BOOK REVIEW: The Broken Heart Playlist by Lara MartinThe Broken Heart Playlist by Lara Martin
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Perfect for fans of Katherine Center, The Broken Heart Playlist is a single-parent, slow-burn, emotional romance.

Kate Miller is an extraordinary food stylist. She employs a whole host of tricks to make food look deliciously perfect, from painting grill lines on a steak to using mashed potatoes for an ice cream shoot.

But Kate is also living an extraordinary lie. The survivor of a brutal marriage, she’s stylized her life to present a perfect facade, hiding her brokenness and loneliness from everyone around her. The only love in her life? Her eight-year-old daughter. There’s no room for anyone else.

Until a handsome stranger with his own set of tricks moves onto her street. Suddenly, Gideon Walker and his therapy dog are everywhere, charming her family, winning over her daughter, and taking an unwelcome interest in her life.

The man who seems to know too much about her has invaded her small town. Against all odds, he also seems intent on breaking down her walls and invading her heart.

But Gideon is not without his own secrets. And if Kate gives in to their undeniable attraction, the truth could bring them together or tear them apart forever.


The Broken Heart Playlist was an emotional, slow burn, grumpy sunshine, single parent romance.  With a storyline that kept me hooked, characters that were multi-faceted, and a fabulous happily ever after, I enjoyed this book so much!  With joy, heartache, secrets, friendship, and love laced through the pages, I devoured this book so quickly!

I’m not a fan of tall, powerfully built men. I know what damage they can do. With their words. And their hands.

Jenna had a new neighbor, and she was nervous because of her past.  She was someone who loved to be well prepared, organized, and tried her best to know everything about those that surrounded her.  As someone who had survived a physical and emotionally abusive relationship, she liked to have all her ducks in a row.  So, while she could be prickly and closed off at times, she was so easy to like.  Her love for her daughter, family and job made her so easy to connect with.

 Gideon’s thoughtfulness is stirring inside me the tiniest flicker of hope. Which I need to snuff out immediately. The last thing I need in my life is a man who stirs up that emotion. Hope carves out a hole for vulnerability and I can no longer afford to be vulnerable.

While Gideon was a mystery, I loved him and his therapy dog Uno!  He didn’t seem daunted by Jenna and her weary and skeptical ways.  With a slow and steady hand, he started to build a rapport with Jenna.  Uno did too!  And I loved watching that progression!  Add in his compassion towards Jenna’s daughter, whelp I was a goner.  Gideon had a calm presence, and he was so thoughtful, caring, and saw so more than what’s on the surface.  It will be impossible for everyone not to fall for this man and his kindhearted dog!

“Go on a date with me,” he says.
He lets out a humorless laugh. “I thought that would be your answer.”
“Then why did you ask?”
“In the hope that one day you’ll say yes.”

With rich and emotional moments, like in the coffee shop, sitting on his porch drinking coffee, Toto, and so much more, this story held me in the palm of its hand.  I loved watching the thoughtfulness of scenes.  And I loved watching Gideon and Uno’s ability to weave into Jenna and her daughter Lisset’s life.  Especially with how Lisset influenced how things proceeded.  Getting Uno ready was one of my favorites!  These characters are truly everything!

“She’s so unbelievably stubborn,” I say in disbelief. “It’s so frustrating she won’t accept help.”
He smiles at me for a second too long. “She sounds exactly like someone I know.”
And then he ambles away into the fading evening light, leaving me standing open- mouthed on my porch staring after him.

Rounding out this story were relationships with her grandma, parents, Aaron, and her sister Tess.    My favorite was the sisterly love between Jenna and Tess.  I loved how much the sisters trusted one another, how they could confide in each other.  Even though it wasn’t perfect.  Jenna and Tess could fight or bicker in the blink of an eye, but it felt so real.  So, while this book can easily be read as a standalone, I can’t recommend also reading Tess’ story, Phishing for Love It’s one of my top favorites of this year!  The romance from that book, along with some quirks like grandma and google, carry through to this book.

“I don’t like the person I was in my marriage.” My fingers twist. “I don’t even know if I like myself much now.”
“Fortunately, I like you enough for the both of us.” Gideon says it so firmly, so unwaveringly, a lump forms in my throat.

The Broken Heart Playlist was a heartwarming, slow burn, emotional, feel-good story!  I even cried three times when reading.  It was impossible not to feel everything Jenna felt.  There was a twist at the end, that was a shocker.  And I wish it would have played out differently.  But The Broken Heart Playlist was a memorable story, and I can’t wait to read whatever Lara Martin writes next!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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