Category: Event (Page 30 of 42)

BOOK REVIEW+GIVEAWAY: Soldier (Talon #3) by Julie Kagawa

BOOK REVIEW+GIVEAWAY: Soldier (Talon #3) by Julie Kagawa

We are so honored to be one of the hosts for the Soldier Blog Tour! It is absolutely no secret that I adore everything Kagawa-From her vivid storytelling to her absolutely unforgettable characters to her punch-you-in-the-gut endings, there is literally nothing I can resist from this spectacular author. Many of you may know her from either her Iron Fey or Immortal Rules series, but here she has chosen to tackle yet another difficult genre (exceedingly well, I might add)-DRAGONS. For those of you who are skeptical, I find it imperative you give it a try-If not only because Julie Kagawa has the most amazing way with words....and absolutely breathtaking forbidden romances. I obviously adored this book (and so far, this series), so I hope my unabashed love persuades you to give this series a try! Below you can find my FIVE STAR review and a GIVEAWAY for the first three books in the Talon Saga!! Good luck and Enjoy!!

BOOK REVIEW+GIVEAWAY: Soldier (Talon #3) by Julie KagawaSoldier (Talon #3)
by Julie Kagawa
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
Add to: Goodreads


A fighter dedicated to saving humankind from dragons in strictest secrecy.

That was what Garret Xavier Sebastian thought he was part of as a soldier of the Order of St. George. What he learned from a fiery dragon hatchling twisted all he believed in and set him on a collision course with certain death-but not without a chance to put things right.

Betrayed and on the run again, Ember and rogue dragon Riley discover an unthinkable truth about Talon and St. George. They'll need Garret's skills and insider knowledge of the Order to negotiate an impossible deal-and if they fail, there will be no way to stop all-out war.


His fingertips came to rest against the back of my hand, sending a zip of current through my whole body. “I’m done hiding,” he whispered. “Nothing has changed. I know we might not have a lot of time, but what we do have, I want to spend right here.”

That feeling…I know you’re familiar with it…when the air is sucked out of your lungs, when your world collapses beneath your feet, the world ceases to exist as it shatters to pieces around you, and that book you’re holding is all that matters in the world-it’s all I felt as this book came to a close…and for most of the story, really.

It had been her mercy, her refusal to kill a known enemy, that had made me realize the Order was wrong. It was because of her that I was here now, risking my life to protect the creatures I’d once driven toward extinction. Because a dragon had spared the life of a soldier of St. George, and everything had changed.

I’m not going to lie-whenever I get a chance for an ARC by an author I adore, cherish, and have never been let down by before, I feel a lot of pressure. I mean, this is Julie fucking Kagawa we are talking about here-the creator of Ash, the beautiful, deadly, fatal, and loyal Prince of the Fey. Zeke, the unwavering human who fell in love with the thing he once despised-A vampire. And now, here we are again with Ember and Garret (I refuse to acknowledge Riley has a chance-He does, but, no-I won’t support him as a love interest)-A soldier who was brought up to hate Dragons, to destroy them without a second thought, because they are humanity’s enemy-and Ember, the dragon who turned his world on it’s axis, making him fall in love with the enemy…and risk his life for her over and over again, if not only because he is desperately in love with her, but because it’s the right thing to do. Ahhh my beautiful soldier boy. He is just…PERFECTION.

But I would not break. I would not give up Ember’s location, or Riley’s underground. The next few hours might have me wishing I was dead, but I would not betray the girl I loved to the organization. They would have to kill me.

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But I digress-Onto my point: Kagawa is the MASTER of forbidden romance. She is the queen of making love triangles almost bearable, making friends out of foes fighting for the same girl’s love. To think… I have finally gotten one of her coveted ARCs-something I have worked to earn for years…and I was super nervous-SO MUCH PRESSURE! But then, like always, I opened up this story and the world of dragons and forbidden love and stolen kisses totally enraptured me…and I was a GONER.

Helpless, I clenched my fists against my back, well aware that every mile, every minute that ticked by, took me ever farther from getting to them in time and closer to losing the red dragon forever.

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What pressure is there, really, when one of your favorite authors is in the driver’s seat? From the minute I started reading about my boy, nothing else mattered. But then a different kind of pain surfaced, one that us avid readers know about all too well: The feeling of messy love. The feeling of falling for two different men, with two different styles, with two different ways of winning the heroine’s love. And, for once, Kagawa isn’t making it obvious who Ember is going to end up with…and it might be killing me inside.

