Tag: Young Adult (Page 18 of 158)

BOOK REVIEW: The Mall by Megan McCafferty

BOOK REVIEW: The Mall by Megan McCaffertyThe Mall by Megan McCafferty
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The year is 1991. Scrunchies, mixtapes and 90210 are, like, totally fresh. Cassie Worthy is psyched to spend the summer after graduation working at the Parkway Center Mall. In six weeks, she and her boyfriend head off to college in NYC to fulfill The Plan: higher education and happily ever after.

But you know what they say about the best laid plans...

Set entirely in a classic “monument to consumerism,” the novel follows Cassie as she finds friendship, love, and ultimately herself, in the most unexpected of places. Megan McCafferty, beloved New York Times bestselling author of the Jessica Darling series, takes readers on an epic trip back in time to The Mall.

Reading The Mall, by Megan McCafferty, was absolute joy. It felt like slipping on a worn-in sweatshirt and catching up with old friends, even though all of the characters and situations were new. The way McCafferty writes just invokes a lot positive feelings out of me and I always feel so deeply connected to her characters. If you can’t tell already, I loved the Sloppy Firsts series. I read them over and over again in high school. They held up when I reread them in grad school. They are warm and familiar.

The Mall continues in this way, even as it brings new characters and is set in an earlier time period (the 90s). There are a few easter eggs to characters from the Sloppy Firsts, which made me smile. But this story is unique and of its own and a great standalone novel that will appeal to current teens, as well as those of us who are bit beyond our teen years.

Troy had always loved that our names were heavily featured in Greek myths. Troy was the city fought over in the Trojan War. Cassandra was the princess of Troy, who saw visions of the future.

Clearly, I had not seen this coming.

The Mall is centered around Cassie Worthy, who is in between graduating from high school and going away to college. Her plan is to work at the mall with her boyfriend for six weeks before heading off on their next big adventure. But that plan is scrapped when her boyfriend breaks up with her and she’s left to figure out what she’s going to do next.

This bizarre and unwanted interaction was my first hint that 900,000 square feet was not nearly big enough to avoid all the people I never wanted to see again.

Cassie sets out to find a new job and eventually lands in a higher-end women’s fashion store with her former best friend. They slowly come around to each other (for the most part) but especially bond over a treasure hunt involving Cabbage Patch Dolls, basements, storerooms and maps. It’s a bit crazy and over the top, but also a lot of fun.

This made him smile, which made me smile. My parents would’ve recommended refitting a new retainer, but I liked his mouth just the way it was when it wasn’t smirking.

There’s a lot of fun and nostalgia to be had. For those of us who grew up with malls as the main source of entertainment and shopping, (Amazon did not exist my middle school days. I was also still listening to CD’s, since the iPod was still a year or two away) it was nice to go back to a different time when everything seemed shinier and simpler. My closest mall was a 45 minute drive, so it was always a day-long affair and a big deal.

I thought I’d avoided the vicious cycle of romantic mistakes, but I was no better off now than I was as the start of the summer: rejected and dejected. How could such a smart girl be so dumb?

I really loved watching Cassie grow, even if sometimes it was slower than I would have liked. But I realize she’s a teenager going through a lot of changes and expecting her to be perfect is unrealistic. I loved the summertime fling aspects and the friendships shown in the book as well. There’s a few cringe moments here and there, but I can overlook them.

If you’re looking for a fun, nostalgia-filled, trip back to the 90’s with a book that features a lot pop culture references, funny moments and a side of romance, then be sure to tie your hair back in a scrunchie and dive in.

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Not Another Love Song by Olivia Wildenstein

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Not Another Love Song by Olivia Wildenstein

I am so thankful to be on this tour! I fell madly in love with this book and I’m so excited to share my 5 Star Review of Not Another Love Song! So check it out and enter a fabulous giveaway. Enjoy ♥

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Not Another Love Song by Olivia WildensteinNot Another Love Song by Olivia Wildenstein
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An aspiring teenage singer finds herself playing a different tune when she falls for a boy who could jeopardize her future dreams in Olivia Wildenstein's romantic YA novel, Not Another Love Song.

