Category: Z-Old Users (Page 44 of 50)

BOOK REVIEW – Hero by Samantha Young

BOOK REVIEW – Hero by Samantha YoungHero by Samantha Young
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Alexa Holland’s father was her hero—until her shocking discovery that she and her mother weren't his only family. Ever since, Alexa has worked to turn her life in a different direction and forge her own identity outside of his terrible secrets. But when she meets a man who’s as damaged by her father’s mistakes as she is, Alexa must help him.

Caine Carraway wants nothing to do with Alexa’s efforts at redemption, but it’s not so easy to push her away. Determined to make her hate him, he brings her to the edge of her patience and waits for her to walk away. But his actions only draw them together and, despite the odds, they begin an intense and explosive affair.

Only Caine knows he can never be the white knight that Alexa has always longed for. And when they're on the precipice of danger, he finds he’ll do anything to protect either one of them from being hurt again…

What does this story teach us? That even if some guy treats you like shit and says you that he doesn’t love you, if you try hard, and harder, and harder – if you’re sure in your heart that he loves you, that he is good… Everything will be good in the end.

Excuse me but that’s FUCKING BULLSHIT.

Of course it works here, of course we have our holly HEA, but in the real life? Not always. We might oppose that it is indeed a romance novel and that they all are all kind of unbelievable, and I can’t deny it. But then, I’ve the right to despise the way a relationship is portrayed and that was the case here. Why? Strangely, not because of the male lead. Of course he has his flaws – I’m coming back to that later – but that’s not what drove me mad. So, why?

Because Alexa is one of the most stupid characters I’ve met for a long time. Basically, her behavior shows everything I can’t stand in female leads. Let’s do a little list, shall we?

How to win some asshole’s love?

Assume responsibility for someone else’s fault, let’s say, your father. Apologize for him. If the guy doesn’t accept your apologies, try again. And again. Because, somehow, you just know he’s wounded and made for you. Because you’re the same, you and him. He just has to fucking realize that!

“I believed I could see past that shield of his – like I could feel the emotion he fought so hard to hide.”
➸ Of course you can. I mean, you’ve known him for, like, almost ten minutes. Of course you can see that. OF. COURSE. Because you just know it.

“I guess it would make me feel better if I could see Caine happy.”
➸ No, that’s not a pet project. That’s not at all pathetic. You can make him happy. OF. COURSE. Because you just know it.

But there’s the problem that he’s acting like a jerk. There’s that. Wait – OMG I’m so stupid!

“I was insulting because I didn’t want to admit I was attracted to you.”
➸ What a fool I’ve been! Of course that’s why. I mean, we’re in 4th grade right? RIGHT?

If you’re falling in love and the guy asks for a fling without any string attached, accept, because you will change his mind. You’re awesome like that.

“He’d never looked at me that way before. There was something in that look. Someting … more.”
➸ No, you’re not delusional. There has to be something more between you. OF. COURSE. Because you just know it.

“Of course, I’d just agreed to a no-string-attached affair with him, so I guessed I shouldn’t hold out for silly little important things like affection.”  No you shouldn’t.

“I already wanted more from him and we were only five minutes into our casual fling.”
➸ Look, I’m trying very hard to stay calm here and not yell at you or shake you because I know you’ll make him love you. OF. COURSE. Because you just know it, I know, I KNOW.

If you’re pissed or mad or hurt, don’t forget to say that’s you’re fine. And if you’re feeling overemotional, that’s because you have your periods, that’s not because you’re in a situation that’s messing up with your head. No. Poor you, you’re just a fucking woman.

“Everything is fine.” I shrugged and gently pried my hand from his hold.
“You would tell me otherwise?”
“Of course.” At that bald-faced lie I walked out.”

