Tag: New Adult (Page 3 of 48)

BOOK REVIEW: Fall of Ruin and Wrath (Awakening #1) by Jennifer L Armentrout

BOOK REVIEW: Fall of Ruin and Wrath (Awakening #1) by Jennifer L ArmentroutFall of Ruin and Wrath (Awakening #1)
by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Long ago, the world was destroyed by gods. Only nine cities were spared. Separated by vast wilderness teeming with monsters and unimaginable dangers, each city is now ruled by a guardian―royalty who feed on mortal pleasure.

Born with an intuition that never fails, Calista knows her talents are of great value to the power-hungry of the world, so she lives hidden as a courtesan of the Baron of Archwood. In exchange for his protection, she grants him information.

When her intuition leads her to save a traveling prince in dire trouble, the voice inside her blazes with warning―and promise. Today he’ll bring her joy. One day he'll be her doom.

When the Baron takes an interest in the traveling prince and the prince takes an interest in Calista, she becomes the prince’s temporary companion. But the city simmers with rebellion, and with knights and monsters at her city gates and a hungry prince in her bed, intuition may not be enough to keep her safe.

Calista must choose: follow her intuition to safety or follow her heart to her downfall.

Breathtaking suspense and scorching romance meet in this immersive new fantasy from a mega-bestselling force, Jennifer L. Armentrout.


Fall of Ruin and Wrath was a dark and sensual romtansy that was so easy to get lost in.  Within those first few pages I had no clue what was going on, but I was terrified.  So take those first few chapters to immerse yourself in this new world.  It’s lethal, archaic and shrouded in mystery. With a dystopian background, that was laced with high fantasy, Fall of Ruin and Wrath easily became an instant favorite!

“We keep meeting under the strangest circumstances,” he noted. “I’m beginning to think fate is afoot.”
“Fate?” I laughed. “You believe in fate?”
“You don’t?”

Calista aka Lis was a paramour to Claude who was a Caelestia; half Hyhborn and half lowborn.  And while I’ve read almost every single book by JLA, over the last decade, Lis was unlike any other heroine that we have met from Armentrout.  Her intuition guided where she went in life and the decisions she made.  She also had the ability to see things happen before they did.  Like how someone would die, or horrific events on the horizon.  And I was fascinated to watch her listen into others thoughts, without needing to touch them.  Yet my heart twisted for Lis.  I questioned whether she truly knew how to have a strong mental bond with others.  She seemed to struggle with that outside of her “brother”, Grady.  Maybe it was because of her gifts?  Or maybe it was because of her childhood?  Or maybe it even had to do with how she ended up as a paramour and nothing truly felt like hers?  But regardless, she seemed to have connections with those around her physically, instead of emotionally. 

“Hold still.”
“I am holding still, but . . . you’re on your knees, your fingers are near my dick, and you’re currently gloriously nude, so . . .”
Undoing the final button, I rolled my eyes. “You can’t even stand on your own two feet and you’re currently regrowing eyeballs. The last thing you need to be thinking about is me on my knees, your dick, or my nudity.”
“I’ve regrown my eyes, na’laa.”
My chin jerked up.

Lis’ intuition one night led her to rescue a Hyhborn.  Hyhborn’s weren’t mortal, they were scions of the Gods.  And the scene she was led to was terrifying, yet I couldn’t help but noticing that I loved her thoughts.  They were real and honest, making it so easy to connect with her.  And the Hyhborn we met?!  I. Was. Obsessed!  Thorne was a book boyfriend many will fall hard for. I loved that he could be sarcastic and also oh so polite.  His manners as he murdered those to keep Lis safe had me cracking up.  Thorne was truly lethal, yet at the same time he was so much fun. He loved to push Lis’ buttons and get a rise out of her while being addictively possessive. Add to all of that that he was capable of admitting when he was wrong. Well. It was impossible not to love everything there was about him.

