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BOOK REVIEW: The War of Two Queens (Blood and Ash #4) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

BOOK REVIEW: The War of Two Queens (Blood and Ash #4) by Jennifer L. ArmentroutThe War of Two Queens (Blood and Ash #4)
by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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War is only the beginning

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout comes book four in her Blood and Ash series.

From the desperation of golden crowns

Casteel Da’Neer knows all too well that very few are as cunning or vicious as the Blood Queen, but no one, not even him, could’ve prepared for the staggering revelations. The magnitude of what the Blood Queen has done is almost unthinkable.

And born of mortal flesh…

Nothing will stop Poppy from freeing her King and destroying everything the Blood Crown stands for. With the strength of the Primal of Life’s guards behind her, and the support of the wolven, Poppy must convince the Atlantian generals to make war her way—because there can be no retreat this time. Not if she has any hope of building a future where both kingdoms can reside in peace.

A great primal power rises…

Together, Poppy and Casteel must embrace traditions old and new to safeguard those they hold dear—to protect those who cannot defend themselves. But war is only the beginning. Ancient primal powers have already stirred, revealing the horror of what began eons ago. To end what the Blood Queen has begun, Poppy might have to become what she has been prophesied to be—what she fears the most.

As the Harbinger of Death and Destruction.


A War of Two Queens was a stunning continuation of The Blood and Ash Series!  Within the pages swirled hope, love, friendship, death, trials and so much more.  And while this story is within the From Blood and Ash Series, the ties into A Shadow in the Ember intensified my emotions even more.  It is a must read before you dive into this book!  With tears, laughter, heartache and joy mingled together, this book was impossible to put down. If you’re a fan of this series, fantasy, JLA or romance, you definitely need these books in your life!

And forever.

From the very first page, my heart was in my throat.  I was elated that we got chapters in Castel’s pov, but it hurt at the same time.  The pain and suffering we watched him go through gutted me to the core.  I wanted more than retribution, I wanted to watch those who hurt him burn a slow and painful death.  The Blood Queen had to be stopped!  And while Poppy had the draken and wolven behind her, she needed to solidify the Altlanians to join her battle.  To take down the Blood Queen and free her King. The paths Cas and Poppy took throughout this story were an action packed, emotional ride!

If I screamed, if I gave in to all the pain and rage, the sound of desperation and anguish would become wrath and fury. The scream choking me, the power building inside me, tasted of death.
And a small part of me wanted to let it out.

I loved watching Poppy became even more confident in herself and her decisions.  I wanted to stand up and cheer for her.  She was so strong and someone to look up to.  Yet at the same time, her hurt bled from the pages.  The trials she had to go through and the heart wrenching lessons she learned continually pulled on my emotions.  And Poppy’s heart wasn’t whole.  She ached for Cas.  For knowing the horror that he must be going through.  But through it all, thank the gods she had Kieran.  I loved how he stood by her in her time of need.  I loved that he had her back without any hesitation.  Kieran was a beautiful soul and the truest of friends.  It was so easy to love him.

“Two hearts. We’re two hearts.” I brushed my lips over her brow, closing my eyes. “One soul. We’ll find each other again. We always will—”

Cas is my top favorite book boyfriend.  The things he would do for love and those he cared for?!  He was everything I felt all of his emotions right along with him, but for parts of the story, I didn’t even know what to feel at times.  Rage, sorrow, loss?  I didn’t even know.  It all blurred together.  But even when he was backed into a corner, I knew Cas would persevere.  Just like he always did.  No matter how dire the situation.  And with Cas there was also elation, hope and so much love that warmed me from the inside out.  I couldn’t wait until I could see him joking around with Poppy again. For them to touch. For the passion to burn between them.  I needed them back together and whole.

His hand tightened in my loose braid of hair. “He is still yours. You are still his.”
Tears stung my throat, my eyes. “Always,” I whispered hoarsely.

