, and Lucy is discovering that maybe she doesn’t hate Joshua. And maybe, he doesn’t hate her either. Or maybe this is just another game.

“You hate me so much, and I can’t take it much longer.” I’m pathetic. I hear it in my voice.
“Stop calling me Shortcake.” I try to roll onto my side but he presses the heels of his palms lightly against my shoulders. I stop breathing.
“Watching you pretend to hate that nickname is the best part of my day.”

I think it’s been long enough-I am just sitting down, taking the time, and finally writing a review for one of my favorite contemporaries ever. You’ll rarely see me read a contemporary, and the reason for that is it’s so hard to impress me in this genre. I don’t like cheesy, I don’t like over-the-top, and I certainly don’t like when it doesn’t feel authentic.

“Mustard today,” I observe aloud. Why do I poke the hornet’s nest? “Just can’t wait for baby blue on Monday.”
The look he gives me is both smug and irritated. “You notice so much about me, Shortcake. But can I remind you that comments about appearance are against the B& G human resources policy.”
Ah, the HR Game. We haven’t played this one in ages. “Stop calling me Shortcake or I’ll report you to HR.”

So, here I am, ignoring this brightly covered book on my feed, and months pass. When, all of the sudden, hey, one of my best friends starts gushing about how giddy it makes her. Naturally, I’m curious. I’m always, always looking for the next amazing contemporary, and I desperately need it at this time in my life.

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I decide to give a try, my friend gifts it to me (dawww), and the rest is history. From the moment I picked this book up-literally-I was done for. The sarcastic looks, the not-so-nasty banter, and every little thing in between…this book has it all. But, most of all…It has Joshua Templeman

“So this is what sex with you would be like.” I can’t resist teasing him. “I was hoping you’d participate a little more.”
He finally says something. “I’d participate. So well, you wouldn’t walk straight the next day.”

Where do I even begin??? Joshua wassss…everything. He was smart. He was attractive. He was…well, I can’t say, can I? Because, as far as you know, he’s a complete prick who makes Lucy’s life a living hell.

I don’t like big guys. They’re too much like horses. They could trample you if you got underfoot. He is auditing my appearance with the same narrowed eyes that I am. I wonder what the top of my head looks like. I’m sure he only fornicates with Amazons. Our stares clash and maybe comparing them to an ink stain was a tad too harsh. Those eyes are wasted on him.

These two got off on the wrong foot, and however that may have happened, it did. So every day they play their games, they are antagonistic towards one another, causing nothing but problems and HR issues. In fact, even the HR rep is sick of their shit (omg it’s so funny, the messages they send about one another to HR-it’s even a ‘safe word’…later on :P).

So why was this book so cute? Do you ever just want to get away? To escape real life and just laugh? To smile, to giggle, to swoon, to just know that when you pick up your book, you are immediately in for a wonderful treat and an out of this reality read? Well, this is that book.

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See, I’ve been pregnant since July, and I know I mention it a lot, but it’s a big player in my life-for more than the obvious reason. Now that I am finally, finally past the sickness part (5 months, people. FIVE.), I find that I get depressed…A LOT. Very very much. So, it’s harder to know my mood when picking out a book. So, naturally, when I find a book that literally takes my breath away, makes me smile even when, moments before, I had been bawling or crying or deep within myself brooding or upset or extremely hurt for no apparent reason, I’m going to hold onto it like a life raft after the Titanic hit the iceberg. And perhaps I DID have a reason that day or moment to be depressed, who knows? My point is…this book? It made me giddier than anything has in a very long time. And that is why, a month later almost, I still smile when I think of this book and am forcing myself to write a review-it brought me out from the darkness.

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And, if you didn’t gather already, I pick this book up frequently, looking at all my favorite parts, all my highlights, all the funniest or swooniest or sexiest quotes. It simply makes me happy. The transition from bickering, resilient, resentful co-workers, to reluctant friends, to a somewhat new relationship was so heartwarming-my heart swelled so many times it was almost unbearable. But I guess that’s what happens when two people who are clearly meant to be together finally connect.

His smile is worth a thousand of anyone else’s. I need a photograph. I need something to hold on to. I need this entire bizarre planet to stop spinning so I can freeze this moment in time. What a disaster.