➸ Of course if you’re feeling hurt by the situation don’t tell him! I mean, guys are clever like that. He will know it. Hmm wait, no, that’s you who knows it. Right? Excuse me, I’ve been confused for a few seconds here. OF. COURSE. Because you just know it, everything is fine, you’re not struggling to hold your tears, and if you are, that’s not at all because you agreed on a fling with the guy you secretly love and who acts with you, well, like a guy on a fling. No, that’s because “there was another part of me that wished my period would fuck off so I could return to my more rational, easygoing self.”  Silly me! I forgot! Women are so irrational when they have their periods! How could I forget that?

Even if the guy tells you a ridiculous amount of times that he doesn’t love you, that’s a lie. You just know it. Don’t give up! That’s a test to see if you’re perseverant enough. Life is testing you, but you’re stronger than that!

“Maybe, God, just maybe … I wasn’t the only one falling in love.”
OF. COURSE. Because you just know it.

If you could get physically hurt/wounded in order to show the guy that he loves you, it would be great. I don’t know how, duh. Use a bit of imagination, for Pete’s sake! I’m warning you here, if he’s particularly stubborn hurt by life, it might take several times to win him.

♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ Congratulations! You win the guy! ♫ ♬ ♪ ♩

Now you can live with absolutely perfect sex in your wonderful happily ever after.

Apart from that? We have an asshole as a hero but then, I’m not sure that I can bring myself to resent him for that because come on, everything’s fine, Alexa told you so. Moreover, I found him ridiculously shallow. I didn’t care for him. I don’t know him. Oh, and I almost forgot! A ridiculous mystery that made me roll my eyes!

Of course, there are the hot sex scenes. Yes, there’s that. Too bad it’s not enough to create a good love-story for me.

BOOK REVIEW – Emperor of Thorns (The Broken Empire #3) by Mark Lawrence

BOOK REVIEW – Emperor of Thorns (The Broken Empire #3) by Mark LawrenceEmperor of Thorns (The Broken Empire #3)
by Mark Lawrence
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To reach the throne requires that a man journey. Even a path paved with good intentions can lead to hell, and my intentions were never good.

The Hundred converge for Congression to politic upon the corpse of Empire, and while they talk the Dead King makes his move, and I make mine. The world is cracked, time has run through, leaving us clutching at the end days, the future so bright that those who see it are the first to burn. These are the days that have waited for us all our lives. These are my days. I will stand before the Hundred and they will listen. I will take the throne whoever seeks to thwart me, living or dead, and if I must be the last emperor then I will make of it such an ending.

This is where the wise man turns away. This is where the holy kneel and call on God. These are the last miles, my brothers. Don't look to me to save you. Don't think I will not spend you. Run if you have the wit. Pray if you have the soul. Stand your ground if courage is yours. But don't follow me.

Follow me, and I will break your heart.

Sorry guys. I thought about some fancy way to write this review and it seems that I just – couldn’t. Maybe, one day, when I’ll reread it because of course I’m going to reread it, I mean, JORG for Pete’s sake, maybe this day I’ll be able to find, I don’t know,
a) A travel map review of his journey through Europe, because YES, I totally sought the places out during my read, frowning at the name slightly altered of a city, a river, a land… By the way, UK, the drowned Isles? I might have laughed at that. But I’m French, so, well. Okay I’m kidding! I love you British, don’t throw me anything!
b) A sketched review of Jorg’s best moments, because who doesn’t want to see someone …. Oh, well, it would be spoiling if I told you right? Don’t worry, I’d have to learn to draw for this and somehow I’m pretty sure it won’t happen in this life. Sigh.
c) A trial review to state on Jorg’s faith, but then, I guess that I’d have to be objective and where would be the fun if I couldn’t cry my love for him, I’m asking?

So. Someday. Maybe. Who knows. Certainly not me. It seems that you’re bound to suffer my not-so-fancy review, that is to say, let me purr my feelings for crying out loud.

“No half measures. Some things can’t be cut in half. You can’t half-love someone. You can’t half-betray, or half-lie.”

