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Hadley Arrington is the career-driven Editor-in-Chief of her university’s prestigious newspaper. Jack Diamond is a laid back student whose good looks have made things even easier than they need to be. She’s the girl who came out of nowhere and kissed him in the rain. He’s the boy who made her do something crazy.
When the stakes seem too high, they have to decide if they’ll let their love show or if they’ll walk away for good.
► If someone had told me that the first book I’d fall in love with in 2016 would be a New Adult romance, I would have nicely but intently told them to stop fucking with me.
I would have been wrong.
I’ll write a real review as soon as I can sleep a few hours – hey, it’s 5 am over there – but I wanted to share some thoughts before my overanalyzing mind gets a hold on me. Sleep I did. It didn’t change anything.
Perfect this book isn’t: it is in a great need of editing, and the writing is awkward (cheesy ? Stereotypical?) at times. The characters are far from free of stereotypes, especially David, Hadley’s gay best-friend. When we take an unflinging look at the plot, what we see screams typical NA romance.
Except typical NA romance it is not.
As far as peeves are concerned, I have several that I know I can’t overlook. They aren’t there.
✘ There’s no slut-shaming and not an ounce of girl hate.
✘ There’s no asshole as a hero but an ADORABLE male lead with whom I fell hopelessly in love almost instantly. I mean, Jack is funny, considerate, loyal, and really, I couldn’t get enough of him. So, yeah, I can see how people would say that he’s not believable. But fuck that. FUCK. THAT. All men aren’t broken/controlling jerk/assholes, and many behave in such an adorable way when they’re falling in love with someone. Not to mention that he has his own flaws – he’s just not as intent on showing them that our regular NA jerkface. Also, he makes jokes about Titanic. It does count.
“I smiled at him. “And you slept over. Again.” (…)
“You made me.”
“I don’t remember that.”
“Well,” he said. “You don’t remember very much. Do you? Jack, I’ll never let go,”, he mimicked.
“Oh god.”
“Never let go.”
“I don’t believe you,” I said, even though I totally believed him.
“Jack!” he mimicked.”
I fucking love this guy.
✘ Hadley isn’t flawless either and have her annoying (and indecisive) sides but she’s in no need of saving. She hasn’t been raped or abused. So, okay, she has rules. Like a tons of rules.
”No presents. Definitely no flowers. I’m not doing your laundry, making you cookies, or coming to your formal. Don’t ask me too,” I said. I cocked my head. “No dates. No romantic comedies. No sleep-overs. No saying I love you. No buying me drinks. No Valentine’s Day, nicknames, baby talk, chocolate, or Taylor Swit concerts.”
Yet as much as I wanted to strangle her sometimes, I can’t deny that I really appreciated the fact that she was driven and independent. THANK YOU. I am an overachiever. I am annoying. I’m sure happy that people around me see that being a workalcohic doesn’t begin to define who am I. That’s why I could relate to her.
✘ There’s neither love triangle nor instalove, and their struggles are realistic – how to know what we’re willing to put above everything else? This is not as easy as it sounds, trust me. Hadley and Jack both have their dreams, and they’re not so ready to abandon them – I love them even more for that. Despite the somewhat cheesy writing at times, the situations are real: who never waited to be drunk to send text messages? You’re so not allowed to say never.
What about their banter? Loved it.
► To sum-up :
– The writing feels sometimes cheesy and forced.
– The characters and the story are not exempts of stereotypes.
+ You’re in for a good laugh.
+ The male-lead is adorable and heart-warming.
+ The MC doesn’t feel the need to bitch about other girls.
+ The MC doesn’t forget her dreams as soon as she meets the hero.
+ Their banter is fantastic.
+ There’s no pointless drama (some families issues and questioning about the future, that’s all)
+ They have FRIENDS.
In the end, reading a book is like making a deal, don’t you think? I asked Love Show to make me smile and care. If my 5 am ramblings should tell you something, it’s that it delivered. I mean, I actually clutched the damn book to my chest. Several times. So what if the writing isn’t always great? I can say without doubt that right now, I don’t care, and my daytime self will have to chill out and deal with it (you chill out! I still don’t give a damn!)
After that creepy note where I talk about myself in third person, I’ll tell you one last thing: don’t read Love Show if you’re looking for an original and thought-provoking book. If you want to spend a couple of hours smiling and start the year surrounded by heart-warming vibes, though?
Do it.