Even through the heartache and pain, we were given so many moments that made us laugh and smile.  They helped heal my heart and allowed me to breathe.  Reaver, Delano, Netta, and so many more added to that.  The friendships that wove throughout this story were breathtaking and real.  It added the lightness that was desperately needed in the moments of darkness.  And I for one can’t wait to see where some of them go!  Although I have to say that Reaver was definitely one of my top favorites.  He could be such a grump and it almost seemed like he could antagonize others without any effort at all lol, but I absolutely loved him!

I knew what I would feel if I let my senses stretch. Horror. Horror so potent, I would never be able to wash it away.

With questions answered that made me scream I knew it out loud, there were others that made me second guess everything I knew. The twists and turns in this book were heart-stopping! I never knew what would happen next or who would be safe.  I was kept on the edge of my seat trying my best to keep my emotions in check.  But it never worked.  Tears silently streaked down my face.  And other times I couldn’t stifle the gasp or sobs this story invoked from me.  Thankfully there were happy tears mixed in their also.  But hold on, because there were so many emotions within these pages!

My Queen. My soul. My savior. Poppy.

The War of Two Queens consumed my every waking thought and this story easily became an instant favorite.  The series continued to unfold in a way that was not only intricate but had me beyond fascinated!  And the characters easily owned my heart. I was so happy to see that the ending left us at a spot where we could somewhat relax, yet I’m beyond ecstatic to pick up that next book! I absolutely loved this book and this series. I can’t recommend them enough!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

***Coming back on release day to share some of my favorite quotes and one thought I had.  There are LOTS of spoilers so please don’t click unless you have read this book***

View Spoiler »

Reading Order & Links:

Amazon (click on covers) & iBooks (click on titles)

From Blood and Ash (Blood and Ash Series) #1


A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire (Blood and Ash Series) #2


The Crown of Gilded Bones (Blood and Ash Series) #3

A Shadow in the Ember Ash (Flesh and Fire Series) 


The War of Two Queens (Blood and Ash Series) #4

A Light in the Flame (Flesh and Fire Series ) #2


A Soul of Ash and Blood (Blood and Ash Series) 


A Fire in the Flesh (Flesh and Fire Series) #3

Visions of Flesh and Blood (Blood and Ash Series) #5.5

BOOK REVIEW: My Summer in Seoul by Rachel Van Dyken

BOOK REVIEW: My Summer in Seoul by Rachel Van DykenMy Summer in Seoul by Rachel Van Dyken
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It’s not all K-dramas and happily ever afters.

Intern with Korea’s number one record label? Yes, please.
Find out there’s a huge scandal I need to help “manage”… not so much.
Add in the fact that I don’t recognize the “superstars” of the label and think they’re interns…
And my dream job quickly becomes more of a nightmare.

But I’m in Seoul, the one place that is beginning to feel more and more like home...
Except it isn’t home, and the drama surrounding the biggest K-pop group in the world, SWT, is consuming my every moment.
Spoiler alert. They hate me.
Everything I do is wrong: wrong clothes, wrong honorifics, wrong manners.
Till the leader of SWT takes pity on me.
But pity is dangerous when it comes from someone as beautiful as him.

Every SWT member is gorgeous, perfect, and cultivated to be an idol… lethal to a girl’s heart.
And sanity.
But fame plus a perfect face and voice don’t equal an easy life. As their comeback nears, the stakes rise higher.
Suicide watch…
Angry fans…

All I want to do is survive.
But the price for survival might mean losing my heart.
And like a character in a K-drama, I’m not sure if there will be an actual happily ever after…
Or simply a lesson learned.


I went to Seoul searching for my heart— and found my destiny instead.

 My Summer in Seoul was brimming with emotion and swept me away.  I had absolutely no clue what I was getting into, since I don’t know anything about K-pop.  But that didn’t even matter.  At the heart of this story was friendship, love, trials and trust.  And each aspect was so emotional and powerful.  So if you’re a fan of enemies to lovers or romance stories with someone famous, then you definitely need this book in your life!

It was always the pretty ones that were the most complicated.
And mean.

