Tag: Young Adult (Page 14 of 158)

BOOK REVIEW: Wallflower by Cookie O’Gorman

BOOK REVIEW: Wallflower by Cookie O’GormanWallflower by Cookie O'Gorman
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Wallflower (wohl-flou-erh): Identifier for someone who is shy and/or awkward. For reference, see Viola Kent.

Seventeen-year-old Viola Kent likes being invisible. Well, not literally, but she's content being a loner, reading her books, and hanging out with the animals at the shelter. She just wants to keep her head down and get through her senior year at Durham High.

Driving Dare Frost to school every day wasn't part of the plan.

And when Viola finds out her dad recruited Dare, his number one player, to be her friend?

Her inner Slytherin demands revenge.

The solution: Get Dare to be her fake boyfriend.

Convincing the star athlete to pretend is easier than she'd thought it would be. The hard part is protecting her heart. With every word, touch, and kiss, Viola's feelings become more real.

The problem: Viola knows she's falling for Dare—but he doesn't believe in love.

This book features two sets of soulmates, one happy pooch named Hermione, so many sizzling kisses and answers the question:

Can a dork and a jock fake their way to true love?


Wallflower was impossible not to devour in one sitting! This story swept me away and the pages were filled with charm, humor and romance. So this book went straight onto my favorites list! I loved that the story line was so much fun and that I couldn’t stop laughing and smiling.  I even cried a few tears, happy and sad.  And that ending?!  It made my heart so happy.  If you’re a fan of young adult romance, characters that will embed themselves into your heart and kissing that will make you swoon, then this is a must for your tbr! While Wallflower can easily be read as a standalone, if you enjoyed Adorkable, I have a feeling you’re going to love this book as much as me.

My face heated. “Could you not do that.”
“Do what?” he said.
That.” I ran a hand through my hair, trying to cover my face a little and hide. “People will think you’re flirting.”
Dare stared at me. “And?”
Ugh, it felt like I was in the freaking Twilight zone. “You know, maybe I sat over here because I didn’t want to be found,” I said. “Did you ever think of that?”
“Too bad,” he said with a cockiness I hadn’t heard in a while. “I already found you. And now, we’re having lunch. Deal with it.”

Viola Kent was coerced by her Dad, Becks (screaming since I love Adorkable), to drive one of the boys on his soccer team to school.  Dare Frost was popular, outgoing and sexy.  Viola was a loner, who loved to read her books and help out at the animal shelter.  So when she found out that her Dad had convinced Dare to be her friend, she made plans to get him back.  And what better way then fake dating the boy her father forced to be her friend.

“What are you doing?” I gasped.
“Getting naked,” he said.
“Jeez, relax. I was kidding, flower.” He laughed, the movement making the muscles in his stomach contract, and I could do nothing but stare. “You should’ve seen your face.”
My eyes flashed back to his. “Did I look stunned and appalled? Because that’s what I felt when you ripped your clothes off in front of me like that.”
He tsked. “Funny. The only thing I saw was appreciation.”

Right from the start I loved Viola!  She was so easy to click with, had the hugest heart ever and the kindest soul.  It seemed like her only friends in the world were the animals at the animal shelter.  I got so attached to two of them and wanted to take them home ♥.  Viola did have a fabulous relationship with her parents, and that made my heart so happy. I also loved that while Viola enjoyed her solitude, I respected how brave she could be and the chances she took.  There were times that I had sweaty palms and also felt so embarrassed for her.  Viola was so much more courageous than I ever could have been in some of those situations.  So it hurt to watch others bully her. I hated that a group of kids at her school tried to dim her light and make her feel bad about herself. But with Dare now in her life, I had all the hope in the world that he would help out with that horrific situation. And help her become a little more involved with those around her.

After a moment, I added, “But I’ve never gone to the games.”
“That was before you were my girlfriend.”
The words sent a ripple of warmth straight through me, and I cursed my heart for a fool.

Dare sailed right onto my book boyfriend list! He was such a good guy at heart.  Dare was kind, protective, seductive, thoughtful, caring and I was obsessed with him.  He was a star athlete at his school, so of course he was cocky but also swoon worthy. So I loved that he was so much more than Viola ever thought he was.  How could I not fall madly in love with him?!  Especially when he was sweet and charming to her.  Although…..Dare did enjoy messing with Viola.  But Viola would throw it right back at him.  It all made me laugh so much.  Each moment that we spent with Dare, the further he pulled me under his spell.  Plus when Dare called Viola flower, I literally melted.