I stopped as something . . . something like hope swelled inside me. Hope for what? I really couldn’t say as I looked over my shoulder at him.
The Lord stood with his back to me, shoulders a tense straight line. “Be careful.”

Around Thorne, Lis could touch him and just be in the moment.  She never got pulled into her brain or saw future events she would prefer not to see. Like she did when she touched other lowborns and Caelestias. So the sexual tension between Lis and Thorne was done fabulously.  It was a slow burn that was filled with the most fabulous banter.  It was impossible not to smile at so many of the moments between them.  And while Thorne and Lis were worlds apart, it always felt like there was something pulling them together. As though there was a higher power connecting them. So because of that, I loved watching the tentative trust build. That they could be comfortable with each other.  That it felt like Lis was finally making an emotional connection with someone. And of course how steamy they could be together too *fans face*.

I connected with him, and my intuition came alive, showing me the future— the excruciating crack of bone in my right arm, then my left. The phantom pain traveled to my throat. I felt it all.
His death.
And I . . . I smiled.

Yes there were other characters outside of Lis and Thorne, but I am rather obsessed with those two. I’m still unsure of how to feel towards Naomi, who was her first friend outside of Grady. And I would love if Lis threw an apple at Claude’s head, like Alex. Yes he took care of Lis as he used her as his own personal lie detector, but I loathed that he called her Pet. There was also a man named Hymel that I kept hoping would die on every page he appeared lol.  Ohhh then there were two friends of Thorne that we didn’t spend a lot of time with, yet I adored both of them.  I can’t wait to get to know them better!  They had found family written all over them!  But on top of those we met, there was a whole world and political intrigue that I’m not even touching on.  It was fascinating and better left for you to discover on your own!

My gaze flew back to him.
“I would warn against attempting to run,” he advised, walking past me.
“Because you will stop me?”
“Because I will give chase.” He unhooked the straps holding the short sword to his back as he crossed into the bedchamber. “And I will capture you.”

Fall of Ruin and Wrath was laced with a fascinating world, characters that will steal you heart, mysteries that are intertwined with secrets, and moments that will leave you on the edge of your seat! There were so many moments that were impossible to stop smiling or screaming from excitement. Especially when it came to Thorne. That last page was the most perfect stopping point. Yet I am definitely counting down until the next book is released and we can be back in this world!

PS The shower scene was one of my favorite moments.  Nope, it’s not what you think it is *side smirk*.

Other Favorite Quotes:

My senses opened to him. I saw nothing in his eyes or in my mind.
But I felt something.
A warning.
A reckoning.
A promise of what was to come.
And I knew.


“Apologies, my pet. I do get a bit animated when I speak. Got it from my mother.”
“‘ Pet’?” Prince Thorne queried softly.
The back of my neck tingled, and it had nothing to do with intuition.


I froze. Tiny hairs lifted along the nape of my neck as the air thickened and the flames stilled. That mouth of mine had surely gotten me in trouble this time.
But Prince Thorne . . . he smiled.
My stomach dipped.
The smile he bestowed was not tight or cold. It was wide and real, showing a hint of teeth and softening the icy, unreal beauty of his features.


“Do you finally think of me as a monster?”
I closed my eyes.
“You should,” he said softly. “The blood that is on my hands will never wash off. I wouldn’t even attempt to do so.”

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

BOOK REVIEW: House of Striking Oaths (The Kingdom of Crows #3) by Olivia Wildenstein

BOOK REVIEW: House of Striking Oaths (The Kingdom of Crows #3) by Olivia WildensteinHouse of Striking Oaths (The Kingdom of Crows #3)
by Olivia Wildenstein
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There are few people I loathe more than Dante Regio, but my aunt Bronwen, my former grandfather Justus, and my Shabbin grandmother Meriam sit right alongside the Faerie monarch on my list of despicable beings. Especially after they assist the pointy-eared ruler with my kidnapping.