First of all, I can’t express how much this story drew me in. From the first time my eyes met Jorg’s thoughts (yes, I know, last week, shush) I knew that I wouldn’t be able to let go of this world before knowing the entire story. I tried to hold on because come on, have you tried to binge read fantasy? Usually I prefer to let my thoughts sink a bit before opening the next book and here? I couldn’t. I had to know. I felt like obsessed, so much that I couldn’t stop thinking about it when I wasn’t reading. So, yeah, I read them three way too fast for my own good because now I don’t know what to do with myself. Except writing this review-not-so-fancy, of course.

Why am I telling you all this? Because I wanted to stress how much these books enthralled and captivated me – they weren’t really page-turner but then, they were even better. Because sometimes I had to put my book aside and think about it a few minutes. Sometimes I needed to reread some sentences because dumb me! I didn’t get it. Sometimes I chose to reread some sentences because damn, that made me laugh. This was long at times, but trust me, this was worth it.

“My father taught me not to love or to compromise, the thorns taught me that even family bonds are fatal weaknesses, a man must walk alone, bide his time and strike when the strengh is in his hands. Sometimes, though, it seemed all that bound me to those lessons were the scars they had left on me.”

Jorg now. I’m craving for talking about him, of course. I mean, these books are really character driven and I’m almost sure you can’t really enjoy them if you don’t like him. Now, I can be wrong, and I would be really happy to be. If you have read my review of Prince of Thorns, then you know that this anti-hero fascinated me from the beginning. And young Jorg was something to handle, I’m telling you. I’ll borrow Chelsea’s words here, and say that he was our little killing machine. Yeah, that’s completely affectionate, and if that makes us crazy, so be it. I’m not going to re-explain how he was because there’s a lot of chance that if you read this you already know him.

Do you want to know if he’s going to evolve? Yes he will.
Will he become some white knight? No he won’t.

And that’s what I adored in Emperor of Thorns : the fact that Mark Lawrence managed to offer us a realistic evolution in his character, making him complex, multi-layered, without never travestying him in some unbelievable shadow of himself. He is bad, stubborn, terrible, and he knows it. He is human, flawed, and won my heart. I said it before, but I can’t help but feel ruined for the future heroes I will meet, especially in fantasy. As it is, I struggle to let him go. No more Jorg. Sigh.

“When you’re in a dark place, and your light is going to run out before too long, you get on with things. It’s a wonder to me how few people apply that same logic to their life.”

Finally, of course I won’t talk about the plot, because you should go blind into this last journey with Jorg – but I wanted to say :
1) I don’t know if I was supposed to, but I guessed some major twist way before Jorg. Now, it didn’t bother me because I enjoyed so much my read nothing could have spoiled it. And feeling more clever than Jorg? Best feels, guys.
2) The ending was epic and satisfying and above that, surprised me. Hours after finishing it, I find myself both happy and disturbed, truly amazed.

“At the sharp end of things there is only room for ourselves.”

BOOK REVIEW – King of Thorns (The Broken Empire #2) by Mark Lawrence

BOOK REVIEW – King of Thorns (The Broken Empire #2) by Mark LawrenceKing of Thorns (The Broken Empire #2)
by Mark Lawrence
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To reach greatness you must step on bodies, and many brothers lie trodden in my wake. I’ve walked from pawn to player and I’ll win this game of ours, though the cost of it may drown the world in blood…

Do you know what I love in these books? Picture the perfect hero. Kind. Skilled. Supported by all kind of prophecies. See this guy, the perfect Gary Sue of fantasy? Well, here, you root for the other guy who wants to kill him.

Because Jorg is some kind of anti Gary Sue.

“I don’t play by the rules you choose.”

Hello, Gary Sue : Prophecies see you rule the world because you’re the One.
And Jorg? Prophecies see you rot in Hell and witches bet against you. Screw you. Well, now, there’s this Necromancer who’s dying to have you as ally, but is it really a good thing?

“If he told me something about the glories ahead for the Prince of Arrow I would have trouble restraining myself. If he suggested I might be born in the year of the goat then there would be no restraint!”

That doesn’t work. Too long. Let’s nickname our heroes, shall we?