Who knew a stolen first kiss could be so soul-shattering?

While Viola and Dare had known of each other, we got to watch their friendship grow.  Their moments in her car and at school kept me turning the pages faster. And the fact that Viola wanted them to get caught by her dad made their plans a ton of fun and smile inducing!  Their interactions were so entertaining and the way their fake dating played out gave me butterflies. But with a touch here.  A genuine smile there.  And kisses.  It slowly started to build something between them.  Something that felt real, even though it wasn’t supposed to be. But they’re both just faking it right? So what happens when one of them starts to feel more then they should?  Where are they supposed to go from there?

Oh my God.
Dare Frost had kissed me.
No, he’d branded me with his lips, stamping it into my memory, making sure I’d never forget him or this moment.
And I had one-hundred percent let him. Had kissed him back as if my life depended on it. My cheeks flared hot.
He read my expression and gave a slow smile.

Romance lovers will absolutely adore Wallflower!  With Princess Bride, Dirty Dancing, Clueless and other references, I actually screamed out loud a few times because of how they wove into the story.  From beginning to end this story was laugh out loud hilarious.  And I loved that there was also friendship, I heart good people like Estelle, and that we got to see what Sally and Becks were up to *jumping up and down*.  So while there were deeper moments with bullying, family struggles, and love, I spent the majority of this book constantly smiling.  I’m so happy to say that Cookie O’Gorman wrote another book that sailed right onto my favorites list!

Other Favorite Quotes:

“I don’t want to be your friend,” I said with as much distaste as I could muster.
“Too bad, flower.”
Dare stared into my eyes, his baby blues warm and unflinching as my heart tried to escape my chest. “I’m going to be the best friend you’ve ever had,” he said. The words were like a vow. “I’m going to friend you so hard no other friends will ever compare.”
I had no idea what he meant by that.
But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t dying to find out.


With the next breath, Dare had picked me up, my legs closing in reaction about his waist. I didn’t realize he was walking until my back was pressed against the wall.
And still, we kissed.


One thing was certain: Dare was very good at pretending.
That kiss had sure felt real.
But it wasn’t, I reminded myself sternly. This was all just a means to an end.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

BOOK REVIEW: The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black

BOOK REVIEW: The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly BlackThe Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1)
by Holly Black
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Of course I want to be like them. They're beautiful as blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever.

And Cardan is even more beautiful than the rest. I hate him more than all the others. I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe.

Jude was seven years old when her parents were murdered and she and her two sisters were stolen away to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, Jude wants nothing more than to belong there, despite her mortality. But many of the fey despise humans. Especially Prince Cardan, the youngest and wickedest son of the High King.

To win a place at the Court, she must defy him--and face the consequences.

In doing so, she becomes embroiled in palace intrigues and deceptions, discovering her own capacity for bloodshed. But as civil war threatens to drown the Courts of Faerie in violence, Jude will need to risk her life in a dangerous alliance to save her sisters, and Faerie itself.


The Cruel Prince was a magical tale that swept me away. With deceit, lies, and personal motives swirling through the pages, there was so much unknown within this story. I loved the characters, I loved the way everything unfolded and I have a feeling this series is going to be one of my favorites! If you’re a fan of YA fantasy or enemies to lovers, then you definitely need this series on your tbr if you haven’t read it already!

What they don’t realize is this: Yes, they frighten me, but I have always been scared, since the day I got here. I was raised by the man who murdered my parents, reared in a land of monsters. I live with that fear, let it settle into my bones, and ignore it. If I didn’t pretend not to be scared, I would hide under my owl-down coverlets in Madoc’s estate forever. I would lie there and scream until there was nothing left of me. I refuse to do that. I will not do that.

The prologue started off with a burst of action, bloodshed and I couldn’t help but be glued to the pages. After Jude, her twin sister Taryn and her older sister Vivi witnessed something horrific, they were whisked away to Fairie. The world they were brought into could be so cruel and twisted. And even though Madoc, Vivi’s father, treated Jude like his own, the others in Fairie weren’t so kind to them. Jude and her twin were bullied at school. And Prince Cardan and his friends were the worst of the tormentors. But Jude refused to be backed into corners or made to feel less by others.

I hate him more than all the others. I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe.

