Monthly Wrap-Up: October

During our Monthly Wrap-Up, we’ll take a look at what has happened around here in the last month. That’ll include what’s happened in my life, what the four of us have read, any other posts we may have had, giveaways still going on, our most popular Instagram posts, and books that I’ve added to my ever-growing TBR.

*We linked this post to the October Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction*

♥ Enjoy!

Jen’s Life:

Some of my highlights from this month were:

Totally not a highlight, but my computer died.  And I use to back up everything, and then spaced for the last few years.  I lost everything.  And then my brother, who is in IT worked on it for days and was able to recover 37%, I’ll take it lol.  So let my epic failure be your lesson, back up back up back up ha!
✮ We took our annual trip to visit my husband’s family in Orange County (Calfornia) and one of my high school friends who lives in Del Mar (little north of San Diego).  It’s always my favorite trip we take!  We hang out on the beach every day and surf, boogie board, read and play in the sand.  It was the best 8 days ever and I wasn’t ready to go home.  Here are some pictures…..
Here’s my husband getting barreled here
Here’s me and my kiddos playing around on the beach here.  Ohhh see the cream and green colored house behind us?!  Bethany Hamilton was having an event there and she was with her family on the beach just a few feet away from us!  We got to watch her surf and she kicks ass!!  She is such an inspiration to all ♥. 
And then here’s my 6 year old surfing here
And my 8 year old surfing here.


What Arielle, Cassie, Chelsea & Jen Read:

5 Stars:
The Bromance Book Club (Bromance Book Club #1) by Lyssa Kay Adams
The Witchlands Box Set (The Witchlands #1-3) by Susan Dennard
The Burning Shadow (Origin #2) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Sinful Like Us (Like Us #5) by Krista & Becca Ritchie
Lock Every Door by Riley Sager
The Midnight Lie (The Midnight Lie #1) by Marie Rutkoski
The Bookworm Crush by Lisa Brown Roberts


4 Stars:
Every Other Weekend by Abigail Johnson

2 Stars:
Hidden Bodies (You #2) by Caroline Kepnes



Our Favorite Books of the Month:

Every Other Weekend by Abigail Johnson (Cassie’s Choice)
Every Other Weekend, my second Abigail Johnson novel I’ve read, was almost unputdownable for me. Not because it was a thrilling page turner, but because I was so invested in these characters I needed to find out what was going to happen next.




The Bookworm Crush by Lisa Brown Roberts (Jen’s Choice)
I laughed, cried, sighed and fell madly in love, so it’s no surprise that The Book Worm Crush became an instant favorite!  


The Midnight Lie (The Midnight Lie #1) by Marie Rutkoski (Arielle’s Choice)
I ate up every word, every line, every page. Her writing has cast a spell on me and I honestly don’t even want to be free of.




We thought it would be fun to share our most popular posts for October. And they were….

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Books Added To Jen’s TBR This Month:

I just keep adding books to my tbr lol…..


So that was our Octobert! Did you read any of the same books that we did? Or share the same favorite book as us? If not, then what was your favorite book? Or have you read any of the books I just added to my TBR?

Here’s hoping you all had a wonderful October too. And cheers to November being fabulous for all of us!


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  1. Sophie

    Well Jen I am sorry to hear about your computer!!! My husband works in IT too and he is the one I am calling for help every time I have a problem!

    • Jen

      Thank goodness we have IT people in our lives ♥. I would be lost without him lol! And thank you!

  2. ShootingStarsMag

    I really want to read The Bromance Book Club – glad it was a five star read for you!!!

    ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Nonfiction November: The Forest City KillerMy Profile

    • Arielle

      I hope you love it when you end up reading it! I can’t wait to re-read!

  3. Raven @ Dreamy Addictions

    Great Wrap up! I’m so glad to see Zodiac Academy in your TBR list, Jen! Yesterday I finished the second book in the series, and I absolutely loved it! Now I can’t wait for the third book!
    Raven @ Dreamy Addictions recently posted…Realm of Knights: Knights of the Realm, Book 1 (Knights of the Realm #1) By Jennifer Anne Davis [Review]My Profile

    • Jen

      I’m so happy to hear that and here’s hoping the series ends with a huge bang!

  4. Donna

    It looks like October was a good month (except for the computer dying). I hope November is going well. Here’s my October Wrap up

    • Jen

      Thank you so much, Donna!

  5. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    Looks like you had a wonderful vacation!! Love all the pictures!

    I’m so glad Cassie loved Every Other Weekend—I’m really excited to read that one!
    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 11/17/19My Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you so much! It was an absolute blast and definitely needed before the snow started lol!

  6. Danielle Hammelef

    I went through the computer death a couple of years ago and paid a high price for no backup too. Now, I have auto backup, but the loss was big for me (ALL my photos and ALL my writing gone). Your vacation sounds so fun! I have to read The Bookworm Crush–the reviews including yours tell me I’m going to enjoy it very much.

    • Jen

      OH NO!!!!! That’s horrific, I’m so sorry Danielle! At least we know we won’t ever go through it again, but still, it’s the worst lesson to learn. I’m sorry!!!
      SoCal was so much fun and reading that book on the beach was the best. It’s making me long for summer just thinking about it lol!

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