GS : Everybody loves you, because you’re that merciful.
J : Nobody should love you because the only way to live for you is merciless. Now, there are fools everywhere. People who love you don’t know why though.

GS : If you’d earned a medal each time you won a great battle, their weight would stop you from walking.
J : If there’s something I learnt, it’s that you know when to run. And when to come back.

GS : You lead an army which is formidable in many ways : in numbers, in courage, in skill… Damn you’re exhausting me here.
J : Well, you can be dazzling, but a trick is a trick. By the way, you own the best ideas and made me giggle like crazy at times. You surprise me. And with surprises, I’m like a little child : Aww thank you, and can I have some more?

“As Maical would say, it helps to have the elephant of surprise on your side.”

GS : Yes, but you are good.
J : Don’t care, you’re funnier, little smart-ass.

GS : You follow some kind of rules in your life. In the best case you even have a book where they’re written just for you. Lucky you!
J : Rules? What are you talking about? There’s no such things as rules in this world!

GS : You do what is right.
J : You do what is good … for you

“Sensible, honest. I don’t even know how to pretend those things.”

GS : You’re fucking handsome and you stay it.
J Well… Hmm… No offense Jorg, but I might find you scary in the real life.

GS : Professional savior is your full-time job.
J : There was a moment in this book when you save someone you didn’t even know! I was so proud of you, Little Jorg. Careful though, don’t go all weak however.

GS : You want to rule because you want to bring justice in this world
J : You want to rule because you can, DUH.

“I wonder if we don’t all go stamping and crashing, crashing and stamping in our own little circles going nowhere. And I wonder who it is that laughs at us.”

GS : You wear your kindness on your face.
J : Damn, you’ve got so many secret failures hidden in your heart it took a whole book to unravel them – but that was worth it, because above all we already know about you, in this book you become more – a complex King who’s growing up, acquiring maturity and who perhaps, perhaps will learn to be better, yet can never forget what he truly is, his devil inside and his wickedness.

Flash news! Gary Sue is in this book! Luckily that’s not Jorg.

Meanwhile? Damn you, Jorg of Ancrath, to make me care so much I almost cried for you. We can follow a good hero and feel his pain but what happens when a flawed bastard we love is hurting and lets go of his shell to show us his vulnerabilities? We cry, plain and simple.

“We’re not memories, Katherine, we’re dreams. All of us. Each part of us is a dream, a nightmare of blood and vomit and boredom and fear. And when we wake up – we die.”

I think I’m kind of ruined for future heroes now. Sigh.

PS : One thing to know ➸ the rhythm is way slower than the first one and if it didn’t bother me because I honestly thought that the story needed it in order to develop Jorg’s characterization, I think it would annoy some readers. Voilà, that was my only complaint toward the book. But then, the back and forth between past and present was worth it. Even if I was frustrated more often than not.

BOOK REVIEW – Boomerang (Boomerang #1) by Noelle August

BOOK REVIEW – Boomerang (Boomerang #1) by Noelle AugustBoomerang (Boomerang #1)
by Noelle August
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Welcome to, the dating site for the millennial gen with its no-fuss, no-commitments matchups, and where work is steamier than any random hook-up.

Mia Galliano is an aspiring filmmaker. Ethan Vance has just played his last game as a collegiate soccer star. They’re sharp, hungry for success, and they share a secret.

Last night, Ethan and Mia met at a bar, and, well . . . one thing led to another, which led to them waking up the next morning—together. Things turned awkward in a hurry when they found themselves sharing a post hookup taxi . . . to the same place: Boomerang headquarters.

What began as a powerful connection between them is treated to a cold shower courtesy of two major complications. First, Boomerang has a strict policy against co-worker dating. And second, they’re now competitors for only one job at the end of summer.

As their internships come to an end, will they manage to keep their eyes on the future and their hands off each other, or will the pull of attraction put them right back where they started?

Just look at the cover. Have you seen the cover? See the colors? Well, now that I look at it, there’re not that much color but you know what? To read this book was like flying through colorful bubbles and yes, absolutely, I’m sure that would be an awesome experience. No?