I loved Jude with my whole heart! She was smart, cunning, fierce and stood up for others and what she believed in. Jude always worked so hard to try and make herself stronger. So we got to witness as she persevered time and again, I had so much respect for her! I loved that she could get away with lies, since the Fey couldn’t lie. And while that may sound awful, she lived in such a ruthless world. She needed every advantage she could get. But I loved most of all that Jude had no problem standing up to Prince Cardan. Jude was loving, relentless, passionate and in the end she played a dangerous game that had me clapping out loud!

“You may win in the end, you may ensorcell me and hurt me and humiliate me, but I will make sure you lose everything I can take from you on the way down. I promise you this”—I throw his own words back at him—“this is the least of what I can do.

Cardan was deliciously complex. Him and his friends came across as ruthless and had no qualms with taunting Jude. Or asking her to back down, surrender, or put her into situations that felt dangerous. I didn’t know what to think of Cardan, other than I was obsessed. I loved that he saw so much and how he spoke. Even if his words were cruel. And when we got a tiny peak into Cardan’s life, it was not the wonder I thought it would be. My heart bled for him. So of course I looked deeply into any moment he seemed to help Jude, even if he had just hurt her. I tried to find his redemption. And in the end, I loved that Cardan was clever and my newest book boyfriend!

If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse.

But just like Cardan, Jude was also complex, and so were their relationships with others. I tried my best to figure out who I should like. Who I should trust. Because in Fairy, nothing was as it seemed. Taryn, Vivi, Madoc, Locke, Dain, and so many others left me feeling conflicted. And on top of that, I had so many questions. Looking back, there were lots of answers. It was amazing how much sense moments and words, from the past, made sense. At the time they were shrouded in puzzles, or made to seem like something else. And as those little pieces started to come together, the pictures it showed were shocking. I gasped out loud quite a few times. And while I did guess the ending, so much going into it was unknown.

His hand slides lower on my hip. I narrow my eyes at him.
“You really hate me, don’t you?” he asks, his smile growing.
“Almost as much as you hate me,” I say, thinking of the page with my name scratched on it. Thinking of the way he looked at me when he was drunk in the hedge maze. The way he’s looking at me now.

The Cruel Prince enraptured me with its intricate tale. They all lived in such a dark and twisted world, filled with bloodshed and death, where anything was possible. So whether it was a bargain that was made with the devil or a moment that reminded me of a scene from The Princess Bride, this book played out like a movie in my head! And the betrayal in these pages?! Oh my. It cut so deep. Too deep. But I rooted for Jude every step of the way. And when her plans started to play out, you couldn’t stop the constant smile on my face. I’m officially obsessed with this book and I have such high hopes for the next book in this trilogy!

I take a deep breath and decide that if I am really going to do this, I could use some help. “What do you think about stealing a crown? Right in front of the kings and queens of Faerie?”
Her grin curls up at the corners. “Just tell me what I get to blow up.”

PS I loved the Bomb, Roach & the Ghost!

BOOK REVIEW: The Problem With Cupid (Holiday Romance #2) by Robin Daniels

BOOK REVIEW: The Problem With Cupid (Holiday Romance #2) by Robin DanielsThe Problem With Cupid (Holiday Romance #2)
by Robin Daniels
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After Evan's relationship fail during Christmas vacation, he heads back to college with a new plan. It's time for a break from dating. He doesn't want to quit the game completely though. Garland, his funny, lovable, down-to-earth roommate, is constantly talking to girls. And never asking them out.

Evan might be on a romantic hiatus but that doesn't mean he can't help his best friend find love. So, when Evan meets Abby in student government class, he trades in his player card for Cupid's bow. She and Garland would be perfect together and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know they'll never hook up without help.

His matchmaking scheme works brilliantly. A little too brilliantly. By the time Garland and Abby start hitting it off, Evan has grown quite fond of her. That's the problem with playing Cupid. If you're not careful, you run the risk of getting shot by your own arrow.


The Problem With Cupid was so cute and I couldn’t stop smiling.  If you’re looking for a quick read and enjoy NA Romance that’s sweet and adorable, then you’ll want to add this one to your tbr!

The first rule of being just friends with a girl is that you can’t kiss her. No matter how tempting it is. Especially when you’re trying to hook her up with your roommate.