“I couldn’t,” he finally whispered. “You were the one who taught me to live, to take chances. For a while, I convinced myself that we were too different, and that it was better to let you go. But now, I’ve come to the realization that my life is probably going to be very short. And I want to spend it doing something that matters. With someone that matters. I don’t want to regret that I gave up without a fight.”

So let me address the, ahem, dragon in the room (har har, I’m so clever). Yes, there is a love triangle. And YES, I like both men. Riley is Ember’s equal in dragon form. He is protective and ambitious, and he is working hard to right the wrongs of Talon by saving as many young dragons as he can. But along the way, he fell for a fiery, red-haired hatchling…while she was in the middle of falling in love with a soldier of St. George-their sworn enemy from as long ago as they can remember.

“Your friends are…interesting,” she said, making me snort. “I would hate to see your enemies.” She looked back at me, black eyes assessing. “You did not mention that one of the ‘friends’ you risked your life for was desperately hoping he could rip your head off.”
“I was a soldier of the Order,” I said wearily. “He’s the leader of a rogue dragon underground. I’m sure I’ve killed a few of his dragons in the past.” I’m also stupidly in love with the girl he considers his, and we both know it.

Should be simple, right? A human couldn’t possibly be in love with a dragon. It’s simply impossible. Weird. Unheard of-They don’t have a chance. WRONG. You are SO wrong. Garret, my loyal soldier, would do anything for this girl who changed his whole belief system. He’d go to the ends of the earth to keep her safe, even at the cost of his own life (How many times do I have to say this before it gets old? I DON’T CARE). His mission was simple: Kill the hatchling…but instead he slowly fell in love with her, even if he didn’t want to. Now, here we are with Garret, Ember, Riley, and Wes  doing what they can to bring down the corrupted Talon and to show St. George everything they have been taught and know is a lie. But when more sinister problems arise, things become complicated. How are they going to get to the top of St. George to bring this to light? Who will they have to trust? How much are they willing to bargain? And who will make the ultimate sacrifice?


Our enemies-my enemies-wouldn’t win. The demon lizards had hurt me for the last time. Now, they had a new foe, and I would make sure they remembered my name when I destroyed them on the battlefield.
I would work hard.
I would excel.
I would become the perfect soldier.

To say this was my favorite installment of the series would be an understatement. Yes, book one is so close it’s unreal, because I enjoy when the love interests begin to fall in love, slowly losing their mind to something they can’t control. I love it when things are at the beginning and aren’t complicated with cliffhangers and deaths and perilous moments that test everything they possess in themselves to stay alive and stay together. I’m side eyeing you, Kagawa. But there is just something so sickeningly satisfying and…primal…about watching two guys duke it out for one girl, throwing it all out on the table for her love. There’s something so appealing about declarations of love as the world burns to ashes around them…even as the cries of love are too late. I. CAN’T. HELP. IT. I am a slave to peril and Julie Kagawa is my puppet master pulling my strings this way and that, ripping my heart to shreds with each new installment in each new series she creates. I’d say I hate her for making this crazy, annoying, obsessive, psycho fangirl…..but that would make me a liar, too.

My heart seemed to stop. Garret paused, as if gathering his thoughts, or his courage, then took a deep breath. “I know I’ve made mistakes,” he continued, shaking his head. “But there’s still the chance for me to fix them. I shouldn’t have walked out that night.” His brow creased, a flicker of pain and regret going through his eyes. “Ember, I know you can’t feel what I do,” he said. “I get that. But…I want to be with you. And if that’s not possible, I’ll be content just to be close. Fighting Talon with you and Riley, helping people, saving other dragons from the Order-there is nothing I want more. And nowhere else I want to be.”