Locked in an obsidian underworld no Crow can reach, not even their king, I soon learn things aren't as they seem. People aren't as they seem. And history... I'm still attempting to reconcile the truth with what I was previously told.

My new allies have an agenda, but I have one of my own. Though there's overlap-we all agree Dante must die-what I desire more than anything is to return to Lore before he levels the kingdom to find me... or loses his humanity trying.

I may favor crowns over coffins, but I refuse to live in a world where my mate only exists as a bird.

Strap in for one last romantic and pulse-pounding adventure in a world governed by magic and hearts.


“Long live”— I lean all my weight into my arms—“ the Crows.”

House of Striking Oaths was an action packed ride from start to finish.  This romantasy was filled with life, death, betrayal, love and allies in the most unlikely of places.  Stepping into this story, realize that there is still one more book to be released.  Why I thought it was trilogy is beyond me haha.  While lots of things were wrapped up by the end of this book, there was also a lot that needed to be solved.  So I’m counting down till we get a HEA for those we love in House of Shifting Tides.  And I’m keeping my fingers crossed we get an epilogue of just Fallon and Lore, because I need to see them both completely happy pretty please!

I catch the new spark that animates my violet eyes.
I will set myself free.

Stepping into this story, there was so much up in the air.  Readers will be happy to know that we got a lot of answers!  They made sense, but I was shocked that I didn’t see quite a few things coming.  Who was using Brownwen’s eyes.  About her mother.  A marriage I couldn’t even fathom.  We learned a lot in this story.  Not only what people’s intentions were, but also the rules for magic.  And how past deals affected the present.  The alliances, motives and actions of others were all laid out on the table for us.  And that led to dangerous games being played within the pages.

I will murder them all.

But the pages were also filled with torture, regret, and anger that will burn you alive. Death needed to happen to those that didn’t deserve to live.  Like Dante.  I hated him.  He was a sociopath filled with lies who was so easy to hate.  I kept waiting for the moment he got what he deserved.  But there was also someone in the story who Wildenstein was able to flip my feeling around for.  Trust was earned, that I never thought could be.  And that left me feeling like I needed to go back and re-read those first two books because my assumptions tainted the story in a certain way.  And I was completely wrong! 

“Ready to become mine, Serpent-charmer?”
I tilt my head, and although Nonna taught me not to provoke purelings, I cannot help but hiss, “I’ll never be yours.”

Fallon came into her magic and it was fascinating watching her learn how to do things.  But I definitely had a hiccup with Fallon.  I understood that she had so much rage, but why she didn’t play nice with Dante so Antoni didn’t suffer was beyond me.  Why she wasn’t smarter and more careful for her friend’s life made me want to shake her.  Hard.  Thankfully as the story progressed, I loved that she stood up for those she loved.  She had so much fire in her!  Yet her and Lore struggled since he was still keeping secrets from her.  And that hurt ugh.  Thankfully Lore loved Fallon with all of his heart and was willing to do whatever it took to save her.  His love for her was larger than life!  And I loved seeing the softer side of him too, like when he was giving Pheebs relationship advice haha.  Ohhh plus the scenes between Fallon and Lore were sooo hot!

He kisses one corner of my lips, then hovers his mouth over the other and murmurs, “My heart.”

Bargains were formed.  Forgiveness was given.  Plans were put in place that had the hugest of risks.  And they were sent on the most impossible of quests.  This book will definitely keep you entertained!  And as we watched the story unfold, it didn’t matter that some things came to pass that were horrific, fate had a way of achieving what it wanted.  No matter how much one tried to evade it.  Also, there was something setup in this book, for a future spinoff decades down the road and I am so excited that option was given!  Closing this story, the epilogue left me in tears.  I desperately need that next book.  There was something that needed to be “fixed”.  And it hurt.  So I’m counting down till that next book is released!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

BOOK REVIEW: Star Bringer by Tracy Wolff & Nina Croft

BOOK REVIEW: Star Bringer by Tracy Wolff & Nina CroftStar Bringer by Tracy Wolff, Nina Croft
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The sun is dying…and it’s happening way too damn fast.