Rachel Van Dyken always has the amazing talent of putting me directly into someone else’s shoes and feeling every single thing they do.  So of course I loved Grace!  She wanted to get into the music industry and her Uncle offered her a job to intern at his number one record label.  In Korea.  Grace jumped at the chance, but it definitely wasn’t what she thought it would be.  Yes it involved coffee runs and other similar tasks.  But she had to help oversee the largest K-pop group in the world.  And she started her first moment with them, thinking they were interns.  Whoops.

Well, if he wanted war.
He’d get it.
Because I wasn’t quitting.
I wasn’t leaving.
And I would stay even if it killed me.

Lucas, Rae, Sookie, Jay and Kai were a formable team in SWT.  But they hated Grace.  She was loud, bubbly, wouldn’t stop talking, and had no clue what she was doing.  Especially when it came to customs.  Thankfully Rae, the leader, took pity on her.  But it still wasn’t easy, especially with Lucas hating her the most.  And while Grace tried her hardest again and again, it still was never enough.

I didn’t look over my shoulder, even though I wanted to.
And I didn’t check on her again.
It wasn’t my place.
And she wasn’t mine to begin with.
Plus, she was the last girl in the world I would go for.
Dead. Last.

Grace was motivated, persevered when others wouldn’t and had the hugest heart ever.  And while she started figuring out how to handle the guys in SWT, Lucas still gave her all the hatred.  It didn’t matter what she would do or how kind she was to him.  He still hated her with a passion.  And as someone who loves enemies to lovers, Grace and Lucas’ story was fabulous!  It was a roller-coaster of emotions with the most fabulous angst!  And while my heart broke for Grace countless times, it also started to break for Lucas too.  Once we started to have chapters in his head too.

It was wrong, sneaking around, making her lie to everyone, bringing her down with me, but I couldn’t stop it any more than I could stop breathing.

Lucas was struggling.  The music industry of K-pop was beyond intense and brutal.  Fans controlled how high they climbed and how low they crashed with a scandal.  So as we started to learn more about Lucas, he earned my empathy.  Even if he could be a total asshole lol.  That’s because I loved how Lucas felt deeply.  I loved how passionate he was about music.  And I even loved how he messed with Grace at times.  But most of all, I loved when Lucas did something that allowed Grace to see more of him.  Lucas was drowning at times, and I kept hoping Grace could help him.  Somehow.

I still tasted her mouth; I still felt her skin on mine.
I still wanted her so much it hurt.

The way Grace and Lucas developed eeps, I loved it!  They made my heart pound faster!  And I’m not saying any more about them besides read this book!  On top of Grace and Lucas was an industry that was all consuming.  Intense isn’t even a strong enough word for it.  And we also got to know Rae, Sookie, Jay and Kai.  Oh you guys.  They slowly found a way into my heart and I didn’t ever want to say goodbye to them.  I’d be sooo happy if each of them got their own story!  Please ♥.

She had saved me. It was my turn. To save her.

My Summer in Seoul was an enemy to lovers tale that romances lovers will passionately fall in love with!  This story played out like I was watching a tv show unfold on Netflix, it was impossible to put down!  And while there was a lot of drama and emotion throughout this story, I laughed a ton too.  The bears?!  Oh I can’t even!  So yes, I loved this book and can’t recommend it enough!

Son of a bitch! I was killing them all! ALL OF THEM!

PS What I gasped over?  I was just as mad, right along with Grace!  Even though I guessed it.  Still.  Poor Grace ♥.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

BOOK REVIEW: Attraction (Hypothesis #1) by Penny Reid

BOOK REVIEW: Attraction (Hypothesis #1) by Penny ReidAttraction (Hypothesis #1)
by Penny Reid
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One week.
Private beach.
Invisible girl.
Jerk-faced bully.
What’s the worst that could happen?

Kaitlyn Parker has no problem being the invisible girl, which is why she finds herself hiding in various cabinets and closets all over her college campus. Despite her best efforts, she can’t escape the notice of Martin Sandeke—bad boy, jerkface bully, and the universe’s hottest, wealthiest, and most unobtainable bachelor—who also happens to be Kaitlyn’s chemistry lab partner.