The only thing that prevented me from giving it 5 stars is the fact that I felt the story drag at some point. Nothing insurmountable, but I must confess that I felt the urge to skim a page or two in the middle. Oh, and maybe you want to know if they’ll finally remember their night together? Oh yes they will. And let me tell you : that was hot.

For once I’m not adding any quote. I guess you’ll have to discover Ethan, Mia, their friends and families by yourself 😉

BOOK REVIEW – White Cat (Curse Workers #1) by Holly Black

BOOK REVIEW – White Cat (Curse Workers #1) by Holly BlackWhite Cat (Curse Workers #1)
by Holly Black
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Cassel comes from a shady, magical family of con artists and grifters. He doesn't fit in at home or at school, so he's used to feeling like an outsider. He's also used to feeling guilty; he killed his best friend, Lila, years ago.

But when Cassel begins to have strange dreams about a white cat, and people around him are losing their memories, he starts to wonder what really happened to Lila. In his search for answers, he discovers a wicked plot for power that seems certain to succeed. But Cassel has other ideas and a plan to con the conmen.

“I hate that I love this. I hate that the adrenaline pumping through the roots of my body is filling me with giddy glee. I’m not a good person.”

This book was full of charmsSee what I did there?

Charm ⁂1 : I do love me some liar

Beware of Cassel Sharpe, professional liar and Master of the game of make-believe. You’re going to love him.

“Being a con artist means thinking that you’re smarter than everyone else and that you’ve thought of everything. That you can get away with anything. That you can con anyone.
I wish I could say that I don’t think about the con when I deal with people, but the difference between me and my mother is that I don’t con myself.”

Charming, deceptive, untrustworthy, sarcastic, selfish : Of course I loved Cassel, what do you think? Since he was fourteen and well, hmm, killed his best friend and first love, Cassel learnt that to survive he has to become a Master of pretending. All the time.

Friendship? Nothing more than an exchange of goods. Who’d want a killer of a friend? Yeah? No hands raised? That’s what I thought.

Love? Yeah, sure. A good way to fake normality.

Family? You mean the curse workers who always kept him in the dark and fed him with snippets of affection? Them?

“I’m not good at having friends. I mean, I can make myself useful to people. I can fit in. I get invited to parties and I can sit at any table I want in the cafeteria.
But actually trusting someone when they have nothing to gain from me just doesn’t make sense.
All friendships are negotiations of power.”

Don’t get fooled, despite the fact that he basically tries to con everyone, we can’t avoid seeing the extreme vulnerability that all his tricks can’t hide, and then… Then we ‘re dealing with a charming and hopeless male-lead we can’t help but care about.

Charm ⁂2 : Of course I’m lost! And I love it.

What a multi-layered mystery! Each time I thought I finally got it the truth slipped through my fingers. There are many subplots in this story and that’s for the best : we never know who Cassel can trust, damn, we don’t even know if we can trust Cassel most of the time! Everything can be a con and this makes every decision or action suspect – try to overtake Cassel’s shenanigans and you’ll see.

“Marks think they can get something for nothing.
Marks think they can get what they don’t deserve and could never deserve.
Marks are stupid and pathetic and sad.
Marks forget that whenever something’s too good to be true, that’s because it’s a con.”

As for the writing, I have to point that I was pleasantly surprised by Holly Black. Indeed it’s my first book from this author and I must admit that I was really wary at first. What a fool I’ve been! It was a captivating page-turner that never bored me.

Charm ⁂3 : Why can’t I be a curse worker, huh? Why?

Never ever forget your gloves, otherwise you are likely to experience one of these delightful experiences :
✔ To find yourself somewhere without any idea how you came
✔ Be changed in a cockroach. Yeah, that sucks.
✔ To start sobbing in remorse for something you didn’t even do.
✔♪♫♬ Beware of the music you hear. ♪♫♬ Just sayin’

Charm ⁂4 : Applaud the cat. Just do it. He’s got claws.

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