Tag: Mystery (Page 17 of 19)

BOOK REVIEW – The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer #1) by Michelle Hodkin

BOOK REVIEW – The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer #1) by Michelle HodkinThe Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer #1)
by Michelle Hodkin
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*sighs* I don’t know what went wrong here…and there really isn’t much I can say to justify why I feel this way without throwing a spoiler in every two sentences.

Was the plot line intriguing? Yes. Did I enjoy the first half of the book? Yup. Was the male lead undeniably sweet, attentive, and attractive? Absolutely. But here is the most important question of them all: Was Noah the ONLY thing that made me want to finish after 65%? It’s sad to say, but it rings true. Noah is literally the only thing this story had to offer. I was fooled by the first 100 some pages, I’ll admit that. There was cute banter between Mara and Noah and I thought this might turn out to be kind of fun. I mean, I chuckled a couple times to myself so I’ll admit that also. But the point remains-at a certain area in this book, and I’m not sure when, Mara went from being a poor, tolerable girl suffering from unfortunate circumstances to an annoying (let’s admit it) psycho who quite frankly was too dumb to deserve Noah and his help.

More than once I wished Noah could be taken out of this story and placed into another more well-rounded novel. But then we wouldn’t have a story at all, would we?

The dialogue became corny and forced, and the situations became so…I don’t even know the word….wonky? That I could hardly contain my laughter. (view spoiler)

The thing is, I feel that what can only be described as a cliffhanger was supposed to save the story. You know, make people want to come back for more. But sadly, while it was kinda cool (if not completely silly and unrealistic) it wasn’t enough to save what I can only label as a time waster. Yes, I wasted 4 days wading through this swamp of crap and have nothing to show for it. And more than that? I can’t stand the thought of spending 9.99 on the next installment, even if I was a little curious about this mysterious cliffhanger and the fate of Noah.

And believe me when I say this: Kris-If it wasn’t for you, reason numero dos, I most likely wouldn’t have kept going. So, yeah, thanks for not making this a total waste of time…essentially. lol

BOOK REVIEW – The Body Finder (The Body Finder #1) by Kimberly Derting

BOOK REVIEW – The Body Finder (The Body Finder #1) by Kimberly DertingThe Body Finder (The Body Finder #1)
by Kimberly Derting
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A quick, fast-paced read that I almost finished in one day. I literally had to slow down so I didn’t have two reviews to write in the same day because I was just reading THAT fast. TBF was one of those stories that while it wasn’t anything new or groundbreaking, it was fun and took me away from the real world for a bit. It was an escape from reality and it was a change of pace-it came at the perfect time.

He reached out, capturing her hand in his. He laced his fingers casually through hers. Violet leaned against him and the calm finally came, settling over her peacefully. And then he kissed her. Gently. Softly. Not on the lips, as she’d imagined so many times before, but on her forehead. The gesture was sweet and a little possessive. Violet hoped, maybe, it was a start.

I’ve been in two different funks lately-either the books I am reading are SO good that those following don’t stand a chance or I’ve been reading the same old same old and a change of pace is welcoming. Turns out that this time, it was a case of both. I read two or three awesome books in the last week that knocked me off my feet-and while that was refreshing, it also dragged me back into that slump where one of my favorite couples invaded my mind and made it hard to jump into another story (yes, I’m talking Dex and Perry via Ashes to Ashes). I didn’t realize it, but I needed a book to pull me away from my favorite ghost hunting duo and back into that happy medium where more than one couple will do, and this book was perfect for the job.

One of my biggest gripes in books is corny dialogue….and this book was stepping all up in it. BUT, for some reason, and I’m not sure why, I just didn’t care. The best part of it is, I didn’t have to just cringe and deal with it, it just skirted the issue-it would start something that otherwise normally led to full on unrealistic and forced banter, but it would stop before it got to that point. Not only that, the characters in question of being corny (i.e. the best friends and oh-so-present-enemies) were actually likeable. Yes, likeable. I think that plays a big part in my annoyance most of the time.

And even more than that, I hate when the author tells us what is happening or going to happen instead of letting it just show in the scene. It’s hard to explain, but it’s like when the author gives you a play by play of what’s going on instead of letting you decipher what it all means and then adding a quote at the end of the explanation in response to what’s ‘happened’. Probably not the best way to say what I mean, but it’s the best I can do. Luckily, I was so engrossed in the story that it didn’t seem to matter, and that made me very happy.