Kaitlyn might be the only girl who isn’t interested in exploiting his stunning rower’s build, chiseled features, and family's billionaire fortune. Kaitlyn wants Martin for his brain, specifically to tabulate findings of trace elements in surface water.

When Kaitlyn saves Martin from a nefarious plot, Martin uses the opportunity to push Kaitlyn out of her comfort zone: spring break, one week, house parties, bathing suits, and suntan lotion. Can she overcome her aversion to being noticed? Will he be able grow beyond his self-centered nature? Or, despite their obvious chemistry, will Martin be the one to drive Kaitlyn into the science cabinet of obscurity for good?


The Hypothesis Series sucked me in and before I knew it, I had binged all three books about Martin and Katy.   While I did have some hiccups here and there, I didn’t really care because this story was so much fun and kept me entertained.  The first book in this series, Attraction, was emotional, quirky and so easy to devour.  If you love unconventional girls, Alpha males and lots of angst, then this is the series to add to your tbr!

“Haven’t you ever wondered why I come on Fridays?” His fingers curled around my neck and his thumb traced circles along the line of my collarbone. He encouraged my head to tip backward.
“So that we can get a jump start on the weekly assignment?”
He shook his head. “You.”

Kaitlyn Parker, aka Katy, was lab partners with Martin Sandeke.  Martin was tall, gorgeous, smart, athletic, and his family were billionaires.  He truly had it all going for him.  And while Katy’s family was well known too, she definitely felt like they were in very different leagues.  You see, while Martin was popular, outgoing annnnnnnd a total douche, Katy was quiet, timid and liked to hide in closets.  So while Katie was hiding in a closet (see, told you LOL), she overheard a plot to take Martin down.  With her kind heart, she warned him and it set her on a path that would completely change her world.

“You think I’m only interested in you for one thing. You’re wrong,” he whispered against my ear, hot breath spilling against my neck making me shiver, his hand on my stomach inching lower.
“This, what you’re doing now, how you’re touching me, does not give credibility to your words.” My breath hitched, my brain disengaging.

Katy was beyond quirky and cracked me up!  Did she have some growing up and learning how to interact with others to do?  Uh yeah!  But she was so endearing, that I loved watching her journey.  Sometimes her mouth would open and oh my gosh I’d die laughing.  BUT at the same point I just wanted to hug her because you could tell that her upbringing was extremely different than those around her.  She could be so over the top, almost kind of like Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory, but by the second book you get to see how much she grew.  And by the third book, besides her keyword burner, she had changed so much.  I’m glad I was patient with her because she slowly but surely matured and evolved as this trilogy unfolded.

How was it possible I was the most trustworthy person in his life? How heartbreaking was that?

Martin was such an unknown.  He could be extremely demanding and spoiler alert, that doesn’t change at all in the next two books.   But at the same time, he also had this soft side to him that made me melt.  And my heart hurt for how he was raised.  With his charming, seductive and captivating ways I found myself falling for Martin.  So when he invited Katy to take a trip with him to a tropical island, for spring break, I was so excited.  With a beautiful setting and lots of time together, I couldn’t flip the pages fast enough!

For some inexplicable reason, I felt like crying. Tears stung behind my eyelids and my throat felt tight.
I knew it.
I knew he was going to make me cry.

 Attraction was filled with lots of angst, and as someone who can easily be consumed watching it all unfold, I loved every minute of it!  With side characters that leaped from the pages, two main characters I was fascinated with, tons of chemistry and a romantic tropical setting, this book was an absolute blast!  And spoiler alert….Book 2 is where all the heat is at….just sayin lol.

PS This ends on a cliffhanger and mid scene, so you definitely want to have Heat available, for when you read this book!


BOOK REVIEW: Waylaid (True North #8) by Sarina Bowen

BOOK REVIEW: Waylaid (True North #8) by Sarina BowenWaylaid (True North #8)
by Sarina Bowen
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It’s a tale as old as time: the bad boy meets the good girl. He makes a daring proposition. Then the boy gets a mysterious head injury and loses a year of his life…

The first time I meet Rickie, I don’t know what to make of him. The second time we meet, he doesn’t remember the six hours we spent together. Or standing me up afterward.