This book wasn’t without its issues, sure, but the issues were so minuscule, so insignificant, so small…you just don’t care. And I know I said I wouldn’t say anything, but you must know-Josh is an instant book boyfriend for a reason. He is sweet. He is selfless. He is kind. He is caring….and he’s fucking lonely-Just like Lucy. He’s grumpy. Stiff. All about doing everything right….he’s a ‘by the book’ type of guy…but he’s the most loyal man you’ll ever meet.

It sounds like the first time he’s spoken those words. He looks at the ground, miserable. I creep closer to him. Another weird kaleidoscopic twist? His hurt makes my own heart hurt.

And Lucy? She’s spunky. Sweet. Clingy. And, truth be told…she’s ferocious. I loved this about her. She didn’t take shit, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t hurt inside, that she isn’t extremely lonely and vulnerable. She reminded me so much of…well, me. No, I wouldn’t push someone away like Josh as much as she did (see above-this book isn’t without its fair share of issues) and I wouldn’t be so body hungry when its clear it hurts the other person, but in general, I saw a lot of myself…and that’s always so fun. To top it all off, I just love when the people she adores get attacked…just-you better watch out, is all I’ll say. Me-OW.

“So. Nervous?”
“Why would I be?”
“Your big date, Shortcake. You haven’t had one in a while. As long as I’ve known you, I think.” He indicates quotation marks with his fingers at big date. He’s positive it’s all a lie.
“I’m way too picky.”
He steeples his fingers so hard it looks painful. “Really.”
“Such a complete drought of eligible men here.”
“That’s not true.”
“You’re searching for your own eligible bachelor?”
“I—no—shut up.”

So, it should say something that I am writing this review three weeks later, or more. I don’t do that. Once I close the final page on a book and finish another book, I begin to push previous books into the back of my mind. Like…who cares? After a certain amount of time, no one wants to hear my thoughts anymore. Honestly, people might never want to hear them period (sorry, you’ll hear them whether you want to or not). But hey, that’s what Goodreads is for, right?

“I’d better get to bed.” I’m talking to my parents. I’m also gently cleaning the two-dollar eBay Smurf I got a few weeks back with a baby’s toothbrush. Law & Order is on in the background and they are currently pursuing a false lead. I’ve got a white clay mask on my face and my toenail polish is drying.

So, yeah, I get the hype surrounding this one. And, frankly, I don’t know everyone else’s motive for loving this story, I only know mine. It may not be everyone’s idea of perfect….but it’s my happy place…and that’s more than enough for me. It’s perfection.

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REVIEW – Someone Like You (Oxford #3) by Lauren Layne

REVIEW – Someone Like You (Oxford #3) by Lauren LayneSomeone Like You (Oxford #3)
by Lauren Layne
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Lauren Layne’s bestselling Oxford Series continues with the poignant, heartwarming story of New York’s most eligible bachelor, Lincoln Mathis, a man who’s living a lie—until his dream woman takes away the pain.

Lincoln Mathis doesn’t hide his reputation as Manhattan’s ultimate playboy. In fact, he cultivates it. But behind every flirtatious smile, each provocative quip, there’s a secret that Lincoln’s hiding from even his closest friends—a tragedy from his past that holds his heart quietly captive. Lincoln knows what he wants: someone like Daisy Sinclair, the sassy, off-limits bridesmaid he can’t take his eyes off at his best friend’s wedding. He also knows that she’s everything he can never have.

After a devastating divorce, Daisy doesn’t need anyone to warn her off the charming best man at her sister’s wedding. One look at the breathtakingly hot Lincoln Mathis and she knows that he’s exactly the type of man she should avoid. But when Daisy stumbles upon Lincoln’s secret, she realizes there’s more to the charming playboy than meets the eye. And suddenly Daisy and Lincoln find their lives helplessly entwined in a journey that will either heal their damaged souls . . . or destroy them forever.


I have been patiently waiting for Lincoln’s book since I fell head over heels in love with him in The Trouble With Love (Emma & Cassidy).  I couldn’t wait to see how his story played out, and while I had a few guesses, I never once grasped how emotionally challenging Lincoln’s story would be.  Someone Like You is definitely LL’s most emotionally intense book!  It’s weighted perfectly though, since moments of lightness can be found in Daisy’s disposition, their friends popping into their lives, and the scenes where Daisy and Lincoln bonded.  But the heavier, darker moments, I wasn’t mentally prepared for.  Please know that I usually adore stories like this, but I read this while I watched someone I love slowly pass away.  So while I thought I was stepping into smiling, laughter and banter, what I got was something entirely different.  And while that’s not necessarily bad, it was too hard for me.  So please take my rating with a grain of salt since Someone Like You was too emotionally gutting for me to handle during this time in my life.  