I read The Trouble With Christmas and absolutely cherished that story.  Evan was the brother’s best friend in that book, but confession time….I didn’t like him.  I had my eye on someone else for the heroine, so my thoughts weren’t kind to Evan, ack.  But I enjoyed The Trouble With Christmas so much that I wanted to give Evan’s story a shot.  I’m so glad I did because not only did I enjoy this book, but I fell hard for Evan too!

“Get back here, you coward!” she yelled.
“No way!” I yelled back. “I don’t trust you not to maim me.” I grinned wickedly at her but slowed to a stop.
When she caught up, she slugged me in the arm. “That’s for being a brat.”
I pulled her into a hug.

Having to sign up for a club, sport, or student association, Evan signed up for student government representatives in college.  And on his first day he met shy, bookworm Abby.  While Evan was outgoing, confident and cocky, Abby was quiet and seemed to try and blend in.  Right away Evan started joking around with Abby and it was impossible not to smile at their antics.  Because while Evan could tease her ruthlessly, Abby could give it right back.  So I laughed out loud and couldn’t stop smiling with all the attention Evan directed at Abby.

I honestly felt guilty for ruining his date. I tried really hard to feel bad about it, too. But I couldn’t.

We got the whole story in Evan’s head, which I loved, and he thought Abby would be perfect for his roommate, Garland.  They were both quirky with different senses of humor.  So Evan tried to make sure him that they hung out with Abby and her roommate.  The moments that the four of them were together was entertaining!  But for wanting to setup his friend with Abby, he surrrrrrre had a difficult time not flirting with her lol.  And the more time he spent around Abby, the more he liked her.  What’s a guy to do?!

Some cupid I was. I’d shot myself with my own arrow.

The Problem With Cupid was a delightful story set around Valentine’s Day and I loved every minute of this novella.  Now I can’t wait to read Garland’ story next around the fourth of July wheeee!

BOOK REVIEW: Blue Skies by T.L. Martin

BOOK REVIEW: Blue Skies by T.L. MartinBlue Skies by T.L. Martin
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All Blue Everest wants is the wide open sky above her head and the soft earth beneath her feet. And maybe to spread a little love where she can. When she gets the opportunity to live with a father she’s never met and to enroll in public school for the first time, she brings her optimistic and free-spirited nature with her.

But it’s not long before she meets her polar opposite, Joshua Hunt, whose hard edges resist every smile she sends his way . . .

Hunt’s never met a girl who smiles so easily. It can’t be normal. Combine that with the flowers in her hair, constant daydreaming, and a knack for sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong—and he wants nothing to do with Blue Everest. He’s got enough going on without her distractions, and everything, everyone, he cares about is depending on him to stay focused.

Blue’s ready to go wherever the wind takes her, and Hunt’s determined to steer his own ship. But sometimes the wind changes course, pulling two people into a rough and devastating storm that can crush the strongest of hearts. And sometimes, it takes more than you ever thought you were capable of to get back to blue skies.

CONTENT WARNING: contains sex, profanity, and sensitive subject matter, including addiction and suicide.


Blue Skies was a story filled with hope, love, family, secrets, hurt and trust.  The writing had this calming effect, even though you were taken on a sea of emotions.  So if you’re a fan of opposites attract and YA books that are seductive and hot, then definitely add this one to your tbr!

So often we don’t see—let alone feel—the magic in the moments we’re making until we’re old enough to pause and view them as memories.

Blue was going to be staying with her dad, who she had never met or even knew existed until now.  I was beyond nervous for Blue and had no clue what to expect, just like her.  Not only was she meeting her dad for the first time, but his wife and stepdaughter too.  And to top it all off, she was going to public school where she knew no one.  What unfolded was a beautifully slow, methodical tale of family, love and the journeys we face.

I don’t know how so much intensity could be locked inside one person—the kind of intensity that sucks the oxygen from my lungs. He’s like the night sky just before a tornado hits: heavy and quiet all at once, whispering secret, dangerous promises and threatening to erupt at any moment.
But I don’t want to stop it.

I adored Blue!  She was a hippy girl who was kindhearted and saw the world for all of its sunshine and happiness.  She had so much hope and love in her heart.  And I loved that Blue took journeys in the most optimistic of ways.  She was a breath of fresh air in YA, and someone that could help others find the good in their lives.  So Blue was carefree, yet thoughtful of those around her.  But right from the start, she saw a boy out her new bedroom window.  And he was one that was going to completely change her world.