With the clock ticking, the Nine Planets’ only hope of survival rests on a fancy space station and the alien artifact it’s carrying. Which is why it really sucks when some jackass doesn’t want the universe saved and blows that station up―while you’re still on it.

So if your only choices are flaming death or stealing a flying hunk of space junk―you pick that busted-ass spaceship. Even if it leaves seven strangers with deadly secrets trapped together: a princess, a prisoner, a con artist, a warrior, a priestess, a mercenary, and an asshole in charge of us all.

Now every faction in the galaxy is hunting this ship―from the Sisterhood to the Corporation, and the rebellion’s joining in on the fun, too. We just need to stop drinking, fighting, and screwing long enough to evade them all and save the freaking universe...somehow.

Because apparently the only thing standing between a dying sun and ultimate salvation is seven unlikely misfits…ahem, heroes.


Star Bringer was a fast paced romantic Sci-Fi that was so much fun! It felt like a mash up of certain elements from Guardians of the Galaxy + The 100 + The Breakfast Club and a little bit of The Bourne Identity, so I was obsessed! And by just that first chapter I was sucked in. These seven characters were thrown together and were the most unlikely of allies. It was just asking for disaster! It made this story steamy, heartfelt and filled with all the action. Laced with lies, death, secrets, betrayal, friendship and love, this high staked book was impossible to put down!

As crews go, we’re a goddamn disaster. A princess, a priestess, a bodyguard, a prisoner, a con artist, a goofball, and me, self-appointed asshole in charge of them all.


Kalinda: Crown Princess of the Nine Planets

If anyone had told me a month ago that I’d be sitting at a bar on Glacea while the only person I’ve ever kissed casually stabs a stranger, I would have laughed them out of the palace. But here we are.

Kali was one of my favorite characters. Her thoughts cracked me up and I loved her sarcasm. Yet even though she was level headed, she had been raised so naïve and sheltered. She hadn’t been aware of what was truly going on in the planets around her, or their galaxy. So as she found herself in the middle of an adventure of a lifetime, she not only got a huge wake up call, but she grew so much from the beginning of this story to the end!


Ian: Mercenary and Smuggler and (Very) Occasional Good Guy

He smirks. “Princess Kalinda, the martyr . Not sure the look suits you. Besides, I’ve always been a sucker for a damsel in distress.”
“No, you haven’t!” I tell him, and the desperation is growing inside me. Because time is running out.
“Okay, you’re right, I haven’t.” He blasts some more laser fire in their direction, then looks at me, his expression serious for once.

Ian was right up there with favorite character! His thoughts made me fall so hard for him. And I loved that he was attracted to the Princess from the get go, but that he hated all that she stood for. But Ian was a secretive soul and he held a lot of his cards close to his chest. All I really knew about him in the beginning was that he desperately needed to save Milla. We just didn’t know the why. As the story unfolded we saw that Ian was heroic, brave, cynical and selfless – even though he would deny this to his death haha. Ian was a true book boyfriend that I fell head over heels in love with!


Ian & Kali:

No way. Bad boys are one thing. Homicidal assholes are another.
But then he turns and our eyes meet as he watches me watching him.
Shit. Could I be more obvious?
He raises a brow as if inviting me to engage.

Ian and Kali had the most fabulous of enemies to lovers! Their banter was everything! I loved watching Ian mess with Kali, and Kali throw it back at him. Watching their enemies to lovers relationship transform was my favorite thing about this story! It was real, believable and kept me wondering what was going to happen next. Being put in life and death situations, they had to trust each other. Save each other. And watching that trust, friendship and more build was perfect and left my heart beating faster!