Angie has studied music her entire life, nurturing her talent as a singer. Now a high school senior, she has an opportunity to break into Nashville's music scene via a songwriting competition launched by her idol, Mona Stone. Discouraged by her mother, who wishes Angie would set more realistic life goals, she nonetheless pours her heart and soul into creating a song worthy of Mona.

But Angie's mother is the least of her concerns after she meets Reedwood High’s newest transfer student, Ten. With his endless collection of graphic tees, his infuriating attitude, smoldering good looks, and endearing little sister, Ten toys with the rhythm of Angie’s heart.

She’s never desired anything but success until Ten entered her life. Now she wants to be with him and to be a songwriter for Mona Stone, but she can’t have both.

And picking one means losing the other.


Why did I have to develop feelings for someone who hates everything I love?

Not Another Love Song made me laugh, smile and fall in love.  From just those first few pages, I knew this book was going to be an instant favorite.  With an enemies to lovers vibe and music surrounding the story, I was mesmerized.  The story flowed so seamlessly and easily wove its way into my heart.  The relationships between friends, family and the romance……oh my gosh you guys, I found a new favorite author.  I went and added all of Olivia Wildenstein’s books to my tbr because she’s a beautiful storyteller!  If you’re a fan of young adult and romance, then you definitely need to add this one to your tbr.

Tennessee strolls by us, his gait even and so damn self-assured. The child in me wants to trip him. Not that I’ve ever tripped anyone. But if I had to trip someone, Ten would be that someone.

Music was such a huge part of Angie Conrad’s life.  She played the piano, sang songs, wrote music and her idol was a famous musician, Mona Stone.  Music ran in her blood and was woven into her life.  At seventeen, Angie felt so real to me.  Quirks and all.  Yes she was naive and insecure at times, and sometimes she saw the world through rose colored glasses.  But Angie’s heart was huge and I loved how she stood up for others.  Even when she was in the middle of an emotional mess in her own life.  Plus I loved how Angie’ thoughts could crack me up so easily, especially when it came to Tennessee Dylan.

“What about yourself, Tennessee Dylan? What sort of girls do it for you?”
“Hmm…” He lifts his hand, then runs the pad of his thumb over my chin, over the scab I camouflaged with foundation.
I think the band has stopped playing, but I could be wrong. The feel of his thumb, the smell of spice and soap lifting from his neck is confusing the heck out of my senses.
“Spirited ones,” he finally answers, voice so raspy my skin bursts into goose bumps.

The way Angie and Ten met, oh I loved it so much.  Fate can be so funny at times, I laughed out loud when they ran into each other the next time!  But you have to meet Ten, he had me from the first moment he graced the pages.  Ten stole all of my attention and I was enamored with him.  He was quiet yet mysterious.  He was thoughtful and gave me butterflies.  And he could be so swoon worthy, especially when he tried again and again with Angie.  He kept pulling me in and I wanted to know every single thing there was about him!  Ten was the ultimate book boyfriend who easily went on my favorites list!

I dip my chin and start playing it, wishing that every beat of the day were accompanied by a melody— a soundtrack to life. Music would spill from the sky, curl from the grass, and seep out of the asphalt.
Ten would hate it.
I falter and hit a wrong note.

Ten and Angie could butt heads so easily but at the same point, they meshed so perfectly.  Any time they were around each other, there was something there.  I melted when they talked, smiled when they were near each other and sighed when they didn’t fight what was between them.  So I desperately wanted to push them together.  The magnetism and connection between them was inspiring and gave me so much hope.  But there was a definite line in the sand, and my heart was holding out hope that Ten and Angie could make it work.  Somehow.

“I really wish you could make it easier for me to dislike you.”
He stops walking and pulls his shoulders back, pulls his head up.
Oh …
No …
I said that out loud.