I’m not the same, either. I’ve got secrets. I’ve told lies. Bad boys aren’t my type, anyway. Even the ones with troubled gray eyes.

But now we’re roommates. Cue the awkward moments in the hallway when he’s wearing only a towel and a smile. He’s determined to win me over, and his talented hands weaken my resolve.

It’s all fun and games until my past rears its ugly head and his secrets come to light, shaking our fragile connection, maybe even breaking it…

Note: this is Daphne Shipley's story. Contents include Vermonty ice cream flavors, nerdy awkwardness, tattoos, and a playboy grandpa.


I knew I needed a book about Rickie from the first time we laid eyes on him in Heartland. He was such an enigma to me and I knew that if we were to get a glimpse into what him, him that I would consume it in a day (I did).

I have said this in just about every True North review to this day but every time I start these books, I remember how good it feels to be back on the Shipley farm with one of my favorite fictional families in the entire universe. Right from the get go we see Rickie almost dying bc his poor body isn’t used to farm work quite yet (lol) and we see Daphne acting quite strange. Speaking of enigma’s, I have ALSO been dying to get Daphne’s story because she has always been the Shipley that I have feel the least connected to. I think it’s because when we first met Griffin she was still younger and she was in the background and then away at school ever since.

There was a tension between these two that we eventually find out stems from a meeting and budding friendship that Rickie knows nothing about. He went through some kind of traumatic injury years ago and just straight up can’t remember about an entire year of his life. I just KNEW right then and there that there was going to be some very delicious twists and turns in this book.

Boy was I right. As certain memories and even parts of Daphne’s past at Harkness start surfacing I began to have some suspicions about not only why Rickie’s memory was like it was, but who might be involved. I was right on somethings, wrong on others. The important part was how amazingly intricate it all was and how beautifully Bowen tied it all together. I was downright obsessed with the chemistry that Daphne and Rickie had, too. It was so hot and palpable.

The cherry on top was Daphne mending fences with her family after the entire truth came out AND of course Grandpa Shipley gettin’ some. LOL Love, love, LOVED this book and I don’t want my time with this family to ever end.

Huge thanks to Tuxbury Publishing LLC and Sarina Bowen for allowing me to read an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.♥

BOOK REVIEW: The Perfect Play (Southern U O’Brien Brothers #2) by Cookie O’Gorman

BOOK REVIEW: The Perfect Play (Southern U O’Brien Brothers #2) by Cookie O’GormanThe Perfect Play (Southern U OBrien Brothers #2)
by Cookie O'Gorman
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She’s playing to win.

Okay, so I probably shouldn’t have made that bet with Emmy. But come on! She was challenging me. Attract a guy in seven days? No problem.

Well…maybe just one.

The guy she chooses is her brother, Chase O’Brien aka golden-boy-Virgin and star pitcher for the Wolves. Unlike most guys, Chase seems immune to my charms—but I’ve always loved a challenge.

He’s playing for keeps.

Charlie never should’ve made that bet with my baby sister. But if she uses her magic touch to heal my arm and gets me back in the game? It’s all good.

Actually, the more time we spend together, the harder I fall. I always knew I’d recognize my soulmate when I found her—and Charlie’s the one.

Even if she doesn’t know it yet.

This new adult sports romance features a strong heroine with a soft center, a hot-bookish hero who believes in true love and a sexy set of brothers guaranteed to make you swoon.

Love is always the perfect play.


The Perfect Play was an instant favorite! With friendship and romance laced throughout the pages, this book was impossible to put down. Cookie’s books always make me laugh and smile, and again this one was such a huge hit! If you’re looking for a romance story that is swoon worthy and will make you fall in love, then look no further, this is your book!

It was the nice guys you had to look out for. They were capable of real damage.
I needed to remember that unless I wanted to get hurt.