Rain: High Priestess of the Sisterhood of the Light

I feel the stirring of my own rebellion deep inside. The part of me that has lived my life for other people knows I should shove it down and lock it up tight. But the other part… the other part of me wants to take it out for a spin and see where it goes.

Rain was absolutely adorable and oh so sheltered. She had so many expectations put upon her as the High Priestess, so I loved how down to earth she was. How she was a complete disaster the first time she met the Princess. But as we got to learn more about Rain, I loved that she was kind, good hearted and so thoughtful. And she was completely obsessed thinking about kissing Beckett ♥.


Beckett: Newly Escaped Prisoner 826

“Nothing about you could ever be boring, Rain,” she whispers back. Then she sweeps my hair over my shoulder and leans forward to press her mouth against the nape of my neck.

Beckett was a mystery. She kept her cards closer to her chest then even Ian did. She had so much hate towards everything Kali stood for, and seemed to have so much darkness around her because of the physical pain she was constantly in. So she took the longest for me to warm up to and like. Watching Rain make Beckett happy finally gave Beckett the light she desperately needed. Yet I felt like Rain and Becket’s relationship wasn’t as developed as Ian and Kali’s. Theirs felt more physical, like an insta lust. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Rain and Beckett’s relationship will develop more as this trilogy unfolds!


Their World & The Others:

“What is this?” she asks, and now she’s looking around as well.
“I don’t know,” I tell her honestly. “I have no fucking idea. But I’m starting to think we should’ve been more scared of the sentient ship we’ve stolen and what she’s capable of.”

Learning about the different planets, and the political mechanisms to it all was fascinating. But we also got to see the horrors that surrounded them and my mind was blown. Torture. Betrayal. Death. Consequences. All seemed to be wherever you looked in their galaxy.
Also on the ship were Merrick, Gage, and Max.  Yet we didn’t get the any of their povs like we do with Beckett, Rain, Ian and Kali. So I’m keeping my lips zipped on them, other then hold on because you’re in for a wild ride! And the same for the ship! I loved the ship in the story almost as much as Kali and Ian! I have sooooo much I want to say, but I can’t wait for you to discover all that is Starlight! She had me clapping, screaming out loud, and cheering her on every step of the way!

Terror rolls through me at the thought of what we’re about to do— and what will happen if we get caught. But some things are worth fighting for. And so are some people.

With perilous action, this story had heart pounding moments that were epic and others that were impossible not to have tears when reading! And while there were happy moments, death still loomed over all of their heads. After finishing this book, I went back and re-read certain scenes and the foreshadowing! Ohhhhh, it was so subtly there! This story was definitely like a puzzle, but you have to look for the pieces since not all of them show themselves to you! Now I am patiently waiting for that next book. While I am nervous about how something will pan out, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I love how it unfolds. And I can;t wait to see what happens next!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

BOOK REVIEW: A Soul of Ash and Blood (Blood and Ash #5) by Jennifer L Armentrout

BOOK REVIEW: A Soul of Ash and Blood (Blood and Ash #5) by Jennifer L ArmentroutA Soul of Ash and Blood (Blood and Ash #5)
by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Only his memories can save her…

A great primal power has risen. The Queen of Flesh and Fire has become the Primal of Blood and Bone—the true Primal of Life and Death. And the battle Casteel, Poppy, and their allies have been fighting has only just begun. Gods are awakening across Iliseeum and the mortal realm, readying for the war to come.

But when Poppy falls into stasis, Cas faces the very real possibility that the dire, unexpected consequences of what she is becoming could take her away from him. Cas is given some advice, though—something he plans to cling to as he waits to see her beautiful eyes open once more: Talk to her.

And so, he does. He reminds Poppy how their journey began, revealing things about himself that only Kieran knows in the process. But it’s anybody’s guess what she’ll wake to or exactly how much of the realm and Cas will have changed when she does.