Not once did he reach for the toilet paper. Not once did he spill a tear.
He was too broken for that.

As I said, I fell for Lincoln back in the Stiletto Series.  He was known for being a player and entirely addicting.  He was seen as some type of legend, since the woman still loved him even after they hooked up with him, and he would move onto someone else.  I was more than intrigued!  And while he had let a hint of his true self show a time or two, I never had a good grasp of who Lincoln truly was.  Until now.  And Lincoln broke my heart.  His past and present were beyond depressing.  The secret in his life, if you want to call it that, oh my gosh it hurt so much to see what he was going through.  Lincoln was gutted and tortured.  He was broken.  And I desperately wanted him to get a happily ever after!

“Why not Daisy?” Lincoln asked, before he could stop himself.
“Because she’s just as damaged as you are,” Cassidy said quietly.

We met Daisy back in the Stiletto Series too, since she is Emma’s twin.  Remember Emma and Cassidy – he stood her up at the altar and then years later he was her temporary boss and he made her write an article on her exes.  Well Daisy had quite a few scenes in Emma’s book.  Ironically though, I never had a good grasp on her either, just like Lincoln.  While she came across as this sweet southern belle who had some sass, it always felt as though there was something lurking below her surface.  That she was hiding something.  And oh yeah, she was!  While her pain is entirely different from Lincoln’s, it’s still horrific life changing pain, just like his.

Lincoln opened the closet door and pulled out her pink dress.
“I hung it up!” she said in surprise.
He lifted a teasing eyebrow.
“Or you hung it up,” she amended, fresh embarrassment running anew.
“If it makes you feel better, I turned my back while you stripteased your way out it.”
Daisy let out a horrified laugh. “I did not.”
“I can’t say for sure, what with my back turned and all, but there was quite a bit of humming of what seemed to be Britney Spears.”
Daisy groaned into the coffee. “If this mug were bigger, I’d try to drown myself.”

So watching them together, they were two peas in a pod.  Their friendship felt natural and the progression it took seemed realistic.  I loved that they became each others confidants.  I loved that they created such a strong bond in such a short amount of time, and I loved the heat that you felt between them.  It was so refreshing seeing a solid friendship that was based on trust.  

“Lincoln, you know that I love you like a brother, but if you make a move on my sister, I will end you.” – Emma to Lincoln

Oh my goodness, I was so giddy catching up on everyone’s lives from the previous Stiletto and Oxford books!  The surprises?!  *soooo good!!!*  And I absolutely adored Lincoln’s dog, Kiwi.  She was so cute in the scenes where she graced us with her presence.  So if you’re a Stiletto and Oxford fan, I do believe that you’ll truly love Lincoln’s story!  Just make sure to pick it up when you’re not going through something too dark and depressing, or else you could struggle and sob hysterically at times like me.  

*ARC kindly provided by Random House Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

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***Each book can be read as a standalone, but best enjoyed in order.***
irresistibly yours lauren layne
Irresistibly Yours #1

i wish you were mine lauren layne
I Wish You Were Mine #2


Someone Like You #3
I Knew You Were Trouble #4

I Think I Love You #5

REVIEW + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY: Someone Like You (Oxford #3) by Lauren Layne

REVIEW + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY: Someone Like You (Oxford #3) by Lauren Layne

Lincoln's book is here! Check out my review below, read an excerpt of when Lincoln and Daisy meet, and enter a fabulous giveaway! Enjoy!

REVIEW + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY: Someone Like You (Oxford #3) by Lauren LayneSomeone Like You (Oxford #3)
by Lauren Layne
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
Add to: Goodreads


Lauren Layne’s bestselling Oxford Series continues with the poignant, heartwarming story of New York’s most eligible bachelor, Lincoln Mathis, a man who’s living a lie—until his dream woman takes away the pain.