When Charlie accepted a bet from her roommate Emmy, she had no idea what was in store for her. Attract a guy in seven days? Piece of cake! Charlie was mesmerizing and knew how to get a guy’s attention in the blink of an eye. But Chase O’Brien? He was a baseball star who was known as a good guy, read books at parties and was a virgin waiting for his soul mate. Charlie definitely had her work cut out for her!

Her light blue eyes were intent on mine. “I was wondering when you’d get here.”
As she stopped in front of me and threw her arms around my neck, she whispered quickly, “Don’t read anything into this. It’s nothing. I just need you for a second.”
But it wasn’t nothing.
The thought flitted in and out of my head as her lips landed on mine.

Charlie was fun, passionate and cared deeply, I wanted to be best friends with her! I loved that she knew how to get what she wanted. Like getting the attention of the opposing school’s pitcher, so her home team could make a comeback lol! She made me laugh so much! But Charlie was hesitant about letting the opposite sex in. She’d been burned in the past, so the moment a guy started to show any interest in her, she checked out. Thankfully Charlie wanted to win that bet and Chase was stubborn and wasn’t about to let Charlie get away.

“Not going to lie though. Every now and then when I need a confidence boost, I look in the mirror and tell myself I’m pretty.”
Chase grinned. “That’s tragic.”
“You have something against good self-esteem?” I asked.
“No,” he said. “What I have a problem with is you calling yourself ‘pretty’ when you’re one of the most gorgeous women I’ve ever seen in my life.”
My breath hitched.

Chase was the ultimate book boyfriend! He was intoxicating and swoon worthy! At the end of The Best Mistake, he injured his arm. He hadn’t been able to play baseball, and his team desperately needed him since he was their pitcher. It was suffocating that he couldn’t just heal. That everyone from his fans, to the team to even his family who loved him, made it seem like the teams whole future rested on his shoulders. I just wanted to reach into the book and give him a hug because he made me cry, my heart hurt for him. So when Charlie stepped into the picture, she was a breath of fresh air and made sides of Chase come out that had me smiling and sighing out loud!

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt anything, let alone actual electricity, with such an innocent kiss. I’d die before admitting it. To Chase or to anyone. But there had been something…

I loved watching Charlie and Chase form a friendship. It felt so real! Their moments together made me obsess over every single word or touch between them. They were so addictive together and I loved that we got to alternate each chapter between them! But you guys….Chase had this sexy, intense side and I. Was. Obsessed! So then when he stood up and defended Charlie’s honor, I didn’t think I could fall any harder for him but I did. I couldn’t get enough of the two of them together. They were the best of being endearing and oh so hot, they became one of my favorite couples ever. I was rooting for them every step of the way!

“The truth is I’ve been thinking about you every hour of every day.”
He bit his lip, shook his head once before continuing.
“My mind is full of you,” he said. “I want to run my fingers through your hair …to know what that feels like. I want to talk to you for hours until we’re both too tired to move, and we fall asleep right next to each other. I want to feel you in my arms. And if that sounds too romantic, well, I have other thoughts, too.”
“Do you?” I breathed.

While you can easily read this as a standalone, I can’t recommend the book before this enough. The Best Mistake was just as fabulous! That story was about Charlie’s bestie, Honor, and Chase’s brother, Archer. And in this story we got to spend time with other favorites too like Baylor, June and so many more! This has become one of my favorite romance series and I can’t wait to see who the next book is about! The Perfect Play was a swoon worthy story that romances lovers will fall hard for! I can’t recommend it enough!

“Hey Charlie,” I said.
Putting my hand against the doorframe, leaning down so I was speaking into her ear from behind, I said softly, “You don’t have to worry. When I find my soulmate, there won’t be any hesitation on my end. My girl will know she’s the one for me. I’ve waited a lifetime to meet her. When I do, I’m never letting go.”
Charlie swallowed.
“That intense enough for you?” I asked.
“Yeah. That was…yeah,” she said again.

PS Who knew spooning could be so hot?! *fans face*

I was having difficulty denying what my heart had been telling me for days.
She’s the one.
You are hers, and she is for you.

PPS I love the list!!!!!!!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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