by Alison Goodman
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“No one can ever truly know what is in another man’s heart.”
Okay….it so doesn’t feel right to give this such a low rating when I loved the beginning and really liked the end but….why push up a rating when I don’t even know what to say?? I can’t hide behind a three or four every time I have trouble deciding what to rate something. It’s come to that time where I’m reading a wide array of books and different genres and the lines are starting to blur-I’ve had to start rating (not always) more harshly and, unfortunately, this book has fallen into this current time period where I’m done sugar coating my ratings.
There was a saying that a man’s true character was revealed in defeat. I thought it was also revealed in victory.
The thing is, it’s quite unfortunate that I wasn’t more enthralled with the story. It went a little something like this: The beginning-Loved. Eon/Eona? Loved. The secret she was hiding in a horrible society? Loved. The middle of the story? Began to lose interest–quickly. The end? Finally what I’d been waiting for. Now, see, call me stupid (again), but I really, really trusted the reviews. When I see someone say they were on the edge of their seat the entire time I guess I envisioned a ton of action and peril and fighting aaaaaannddd….that was minimal, at best. There was deception, which I loved, but then hardly any action to follow these new found errors in people’s demeanor. I kinda thought that was the whole point of their society? If you are deceptive, there is punishment or pain….yeah? Clearly I went in with my eyes wide open and I really needed to…close them a bit. Because when it came down to it, not that much happened. Sorry, but there it is-my glaring problem with the story.
My dragon was the Keeper of Truth. The irony made me shift in my chair.
I suppose, aside from lack of action, my other problem was the replacing of action with dialogue. Dialogue and more dialogue and more more more talking. Jeeeeezzzz, just…I don’t know. I had to skim quite a bit. And, okay, call me (again) stupid, because I know their culture and how harsh they are, but when View Spoiler » it really pissed me off and sickened me. I knew stuff like that could happen, but, when it actually happened I was just totally turned off by it. It’s like, you don’t take that action the whole story and then it happens in that particular fashion??? Sickening. And, sadly, that’s probably quite common.
“Are you frightened now?”
I nodded, shame flushing my skin.
“Is it going to stop you?”
“That is the courage of a warrior.”
Now, I must say, generally if I don’t love or connect with a book I don’t continue onto the next book. But. But. I really liked Eona. I loved her, in fact. I also really enjoyed the Prince (when he was in it). There is more action and peril to come (again, trusting those dastardly reviews) and, *GASP*, romaaaannnccceee….so I will continue on. And I think that says something, the fact that I want to finish the series. I liked it just enough and have went through the same thing with other series, so I know there’s a chance I just might fall in love with the next book…and I sure hope that happens.