Lincoln Mathis doesn’t hide his reputation as Manhattan’s ultimate playboy. In fact, he cultivates it. But behind every flirtatious smile, each provocative quip, there’s a secret that Lincoln’s hiding from even his closest friends—a tragedy from his past that holds his heart quietly captive. Lincoln knows what he wants: someone like Daisy Sinclair, the sassy, off-limits bridesmaid he can’t take his eyes off at his best friend’s wedding. He also knows that she’s everything he can never have.

After a devastating divorce, Daisy doesn’t need anyone to warn her off the charming best man at her sister’s wedding. One look at the breathtakingly hot Lincoln Mathis and she knows that he’s exactly the type of man she should avoid. But when Daisy stumbles upon Lincoln’s secret, she realizes there’s more to the charming playboy than meets the eye. And suddenly Daisy and Lincoln find their lives helplessly entwined in a journey that will either heal their damaged souls . . . or destroy them forever.


Lauren Layne has done many things since I began reading her books, and it’s nothing short of impressive. I’ve followed her through almost everything, I’d say, and she has never failed to produce a book that makes me smile. But, on the flip side of that, she’s only ever once brought tears to my eyes-whether from cruelty like in Good Girl, or from happiness in, well, many of her novels. But never once has she brought me to choking, knot in the throat tears…until now. Let me preface this short review by saying that my heart is in the worst shape its ever probably been in, emotional wise. I won’t get into the details, because I don’t think I’m strong enough to type it out for a bunch of people I barely know so soon. But, just know, I have not been myself since November 1st, and I really don’t know when I’ll be my happy go lucky self again. I miss being carefree…life seemed so much simpler, lighter. And, even with 4 long months of morning sickness, nothing has compared to the heartache I feel now-That was nothing. I’ll stop here, lest I begin to cry at my desk, but just know that this review isn’t easy for me, nor was the content of this story. Maybe this was a five star read, maybe in a different time I’d have gobbled this up without any reservations…but, as it is, my heart is guarded and I didn’t let myself fully immerse the whole time, because I quite frankly can’t take that kind of emotion, at the moment. And that’s not the book’s fault, it’s mine. So, anyway, my point is, I am rating this four stars, but the content is by far heavier than anything I could handle, so my rating may not be what it normally would.

In response, Cole ambled over to the counter, picked up the eggroll, took an enormous bite, and knelt to offer the rest to Kiwi, who wagged happily. “There you go, baby. Who’s your favorite uncle now?”
“It should be me,” Mitchell grumbled as he helped himself to a beer from Lincoln’s fridge. “I’m the one that took her to do her business. Lincoln, you know they make crap bags in colors other than pink and purple.”

So, anyway. This book isn’t what you’d normally expect from LL, and that’s most likely a good thing. The depth here is astounding, and whether you can relate or not (I imagine most can’t), there is something tangible here that will resonate deeply within you and make you feel deeper than perhaps you ever have before in an LL novel. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies, its life and lessons and learning and doing what you can to get by-Now hey, this? This I can relate to-that endless blur of each passing day, just doing your best not to crumble to the floor and leave your heart in pieces for everyone to see.

Daisy put a hand over her heart. “You wound me. Say Anything. I’m due for a rewatch. You could come.”
Emma made a gagging motion. “Pass.” “Oh come on. I don’t know how twenty-two-year-old John Cusack didn’t steal your heart in that scene.”
“Um, no. Nothing against the actor, but any guy holding a boom box outside my bedroom at dawn is going to get a swift kick to the balls. And I don’t know how you can possibly find it romantic. You’re the least morning person I know.”

I was truly shocked with the direction this took, but humbled in a way that was grounding. My only complaint stems from the ‘three months later,’ and ‘two weeks later’ stuff. I’ve never been a huge fan of that, but I did understand the need not to dwell on current circumstances the whole novel. But perhaps one or two times less of this happening would have helped the book seem less like we were on fast forward so much.

“This is where you’re supposed to tell me I’m not broken,” she said, nudging his arm with hers.
He took a sip of beer. “Well, shit. I’m not sure I’m the person to know what’s broken and what’s not. I’ll tell you this though . . . nothing wrong with being confused.”