Secrets, friendship, lies, love and bullying splashed across the pages.  Along with a mother daughter dynamic that was refreshing and true.  Friendships that resonated with me.  And a romance that I rooted for.  I loved this book with my whole heart, and even when I felt like I was going to cry and everything was broken, there were still so many where I couldn’t stop smiling.  Not Another Love Song was a beautiful love story that pulled at my heart, I can’t recommend it enough!

I might have to adjust my aim, shoot for the stars instead of the moon. Stars might not light up the world as brightly as the moon, but it doesn’t make their shine any less dazzling. I’d rather be a fleck of light in the darkness then not burn at all.

PS Nev.  Oh she’s a ray of sunshine and one of my favorites but I’m keeping my lips zipped about her.  Other then be prepared to absolutely love her!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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About Olivia Wildenstein:

USA TODAY bestselling author Olivia Wildenstein grew up in New York City and earned her bachelor’s in comparative literature from Brown University. After designing jewelry for a few years, Wildenstein traded in her tools for the writing life, which made more sense considering her college degree.

When she’s not sitting at her computer, she’s psychoanalyzing everyone she meets (Yes. Everyone), eavesdropping on conversations to gather material for her next book, and attempting not to forget one of her kids in school.

She has a slight obsession with romance, which might be the reason why she writes it. She’s a hybrid author of over a dozen mature Young Adult love stories.

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REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: GENES (International Sensory Assassin Network #3) by Mary Ting

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: GENES (International Sensory Assassin Network #3) by Mary Ting

I’m so ecstatic to be on the GENES blog tour because I am obsessed with this series. So check out my 5 Star Review below and enter a fabulous giveaway. Enjoy ♥.

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: GENES (International Sensory Assassin Network #3) by Mary TingGENES (International Sensory Assassin Network #3)
by Mary Ting
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Allegiances will be tested. Identities will be revealed. No one is safe.

While searching for the HelixB88 anti-serum on the black market, Ava uncovers valuable intel that may help the rebels in their fight to bring down ISAN—the location of a hidden facility. But first, the insurgents must find the female citizens unexpectedly displaying powers without use of the Helix serum before ISAN captures them. As the rebels join forces with other sectors, ISAN plans their destruction by using someone they don’t suspect at the rebel home base: a traitor within.


“Bravery comes in all forms. You just have to know which suits you best.”

GENES was an explosion of action and adventure, I was beyond addicted.  With characters I loved, new twists and turns, being on the brink of war and so much unknown, I was glued to the pages.  The story was gritty and rugged, so it was impossible not to have tears in my eyes at times.  But love and friendship floated throughout the pages and added so much light and hope to their dark and dreary world.  So if you’re a fan of dystopian, characters that leap off of the pages and a story line that keeps you saying just one more chapter then this series is for you!  Some of my favorite things were…..

I would move mountains for you. I would shatter the world to bring you home to me. Love is a powerful thing. – Rhett

✮ Teamwork:

Against all odds, we had made it. I was here with him. Beside each other was where we belonged. Our home.
My throat clogged. “My wish came true when I remembered you.”

One of my favorite aspects of this story was how friendships felt like family.  They would do anything for each other and continually had each other’s backs, I loved watching them work together.  Especially when a few of them combined their powers.  And with different groups merging, it wasn’t always easy.  There were struggles at times.  But the devotion, commitment and trust that came from all of them created such huge feelings for me.  Which ultimately made me nervous lol.  No one was safe in this book and I found myself caring for even more people which terrified me.


✮ Action and Adventure:

I will not die today. We will not die today.
Like a dandelion, be resilient.

This whole series is action packed from that first page to the last.  Yes we got lots of moments where we could breathe and watch beautiful moments unfold between the characters.  And those added so much joy in my heart,  I loved catching myself sighing out loud.  But in the next instant we were up and going again. My pulse was pounding and this is the type of book that is easily devoured.  Emotions and tensions ran high and I loved every single minute of it!


