INTERVIEW+GIVEAWAY-The Veil (Devil’s Isle #1) by Chloe Neill



Here at Star-Crossed Blog we are so excited to be a part of The Veil blog tour! Many of you know Chloe Neill from her fantastic Chicagoland Vampire series centering around Ethan and Merit-Now we are introduced to a whole new world centered around Wraiths, Sensitives, and so much more, set in New Orleans! We all know what that means, don’t we?? Anything can happen.  Continue on to find out more about The Veil, check out my interview with Chloe Neill and enter TWO amazing giveaways that contain prizes that you will definitely want!  Enjoy! 



Seven years ago, the Veil that separates us from what lies beyond was torn apart, and New Orleans was engulfed in a supernatural war. Now, those with paranormal powers have been confined in a walled community that humans call the District. Those who live there call it Devil’s Isle.

Claire Connolly is a good girl with a dangerous secret: she’s a Sensitive, a human endowed with magic that seeped through the Veil. Claire knows that revealing her skills would mean being confined to Devil’s Isle. Unfortunately, hiding her power has left her untrained and unfocused…

Liam Quinn knows from experience that magic makes monsters of the weak, and he has no time for a Sensitive with no control of her own strength. But when he sees Claire using her powers to save a human under attack — in full view of the French Quarter — Liam decides to bring her to Devil’s Isle and the teacher she needs—even though getting her out of his way isn’t the same as keeping her out of his head.

As more and more Sensitives fall prey to their magic, and unleash their hunger on the city, Claire and Liam must work together to save New Orleans, or else the city will burn…

Here are the links where you can click to purchase The Veil, AVAILABLE NOW! 

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Powells | Books-A-Million | Kobo | Indiebound | Audible



I was given the opportunity to interview Chloe about her new and exciting series, so I tried to get a deeper grasp on where she comes up with all these wonderful ideas:

  1. What inspired you to write a story centered in New Orleans?

    As a former Arkansas resident, I visited Louisiana and New Orleans several times. I’ve always liked the strong sense of
    place–the music, the food, the very unique influences.  And like Chicago, it’s very easy for me to imagine supernaturals
    living there and being an important part of the community.
  2. If you had to choose your favorite quote from The Veil, what would it be?I really like this: “Something settled low in my gut, like my soul had rearranged itself, changed and shifted to account for
    him. For this man I’d never seen before.”
  3. We’re huge fans of your Chicagoland Vampires series, which is also paranormal. What draws you to this genre?Thanks! I really like thinking about magic and supernatural creatures, and how humans would react to their existence. I’d
    rather research and read things like that than anything else, and I think people really enjoy the escape of the
    supernatural. I know I do!
  4. What’s something we would be surprised to learn about Liam and Claire?Nothing that I can tell you about yet. 😉
  5. What is your favorite thing about this new series?The fact that I get to keep writing it, and learning more about New Orleans!Thanks so much for having me today!
Two Giveaways:

The fun doesn’t stop here. Want more chances to win? You can also enter THE VEIL Grand Prize Giveaway, which runs July 27 through August 7 on Chloe’s web site.

What is the Grand Prize Giveaway prize?

  • Fleur de Lis Amulet Pendant Necklace from New Orleans jewelry designer Mignon Faget
  • $50 Amazon Gift Card
  • THE VEIL 5″x5″ cloth screenwipe
  • THE VEIL tote bag
  • THE VEIL bookmark, sticker, and pen
  • Chicagoland Vampires bookmark, sticker, pen, keychain, and lanyard



And on top of all that, we also have a personal giveaway for everyone here on our site!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The packet will include:

  • THE VEIL tote bag
  • THE VEIL 5″x5″ cloth screenwipe
  • THE VEIL bookmark, sticker, and pen
  • Chicagoland Vampires swag, including bookmark, pen or sticker (while supplies last) and lanyard


Check out these other great blogs featured on THE VEIL Blog Tour Schedule!

Week One

Monday, July 27 – SassyCat’s Book Review | Paranormally Yours
Tuesday, July 28 – Fantasy Is More Fun | Reaffirming My Bookworm Status
Wednesday, July 29 – YA Book Nerd | Happiness is a Book
Thursday, July 30 – Star Crossed Book Blog | Dandelionn Wine Book Blog | The Book Swarm
Friday, July 31 – Parajunkee | All Books Considered | Wild Wordy Women |Professional Fan Girls

Week Two

Monday, August 3 – Dark Faerie Tales (Deadly Destinations Event) | Creative House Blog | True Bookies Review | Andrea Heltsley
Tuesday, August 4 – Reed’s Reads & Review | The Saucy Wenches | My Lifes, Loves and Passion
Wednesday, August 5 – Bad Bird Reads
Thursday, August 6 – Booklovers for Life | Spines & Covers
Friday, August 7 – The Book Nympho (Stomp v. Romp)



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  1. Nancy L.R.

    I am so excited for this book! I love her Chicagoland Vampires series so my expectations are high, but I’ve also heard nothing but great things. I can’t wait to meet Claire & Liam! 🙂

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      You are so welcome, Nancy!

      I adore Chloe Neill and her wonderfully addictive Chicagoland Vampire series! Ethan and Merit provide endless entertainment for me.

      The Veil was a promising start to another wonderful Chloe Neill series-I can’t wait for everyone to meet Liam and Claire. 🙂

  2. Kelsey C.

    I’m so excited for this new series with seeing so many wonderful reviews on it. I love Merit and the others from Chicagoland and can’t wait to “meet” Claire and Liam plus being set in New Orleans doesn’t hurt as many of my favorite series are set there.

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      I can’t wait to see where it goes!

      Neill has the ability to really draw you in and shock you, so I’m anxious to see what direction it takes….

      I hope you get as addicted to Liam and Claire as you did Ethan and Merit 😀

  3. bn100

    never read this author; no expectations

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Well I hope you get to enjoy at least one of her works 🙂

  4. Ashley Stevenson

    I love all Chole books and would love something similar to the Chicagoland Vampires or baddest characters like Merit and Ethan in the future. Also can’t wait for this new series.

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Ah, I would LOVE THAT. I don’t know that anyone will ever top Ethan for me, but I would love to accept that challenge and see who I can find that’s like him!! Merit, too.

      Hopefully you will like Liam and Claire 😉

  5. Abigail

    I love Chloe Neill’s books!
    I hope it will be as good as Chicagoland Vampires books

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      I love them, too!!

      And I don’t know if that could possibly happen, but I sure hope they can hold their own, at the very least 😀

  6. Linda May

    I love your Vampire series, keep it coming. Thanks for being such an amazing writer of these great books & thanks for this Giveaway.

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      You’re welcome 🙂

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