#1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout revisits Poppy and Casteel’s epic love story in the next installment of the Blood and Ash series. But this time, Hawke gets to tell the tale.


A Soul of Ash and Blood wove an enchanting tale between the past and the present.  It was a phenomenal addition to the From Blood and Ash Series! I thought I was prepared for this story, I was so wrong.  New light was shone on scenes we thought we knew, things arose that left us with burning questions, and those final pages cumulated into a heart stopping ending!  Cas’ story will capture your heart!  A Soul of Ash and Blood was intoxicating, gritty, smile inducing and absolutely impossible to put down!

What he’d said was something I’d already learned the hard way, but his words…
They felt like a warning.
An omen of things to come.

The story started out in the present and within those first few pages my heart was already in my chest.  I shouldn’t have been surprised that it was emotionally intense, or that I cried within that first chapter.  Because while some of those tears were happy, there were others filled with sadness and scared of the unknown.  Something wasn’t right with Poppy.  Cas and Kieran knew it, and Nektas seemed to possessive knowledge that I wanted to pry out of his brain.  That draken could be so blunt, but he cracked me up time and again!  So as Poppy went into stasis, Cas took us back to before he met Poppy.  I loved how JLA skillfully immersed us in a world we already loved, but through Cas’ eyes it was unique, addictive and so much more than I ever could have hoped and dreamed!  As we alternated between the past and the present, this book turned out to be EVERYTHING I didn’t realize I needed!

Kieran shook his head as he turned his stare to the moon. “A Maiden with a wolven-bone dagger and, at the very least, no fear when it comes to using it?” One side of his lips tipped up. “Why do I have a feeling we may have underestimated her?”
I let out a short, low laugh. “Because I think we did.”

Cas took us back to before he met Poppy and was a guard.  I loved his moments with Vikter, oh how I have missed him.  Their interactions were phenomenal!  But most of all I loved getting to hear Cas’  preconceived notions about Poppy, even as he got clues of who the Maiden truly was from others around him.  And when he got to meet her in person, his reactions were all consuming and I always had to know how he would handle the next moment they were together! I could not stop smiling, I could not stop my shouts and screams of happiness, and it was impossible not to laugh at the most inappropriate things.  Seeing violence through Cas’ eyes, well it was hard not to think how he thought haha. His anger and vengeance were electrifying and it seemed to bubble under the surface at times. I loved when things would get violent and each time I fell even harder for him.  One thing that hurt so much though, was getting to see deeper into who Cas was.  His past.  The horrors.  And how it haunted him in the present.  It literally ripped me apart and I felt like I was drowning at times.  I know Poppy said in FBAA what she had felt from him, but I didn’t realize how much it truly consumed him.

“I know you want to do something irresponsible and reckless, but you can’t kill him,” he said. There was no greeting. No need to ask questions. He knew why I was here.
“I’m not going to kill him,” I replied. “I’m only going to murder him.”
Kieran sidestepped, blocking me. “That’s the same thing.”
“No, it’s not. Killing someone implies it could’ve been an accident. What I’m about to do will be completely intentional.”

Getting to hear Cas’ explanations for the whys he did something was absolutely phenomenal!  His dark, humorous thoughts were addictive!  And watching him do things I had no clue he was doing, ohhhhhh be prepared to be surprised again and again by this story!  But one of my favorite things was seeing Poppy through Cas’ eyes.  How she affected him.  How she seeped into his thoughts.  And how his progression of thoughts towards her changed.  It was consuming and will fill your heart with joy!  You know how in FBAA we got to learn the world right along with Poppy?  I felt that all over again with Cas.  Yes he has knowledge for what is truly going on, but he was in the dark for other things.  And watching as light was shown on certain aspects to Cas, it blew my mind.  We got to see so many different sides of Cas.  How he could be his own worst enemy.  How he could be someone’s savior.  How he could be their demise.  And most of all, how he was able to enchant Poppy’s heart and soul.

