BOOK REVIEW – Thicker Than Water by Brigid Kemmerer

BOOK REVIEW – Thicker Than Water by Brigid KemmererThicker Than Water by Brigid Kemmerer
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Thomas Bellweather hasn’t been in town long. Just long enough for his newlywed mother to be murdered, and for his new stepdad’s cop colleagues to decide Thomas is the primary suspect.

Not that there’s any evidence. But before Thomas got to Garretts Mill there had just been one other murder in twenty years.

The only person who believes him is Charlotte Rooker, little sister to three cops and, with her soft hands and sweet curves, straight-up dangerous to Thomas. Her friend was the other murder vic. And she’d like a couple answers….Answers that could get them both killed, and reveal a truth Thomas would die to keep hidden.

Answers that could get them both killed, and reveal a truth Thomas would die to keep hidden…


Thicker Than Water started out as an intriguing mystery that morphed into a paranormal story that had a sinister twist.  I easily fell into Thomas and Charlotte’s world, and their first few interactions had so many feelings floating around in me.  Sympathy for Thomas being convicted as his own mother’s murderer, especially since he was the one to find her.  Anger for how he was easily judged and convicted within others eyes.  Curiosity for Charlotte and if she would be his saving grace.  And anticipation if they would eventually become something more.  But while I quickly flew through the pages, some things made me pause and not allow me to be entirely immersed in the story.  So I’m left torn, because this was such a fun, quick read yet I did have some issues.

A storm is coming, but still we stand here. “I saw her,” he says. His voice is hollow. “That night.
I saw what happened to her.”
“I know,” I whisper.

Thomas was definitely my favorite thing about this book.  I have a huge soft spot for tortured males, and he fit that part perfectly.  With his broken heart and the whole town against him, he quickly pulled me in and always left me wanting to know more about him, since the book alternates between the two of them.  But when he was around Charlotte, he was a mixture of confident and self-conscious which easily made me melt.  Thomas was sexy and alluring without ever trying.  And those are always the sexiest men in my eyes!

His lips curl into a slow smile.  “Penny for your thoughts.”
“They’re not decent.”
I. Did not. Just say that.
His smile widens, and he looks genuinely amused. “Really. What if I offer you a dollar?”
I put my hands over my face.
“Can we please just pretend this moment isn’t happening?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Shush, you. Eat your food.”

Charlotte was more of a gray area for me.  I loved how she would try to help our believe in Thomas, but her inner thoughts of contemplating whether he was a murderer or not irritated me.  I mean yes, by all means please be cautious with this new boy whose situation is insanely questionable.  I definitely would.  But don’t lead him alone into the woods to talk, when you’re going to picture him as a murderer once you two are truly alone.  Granted, she was young and extremely sheltered, so I gave her way more passes than I normally would, because I did like her.  And just a heads up, Charlotte does have a sex-obsessed best friend.  But I found Nicole to be entertaining and utterly ridiculous while still being adorable.

“No one knew her. No one cares about her. No one cares about finding out who did this. They just care about how much they hate me.”
I have to stop talking. I’m going to lose it right here in the parking lot.
Arms go around my neck, and I stiffen in surprise. She’s hugging me. Charlotte is hugging me.
I can’t remember the last time anyone hugged me.

To be honest, I’m a little torn over that ending.  I liked how some things worked out, but another part of it left me so conflicted.  It wasn’t what I wanted, and I was left wondering if everything would truly work out, even after that final page.  You see, Thicker Than Water was nicely setup for a possible second book. There is closure in the final pages, but there is also a lot up in the air.  So I was left with questions and I really wish I had those answers.  But I have to say that the twist was amazingly done!  Wow!

Thicker Than Water was a quick book to devour whose mystery kept me stuck to the pages.  The paranormal element was different, in the fact that it didn’t play a large part, but looking back you can see how it was laced throughout the story.  And even though it did leave me with questions, I can’t deny that I absolutely adored Thomas.  So I will try her Elemental Series down the road, and hopefully we will mesh up much better.  Plus I can’t wait to see what male character she has created in that story!

*ARC kindly provided by Kensington Books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

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  1. Kim

    Once again, fantastic review Jen! This is definitely going on my wish lis even if it has an iffy ending.😊😊😊
    Kim recently posted…Thoughtful Thursday ~ Christmas EditionMy Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you, Kim! That ending, wow, it was an amazing twist. I was blown away, but so conflicted at the same time. All I want to do is talk about it, but I can’t, ack! I’m definitely looking forward to her Elemental Series which is already out. 🙂

  2. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    The Elementals series is an all-time favorite of mine, so I was eager to read this one too. I think I enjoyed it more than you did, but there were some things I was conflicted about too. For me, I kind of wish that the paranormal had been more than barely hinted at early on. Still, I’m eager to read another book in this series!
    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Thicker Than Water by Brigid Kemmerer – ReviewMy Profile

    • Jen

      I’m so excited to hear that The Elementals is a favorite series of yours! I have high hopes that I’ll fall for those books more than Thicker Than Water. And yeah, I definitely agree that I wish there was a little bit more paranormal laced throughout the story and that there will be another book. I would love to see how things go forward.
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