I loved Jay and Violet-I loved that they grew up best friends and did everything together and still did everything together. It made it so adorable when they finally expressed their attraction to one another and only added to the compatibility they clearly already shared. Although, you guessed it, corny, I loved every minute they were together and every minute leading up to it.

There was suspense, there was jealousy, there was protectiveness, and there were climactic parts that actually had me scanning the pages at lightning speed. I was utterly surprised at the creepy undertone and the idea that young girls were being abdcuted and killed all around our two main characters. It was more than I could have asked for as a filler and I will surprisingly continue this series forward. I can’t wait to see what suspense lays ahead of our girl, Violet.


BOOK REVIEW – More Than This by Patrick Ness

BOOK REVIEW – More Than This by Patrick NessMore Than This by Patrick Ness
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Here is the boy, drowning.

A story built around false truths and a misinterpretation of life, we start this story not knowing where our main character is or where he will end up. We don’t know if he’s truly dead or truly alive, inbetween life and death or in Hell. But we saw him die….didn’t we?

“I wanted so badly for there to be more. I ached for there to be more than my crappy little life.”

I’m no beginner to Ness’s dark style of writing, so I was fully prepared when I started this one. Not quite sure what to expect, I went in with an open mind and a hopeful attitude that I would fall in love with another of his stories.

While I didn’t add another to my favorites shelf like his Chaos Walking trilogy, I did get to experience another expertly written novel that had me on my toes the entire time.

He really is alone in whatever hell this is.
Completely and utterly alone.

Solitude. Solitude shapes the entire story. I can’t even begin to explain the depression our main character feels because of this common thread, and I won’t try. Why? There is literally no way to give anyone a synopsis without either giving something away or confusing them more. But I CAN focus on themes and other areas, so I will attempt to talk about those areas instead.

But then he thinks, No. Because you can die before you’re dead, too.

As Seth starts trying to figure things out and move forward with whatever he is supposed to be doing, we start to see his demeanor slowly become unhinged. Seeing flashbacks everytime he falls asleep (or is he really in the moment, reliving it because of it’s vital importance?) we start to see how he was in that freezing ocean in the first place.

The loneliness. In his accumulating exhaustion, the terrible loneliness of this place swamps him, just like the waves he drowned in.
No one here. No one at all besides him. No one.

Getting darker as the story progresses, we wonder how anything good can possibly come from anything that can possibly happen. But, even within the darkest of the dark moments, Ness has a heart-you can see it in everything he writes, see it in every ink-stained page he has produced-his characters always have such big hearts and always burst with so much passion, and even though he’s the reason for many harsh events within his novels, you can’t help but see how strong the characters become because of these events and why Ness chose to do these things in the first place. We see the effects of carrying a burden and how it influences our most important life decisions, making this another story where we learn a lesson while we’re being entertained.

Billions and billions of stars. Billions and billions of worlds. All of them, all those seemingly endless possibilities, not fictional, but real, out there, existing, right now. There is so much more out there than just the world he knows, so much more than his tiny Washington town, so much more than even London. Or England. Or Hell for that matter.

I undoubtedly loved the story and all the mystery surrounding every page. I was pulled in and fell hard once again for the obvious breaks and abrupt cuts at the end of sentences that purposely leave us in the dark and wondering what the character was going to say, adding more to the mystery. It’s like one of those movies that keeps adding layers that confuse you and keep you asking, ‘where does he come up with this shit?!’. It’s amazing and unbelievable at the same time, but he never makes you feel like you can’t or won’t ever understand-he never makes you feel unintelligent. We are all just a part of the game.

A book… it’s a world all on its own too. A world made of words, where you live for a while.

Overall I really enjoyed this story. I do feel it was a little over the top at times, making it hard to guess what was behind the next cornerat every turn. It eventually started making since, but was a little too much before we got to that point. I still laughed, teared up, felt deeply, and enjoyed characters who I won’t name immensely, even if things were stagnant at times. The action gradually escalated, making for a fantastic finale that had me on the edge of my seat and begging for more. I will continue to watch for new work from Ness, and I will always be wowed by the intricately layered worlds and characters he creates. If you haven’t read a novel by him, I encourage you to do so-you’re missing out.