He’s so certain the universe has sewn him together with dark, misshapen parts. But I’m looking, I’m always looking, and these aren’t the actions of a sick or corrupted soul.
His scare tactics won’t work on me.

Joshua Hunt lived in the guesthouse of her father’s home, and we also got to hear the story from his pov. I loved Joshua.  He was all rugged, thunderclouds and seemed to have a wealth of secrets.  He was haunted by his past and present, so Joshua had this cold exterior and kept everyone at arms length away.  And while he was attracted to Blue. he needed to keep his focus on school.  He didn’t want to be bothered with distractions.  But Blue had this way of pulling him out of his shell.  So as he started to share little pieces of his life with her, oh my heart.  Even though it wasn’t much, it felt like the world to me.

“What are you doing?” I breathe even though his body tells me everything. I want to hear it in his voice.
A muscle twitches in his jaw, and his strong grip clutches the back of my neck. “Something I’ve wanted to do for too damn long,” he rasps, his lips almost brushing mine. But then he stops. Shuts his eyes. “Tell me it’s okay, Blue. Tell me to kiss you.”
My heart thumps. My knees sway.
“Kiss me.”

I loved watching Blue and Joshua in and out of school.  Being the new girl, and different at that, my heart hurt watching her be bullied.  But then there was Joshua, silently watching everything unfold.  And when he was protective or thoughtful of her?!  Sigh. I’m a huge sucker for those types of moments.  And later on when things became physical, you guyyyysssss, it was deliciously seductive and oh so hot *fans face*!

He tears his lips from mine, dragging them down my throat, “So . . .”—my collarbone—“fucking . . .”—my shoulder—“perfect.” Then he returns to my mouth.
A deep shiver chases my spine.

Blue Skies was an emotional tale about first love and family.  While I wanted to rush or fast forward a few things in the latter half of this story, I understand that that was not how Blue and Joshua worked. And looking back, there are so many things I didn’t even touch upon.  One being how we got to watch the relationship between Blue and her father, Tim, develop. Tim was one of my favorite characters in this book, besides Blue and Joshua. So I loved that this book was also about family, and watching how one grows and blends together. With first love and opposites attract, I really enjoyed this book!  I’ll definitely be looking into Martin’s other books!

For every jagged edge he gives me, I give him some of my softness in return. He nips my lower lip, and I gently lick his. He fists my hair, and I glide my fingertips down his tense back.

BOOK REVIEW: Dating Makes Perfect by Pintip Dunn

BOOK REVIEW: Dating Makes Perfect by Pintip DunnDating Makes Perfect by Pintip Dunn
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The Tech sisters don’t date in high school. Not because they’re not asked. Not because they’re not interested. Not even because no one can pronounce their long, Thai last name―hence the shortened, awkward moniker. But simply because they’re not allowed.

Until now.

In a move that other Asian American girls know all too well, six months after the older Tech twins got to college, their parents asked, “Why aren’t you engaged yet?” The sisters retaliated by vowing that they won’t marry for ten (maybe even twenty!) years, not until they’ve had lots of the dating practice that they didn’t get in high school.

In a shocking war on the status quo, her parents now insist that their youngest daughter, Orrawin (aka “Winnie”), must practice fake dating in high school. Under their watchful eyes, of course―and organized based on their favorite rom-coms. ’Cause that won’t end in disaster.

The first candidate? The son of their longtime friends, Mat Songsomboon―arrogant, infuriating, and way too good-looking. Winnie’s known him since they were toddlers throwing sticky rice balls at each other. And her parents love him.

If only he weren’t her sworn enemy.


Dating Makes Perfect was beyond adorable and so much fun! With a story line that played out like I was watching a movie, characters that leaped off of the pages and moments that made my heart beat faster, this book easily became an instant favorite! If you love enemies to lovers and young adult, then you’ll definitely want to add this one to your tbr!

My breath catches. What is he doing? He wouldn’t kiss me, like he threatened. Would he? No way. But he’s so close…
He leans even farther—and then plucks the notebook right off my lap.
Right. That’s what he was going for. The notebook.

Winnie’s parents expected their twin daughters, Ari and Bunny, to already be engaged within their first year of college. Their no dating rule in high school completely backfired on them. In hopes of fixing their mistakes, they let Winnie know she’ll be the first Tran daughter to date in high school. Yet with some rules. One….her parents get to determine when and where the dates happen. Two…..they get to decide who she dates. And her first date will be with family friend, and arch nemesis and sworn enemy for life, Mat.

