by Lauren Layne
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Sophie couldn’t have been more wrong about Brynn not making mistakes.
Because not so long ago, she’d made the most elementary of all mistakes.
And he was staring right at her.
Eeeeeeeep!!! Did I mention….that I love Lauren Layne?? I have? Fifty times, you say? Yeah, well. I. Don’t. Care. Never has an author been able to make me smile more, laugh more, swoon more (that’s up for debate, but I’m talking big picture here, people), and tear up all in one book. It’s just not possible! But, this woman. She has that special touch. Hmmm…what’s it called? Oh, yes, that’s right-WRITING A CONTEMPORARY THAT ISN’T TRASHY. Literally. All her books have sex in them (Thank God) but not one of her ‘just a fling’ stories has an ounce of depravity in them. I don’t know how she does it, but one thing is for sure: Like Brynn Dalton, Lauren Layne is sophisticated and shows class, and I admire the hell out of that.
***I want to note that I had an abundance of quotes (MY FAVORITE PART OF MY REVIEWING) and my app malfunctioned and deleted them ALL. So…..now I feel a little sad because they were great. See, I hate monotony in my reviews-I like breaking up each paragraph with a quote…I’ll try to find some, but for now, here it is as is***
When this book was released last week, I almost cried. I’ve been waiting sooo long. Sophie and Gray are up there with my favorite of favorite LL couples (Hmmm, or maybe Gray is just one of my top guys she’s written that I drool over….) and Will was one of my favorite characters in the first book. So, naturally, when a book featuring all my favorite people was released, there was reason to celebrate (Or cry out of sheer excitement). LL is on my auto-buy list no matter the content she chooses to conquer. Her latest conquest? The quintessential Brynn Dalton-the face of rules and everything neat and organized. She literally has a list of rules for everything so she can lead an exemplary life. It was actually so so fun to be in an uptight, in a loving way, woman’s head as opposed to the loosey-goosey type. I find it so funny, and ironic, that Brynn is the female version of Gray and they both ended up with crazy, zaney opposites. Also, that’s hardly a spoiler seeing as Lauren Layne is the queen of HEAs…..Did I mention I love Lauren Layne?
Insert fun quote here…
Will. William. William Thatcher. Sophie Dalton’s best friend, ladies’ man extraordinaire…and Brynn Dalton’s worst enemy. But what if he doesn’t want to be? Ever since they met in high school, Brynn put off an heir of confidence and, well, snootiness, so as to push Will away-Why would the most popular boy in their school be interested in Dumpy Dalton? There’s no way he could have feelings for her, so why would he hang around? But he has other ideas. You can tell in book one that through all the bullshit, Will was (and is) in love with Brynn. He’s funny, charismatic, intelligent, spontaneous….he’s the polar opposite of her. But she’s always been the one for him, and he is dead set on proving her wrong-that they were made for each other. The lengths he went to in this story made my heart break and swell all at the same time. The efforts he put in had my heart stuttering and fluttering and contracting. He was is well and truly in love with her and more than once I lost my breath when she would reject him, in one way or another. Oh, and did I mention I love Lauren Layne?
Woulda inserted sweet or swoony quote here…
These books are funny, light as air, angsty….and they almost always channel something inside of me I wouldn’t admit to the outside world. Like, I don’t know, the jealous me, the out-of-control me, the flustered me, the wounded me. It’s like, no matter how different I am from these fictional women, I always can relate in some way. These girls’ feelings? They feel
They don’t seem fabricated or forced or unlike people I know-These women are, for lack of a better word, relatable. I noticed several times that Brynn would put up a wall, but then when even a sign of another woman appeared on Will’s doorstep (Guess where he lives? Muahahaha), Brynn would lose her shit, that calm, cool, collected veneer she puts up, and drop everything to show her face next door. This flustered, not put-together Brynn? Yeah, I can totally get behind that. Hell, I even support it! You get your psycho on, Brynny! Did I mention…Nah, I think you get it.
One thing: that tattoo View Spoiler »
And another here….
So, you know, here I am pushing another LL in all your faces, but I just don’t care. This has so many things that I love in a book: the haughty attitude vs the ‘I’m guna win you over’ attitude. The love-hate relationship, even if he really is just in love with her. The flashbacks showing just how much he has always cared. Her little rules at the beginning of each chapter (I loved seeing her quirkiness). I rooted for these two-hard. I loved their characterizations and the fact that this story felt so different from all her others. I loved how different Brynn was compared to the other girls in all her other books and/or series. No matter how many LL books I have read (Cough, all of them, cough) or she has written, I’ve never felt like I was reading a repeat or something she didn’t think of herself. They all have a chick-flick kind of feel, and she makes it clear that’s what she’s trying to do. She wants you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. And that is totally what I did. And did I mention-I adore Lauren Layne?
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