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I’m sorry, but I would not be ME if I didn’t obsess about MY choice in this race before I closed this review out. Garret is at his best: Declaring his love, using all the skills he possesses to keep his new-found friends safe, trusting with all his heart, even as danger lurks around every corner, so he can get the information he needs, and becoming an-even more-unforgettable BBF. And here is what I hope all of you will take from this: I may be someone who loves all kinds of boys in books, but Kagawa creates some of the most daring, tortured, beautiful, unforgettable male leads ever. If ever you wanted to read a book about a boy who falls madly, deeply, forever in love with the heroine of the story-despite dire consequences-look no further. If ever you wanted a story that is engrossing, deep, creative, vivid, imaginative, out of this world addicting, Kagawa is your woman. She creates a combination of worlds, plots, and men that make it impossible not to love at least ONE of her series, thus making her one of the most popular authors EVER, simply because her reach knows no bounds. I shudder to think of the day when a Kagawa book won’t have me gasping for breath, clutching my iPad/pillow, and sobbing uncontrollably into the dark as I close the final pages within one of her stories where a cliffhanger has killed me slowly from the inside out-once again. I SHUDDER to think.

One hand traced small circles against my back, and I pressed closer to him, listening to his heartbeat. “I used to think that having nothing to live for made you a better fighter,” he murmured. “Turns out I was wrong on a lot of fronts.”

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She is the author that brought me out of my comfort zone, the one that taught me it’s okay to love out of this world things like fey and dragons (Dragons…DRAGONS! Really?? I’d have never thought), and not to be ashamed of letting my freakish fangirl flag fly, and I will be forever grateful that she led me to so many outlandish, wonderful series I am obsessed with today. If not for her, I don’t know that I would have stepped so far out of my comfort zone. And if I had, I don’t know that I would have liked it. She writes in a way that captures your soul, even if you are fighting it, and makes you beg for more. For anyone who has not given this woman a chance, I dare you to try her Iron Fey series and not fall in love with Ash. Or to read the Immortal Rules series and not fall for the good boy gone bad, Zeke. And now, I dare you to not get butterflies when Ember falls in love with the boy at Crescent Beach one carefree summer….Or, I GUESS, her Dragon guy, Cobalt/Riley, who would also risk it all for Ember, as well. See? That was hard for me-I really do like all the guys she creates, which is saying something. HOWEVER-this is my disclaimer-DON’T FUCK WITH MY HEART, KAGAWA-Don’t take advantage of my good-natured, and begrudging, like for Riley. I’m totally pointing an emoji finger at you!

We stared at each other, a thousand emotions simmering below the surface. My thoughts and feelings were a tangled mess, woven around each other until it was impossible to separate them. Garret stood there, wounded and beautiful, the shadow of the boy staring out through the soldier’s mask, and guilt settled in my stomach like a lead ball.

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Lots of laughs, heartache, and heart dropping, soul-crushing moments invade this story, and if you liked the previous two stories, I know you will adore this addition. I also forgive Ember for the last book (You hear that, Ember? You are forgiven! However…you better keep my guy safe, or else). So, as I finished bawling at the end of the book on a lazy Sunday night, unexpectedly losing my shit and having to contain myself-again-lest I get thrown out of the house by a very angry husband as I silently shook and sobbed beside him in bed, I began to smile and slowly fall asleep, floating in feels.


LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Indiebound | iBooks | The Book Depository



8ecb9863-5331-4922-89fa-3835b5a338d0Julie Kagawa, the New York Times bestselling author of the Iron Fey and Blood of Eden series was born in Sacramento, California. But nothing exciting really happened to her there. So, at the age of nine she and her family moved to Hawaii, which she soon discovered was inhabited by large carnivorous insects, colonies of house geckos, and frequent hurricanes. She spent much of her time in the ocean, when she wasn’t getting chased out of it by reef sharks, jellyfish, and the odd eel.

When not swimming for her life, Julie immersed herself in books, often to the chagrin of her schoolteachers, who would find she hid novels behind her Math textbooks during class. Her love of reading led her to pen some very dark and gruesome stories, complete with colored illustrations, to shock her hapless teachers. The gory tales faded with time (okay, at least the illustrations did), but the passion for writing remained, long after she graduated and was supposed to get a
real job.

To pay the rent, Julie worked in different bookstores over the years, but discovered the managers frowned upon her reading the books she was supposed to be shelving. So she turned to her other passion: training animals. She worked as a professional dog trainer for several years, dodging Chihuahua bites and overly enthusiastic Labradors, until her first book sold and she stopped training to write full time.