This was a good mix of hero and heroine, an extremely good pairing. Emma’s sister is the heroine, and I really liked her personality-Of course, I loved Emma so this completely makes sense. She and Lincoln were absolutely adorable together and I enjoyed their relationship-She has her own past she is trying to forget and he is stuck in his own whirlwind of emotions. You can see they are both broken in different ways, but by both of them having issues, its easier (if anything like this can be easy) to deal with it together-it almost makes them whole. My only issue with the relationship is probably Lincoln…but how could I possibly gauge that with this special circumstance? I don’t think it is possible. Again, I’m sorry I’m not my happy go lucky self, but I can’t be any other way. Lincoln was a wonderful hero who deserved the best story he could get, and I think LL nailed a diverse range of emotions in a very short span of a book-that’s hard to do. We’ve all been waiting forever to find out his big secret, and now that we will know, it’s certainly worth the wait-well…you know what I mean. I hope everyone finds something to love in this story, because we not only have a new heroine that is hard not to love, but we get the whole crew again…and it’s like coming home.





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[scroll-box]“Lincoln, you know that I love you like a brother, but if you make a move on my sister, I will end you.”
Lincoln Mathis took a slow sip of his cocktail as he studied the fierce bride-to-be. “I hope Cassidy knows how lucky he is. You’re so delicate and gentle.”
Emma Sinclair, soon to be Emma Cassidy as of this time tomorrow, lifted one elegantly manicured fingernail and flicked his chest. “Promise, Lincoln. No hitting on Daisy.”
“I don’t hit on women.”
Emma gave him a look.
He held up his free hand in surrender. “I don’t. They come to me. I’m like the stamen.”
Emma stared at him with wide, slightly accusatory brown eyes. “The what?”
“The stamen. The pollen-producing part of a flower, Sinclair. Don’t you watch the Discovery Channel? Animal Planet? I just saw a fascinating documentary on bees. See, when the bees land on a flower, their little feet pick up pollen from the stamen— “
“Mathis. Are you talking to my fiancée about semen?” Alex Cassidy asked, coming up beside Emma and setting a possessive hand on her waist.
“Stamen,” Lincoln clarified. “Not semen. Honestly, is sex all you people think about?”
“Yes.” This came from Riley Compton, a brunette bombshell whose status as New York’s foremost “sexpert” meant she had zero qualms about discussing sex at her best friend’s rehearsal dinner. “And you know, actually, the stamen is rather sexual. I saw that bee documentary too, because these are the sort of things you do when you’re nursing a never-satisfied baby, by the way, and the stamen is a flower’s male reproductive organ. Sexy, right?”
Emma inserted the arm not holding her champagne flute between the two of them. “Guys, it’s my wedding weekend. Can we not talk about flower boners?”
“Fair enough, Bride,” Lincoln said. “What do you want to talk about? Cassidy’s boner?”
Alex Cassidy choked into his champagne.
“There will be no boner discussion,” Emma said. “Lincoln and I were just having a chat about how Lincoln will be maintaining his distance from my sister.”
“Speaking of flowers, where is Daisy?” Riley asked, scanning the room.
“Running late. Knowing my sister, her dress had a slight crease from the suitcase, and she won’t make an appearance until every wrinkle’s banished, every hair’s in place, and there’s not a speck of lint anywhere.”
“Gosh, however will I keep my hands to myself?” Lincoln muttered.
“Lincoln, I swear to God—”
“He’s messing with you, Em,” Cassidy said, carefully tugging his fiancée away from Lincoln. “Don’t let him press your buttons. And Lincoln, man, what is with that drink?”
Lincoln glanced down. “It’s called a Jasmine. Gin, lemon, some Campari—”
“It’s pink,” Cassidy observed.
“Right? You want one?”
Cassidy rolled his eyes. “I’ll stick with wine, thanks. Ah shit, there’s my grandma waving us over. Emma, you up for talk about the state of your uterus?”
Emma groaned. “Oh no. I thought she’d agreed to wait until after the wedding to talk about my eggs.”
“I’ll go with you,” Riley said. “As the only one in our little group of friends who’s ever pushed a human skull out my—”
“Okay, I’m going to expand my taboo list,” Emma said. “No talking about boners, flowers, or vaginas.”
“Fine,” Riley said, as she entwined her arm in Emma’s and started leading her toward Cassidy’s grandma. “But if Grams starts talking about fertility, just follow my lead . . . ”
Lincoln smiled as he watched his friends walk away. He could follow, certainly, help run interference, but new mom Riley was a far better choice for this particular bridal-party duty.