Their blood was on my hands.
And as fucked-up as it sounded, I could live with that. I had to. But what was hard to swallow? That I’d caused her pain.

As the story unfolded, we got to see lots of fan favorite moments from FBAA, and scenes that weren’t in FBAA too. But some of those scenes that are our favorites, oh we were none the wiser.  So when Cas filled in certain things, wow.  You think you know something, but you truly don’t!  And seeing how he felt through each of those times, fans of this series are going to be clinging onto his every word and thought!  We also got to see Kieran through Cas’ eyes and watching Kieran handle certain situations was epic and shocking.  There are no other words!  And Emil.  Oh poor Emil.  I laughed so hard in a certain situation with him that I should probably feel guilty about, but I don’t haha.  And while I went from desperately wanting to stay in the past, there came a point in the story where the present had us hanging onto every word and moment.  And those final pages?!  Hold on because it is heart pounding and left us desperately wanting that next book!

I wanted to be a good man who would walk away from what he knew he wasn’t worthy or deserving of. The kind Kieran believed I was. The type I had been raised to be. But I wasn’t a good man.
I was just hers.

A Soul of Ash and Blood will have you falling in love with Cas, Poppy, and this series all over again.  Plus the steam in this book through Cas’ eyes *fans face*, it was scorching hot!  I’m so grateful we got this story!  And now I’ll be counting down till that next book releases!

Spoiler Quotes:
View Spoiler »

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

Reading Order & Links:

Amazon (click on covers) & iBooks (click on titles)

From Blood and Ash (Blood and Ash Series) #1


A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire (Blood and Ash Series) #2


The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and Ash Series) #3

A Shadow in the Ember Ash (Flesh and Fire Series) 


The War of Two Queens (Blood and Ash Series) #4

A Light in the Flame (Flesh and Fire Series ) #2


A Soul of Ash and Blood (Blood and Ash Series) 


A Fire in the Flesh (Flesh and Fire Series) #3

Visions of Flesh and Blood (Blood and Ash Series) #5.5

BOOK REVIEW: Twice in a Blue Moon by Christina Lauren

BOOK REVIEW: Twice in a Blue Moon by Christina LaurenTwice in a Blue Moon by Christina Lauren
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Sam Brandis was Tate Jones’s first: Her first love. Her first everything. Including her first heartbreak.

During a whirlwind two-week vacation abroad, Sam and Tate fell for each other in only the way that first loves do: sharing all of their hopes, dreams, and deepest secrets along the way. Sam was the first, and only, person that Tate—the long-lost daughter of one of the world’s biggest film stars—ever revealed her identity to. So when it became clear her trust was misplaced, her world shattered for good.

Fourteen years later, Tate, now an up-and-coming actress, only thinks about her first love every once in a blue moon. When she steps onto the set of her first big break, he’s the last person she expects to see. Yet here Sam is, the same charming, confident man she knew, but even more alluring than she remembered. Forced to confront the man who betrayed her, Tate must ask herself if it’s possible to do the wrong thing for the right reason… and whether “once in a lifetime” can come around twice.


Twice in a Blue Moon was an enchanting tale of second chances. With beautiful scenery, characters that were easy to love and a story-line that was hard to put down, this story was so much fun!  The only thing it was missing was either an epilogue or a few more chapters.  Things moved pretty fast towards the end of this story, and I desperately needed to have more.  That’s the only thing that prevented this from being 5 Stars.

Sam kissed me one more time and then hesitated. His cheeks flushed just before he admitted, “I think I’m falling in love with you. Is that crazy?”
Biting my lips was the only way to hold in my elated scream. Finally, I managed, “No. It isn’t crazy. Because, me too.”