Julie now lives in Louisville, Kentucky, where the frequency of shark attacks are at an all time low. She lives with her husband, an obnoxious cat, an Australian Shepherd who is too smart for his own good, and a hyper-active Papillion.


Enter to win this FABULOUS GIVEAWAY!! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway



And don’t forget to check out all the other stops for the soldier tour below!

Week 1:
Week 2:

TOP TEN TUESDAY – Books That Will Make You Laugh

TOP TEN TUESDAY - Books That Will Make You Laugh

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week we get to gush about Books That Will Make You Laugh!  It’s such a wonderful feeling finding laughter in books!  So when you are in need of not being able to not knock that smile off of your face and laughing out loud, then pick up these books…….

Perfect Kind of Trouble chelsea fine
(Jen’s Choice – Review)
the fill-in boyfriend kasie west
(Jen’s Choice – Review)

1. Perfect Kind of Trouble (Finding Fate #2) by Chelsea Fine – Kayla finally has the opportunity of a lifetime – a chance at an inheritance that could change her world.  Yet to obtain that inheritance, she has to team up with handsome playboy Daren Ackwood, her father’s protégé.  This story was heart-warming and oh so funny.

2. The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West – Gia’s boyfriend dumps her in the parking lot right outside her school dance.  Ack.  Luckily she convinces a boy in a car to be her fill-in boyfriend.  I happily smiled through the majority of the story, while giggling like I was in High School all over again. 

(Jen’s Choice – Review)
Be with me j. lynn jennifer l. armentrout
(Jen’s Choice – Review)

3. Shine Not Burn (Shine Not Burn #1) by Elle Casey – This book made me laugh so hard I couldn’t stop crying while trying my hardest to breathe.  Andie and Mack have a wild night of romance in Las Vegas.  That is extremely fuzzy.  They think they won’t see each other ever again, but what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas……

4. Be With Me (Wait For You #2) by J. Lynn – Tess’ inner thoughts were absolutely hilarious. She constantly had me cracking up and I loved the way she saw the world. She had a smart mouth, a huge heart and she knew what she wanted and wasn’t going to compromise for anything less.

rebel belle rachel hawkins
(Jen’s Choice – Review)
love the one you're with lauren layne
(Jen’s Choice – Review)

5. Rebel Belle (Rebel Belle #1) by Rachel Hawkins – I was in need of a read that was going to make me giggle and smile and that’s exactly what Rebel Belle gave me!  Harper Jane Prince reminded me so much of Cher from Clueless but Harper ends up kissing the school janitor in the bathroom and obtaining his super powers.  Um yeah, it’s ridiculously hilarious.

6. Love the One You’re With (Sex Love & Stiletto #2) by Lauren Layne – Jake and Grace have to write an article after each date to see who can read the opposite sex better – they both work for magazines.  But they never agreed to play fair, and the games Jake and Grace played against each other were funny and thoroughly entertaining!  I loved every minute that they were tricking and manipulating each other!

simon vs the homo sapiens agenda becky albertalli
(Anna’s Choice – Review)
it's all your fault paul rudnick
(Anna’s Choice – Review)

7. Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli This book was a serious breath of fresh air, and I ended up with the biggest smile on my face. It tackled so many important issues – bullying, sexual identity, friendship, family – with such an authentic and hilarious voice!

8. It’s All Your Fault by Paul RudnickYet I have to admit that at first, the story didn’t seem like something I would enjoy. Christian choir singer? Teen Movie Star? Kneesocks? (I kid, I kid, they’re great – I guess so) It sure didn’t scream fangirl material, to be honest. But it was without counting on the HILARIOUS (yes, I’m using CAPS because COME ON! I lost my ability to stop laughing and snorting like a crazy person on page two) dialogues and inner thoughts and situations and EVERYTHING.

tessa dare a week to be wicked
(Anna’s Choice – Review)
me and earl and the dying girl jesse andrews
(Anna’s Choice – Review)

9. A Week to be Wicked (Spindle Cove #2) by Tessa Dare Yes there are parts completely unbelievable and twists rather roll-eyes worthy – of course. But you know what? That’s okay, because what Min and Colin are offering us? That’s a tale – a show of deception, the triumph of the lies – and that’s hilarious.

