by Cassandra Clare
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Oooh how this book unraveled me. As with all love triangles, I was skeptical as to how it could be accomplished tastefully. Was I completely satisfied with the conclusion of this beautiful trilogy? Yes and no: it depends if I count the epilogue. If I were to count the epilogue as the ending, then no….I really don’t know how I feel, but it’s not 100% satisfied. On the one hand, it was sweet how “the wheel came full turn”. On the other hand, I felt a tad….what’s the word? Unsettled. That’s it-unsettled. Now, without the epilogue, I felt it was tied up nicely and she was with who she should have always been with. I loved both guys, certainly, but one was always the favorite in my heart.
A tearjerker at it’s finest, Clockwork Princess made me bawl like a baby. I loved how both boys were willing to sacrifice everything to help/save/court Tessa. They were both adorable and made me want to jump into this story and solve their little love triangle problem by inserting myself promptly within the pages.
The love and passion that drove Will on his mission to save Tessa was so endearing and I fell more in love with him with each mile he traveled. And Jem, poor Jem. His struggles are so trying and you feel yourself rooting for that impossible cure to be found. His love for Tessa is pure, unrelenting, and undying. His loyalty to Will as his other half is beautiful.
Then there’s the bittersweet, happy ending. As heartbreaking as it is sweet, tears of both happiness and sadness were pouring from my tearducts. I don’t know when I fell so in love with this trilogy, but it knocked me off my feet hard and fast, and I am so sad it’s over. I truly do wish there was another way for the epilogue to have unfolded, because I felt that it took the validity of her love for one particular man and kind of laughed at it’s memory. Not completely..but enough that it left a sour taste in my mouth. You’ll see..it is both beautiful and heartbreaking-all depends on how the reader looks at it. And no-the “memory of his love” is not a spoiler-so many things happen in this book that it couldn’t possibly be explained/ruined by that particular comment. No worries.
Finally, I end this review with a shout out to Cecily. I absolutely adored her character, while at the end of the last book I didn’t want her to necessarily be a part of the story. I LOVE her. I love Gabriel and Gideon and Charlotte and Henry and Magnus-I love them ALL. It is a sad day when I end a series and have to say goodbye to each new character I have fallen in love with, but that time has come, and I am happy to say this is a new favorite series of mine. The journey from book one where Tessa smashed a vase upon Will’s head to the bittersweet epilogue has been a tremulous one, but I couldn’t be happier to have been a part of these amazing stories-I will most definitely re read them one day, hopefully soon, if my poor heart can handle it.
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