Tate met Sam when they were both vacationing in Europe with their grandparents.  I loved Sam and his grandpa right away!  They were warm, kind and they felt like people you had known your whole life.  I loved watching how Tate and Sam easily formed their friendship.  They bonded over their similarities, like not being able to do things in life that were their passion.  And it wasn’t long before they would confess everything to each other.  And when there were touches, kisses and watching what felt like first love unfold, it was butterfly inducing!  Their moments together in London felt magical.  And I was excited for what could be when they got back to the states, even though there was so much distance between them.  The first 100 plus pages of this story, I fell in love with them.  Only to have the rug pulled beneath Tate and the readers’ feet.  She was betrayed, and her life would never be the same. 

It was only two weeks of my life, a long time ago, but I loved him. I remember the feeling; it’s still the only time I’ve ever felt it.

Tate was the daughter of one of the most famous actors and her identity had been given away.  Her life had been a whirlwind since she got back from London.  Now she was an actress, and was to be the star of a movie that was supposed to skyrocket her career even further.  The script was beautiful, the role was life changing and there was something about the storyline that spoke to her.  Yet when Tate arrived on set in Northern California, north of where she grew up, Sam was there.  All of her feelings rushed back to her.  Consuming her.  And threatened the potential for her to nail this job.  It was impossible not to be nervous with Sam and Tate around each other again.  I didn’t know where they could go.  But I was secretly hoping they could fix what destroyed them in the past.  Or at least get answers so Tate could move on.

Charlie steps in front of me, blocking my view. I am so busted. “Why are we staring at Satan?”
“I wasn’t.”
“You were. Are you feeling nice things, Tate Jones?”
“I wasn’t— I just…” I lean to the side to peek again. “Is he crying?”
She doesn’t even turn around. “We don’t care if it cries. We aren’t even sure it has feelings, remember?”
“I remember,” I say dutifully, straightening and grinning at her.

I loved Tate!  She could be so black and white, and harsh.  But it made sense, her whole life had been taken away from her.  She wasn’t able to hide anymore.  So I got her anger and hurt towards Sam.  I got her nerves over whether this would affect her ability to work.  She never seemed to have solid footing.  Especially with Sam back in the picture.  And Sam?  Well, I had already fallen in love with him when he was 21.  And as an adult, I desperately wanted to watch him redeem himself.  For there to be such a solid answer for why he did what he did.  Or that we put the clues together wrong.  So anytime he was around Sam, it was hard to ignore the electricity between them.  What they had built in a few weeks couldn’t be ignored all of these years later.  So I struggled with my feelings right along with Tate.

I shove him once and he stumbles back, landing against the side of the truck. My hands come to the front of his shirt, pulling the cotton into my fists, and I want to tear it off, dig my hands into the skin underneath and pull his heart free.

The other characters filled in the story perfectly. Tate’s dad, sigh. Even though I didn’t like him, it got to the point where it was impossible to separate my feelings from Tate. When she wanted to find that connection with her dad, I wanted that for her too. Probably my favorite side character was Charlie, her best friend.  I adored her!  Ohhh and Nick her co-worker and main lead in the movie.  He helped Tate so much, he was impossible not to love!  I wish he got his own story.  And the setting felt like its own character.  I grew up not that far from where parts of this story took place.  So hearing about Guerneville, where I went to camp and drove through countless times, to The Coddingtown Mall I would frequent with friends and my mom, to even the area the movie was north of Point Arena, wow that one knocked the wind out of me because that area holds such a special place from my late teens to early 20s.  So this story was so vivid!  I felt like I was walking back through those locations and it made my heart so happy!

“Can you believe me, though?” he asks quietly. “That the worst thing I ever did was for the best reason I ever had?”

I loved how we not only got first love in a NA setting, but an Adult second chance romance too.  It was very similar in that vein to Love and Other Words, which is one of my favorite books by them!  So if you’re wanting a romance story that will make you fall in love.  Have characters that are so easy to click with.  And a storyline that makes it so easy to binge, definitely add this one to your tbr.  Just make sure you’re okay with not getting a peak into the future, because that was my only hang-up!

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