by Blake Crouch
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Absolutely NOT.
► How many series made you want to read each book back to back? How often are you willing to accept the flaws as they are and still treasure the story you read? In my reading experience, it’s a rarity.
WARNING : I won’t spoil the series for you, but DO NOT read the blurb of this third book, otherwise you’d find unsolicited information. You don’t want to do that, trust me.
① When you read a book, you need a ending that :
A. wraps everything up
B. lets some loose ends
C. I don’t know, I don’t care this is crazy!!! Love it love it LOVE IT!
[embracing the madness]
② Do you need to understand all the characters’ intention?
A. of course yes
B. I don’t understand the question : you mean that they must act coherently at any time? Why?
C. no I don’t give a damn
③ As for the pacing, you expect:
A. a fast-paced, action-packed page-turner where pausing to breathe is – really – overrated
B. a slow and insightful story with many descriptions of stuff as clothes, food, furniture…
④ You love your main characters :
A. fundamentally good, I can’t deal with unlikeable characters
B. [insert evil laugh] what was the question?
C. Realistic characters as in : neither fully bad nor good but complex
⑤ Among these possible sources of annoyance, which one is a lesser evil in your opinion?
A. to be frozen to death by boredom
B. to wander clueless and accept to suspend your disbelief sometimes
C. to predict every one of the outcomes
⑥ What would you say about your favorite characters?
A. They smirk and stare and glare. But they’re so fucking HAWT.
B. They’re so wise and clever that you could quote them as a rule of life. Actually, you do.
C. They fuck up. They make mistakes. They doubt. They fear. They live.
Now, a subsidiary question :
► After reading this book, you thought that something was useless and annoying. What was it?
A. the love-triangle
B. the love-triangle
C. the love-triangle
(Don’t worry though, it doesn’t last long at all and makes sense)
Ps. Many reviews explained perfectly why this series is filled with plot holes and inaccuracies and I can’t say that they’re wrong. However, I enjoyed every moment and I would still recommend these books in a heartbeat.
Actual rating for this book : 3.5 stars
Rating for the series as a whole : 4 stars
Great review! Crouch just has this way of grabbing you by the throat and jerking you into the story. Despite the flaws, I felt much the same way as you. I just finished the re-release of his 2009 Abandon, and felt the same. He really is a talented writer.😊
Kim recently posted…A Curious Beginning (Veronica Speedwell Mystery #1) ~ by Deanna Raybourn – 4.5 Stars
He is indeed 🙂 Thank you! I can’t wait to read more from him now 😀 Have you read his other series?