Author: Cassandra Clare (Page 2 of 3)

BOOK REVIEW – Clockwork Prince (The Infernal Devices #2) by Cassandra Clare

BOOK REVIEW – Clockwork Prince (The Infernal Devices #2) by Cassandra ClareClockwork Prince (The Infernal Devices #2)
by Cassandra Clare
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An excellent installment to a surprisingly addictive series. I came upon Infernal Devices in a discussion for another book entirely. It too had a love triangle in it, and some of the girls happened to mention TID and it’s apparently happy ever after for all characters involved. Seeing as how I am becoming increasingly aware of how much I love drama, to an extent, in novels, I had to hop on over and see what TID was all about. Upon reading the synopsis and seeing the cover of Clockwork Angel, I realized that I had passed it up months before. Boy do I ever see the error in my ways.

After the last novel, Tessa is now a permanent fixture in the Institute after Charlotte asked her to stay. We get to see how Tessa is affected after Will’s unforgiveable actions and remarks, and how close her and Jem become because of it. With less time being spent daydreaming about Will(hardly), Tessa finds herself spending more and more time with Jem, thus forming a bond between them. I like both guys a lot. Will has hurt Tessa quite a bit, but underneath it all, I love him because he has a sweet side to him that can’t be entirely hidden, and a passion for his work and also for Tessa. Jem is always there for Tessa, and it becomes increasingly clear he has strong feelings for her. Everyone around him (aside from Will) can see his feelings for her as clear as day, for he wears his heart on a sleeve.

I enjoyed every adventure and could hardly put the book down. I always seemed to be on the edge of my seat and reading at the speed of light-and I still wasn’t reading fast enough. I also adore how each character has such raw passion for who they love and what they believe in. It is hard not to be attracted to each guy when they so obviously are attracted to and care for Tessa. Don’t even get me started on Henry and Charlotte; they definitely add some adorable scenes to the story and make you smile when you least expect it.

So all in all, I really don’t have many words. It is just one of those stories where you feel compelled to tell people about it and insist they read it. I found myself goofily smiling at the pages from Will’s snarky remarks and funny scenarios he found himself in. He always seems to have the funniest facial expressions, and with Jem egging him on, it only fuels the fire. Now I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I can’t wait to see how it all ends and ultimately who ends up with whom.

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BOOK REVIEW – Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices #3) by Cassandra Clare

BOOK REVIEW – Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices #3) by Cassandra ClareClockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices #3)
by Cassandra Clare
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Oooh how this book unraveled me. As with all love triangles, I was skeptical as to how it could be accomplished tastefully. Was I completely satisfied with the conclusion of this beautiful trilogy? Yes and no: it depends if I count the epilogue. If I were to count the epilogue as the ending, then no….I really don’t know how I feel, but it’s not 100% satisfied. On the one hand, it was sweet how “the wheel came full turn”. On the other hand, I felt a tad….what’s the word? Unsettled. That’s it-unsettled. Now, without the epilogue, I felt it was tied up nicely and she was with who she should have always been with. I loved both guys, certainly, but one was always the favorite in my heart.

A tearjerker at it’s finest, Clockwork Princess made me bawl like a baby. I loved how both boys were willing to sacrifice everything to help/save/court Tessa. They were both adorable and made me want to jump into this story and solve their little love triangle problem by inserting myself promptly within the pages.

The love and passion that drove Will on his mission to save Tessa was so endearing and I fell more in love with him with each mile he traveled. And Jem, poor Jem. His struggles are so trying and you feel yourself rooting for that impossible cure to be found. His love for Tessa is pure, unrelenting, and undying. His loyalty to Will as his other half is beautiful.

Then there’s the bittersweet, happy ending. As heartbreaking as it is sweet, tears of both happiness and sadness were pouring from my tearducts. I don’t know when I fell so in love with this trilogy, but it knocked me off my feet hard and fast, and I am so sad it’s over. I truly do wish there was another way for the epilogue to have unfolded, because I felt that it took the validity of her love for one particular man and kind of laughed at it’s memory. Not completely..but enough that it left a sour taste in my mouth. You’ll is both beautiful and heartbreaking-all depends on how the reader looks at it. And no-the “memory of his love” is not a spoiler-so many things happen in this book that it couldn’t possibly be explained/ruined by that particular comment. No worries.