✮ The Whole Picture:

“I know. It’s okay. Whatever it takes, remember.” I tried to sound strong for the both of us, but my voice cracked.
“I love you.” Rhett held me tightly as if I was his lifeline, and then he kissed me with desperation.

While Ava was still our main point of view, I loved how we got moments with Rhett again.  I’m obsessed with his thoughts on everything, especially with how he saw Ava.  But we got a few other characters point of views mixed in a little bit.  I won’t mention who, so it’s a surprise, but it was truly genius.  The peaks we got into a few other people’s heads rounded out the story so perfectly. There was so much at play, with so many moving parts, and it made me feel like I was watching a movie play out.  It. Was. Fabulous!


✮ The Characters:

“Why does it have to be another one of us to die? Why doesn’t ISAN die?”
Oh, my heart. Air left my lungs in gasps. I fought back the sting in my eyes and sank to my knees.

Whether it was Ava being brave and fierce, always protecting those she loved at all cost. To Rhett’s love that shined as bright as a star and being the voice of reason.  To Ozzie’s teddy bear ways that made me just want to squeeze him.  To Mitch’s complexity that pulled me in again and again, I loved learning a few more of his secrets.  To Tamara and her knife wielding ways.  To Momo, Bobo and Coco, oh I came to care for those kids so deeply.  Even to Mr Novak’s creepy and nefarious ways. These characters came alive.  They were complex and stood easily apart from one another.  Each one was so pivotal to this story, I loved it!


I fought the sting in my heart as I leaned back into Rhett’s arms. Moments like this were rare. We had to take all the good offered to us. No one knew what would happen tomorrow, or even an hour later.

GENES was my favorite book in this series!  I loved how even more pieces of the puzzle came together and the bigger picture is becoming more clear.  But it still felt insurmountable at times.  Thankfully as the story progressed, hope bloomed in my chest.  But beware, because there were setbacks that had me whispering no, no, no.  I found myself crying for death and being terrified over the fate of those I cared for.  But I also cried tears of happiness too.  So if you’re looking for a story that you can get completely lost in, definitely add this one to your tbr!  I can’t wait to see what happens next, especially after that ending!

PS I knew it!!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*


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Reading Order:
Amazon (click on covers) & iBooks (click on titles)

ISAN (International Sensory Assassin Network #1)

HELIX (International Sensory Assassin Network #2)

GENES (International Sensory Assassin Network #3)

CODE (International Sensory Assassin Network #3)

AVA (International Sensory Assassin Network #4)

About Mary Ting:

International Bestselling, Award-Winning Author Mary Ting writes soulful, spellbinding stories that excite the imagination and captivate readers all over the world. Her books run a wide range of genres: science fiction, fantasy, and swoon worthy stories. Her storytelling talents have won her a devoted legion of fans and garnered critical praise.

Mary was born in Seoul Korea and resides in Southern California with her husband, two children, and two dogs—Mochi and Mocha. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Becoming an author was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother. After realizing she wanted to become a full-time author, she retired from teaching after twenty years.

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Can be found here.



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REVIEW: Rebel Spy by Veronica Rossi

REVIEW: Rebel Spy by Veronica Rossi

I have fallen for every single one of Veronica Rossi’s books that I have picked up, so I jumped at the chance to be on this tour for her latest release. Rebel Spy enchanted me and I’m so happy I got to meet Frannie and all of the other characters in this story! Check out my review below ♥.

REVIEW: Rebel Spy by Veronica RossiRebel Spy by Veronica Rossi
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A reimagining of the story behind Agent 355--a New York society girl and spy for George Washington during the Revolutionary War--perfect for fans of Tatiana de Rosnay's Sarah's Key and the novels of Julie Berry.

Rebellious Frannie Tasker knows little about the war between England and its thirteen colonies in 1776, until a shipwreck off her home in Grand Bahama Island presents an unthinkable opportunity. The body of a young woman body floating in the sea gives Frannie the chance to escape her brutal stepfather--and she takes it.