10. Me, Earl and the dying girl by Jesse AndrewsBEWARE. From my friend list, I can see that you’ll either love or hate this book (because : immature much?), but I laughed out loud during the whole thing and I’m not even ashamed. Here’s a sample for you. You’re welcome. “Music really only interested me as a soundtrack to a movie, and as for sports, I mean, come on. It’s some guys throwing some balls around, or trying to knock each other over, and you’re supposed to watch them for three hours at a time, and it just sort of seems like a waste. I dunno.”

So these are some of our Books That Will Make You Laugh.  What are some of yours?

RELEASE DAY BLITZ+GIVEAWAY- The Glittering Court (The Glittering Court #1) by Richelle Mead

RELEASE DAY BLITZ+GIVEAWAY- The Glittering Court (The Glittering Court #1) by Richelle Mead

I am so excited that THE GLITTERING COURT by Richelle Mead releases today and that I get to share the news, along with a special giveaway! If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book by Author Richelle Mead, be sure to check out all the details below. This blitz also includes a giveaway for a signed copy of the book and a $25 Sephora Gift Card courtesy of Richelle, Penguin Teen, and Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d like a chance to win, enter in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.

RELEASE DAY BLITZ+GIVEAWAY- The Glittering Court (The Glittering Court #1) by Richelle MeadThe Glittering Court (The Glittering Court #1)
by Richelle Mead
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
Add to: Goodreads

The Selection meets Reign in this dazzling trilogy of interwoven novels about three girls on a quest for freedom and true love from #1 internationally bestselling author Richelle Mead.

"Brilliant and original, Mead’s new series starts off with a bang and will leave readers on the edge of their seats until the very end."
—School Library Journal

For a select group of girls, the Glittering Court offers a shot at a life they’ve only ever dreamed of, one of luxury, glamour, and leisure. To high-born Adelaide, whose wealthy family is forcing her into a loveless marriage, the Glittering Court represents something else: the chance to chart her own destiny, and adventure in an unspoiled, prosperous new land across the sea.

After a chance meeting with the dazzling Cedric Thorn, Adelaide poses as a servant to join the crop of impoverished girls he promises to transform into proper ladies. But her familiarity with upper class life comes with a price: she must hide her identity from her new friends, mysterious refugee Mira and fiery former laundress Tamsin, and most importantly, from Cedric himself—even though she’s falling in love with him.

Everything begins to crumble when Cedric discovers Adelaide’s ruse, and she catches the eye of a powerful young governor, who wants her for a wife. She didn’t leave the gilded cage of her old life behind just to become someone else's property. But nothing is as daunting—or as wonderful—as the potent, forbidden attraction simmering between Adelaide and Cedric. One that, if acted on, would make them both outcasts in a wild, dangerous, uncharted world, and possibly lead them to their deaths.

Pub. Date: April 5, 2016
Publisher: Razorbill
Format: Hardcover, eBook, & audiobook

Find it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Goodreads

Exclusive Excerpt:


About Richelle:

b46fd315-9e36-4807-a1b3-ffd624c4138cRichelle Mead has written over twenty-five novels for teens and adults. She is the author of the international #1 bestselling Vampire Academy series and its spinoff series, Bloodlines. Her recent standalone novel, Soundless, draws upon Chinese mythology and history, and her forthcoming series, The Glittering Court, follows the adventures of girls destined for arranged marriages in a fantasy world inspired by colonial America. A lifelong reader, Richelle has always had a particular fascination with mythology and folklore. When she can actually tear herself away from books (either reading or writing them), she enjoys bad reality TV, traveling, trying interesting cocktails, and shopping for dresses to wear on tour. She is a self-professed coffee addict, works in her pajamas, and has a passion for all things wacky and humorous. Originally from Michigan, Richelle now lives in Seattle, Washington, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Website| Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads 



1 winner will receive a hardcover of THE GLITTERING COURT & a $25 Sephora Gift Card. US Only.

Ends on April 15th at Midnight EST!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

TOP TEN TUESDAY – 10 Of Our Most Recent 5 Star Reads

TOP TEN TUESDAY - 10 Of Our Most Recent 5 Star Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week we get to talk about 10 Of Our Most Recent 5 Star Reads.  And they are…..

crimson crown cover
(Anna’s Choice – Review)
we are the ants shaun david hutchinson
(Anna’s Choice – Review)

1. The Crimson Crown (Seven Realms #4) by Cinda Williams ChimaFinally a Fantasy series whose ending is perfection. I will never forget these characters (HAN! ♥)

2. We are the Ants by Shaun HutchinsonThis book will haunt me for a very long time. Heartbreaking and beautiful.

please ignore vera dietz
(Anna’s Choice – Review)
A Gathering of Shadows Final
(Anna’s Choice – Review)

3. Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. KingRealistic fiction at its finest. No matter how much it hurt, it was so, so worth it.