Finally, I end this review with a shout out to Cecily. I absolutely adored her character, while at the end of the last book I didn’t want her to necessarily be a part of the story. I LOVE her. I love Gabriel and Gideon and Charlotte and Henry and Magnus-I love them ALL. It is a sad day when I end a series and have to say goodbye to each new character I have fallen in love with, but that time has come, and I am happy to say this is a new favorite series of mine. The journey from book one where Tessa smashed a vase upon Will’s head to the bittersweet epilogue has been a tremulous one, but I couldn’t be happier to have been a part of these amazing stories-I will most definitely re read them one day, hopefully soon, if my poor heart can handle it.

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BOOK REVIEW – City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1) by Cassandra Clare

BOOK REVIEW – City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1) by Cassandra ClareCity of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1)
by Cassandra Clare
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After finishing City of Bones last night, I didn’t really know what to say about it. Even this morning after sleeping on it, I am still at a loss for words. I suppose this might just be one of those novels where you know you have to keep reading the follow ups to truly appreciate the first in the series-or at least that’s how I feel. Did I enjoy it? Thoroughly. Was I able to put it down easily to connect with the real world? Not really. Did I connect with Clary as the main character? Not particularly. I think this is the largest problem.

I read Infernal Devices before this, not really knowing which one would be better, and I fell in love with Will, Jem, and Tessa. I can see so many similarities between the two series already, and no, not because it’s the same author and Infernal Devices was a prequel, but I see a lot of the same “problems” arising but in different forms. I think my hesitancy comes from the ending of the final TID novel, and how Clare chose to close out that particular series. While it appeased some, the epilogue left me unsettled. So I am slow to fall head over heels for one guy, because I am not sure how Clare will handle the end of TMI. Will she cop out again? I can’t be sure.

What I am sure of is that these are different characters (mostly) and they have separate problems thus far, so I assume they will be handled differently.

Clary wasn’t as likeable as I would have imagined based on what people say about her, but I didn’t dislike her either-I’m neutral. I have also heard Jace is a humongous jerk-shocker. I found I am the opposite of what I have heard. I found Jace to be somewhat sweet, actually, and Clary to be the jerk. I don’t know if I was just expecting this horrible guy or what, but I have read far too many romance novels where the main hero is a jerk, and I found Jace to be mild. Now as for Simon, he was also just okay. I didn’t truly care for his character and if he gets his heart broken, nor am I as heartless to wish Clary won’t look his way. Apparently I am all about fine lines on this review and, as I said before, don’t know what to think.

So all in all, it was a gripping novel with many unexpected (or expected if you are me and people warned me of *gasp* creepy plot twists) twists and turns. I liked the supporting cast, and I liked how it ended with them-it was sweet. I also found myself laughing out loud when something happens to Simon and also “aww” ing out loud. So many things to think about and so much to look forward to, I can’t wait to figure out where TMI is heading and what all we have in store for us.

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BOOK REVIEW – City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments #2) by Cassandra Clare

BOOK REVIEW – City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments #2) by Cassandra ClareCity of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments #2)
by Cassandra Clare
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**In no way is it my intention to diss on the author’s integrity, just wanted to put forth the idea that there are some questionable ideas she has with this series-nothing more. Her writing is otherwise addicting**

There was so much going on in this novel it made my head spin. It’s hard to wrap my head around everything that happened, which makes this a particularly hard review to write.

Clary is adjusting to the fact that the world as she knows it does not exist and that things are much more complex than she ever could have imagined. She starts to realize that while she longs for the normal life she once had, she can never truly get it back-everything is different now. She is an important part to this alternate universe she was never aware of and is begining to embrace and further her knowledge.

Simon is pursuing her more heavily, pushing their relationship farther than it has ever gone.