Assuming the identity of the drowned Emmeline Coates, Frannie is rescued by a British merchant ship and sails with the crew to New York. For the next three years, Frannie lives a lie as Miss Coates, swept up in a courtship by a dashing British lieutenant. But after witnessing the darker side of the war, she realizes that her position gives her power. Soon she's eavesdropping on British officers, risking everything to pass information on to George Washington's Culper spy ring as agent 355. Frannie believes in the fight for American liberty--but what will it cost her? Inspired by the true "355" and rich in historical detail and intrigue, this is the story of an unlikely New York society girl turned an even unlikelier spy.


Rebel Spy was addictive and completely enchanted me.  With blackmail, friendship lies, trust and honor floating across the pages, I fell in love with this story.  This was the first historical fiction I’ve read and I’m hooked and will be looking for more in this genre!  I loved how the story slowly unfolded.  It was thick, rich and mesmerizing.  So if you’re a fan of historical fiction with a dash of romance, then you’ll definitely want to add this one to your tbr!

I had only myself to count on now.
I brushed the wetness from my cheeks. I was going to have to be enough.

In 1776 Francisca was trapped.  She had an abusive and cruel stepfather who wanted more from her and her means of bringing them money was dangerous, wrecking for treasure in the ocean.  I instantly connected with Frannie and felt her pain. Her only solace was from one good friend and when she was fathoms deep in the ocean.  When the body of Emmeline Coates washed upon the shore, and she heard people searching for her in the distance, Frannie took a chance.  And fate led her towards a new life in Philadelphia.

I wanted to do things that mattered. I wanted to sink my teeth deep into the world. I’d stood by as Asa had been beaten. I never again wanted to feel that way again— like less.

I was so nervous and unsure over Frannie’s future, just like she was.  But she was smart, brave, sympathetic, fierce and clever so I was also excited for her!  During those times, America was in the process of asserting their independence from the British.  But Frannie had been far away from war, now she was heading right into the middle of it.  And her first taste of it was with Asa Lane.  Asa was an American rebel who was on her ship, which was filled with loyalists.  He captured my attention right away.  Not only because he helped Frannie and made me smile.  But there was a chemistry and heat between them that couldn’t be ignored.  I loved how they were open, honest and philosophical with each other.  But again, fate intervened and threw Frannie on a path that guided her heart to being a spy.

Everything coarse and uncivilized about me had to stay in the past. From now on, everything was going to be perfect.
I sank into a deep curtsy.
Then I rose, a lady.

Her new life in Philadelphia lead to a courtship with Lieutenant James Duncan.  And when she realized how her relationship with him could help the Americans, she became Agent 355 for George Washington.  And as someone who was awful at history, I more than appreciated how we slowly learned the world and history Frannie was immersed in.  It was all so easy to grasp and understand.  But one thing that was hard for me to watch was how she collected intel from those around her. Those who saw her as a friend or something more, like Duncan who seemed so open, honest and sweet.  But all’s fair and love in war, or so I kept reminding myself.

Spying was stealing from the enemy— but what if that enemy was someone decent? Someone with a charming personality, perfect lips, and eyes like pools of honey when they caught the sunlight?

The atrocities of war were beyond horrific and there was nothing I could do but sit there and watch it unfold on the pages.  So of course I found myself cheering for Frannie and the rebels.  It was impossible not to, right along with having sweaty palms and tears in my eyes quite a few times.  I hurt for these people who had become my friends.  But at times I didn’t want them to make rational decisions.  I wanted them to be selfish.  Especially since Frannie and one of the men had an impossible future.  Even though they fit so perfectly together.  

He kissed me then. Deeply. Passionately. We grasped and tugged at each other like we’d only breathe again if we became one, but that was what I’d always felt with him. Together, we made something whole.