Besides, as best man, Lincoln had enough to worry about. The ring, reconfirming transportation to the church tomorrow, the speech that he was going to slay tomorrow, the—
Lincoln’s best man to-do list scattered as his eyes landed on a woman standing in the doorway to the private event room. He did a double take. When had Emma found time to change? Generally speaking, he didn’t consider himself particularly in tune with his friends’ clothes. Especially the women, because, well . . . he didn’t really give a crap. But he was pretty damn sure Emma had been wearing a white dress just ten seconds ago.
Now she was wearing a short yellow dress, with fussy, flowy sleeves, high-necked and a bit demure—
No, not demure, Lincoln amended as she turned. Hot. The dress was backless, showing a smooth expanse of lightly tanned skin from the small of her back all the way up to long dark blond hair.
. . . Blond hair.
Emma had shoulder-length brown hair. A wardrobe swap, he might be able to buy, but the hair?
You idiot.
He was looking at none other than Daisy Sinclair, the forbidden fruit, in the flesh.
He’d forgotten that Daisy wasn’t just Emma’s sister—she was Emma’s identical twin.
Other than the fact that she was, apparently, not to be hit on, Lincoln didn’t know much about her.
Well, he supposed he now knew that she dyed her hair blond.
Or maybe Emma dyed hers brown?
Whatever. Girl stuff he didn’t care about one way or the other.
And yet he didn’t look away, captivated somehow. He racked his brain for everything he’d heard about Daisy Sinclair.
He knew that she and Emma had grown up in North Carolina. But Emma left for New York City shortly after college, and Daisy had stayed. He thought he remembered talk of a recent divorce, although he didn’t recall the details.
Didn’t need to, really. Lincoln knew better than anyone that not all relationships had happy endings.
Lincoln watched as Daisy hesitated just inside the doorway, unnoticed yet by the rest of the bridal party and out-of-town guests.
Making people comfortable was a particular skill of his. Normally he’d be over there in a heartbeat with a glass of wine and some of his best banter until her shoulders relaxed and he’d coaxed a smile from her pretty face.
But he wasn’t entirely convinced Emma wouldn’t make good on her castration threats, so instead Lincoln merely studied Daisy. The woman was beautiful. No surprise there, since Emma was gorgeous. Yet, though their features were identical, they were attractive in entirely different ways.
Emma was all polished confidence, stunning in an untouchable sort of way.
Daisy was softer somehow. Gentler. She seemed . . . touchable.
Lincoln’s cocktail froze on its way to his mouth as the forbidden rocked him back on his heels. Daisy Sinclair was not for him to touch for reasons that had nothing to do with Emma’s threats.
As though sensing a man’s brooding thoughts on her, Daisy turned slightly, her eyes locking on his. Eyes that he’d known would be dark brown like Emma’s, and yet eye contact with Emma had never felt like this.
Lincoln felt something akin to panic, because for a heart-stopping moment, it felt like Daisy Sinclair was seeing him. Not seeing the Lincoln he wanted everyone to see.
The real him.
He gave himself a little mental shake. Get it together, Mathis. The woman doesn’t even know you.
None of them did.
Not really.
He saw the moment of answering shock in her own gaze, sensed that for a split second, she considered turning and running. From him, from the party, all of it.
Then he saw something else. Something familiar, because he’d done it a thousand times himself. She squared her shoulders, and he watched as a mask slid into place.
He knew even before she approached that Daisy was exactly like him—good at being around people only because she chose to be. Knew that perhaps once it had been second nature, and now it was nothing but a deliberate attempt to make sure everyone thought she was okay.
Daisy began making her way toward him, and he tensed for reasons he couldn’t identify before ordering himself to chill out.
It was just his friend’s sister. The maid of honor to his best man.
She stopped in front of him, and he caught just the faintest whiff of her perfume, a surprisingly elegant scent for someone named Daisy, before she extended her hand.
“You must be Lincoln Mathis, The Manwhore of Whom I Should Beware?”
Her voice was a surprise. It had the same low huskiness as her sister’s, but years in New York had all but erased the Southern from Emma’s whiskey-raspy voice. Daisy’s drawl was very much intact—a mint julep on a hot day.
He grinned and took her smaller hand in his. “Which would make you Daisy Sinclair, Delicate Flower to Whom I’m Not to Speak.”
She grinned. “Nailed it.”