4. A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic #2) by V.E. SchwabBe prepared for a wonderful and original adventure! Kell and Lila will surprise you^^

glass sword victoria aveyard
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)
Nevermore kelly creagh
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

5. Glass Sword (Red Queen #2) by Victoria Aveyard – Shocking to me in a way I never would have guessed….this book came out in a chunk of all my favorite series at once, so I didn’t think it would be my favorite. Well, scratch that, this became my absolute favorite series release this year SO FAR. That is HUGE. And I wish I could say it was the writing but….CAL. That is all. 😛

6. Nevermore (Nevermore #1) by Kelly Creagh – Beautiful. Dark. Mesmerizing. This series was BEYOND addicting…it stole my whole vacation, consuming my life-and I wouldn’t give back that week for ANYTHING. EPIC.

fuel the fire ritchie
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)
all broke down cora carmack
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

7. Fuel the Fire (Calloway Sisters #3) by Krista Ritchie & Becca Ritchie – A contemporary I avoided at all costs, but that made me fall all the harder for it when I decided to try it. Unforgettable in every way, this story took the Connor and Rose you know and broke your heart….even while filling it with insurmountable hope. I bawled on so many parts it bordered on embarrassing. The loyalty, the love, the friendship-You just can’t beat it.

8. All Broke Down (Rusk University #2) by Cora Carmack -Yet another unexpected surprise, I am happy to say this will go down as an absolute favorite contemporary. Silas is loyal, kind, sweet, and tortured in the ways I love most. I dare you to read a chapter with him in it and not fall immediately in love like I did…go on, I DARE you to hate him. 😛

sweet evil wendy higgins
(Jen’s Choice – Review)
The Power Jennifer L. Armentrout Titan
(Jen’s Choice – Review)

9. Sweet Evil (The Sweet Trilogy #1) by Wendy Higgins – A paranormal that was so much more than good vs evil, because the pages were filled with friendship, hope, family, trust and discovering your heart.  I loved every part of this story!

10. The Power (Titan #2) by Jennifer L. Armentrout – The Power captured my heart all over again.  It was hilarious, heartwarming, sexy and extremely addicting.  Seth and Josie’s story is a must read for all paranormal lovers out there!

So these were 10 Of Our Most Recent 5 Star Reads.  What are some of yours?

BOOK REVIEW+GIVEAWAY+EXCERPT-Cuff me (New York’s Finest #3) by Lauren Layne

BOOK REVIEW+GIVEAWAY+EXCERPT-Cuff me (New York's Finest #3) by Lauren Layne

Lauren Layne is easily one of my favorite authors-EVER-and this series is no exception. If you want laughs, a warm smile, and some intense feels in your future, take a look at the newest book in her New York's Finest series. I don't think you'll be disappointed. Take a look below for my 4.5 star review, a giveaway, and an excerpt from Vincent and Jill's story-ENJOY!

BOOK REVIEW+GIVEAWAY+EXCERPT-Cuff me (New York’s Finest #3) by Lauren LayneCuff Me (New York's Finest #3)
by Lauren Layne
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
Add to: Goodreads


Vincent knows he's not the most charming of the Moretti brothers. He prefers brooding to flirting, reading to talking, and he sure as hell isn't about to give into his mother's insistence that he 'settle down with a nice girl.' Luckily, Vincent's gig as one of the NYPD's top homicide detectives keeps him busy. As does his long-time partner, Jill Henley–a tough-as-nails cop with the face of an angel and smart mouth that makes Vincent crazy in all the worst ways.

After six years of working the homicide beat with the tight-lipped Vincent Moretti, Jill figure she knows him better than anyone. Which is not at all. But when their most recent case points to a potential serial-killer situation, the higher-ups send them on a rare undercover mission to a place no NYPD officer dares go: the Upper Eastside.