Rebel Spy was vivid, enticing and slowly enraptured me in its story.  I was so wrapped up in this book that I forgot about that first chapter, which was a peak into the future in 1780.  So when the present collided with the future, I was not ready.  It stole my breath and I had to know what happened next.  I loved how the story flowed and the few jumps in time were done seamlessly.  And that ending, oh how I desperately wish there was an epilogue or a few more pages.  I kept clicking on my Kindle for more.  It ended with a HFN, happily for now, but I need more of Frannie’s life please or a peak into their future.  I’m not ready to say goodbye to her or him♥.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*


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Favorite Quotes:

I stared into his eyes. He’d made me think. “I never thought about changing the world before, Asa. I never even thought I’d see any of it.”
He tipped his head. “There you are, Miss Tasker. The world.”
I looked through the window, at darkness and moonlit clouds. I couldn’t actually see the world, but I felt it out there. Waiting for me. All that I’d never thought possible.
He snorted. “En’t anybody ever teach you to watch your mouth?”
“Yes. Then I tried to kill him.”
Hackett stared at me. “My, my, Little Salt. I think I believe you.”
Rare is you, Frannie. Rare as a comet.
I’d thought spying would let me breathe— but lies were lies. Even when they were told for noble reasons. And yet, I wanted more. I needed more.
I couldn’t put into words what Asa’s hands were saying as they kneaded my cold ones back to life. But I wanted the whole world to be made of what I felt in them.
“Do you remember?” Asa whispered. “We were always burning.”
I knew such flights of fancy were dangerous. I had a family and friends. I had Duncan. Nothing good could come of imagining other possibilities. But I couldn’t leave the house, nor could I spy. Nor could I ask Asa what he’d meant by none but yours.
So I allowed myself to dream.


About Veronica Rossi:

Veronica Rossi is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the UNDER THE NEVER SKY series. She was born in Rio de Janeiro, grew up in California, and graduated from UCLA. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and two sons, one of whom just surpassed her in height. Find her online at veronicarossi.com or on Twitter at @rossibooks.

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REVIEW: Rage and Ruin (The Harbinger #2) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

REVIEW: Rage and Ruin (The Harbinger #2) by Jennifer L. ArmentroutRage and Ruin (The Harbinger #2)
by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Half-angel Trinity and her bonded gargoyle protector, Zayne, have been working with demons to stop the apocalypse while avoiding falling in love. The Harbinger is coming…but who or what is it? All of humankind may fall if Trinity and Zayne can’t win the race against time as dark forces gather.

As tensions rise, they must stay close together and patrol the DC streets at night, seeking signs of the Harbinger, an entity that is killing Wardens and demons with no seeming rhyme or reason. Forbidden to be with each other, Zayne and Trinity fight their feelings and turn to unusual sources for help—the demon Roth and his cohorts. But as deaths pile up and they uncover a sinister plot involving the local high school and endangering someone dear to Zayne, Trin realizes she is being led…herded…played for some unknown end. As anger builds and feelings spiral out of control, it becomes clear that rage may be the ruin of them all.


Rage and Ruin brimmed with emotions, secrets, twists and lots of charm.  Not only did this story have so much heart but it made me laugh, smile, cry and I even got the chills a few times.  I loved that their world had a richness and depth to it that I could easily visualize.  And I was obsessed with these characters that felt like my friends.  So if you love paranormal romance stories then definitely add this series to your tbr.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” I admitted in a whisper.
“I know you can,” he insisted, and my next breath came out shaky. “I don’t have a single doubt in my mind.”
I wished I could see him. His eyes. His face. See how he was looking at me, because if I could see that faith he had in me, then maybe I could feel it.

Something out there was hunting demons and Wardens.  It was referred to as the Harbinger.  And while Trinity, a half human half angel, and Zayne, a gargoyle, patrolled at night, it seemed to toy with them.  Deaths happened around them and there was nothing they could do to stop it.  They teamed up with up with demons and other acquaintances and it all led them down an addictive path where I had to know what happened next.  With emotions running high and so much unknown, it felt like everything could explode around Trinity and Zayne at any minute.