He is also still recovering from the incident in the previous novel, making him a little bolder than he once was. I have to admit-he annoyed the living snot out of me for most of this story. I just wanted him OUT OF THE PICTURE-whatever that meant. Near the end, of course, my feelings changed-yes, I’m fickle apparently. People can mature, and more so, they can realize something and do with the knowlege what they want. In his case, it matured him and helped his character development along nicely.

Alec and Isabelle were great. I really liked their part in the story and always liked when they were around. I loved that we got to see Alec in some scenes WITHOUT a scowl this time around-it did wonders for his character in my eyes. And Isabelle…well, I always loved her character. Bitchy or not, she always has something witty or funny to say, much like Jace’s character. She’s fierce, loyal, and surprisingly, very loving.

And finally Jace. We got to see a lot more of Jace, and a lot more with just his perspective and what was going on with him. He is such a deep character, and I really do like him a lot. He is so loyal and has so much love in him, he just never got to use it as a child and that is the saddest part of this story (aside from the author using any indication that incest is acceptable in this series…I find that creeptastic..and excrutiatingly sad). I think it’s clear he has daddy issues and that’s why he is snippy most of the time. It’s justifiable. Whenever he enters a scene, I know 9 times out of 10 I am going to laugh, so I always enjoy the story more when he is involved.

I wish Clare would just drop this plot problem and move on with it already. Obviously something is amiss with it, and I’d rather not have to keep waiting for the inevitable to happen. Please let it go! I want some Jace/Clary action! And no…I don’t revel at the idea of incest, I just know enough about the series from others that this idea doesn’t fool me. I don’t think she’d have so many loyal fans if this series ultimately ended on an incestual (is that a word? Well, it is now) note. I just don’t buy it. That’s right-I’m not buyin’ what she’s sellin’. So let’s hope for some plot revelations in City of Glass, because I can’t wait for more action, romance and drama to unfold.

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BOOK REVIEW – City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments #3) by Cassandra Clare

BOOK REVIEW – City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments #3) by Cassandra ClareCity of Glass (The Mortal Instruments #3)
by Cassandra Clare
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What a fun, exciting read! I was utterly consumed with COG and was driven nearly mad when I had to put it down. The story takes place in Idris making for a refreshing setting and story line.

So much happens that it’s almost overwhelming to think of writing a review. Another problem? I most definitely started City of Fallen Angels immediately after finishing COG two days ago, so my recollection of the story is foggy, that mixed feeling when you read two books so close together. Whoops.

Things have finally come to a head for every party involved. Clary and Jace, Simon, Alec and Magnus, downworlders and shadowhunters, etc. I felt a sense of triumph on more than one occasion. Everything that we could possibly question about the past two installments is addressed, and more than we could imagine is thrown our way-not overwhelmingly so, though. What I loved most is the amount of peril laced through each page of the story.

Nothing was an easy fight. So many times we readers become engrossed into a story only for it to end up falling short and dissappointing us. It happens more often than not, sadly, and I didn’t feel let down with the end of COG. It was tied up happily enough that we could go on with our lives if we so choose to, but it also left enough wiggle room to continue the series. What did Clare decide to do? Obviously she decided to keep truckin’. While I have read that some people wish she would stop here, I have to say I disagree. Yes, there is such a thing as leaving a story alone while you’re ahead, but I can’t help but feel a little sad at the thought of never reading about Jace and Clary again. I don’t normally become so invested in a longer series-I generally lose interest quickly, but not with TMI. Clare writes the stories so you get a little of what you WANT, but not as much as you NEED.

Also, for those who have read the Infernal Devices trilogy, we start to see the mention of more and more of the names from it. Herondales (yyaaaayyyy!!), Lightwoods, Brother Zacariah, etc. I LOVE that. I LOVED TID and as I am reading the next installment, COFA, more and more is being said about them. It gets me so excited and I start smiling like a loon. Thank God Magnus was present back then, because we wouldn’t get these cute reminiscent thoughts throughout the novel without him.

I’m not sure what my review was even about or if it even made sense, but the point is, I loved this novel and it was the best in the series yet. It is on-the-edge-of-your-seat good, and the romance was sweet and exciting. So for those of you who haven’t read it yet, what are you waiting for?

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