Now the bureau's most antagonistic set of partners is posing as Mr. and Mrs. Brooks of Park Avenue. Spending 24/7 in the suspect's territory brings them closer and closer to their killer . . . and closer to each other. Soon Vincent and Jill are playing good cop/bad cop in and out of bed, and Jill's falling hard. But can she convince Vincent to give her a shot as partner in life, as well as at the bureau?


“We’re gonna be okay, right?” she asked, her voice muffled against his shirt.

Vin closed his eyes as his hand closed over clasped arms, his head hilting back so that the back of his head rested lightly on the top of hers.
And because he cared about her-cared about her so damn much-he did the only thing that he could.
He lied. “Yeah. Yeah, we’re gonna be all right.”


Like many of Layne’s novels, Cuff Me took my bad, tired mood and lifted it instantly with one chapter of banter between the Moretti brothers. I always get so excited when I see the opportunity for the New York’s Finest ARCs and blog tours because I have fallen so madly in love with this wacky, flawed, no-nonsense family. This series isn’t without it’s flaws, but it never ceases to put the largest smile on my face despite my dwindling appearance of good moods lately.

Jill Henley was Vincent’s opposite in every way.

Jill was chipper, charming, and smiley.
Vincent was…none of those things.


I have waited a long time for Vincent’s story, seeing as the plot is one of my favorite types-friends to lovers. When I found out that Vincent was next and that it was going to center around he and his partner’s apparent tension and mutual (although unnoticed) interest. Their banter, loyalty, and obvious affection for one another are an apparent love match in everyone’s eyes but theirs…So what happens when they are both too blind to see it?

The phone would not stop ringing.

“What,” he snapped into the phone without glancing at the caller ID.

He’d already heard from:
His mother (how come you never come to dinner anymore?)
His father (did you catch the guy yet?)
His grandmother (will you pick me up from my colonoscopy on Tuesday?)
Luc (Jill’s not seriously marrying that guy, right?)
And Elena (do you want to buy my old smoothie machine? I’m getting an upgrade? No? What if I give it to you? Still no?).


Jill has been courted by another man, ripping Vincent’s heart out just as he realizes he wants to be more than her partner. Jill has everything she could ever want-So why does she feel so…wrong?

“Okay, it’s like this,” Jill said, twisting so she could better face Elena. “When you were little, did you ever make your brothers play wedding with you? You know, make one of them pretend to be the groom?”

“Um, of course.”
“Luc?” Jill asked curiously.
“Obviously. He’s the nicest of the bunch, and the youngest, which made him easiest to coerce.”


With a little (or a lot) of help from the Morettis, they begin to see all that they have missed before. But in true fashion of any romance, their story wouldn’t be complete without a good dose of passion, stubbornness, and misunderstandings.

Ya know, I always adore every single one of Layne’s characters-But Jill, at a certain point, made me want to punch her. I really, really liked her…but there’s a certain point (you’ll know) where I couldn’t believe her actions. And, on the last negative note I really have, I didn’t quite buy what the other guy was selling. Or rather, what their relationship was, nor how it was handled. I am normally okay with this, buuuut I just couldn’t wrap my head around how easy it was.

“What is it you’d have me do? Hire an opera singer to serenade her? Hold a boombox over my head outside her window? Set up a scavenger hunt that leads to all her favorite kinds of tacos just to show I care?”

“Wait. She has multiple favorite kinds of tacos?” Luc asked. “That’s either hot, or weird, I can’t decide.”


But oh my gosh, let me tell you-Luc, Anthony, and Nonna (odd comments and all) once again stole the show. Vincent is great, really, even a favorite! But when they are all together? My heart melts and I become goo in their hilarious Italian hands. When they hang out, I never cease to smile, laugh, and obsess over everything they do and say. And that is why this series is always such a joy to read-I can say it’s the men and their girls-and it is, for the most part-but this family is the essence of everything, and I have to say it’s why I continually come back for more. But that is what Layne does best, right?? Only this time, the series shines when the family is the one bickering.

“The indignity. I can’t even. I’ll take care of this. Straightaway.” Ava handed the orange Jell-O cup to Luc. “Luc, take care of this. Straightaway.”

He stared at the cup in his hand before shooting a puzzled look at the women. “And by take care of this, you mean…”
“Get her red Jell-O,” Maggie said from the chair in the corner. “Obviously.”
Luc glanced at Anthony with a what-the-fuck expression, but Anth held up his hands and shook his head.