About Lauren Layne:

Lauren LayneLauren Layne is the USA Today bestselling author of more than a dozen romantic comedies. She lives in New York City with her husband (who was her high school sweetheart–cute, right?!) and plus-sized Pomeranian.
In 2011, she ditched her corporate career in Seattle to pursue a full-time writing career in Manhattan, and never looked back.
In her ideal world, every stiletto-wearing, Kate Spade wielding woman would carry a Kindle stocked with Lauren Layne books.
For a list of all her works, please be sure to check out her official website!

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BOOK REVIEW – All In (Full Tilt #2) by Emma Scott

BOOK REVIEW – All In (Full Tilt #2) by Emma ScottAll In (Full Tilt #2)
by Emma Scott
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Reeling from her loss, Kacey Dawson is grieving and heartbroken, her addictive demons hauling her back into the alcohol-soaked abyss she worked so hard to crawl out of. Kacey teeters on the edge of oblivion, and must fight her way through the pain, to build a new life for herself with her music, and somehow fulfill the promise she made to Jonah…one she feels is impossible to keep.

Theo Fletcher has a secret burning in his heart, one that he holds close, while he struggles to keep strong for his family that is falling apart. His mother’s health is fragile and his father’s disapproval is breaking him down. Theo is afraid if he follows his heart, he’ll fail, and not just himself, but his brother who believed in him when no one else did.

Drawn together by their pain, Theo and Kacey slowly build a friendship, re-forge old ties, help each other to heal, and give one another the courage to reach for their dreams. Together, from the depths of grief and guilt, they learn to laugh again, to trust again, and quite possibly find something beautiful and lasting amid the shattered pieces of their broken hearts.

***HUGE SPOILERS FOR FULL TILT!  You can read my review of the 1st book, Full Tilt → here***



All In was an enjoyable conclusion to the Full Tilt trilogy.  Their lives were nicely wrapped up, and we received not one but two epilogues looking into their future.  I fell for both Kacey and Theo in the first book, and I loved the moments that showed us clues Theo was interested in Kacey.  It gave me hope that Kacey would get her happily ever after since it seemed inevitable that Jonah wasn’t going to survive.  So I started this book with my heart in the palm of my hands.  Especially since the Prologue backtracked to when Theo went into Jonah’s hospital room to say goodbye for the very last time. Their conversation brought tears to my eyes, I miss Jonah so unbelievably much!  But I knew Theo would keep the promise he made to his brother.  That Theo would make Jonah more than proud!

Goddammit, Jonah, come back and fix all this because I fucking can’t. – Theo

Fast forward six months after the funeral and Theo is still reeling.  Not only from the loss of his brother, but Kacey has fled and he has no clue where she went.  Watching Theo’s interactions with his parents, friends and co-workers was devastating.  He tried to put on a good show, but he was so stilted from all of the pain weighing him down.  And when he was alone, the amount of suffering he radiated was monumental.

My chest constricted and tears burned behind my closed eyes. After six months, I should’ve been used to the way he snuck up on me. Little bits of conversation. Little slivers of memory.
Little moments.
. – Kacey

Kacey is in an even darker place than Theo.  She is drowning herself in alcohol to numb the pain.  Being drunk 24/7 allows her to continue on with her life and her music.  Even if she knows she’s teetering on the edge of killing herself.  While Kacey continued to spiral hard out of control, I held out faith that Theo would rescue her.  Much like how Jonah rescued her in Full Tilt.

But as the story progressed, I found myself struggling here and there.  At times I couldn’t fully connect to the characters.  It was like what I went through while reading the second half of How To Save A Life.  Which shocked me, because Full Tilt was a solid 5 Stars and I loved these characters.  While I more than loved how the story played out, I constantly found myself being pulled away from being emotionally connected.  I’m not sure if it’s because I was still hung up on the epicness of Full Tilt or if in fact parts of this book just honestly fell flat.  So I’m going to try and pick this book back up again down the road.  These characters more than deserve that and I’m going to hold out hope that I fall just as madly for this story as I did for Full Tilt!

*ARC kindly provided by author via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers) & Book Depository (click on book #)
Full Tilt #1
Full Tilt #2


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