by Jessica Sorensen
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Ella is back at school, trying to focus on her future and forget the darkness of her past. Still, her ongoing family drama is making it harder and harder to get through the days. All she really wants is Micha, but no way will she let her problems get in the way of his dreams.
Micha is busy touring the country with his band, seemingly getting everything he's ever wanted. But deep down he knows something is missing. Being away from Ella is harder than he expected. And while he longs to have her with him, he won't ask her to leave college just to be at his side.
When Ella and Micha are together, anything seems possible . . . but lately those shared moments aren't so easy to find. When a new tragedy shakes their already fragile world, one of them will make a dramatic choice that could break them apart forever . . .
***Unfortunately, I will not be finishing this series. The further I get in this series, the further I dislike the characters. The characters are continuing to make the same mistakes again and again, and therefore are going through the same struggles all over again. It’s very disappointing because I truly enjoy the way she writes. ***
People never mean to do things that are hurtful, yet sometimes it just happens, through an intense moment, through brief rationalization, or by simply speaking words that only belong inside one’s head. Or simply by giving up for a second. People hurt each other all the time.
I am so confused, I feel like I read two different books. I LOVED the beginning and then somewhere towards 3/4s of the way into the book everything changed. I didn’t feel the emotions from Ella and Micha anymore. I felt as though I was BEING told the end of their story instead of FEELING the end of their story. The first part of the book I laughed when they laughed, I cried when Ella cried and I was anxious when Ella and Micha were struggling. I felt everything that Ella and Micha felt. Then somewhere along the way their words and actions lost their emotional power. I still enjoyed The Forever of Ella and Micha, I just didn’t love it nearly as much as The Secret of Ella and Micha.
It feels like we’re slipping away from each other, and he was the one thing that brought me back out of my dark place. If he leaves me, I’m not sure I can hold onto the light.
Ella is seeing a psychologist, which is a huge step towards fixing herself. She is trying to move on from her traumatizing past, being ok outside of her comfort zone, and working on slowly forgiving herself. She still struggled emotionally throughout the book and she also continued to push Micha away. Ella made mistakes but at the same point she grew into a better person. Though her growth was one the many reasons I loved Ella, it was the reoccurrence of her spit fire attitude that had me falling in love with her all over again. She can be hilarious when she wants to be! The scene where Micha chooses the song “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails had me laughing so hard. I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe. Not only because of what took place in that scene but because OH MY GOSH it reminded me of a time in my high school years. When a book reminds you of your past it can be a good thing or a bad thing 🙂 Maybe it wasn’t as funny to everyone else, but I still loved that part of the book.
Micha – With each tear shed, she steals more of my heart, until she owns it completely. I realize that even through the hard times I’m sure we’ll face, I’ll never be able to walk away from her.
And then of course there is Micha. He is still sexy, patient, and thoroughly dedicated to Ella. He is still her knight in shining armor and he is still dealing with his demons. Together they were still (see a theme here?) a beautiful mess. And I was still rooting for their happy ending!
He consumes my thoughts, my body, my dreams – he’s what drives me to be better.
Something happened 3/4s of the way into the book. Nothing dire, nothing that made me hate the characters, nothing that deviated from the flow of the book, but still something happened. Maybe it was me? I don’t know. The passion in their words and the intensity of their actions didn’t exist anymore. There were struggles, hardships and happy moments, just like the beginning of the book, but I felt as though I was just going through the motion of reading and not feeling anything. This was so disheartening. I SO wanted to love the rest of the book, but sadly I didn’t. Instead of being a great book, it was just a good book.
“It isn’t as important to feel great about all the things we do,” I say softly. “But how we feel toward the end when we look back at everything we’ve done.”
I’m hoping to fall back in love with this series so I will continue onward. Hopefully Lila and Ethan will give me the emotional closure I want from a series!
Our Reviews: (The secret of Ella and Micha – Jen) ★ (The Forever of Ella and Micha – Jen) ★ (The Temptation of Lila and Ethan – Jen)
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