Vincent was a wonderful, gruff, and backwards hero, all while being a wonderful partner and a badass cop-but underneath it all, he was as vulnerable as the rest of us, and it broke my heart when we began to see that. I am obsessed with each brother for different reasons and in their own way: Luc being sweet, funny, and always stirring the pot; Anthony for being the oldest, most abrupt, and straightforward brother; and now Vincent, the lonely, gruff, but left-out brother. They all are just so wonderful…I will always have a soft spot for Luc and Anthony, but Vincent definitely gave them a run for their money. I hope everyone takes the chance to enjoy this series as much as I do. 😛


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About Lauren Layne:

Lauren LayneLauren Layne is a USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary romance.  Prior to becoming an author, Lauren worked in e-commerce and web-marketing. In 2011, she and her husband moved from Seattle to New York City, where Lauren decided to pursue a full-time writing career. It took six months to get her first book deal (despite ardent assurances to her husband that it would only take three). Since then, Lauren’s gone on to publish ten books, including the bestselling Stiletto series, with several more on the way in 2015. Lauren currently lives in Chicago with her husband and spoiled Pomeranian. When not writing, you’ll find her at happy hour, running at a doggedly slow pace, or trying to straighten her naturally curly hair.
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[scroll-box]There’s something wrong with a man that grins like that at a crime scene.”
Detective Vincent Moretti glanced up from where he’d been studying the gunshot wound of the vic and glared at the officer who’d been shadowing him for the past three months.
“I wasn’t grinning.”
Detective Tyler Dansen never paused in scribbling in the black notebook he carried everywhere. “You were definitely grinning.”
Dansen glanced up. “Fine. Maybe not grinning. But I’m one hundred percent sure I saw you smile.”
“How about you be one hundred percent sure about who shot this guy instead?” Vincent said irritably.
Dansen returned his attention to his damn notebook, but he didn’t look particularly chagrined by Vin’s reprimand.
Oh, what Vin wouldn’t give to go back to those early days when all he’d had to do was look at Dansen, and the kid practically dropped into a deferential bow.
Three months of spending every workday in each other’s company had the newly minted detective acting nearly as impudent as Vincent’s actual partner.
Nearly being an important distinction, because Vincent didn’t think they made ’em sassier, more stubborn, or more annoying than Detective Jill Henley.
And he would know. They’d been partners for six long years, and their pairing up as partners was proof of God’s sense of humor.
Jill Henley was Vincent’s opposite in every way.
Jill was chipper, charming, and smiley.
Vincent was… none of those things.
Especially not the last one. Although, if he was being really honest with himself, Dansen may have been right about Vincent cracking a smile earlier.
It’s not that Vin was immune to death. There was absolutely nothing humorous about a man lying cold in his own blood and guts, dead from a gunshot wound to the stomach.
But after six years as a homicide DT for the NYPD, one learned to compartmentalize. To let the brain occasionally go somewhere else other than death even as you were staring straight at it.
It was the only way to survive. Otherwise it was nothing but puking and nightmares.
And speaking of puking…
Vincent stood and gave Detective Dansen a once-over.
“If you’re gonna barf, do it outside,” he said, just to needle the younger man.
Dansen threw his arms up in exasperation. “That was one time. One time! And I hear it happens to everyone on their first day.”
“Didn’t happen to me.”
“That’s because you’re a machine,” Dansen muttered under his breath.
Vincent didn’t respond to this. It was nothing he hadn’t heard before. Robot. Machine. Automaton.
He just didn’t know what people expected him to do about it.
In the movies, there was always some reason for the semi-mechanical, unfeeling action hero.
Either a dead wife, an abusive past, or some other sort of jacked-up emotional history. But Vincent had always sort of figured he’d been born this way. Quiet. Reserved. Broody.
It’s not that he didn’t feel. Of course he did. He just didn’t feel out loud. He wasn’t sure that he really knew how to, and wasn’t sure he wanted to learn.

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Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
***Each book can be read as a standalone, but best enjoyed in order.***
frisk me lauren layne
Frisk Me #1

steal me lauren layne
Steal Me #2

cuff me lauren layne
Cuff Me #3

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