Fueled by a sudden clarity, I reach out and touch his sleeve. I want to take back my words. I want to get past our sniping. I want to be friends again.
Before I can say anything, he rips away his arm and takes off.

I loved Winnie! From how bold she could be to even her thoughts, I so wish she could be my bff! But my heart hurt for her anger and pain towards Mat. One day in middle school he just decided not to be her best friend anymore. And four years later she still carried that pain in her heart. Thankfully Winnie had creative outlets for it, like shooting a drawing of him with her nerf gun lol. Or getting back at him with her art project, she was so smart and creative! I was beyond grateful she had her bestie Kavya, who she could pour her heart out to, since her sisters were away at college. But ironically the one who always seemed to be around, even if she didn’t want him to be, was Mat.

Mat’s smug, annoying face comes into focus. He leans over, so close that his hot breath caresses my skin.
“Gotcha,” he says very, very softly.

I have a confession, I was obsessed with Mat Songsomboon. Yes he could be a complete jerk and his words stabbed Winnie’s heart at times. But even while he hurt her, I loved him with my whole heart. So when he messed with Winnie? Ohhhh it made me love him even more *covers face with hands*. You see, he also teased her and it was in this playful, seductive and hilarious way. It made him impossible to hate. Especially when his words and actions mesmerized me. Mat was infuriating while also being sexy. And while I went back and forth of does he or does he not want her, it left me desperately wanting to know his every single thoughts. Especially during the moments he was thoughtful and protective of Winnie. If you love complicated males, you’re going to love Mat!

He takes a shaky breath. “I’m proving that one thing has nothing to do with the other. For example, you could kiss me right now. And I’d let you. In fact , I’d kiss you back. But that wouldn’t change my feelings toward you. I’d still loathe you just as much as I did before.”
I narrow my eyes. Because I don’t believe him.

The dates that Winnie went on?! I was OBSESSED! Winnie’s mom tried to recreate moments from favorite movies and it was epically hilarious! From How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (my favorite movie!), to Pretty Women, to My Best Friend’s Wedding and so many more, I loved how it made this story play out! And while Mat and Winnie could be so cute and playful together, when they weren’t trying to knock the other one down. There were also sentimental moments that melted my heart and emotional ones that cut me to the core. Both of their pain was so palpable and while they knew each other inside out as kids, it wasn’t the same now that they were in their teens. There was a lot of healing for them to do, but in the meantime neither could deny the chemistry that was there.

“You want me to say that you’re stunning? That I wish I could take a photo, so that I can look at you all day? That the material is soft and touchable— and as skimpy as it is, it still covers way too much?” His eyes are black and furious and mesmerizing. I couldn’t look away if I tried. “Yeah, I could’ve said all that. No doubt, that’s what Taran’s going to be thinking. But I didn’t, because I have too much respect for you. Even after everything we’ve been through.”
“You’re lying,” I croak.
He raises an eyebrow.

Dating Makes Perfect swept me away and will stay with me for a long time to come! Not only did I smile from beginning to end, but I couldn’t help crying too. These characters reached so easily into my heart and that ending was oh so perfect! I loved Winnie’s family, I loved Winnie and Mat and I loved even more watching how everyone’s story played out! Pintip Dunn wrote an addictive story filled with romance, charm, humor and heart and I can’t wait to devour the rest of her books!

PS I highlighted soooo many favorite moments in this book….here are a few more quotes I love with my whole heart…..

I peek at him. The sun’s on its descent, dappling his face with shadows. I have the strangest sensation that he’s not the boy I’ve hated all these years. It’s almost as though he were someone new and yet familiar…
“Why?” he whispers.
A live wire stretches between us. From his hands to my hands. From his lips to my lips. I desperately want to close the distance between us. To see what sparks we could produce if skin pressed against skin.
But I can’t.
I don’t know why I’m defending him, but every minute we spend under these stars brings him closer to the boy he used to be. The boy my heart wants to protect.
“You’re such a dork.” I raise my hand to smack him, and he ducks out of range.
“No touching, remember?” he says, his eyes bright.
I shake my head, pretending to be exasperated, but I can’t quite stop my lips from curving.
You’re not the person I thought you were.
Eight words. A simple sentence. One that’s not even intrinsically unkind, if you take it word by word.
How can they hurt so damn much?
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