A kiss so chaste , so sweet that it shouldn’t have undone me, but it did. The kiss rattled me to my core, just as his words had.

Not only did Trinity have to deal with hunting down the Harbinger, but she was in a dark, haunted place.  She struggled from Misha’s death and betrayal.  What Trinity had to do cut into her soul.  And I understood her avoiding those she loved.  It was easier for her to keep everything locked inside, even though it was unhealthy.  Since the story was told from just Trinity’s POV, I connected so deeply with her.  Her emotions became my own and I hurt for her.  I understood why she acted the way she did, even when she was insecure or jealous at times.  This story was a huge emotional journey for Trinity, but she grew so much in these pages.  And a lot of that was because of Zayne.

I’m not trying to make it easy.
Those were his words— words that couldn’t mean what I thought they did— but the longer he held my stare, the more uncertain I became.

Zayne was such a tortured soul who spoke to my heart.  He pulled me under his spell anytime he was around.  So when Zayne would say or do stuff that felt more than friendship or was extremely thoughtful, I paused right along with Trinity.  Because while Zayne didn’t always lay his emotions out there, his actions and gestures spoke volumes.  And I’m one who loves to hunt and dig to figure out how a character feels.  It helped at times that they could feel what the other felt, through the bond, but it wasn’t always cut and dry.  Because ultimately when everything was broken down, Trinity and Zayne were forbidden.  They were not meant to ever be.

“You’re under my skin and in my blood. I can’t get you out.” – Zayne

While Zayne and Trinity were attracted to each other and felt possibly more, ultimately they were stuck with each other till death.  She was a Trueborn and he was her Protector.  They didn’t have a choice of being in each other’s lives.  So doubt festered in the air for Trinity.  Even when sexual tension between them ran high.  And in those moments you could feel the electricity in the air.  But there were untold consequences if a Trueborn and a Protector were to be together, so the push and pull between them was sensually addictive.

“Angel Face?”
Sighing, I turned and bent down so that I could see into the car. “What, Demon Spawn from Hell?”
His lips quirked into a grin. “Just so you know, what I felt for Layla and what she felt for me was forbidden. That didn’t stop us.”

We got to see some of our past favorites from Storm and Fury.   Roth and Layla had a bigger role in this story!   Roth was still beyond sexy and smile inducing, and their love felt stronger than ever.  Plus we got to see Cayman and Bambi!  I just want to say the favor thing, ohhhhh I’m so ecstatic with how that turned out!  Stacey was also back, but I wasn’t the biggest fan of her this time.  You’ll see what I mean.  But my favorite thing about these characters being back was the bromance between Zayne and Roth.  They were really good at annoying one another lol, but at the end of the day, they had each other’s backs.  It made my heart so happy!

The taste of him branded my skin, the feel of him as I slid a hand down his chest, over the tight muscles of his stomach and even lower, tattooed itself into me, and the sound of his groan echoed like a prayer.

Rage and Ruin had a climatic ending that left me desperately wanting to grab that next book right away.  I cried my eyes out and had lost all hope.  But just wait.  Because the last few pages, oh they’ll change your world.  And leave you with a ton of questions lol.  Jennifer L Armentrout is beyond talented at giving us so much in a story but then also leaving us begging for more.  So if you love fantasy, paranormal or romance then definitely add this series to your tbr.  And if you want to understand the world even better then start back with Storm and Fury.  I can’t recommend both series enough!

I’d never heard him yell before. Ever. I focused on him, really looked at him, and for a ghost, he looked freaked-out. “What?”
Peanut drifted back a foot. “There’s something here— something in the apartment.”

PS Peanut made me laugh out loud. He cracked me up and added so much light to this story!  But his moments of seriousness gave me the chills.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)

Storm and Fury #1

Rage and Ruin   #2


Grace and Glory #3

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