BOOK REVIEW: Claus and Effect by Piper RayneClaus and Effect by Piper Rayne
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Two strangers who couldn’t be more opposite find themselves on an unexpected cross-country road trip days before Christmas where whatever can go wrong, does.

He’s an Army Ranger.
She’s a baker.

He’s organized and ridged.
She’s messy and carefree.

He doesn’t do relationships.
She’s following her heart.

His family chat blows up his phone.
She just buried her last living relative.

The holiday season doesn’t seem so jolly as they venture from one mode of transportation to the next. But, they have to become friends and rely on each other if they’re going to survive all the obstacles thrown their way.

As the miles grow shorter, vulnerabilities are shared, and by the time they reach their destination, neither one of them is sure what they really want for Christmas anymore.


Claus and Effect was a grumpy sunshine, forced proximity, Christmas story that easily became one of my top favorites!  With a road trip, characters that had a strong dislike going on, and found family, I absolutely loved this story!  I listened to the audio, which was duet narration and my favorite!, so it’s one I’ll definitely be re-reading down the road!

Within those first few chapters you’ll find yourself smiling and laughing.  Tessa was so easy to love and from that first moment we met Tre I couldn’t help but be intrigued!  Their meet cute and the foreseeable running into each other had me so giddy!  Yes there was instant chemistry, but there was also some rudeness and messing with one another too.  I was screaming with laughter over multiple moments on the plane, and from there a road trip unraveled that made this book impossible to put down!

I wasn’t so sure what to think of Tess first off.  I mean, she was listening to a psychic after her world had fallen apart.  But listening to that psychic landed her in Tre’s crosshairs and I was all for it!  Her thoughts were so fun to listen to, her detours were epic, and time and again she had me rolling with laughter.  She could be such a bowl full of joy and I loved her playful nature!

Oh Tre.  He easily became a favorite book boyfriend!  He was in the military and headed home for the holidays.  He was so serious and put together, but at the same time he could play dirty and was absolutely hilarious!  I loved that he was kind, caring, and thoughtful.  And I especially loved how he was able to read Tessa!

Their road trip was over the top and so much fun!  With gingerbread, eggnog, snow, dressing up, and so much more, I love the path this story took.  But then there was a plot twist I never saw coming and I was literally screaming NOOOOOO!!!  I’m sure all my neighbors could hear me, eeps.  When you throw that in with Tre’s past, oh my heart, this story took an emotional turn that hurt.  And I couldn’t help but get tears in my eyes multiple times.

Claus and Effect wrapped up with the most wonderful look into the future.  And the happily ever after made me cry all the tears of joy!  I can’t recommend this book enough!  I’ve read three holiday books by Piper Rayne, and I’ve loved each of them so much.  If you want to read them in order of how you meet the characters, then start with Single and Ready to Jingle, then this one, then finish up with Merry Kissmas If you’re looking for a Christmas romance that will have you laughing and smiling, this is it!

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