“Real life is only ever just real life. Messy. What it means depends on how you look at it. The only thing you’ve got to do is find a way to live there.”

BOOK REVIEW – Darkfever (Fever #1) by Karen Marie Moning

BOOK REVIEW – Darkfever (Fever #1) by Karen Marie MoningDarkfever (Fever #1)
by Karen Marie Moning
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I think this is one of those reviews where less is more. There was so much going on at all times in this book and we had so much we had to learn and take in. I still don’t quite understand everything I was told, which will come more easily, I’m sure, in the next installments.

I think the basic thing I need to address is the likability of the story and the characters. As a story, I did find myself inexplicably drawn to everything that was happening. I would put the book down and then feel myself reaching for it after only five minutes of it’s absence, despite the fact that I had no clue what was going on.

No, it wasn’t a favorite of mine, but it was on the cusp of being something very….special. The ending not only surprised me, but made me want to forget that I wanted to read something else after it-I ended up going straight through to book two. I think that says something about the story.

Or maybe it’s the magnetism of the characters. Despite what I’ve heard (and read) of Mac’s vapid tendencies and inner monologue, I found I still enjoyed being inside her head. She was funny and determined, not to be so easily deterred by the brooding Jericho Barrons. Speaking of Jericho…frankly, he is the reason I am so drawn to the story. I don’t know what his deal is, but I have to find out. The whole time I just wanted him and her to kiss, to release the sexual tension that subtlety built between them. It drove me crazy-so here I am halfway through book two already-Just because I want more Barrons.

So, there isn’t much to say aside from the fact that I was pulled in and bought the story enough to move forward with the series. There is just something about mysterious characters in a faraway land (or so it seems…Ireland?? Pretty far away!) where you don’t find out enough about each person, but just have to know more. I am both excited and anxious to see where this series will go.

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
karen marin moning darkfever
Darkfever #1


bloodfever karen marie moning
Bloodfever #2

faefever karen marie moning
Faefever #3


dreamfever karen marie moning
Dreamfever #4

karen marie moning shadowfever
Shadowfever #5



Iced #6

Burned #7

Feverborn #8

BOOK REVIEW – We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

BOOK REVIEW – We Were Liars by E. LockhartWe Were Liars by E. Lockhart
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A beautiful and distinguished family.
A private island.
A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy.
A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive.
A revolution. An accident. A secret.
Lies upon lies.
True love.
The truth.


Have you ever read a book where the style was so beautiful but you could never connect with the characters? Their emotions had absolutely no effect on you? That you were intrigued on figuring out the mystery but didn’t care if it had any ramifications? That everyone else loved it but you’re left thinking what’s wrong with me since I didn’t? Well, that’s where I am. It saddens me that I didn’t fall in love this book. Mostly because I loved the words, the descriptions, and the way the story flowed. E Lockhart’s writing style was unlike anything I have ever read before and I did truly enjoy this type of writing. That said, it doesn’t outweigh that I only enjoyed small parts here and there, that I could never bond with the characters and that even when I figured out what was going on I couldn’t force any emotion out. I have never felt so heartless before.

Every year the Sinclair’s spend their summer on their private island. They are blonde, they are beautiful, and they project a perfect life to the outside world. But inside the family, there is trouble. The sister’s fight, Grandpa tries to control situations and Cadence, Johnny, Mirren and Gat are called the Liars. But even in the midst of drama when they are on the island, the world around them tends to melt away. The Liars’ lives truly don’t exist to one another outside of the island but that doesn’t affect their friendship. So we spend our time learning how the family interacts and learning the ins and outs of what makes Cadence, her cousin Johnny, her cousin Mirren and her friend Gat tick.

I had come here to this island from a house of tears and falsehood
and I saw Gat,
and I saw that rose in his hand,
and in that one moment, with the sunlight from the window shining in on him,
the apples on the kitchen counter,
the smell of wood and ocean in the air
I did call it love.

This book is better left a mystery so I can’t say anything more about what happens except that once I slowly started putting the pieces of the puzzle together and had a good idea as to what happened my interest started waning even more. I am not a skimmer, but I wanted to skim ahead and see if my theory was correct. But I was too afraid that I would miss something important. Something that WOULD pull me back in. Something that WOULD make me feel completely immersed in the story. It never happened. BUT I know many people LOVED this book and it is a very unique read. So, to each is their own.

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