BOOK REVIEW: Prime Time Romance by Kate Robb

BOOK REVIEW: Prime Time Romance by Kate RobbPrime Time Romance by Kate Robb by Kate Robb
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Newly divorced on the eve of her thirtieth birthday, Brynn is sick of heartbreak. She thought she had found her happy ending, but now she’s living with a roommate, Josh, to afford her mortgage, and she’s trying to adjust to her new single life. At least she’s got Carson’s Cove to binge, her beloved 2000s teenage soap. The show ended unexpectantly on a cliffhanger after five seasons, and the two main characters, Sloan and Spencer, never got to declare their love for each other. The show is still perfect in Brynn’s eyes; despite all the drama that goes down, things always have a way of working out in Carson’s Cove . . . unlike her own life.

So when a birthday cake surprisingly shows up on her and Josh’s doorstep, Brynn makes a wish for the one thing she’s always wanted (but has failed to achieve herself): a happily-ever-after.

The next morning, she doesn’t wake up in her apartment. She’s in Carson’s Cove . . . and Josh is there too. Everyone seems to know them, except they’re not Brynn and Josh; they’re Sloan, the sweetheart of Carson’s Cove, and Fletch, the town’s bad boy. And to get home, they have to make Brynn’s wish come true by ensuring Sloan and Spencer, the hometown heartthrob, end up together at last. But as they spend more time together, Brynn and Josh realize that Carson’s Cove might not be as perfect as seen on television . . . especially when they start developing feelings for each other in a plot twist no one has expected. Will they stick to the script, or will real love change the story forever?


Prime Time Romance was an adult romcom, mixed with magical realism, that swept me away.  The characters were easy to connect with, the story-line was fun, and I closed the book happy with where the story took us.  If you’ve ever wanted to take a step into your favorite tv series, especially one that didn’t get the ending it deserved, this book is for you!

Sloan and Spencer were denied their happily ever after, and I can’t let it happen again.

By that second chapter, I already adored Josh.  He was such a good guy, and didn’t think twice about taking care of his roommate, Brynn.  Josh was hilarious while also being thoughtful, dependable and fun.  So when the two of them woke up in Brynn’s favorite tv show’s town, Carson Cove, I was glued to the pages wondering what was going to happen next.  

Spencer waves as we approach.
“Hey! You guys made it. I was starting to get worried.”
His open shirt catches in the breeze.
“You’re sure about him?” I ask.
Brynn’s smile falters for a second. Or maybe I just imagine it.

Once they realized that they couldn’t just go back home, and had to play these characters’ parts, I loved watching them grapple with their previous and current lives.  Brynn was now the local sweetheart and Josh the town’s bad boy.  Yet there were elements from both of those characters that reached deep into their hearts.  That made them second guess and see things in a new light.  And made them realize what they truly wanted.  I loved watching them grow in this environment and their story made me smile so much.

I’ve assumed that there is only one way to that happily ever after: fall in love with the perfect boy and get him to love you back forever. Now, I’m not so sure.

This small town romance was a quirky, adorable read that was so enjoyable!  I love how effortless her books are to enjoy!  Whether it was watching the friendship bloom between Brynn and Josh, to seeing them interact with the other characters, to just watching everything unfold, it was all so much fun!  As someone who died a little inside when I never got a true ending to a series I adored, *cough The OC cough*, this book made me so happy!  I can’t wait to read whatever Kate Robb writes next!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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  1. Sam@WLABB

    I liked this one, too. I felt the magical trip to her happy place was a great way for Brynn to heal and find herself again.

  2. Lisa+Mandina+(Lisa+Loves+Literature)

    This one was on my TBR. Hope I can get to it soon based on your review!

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