TOP TEN TUESDAY – Favorite Hate to Love Romances

Top Ten Tuesday.13

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
This week was a Love Freebie!  So we chose a topic that we are all obsessed about…… hate to love romances.  We are sooooooo addicted to those.  So here are 13 of our Favorite Hate to Love Romances…….


Jen’s Review
Chelsea’s Review

Jen’s Review

1. Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas
Amazon * Goodreads
Jen – This book was both scorching hot and utterly heartbreaking.  Misha was brutal to Ryen, he was hurtful, mean and viscous.  BUT I more than got why he acted that way to her.  So it was impossible to be upset with him.  This is definitely one of my top favorite hate to love romances!!
Chelsea – I don’t know that I’ve read a more ‘hate’ to love romance ever-the vehemence with which Misha hates Ryen is breathtaking…and it makes you fall all the harder.

2.Obsidian (Lux #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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Daemon’s feelings towards Katy are a conundrum and you will feel as though you are suffering from whiplash. One moment his words are lashing out at her, and the next moment he is being his sexy, intoxicating self.  I wanted to kick and punch him, but heaven help me because I fell for him hard.

Jen’s Review
Jen’s Review

3. Good Girl by Lauren Layne
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Noah was hurtful to Jenny.  He was the biggest jerk.  Actually, jerk is too nice of a word.  He was the biggest asshole.  Yet Noah completely deserved my love….you’ll find out why.  Annnndddddd – Who knew pink zip ties could be so sexy?!?!?!

4. Anew (The Archers of Avalon #1) by Chelsea Fine
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Tristan completely won over my heart and soul. His dark, sarcastic humor was intoxicating. His selflessness and bravery was endearing. But even though he was cold and standoffish to Scarlet, I couldn’t get enough of him. Tristan was everything I love, and so much more.

Jen’s Review

Chelsea’s Review

5. Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1) by Susan Ee
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They’re enemies.  His kind has destroyed her world.  And even though Raffe is a creature who could decimate Penryn in a second, she stood up to him.  Oh my gosh…..I just loved how their relationship evolved as this trilogy progressed!

6. Falling Kingdoms (Falling Kingdoms #1) by Morgan Rhodes
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Ahhhh my favoritessss-Magnus really doesn’t like ANYONE…but he begins to find he has a soft spot for the girl with golden hair and blue eyes-but she hates him, too! 

Chelsea’s Choice

Chelsea’s Choice

7. The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black
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I’mmm not sure what went on here…but Cardan is one intense dude. He had me guessing from beginning to end.

8. Everless (Everless #1) by Sara Holland
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AGHH the feelssss. I can’t say anything…but by this being on the list, I hope my feelings are clear ;).

Chelsea’s Review

Arielle’s Review

9. Frostblood (Frostblood Saga #1) by Elly Blake
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I loved this book so very much, that much is no secret-Arcus and Ruby had heat from the moment they met…and the fact that he hated her at first sight only helped that matter 😛

10. From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata
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IVAN LUKOV. Guys. He is….so good. The verbal sparring that went on between him and Jasmine was HILARIOUS. Oh man I was dying so many times laughing because of the horrible crap they said to each other..and his nickname for her. Lol, sigh.

Arielle’s Choice
Chelsea’s Review
Arielle’s Choice

11. The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
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Chelsea – Joshua and Lucy were forced together in one of the most competitive ways…in the same office. The tension between the two is high…but their chemistry is off the charts. I can’t even DEAL with how cute their ‘enemies’ to lovers relationship is ♥♥.️️

12. Dating You / Hating You by Christina Lauren
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It was an interesting take on the hating to loving trope because they had met BEFORE the chaos started and really hit it off. So that spark was there the entire time, even while the fighting commenced. Their prank war was HILARIOUS. I have not laughed out loud so many times at a book in quite awhile which was a relief after the emotional roller coaster that was ACOWAR.

Arielle’s Choice

13. The Winner’s Curse (The Winner’s Trilogy #1) by Marie Rutkoski
Amazon * Goodreads
I mean, this one isn’t a typical hate to love, but they’re legit enemies at first soooo–it counts, right? 😂.


So these are our Favorite Hate to Love Romances. Have you read any of these books already? Or are they still on your tbrs too? If not, then what book is your favorite hate to love romance?


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  1. ShootingStarsMag

    I do love a good hate to love romance! So much passion. Punk 57 is on my wish list. 🙂

    ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Show Us Your Books: February 2018My Profile

    • Arielle

      I’ve actually read and LOVED Punk 57 too so there’s a third rec for you haha!

  2. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    Great list! I haven’t read any of these, but I do like hate to love.
    Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…Review: Ararat – Christopher GoldenMy Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you!! Hate to love always pulls me in every single time. 🙂

  3. Greg

    The Hating Game looks fun, and I’ve heard a zillion good things about The Captive Prince. I should try that one…
    Greg recently posted…Top Ten Love FreebieMy Profile

    • Arielle

      The Hating Game is soooo good. I just need Sally Thorne to write a ton more books. The dialogue alone is worth reading it for 🙂

  4. Chloe @ It's YA Girl

    AAAAH. I ALSO don’t know what happened to me during The Cruel Prince but I’m like… into Cardan? Am I confused by it? YES. Am I surprised….NO.

    Also love to see Falling Kingdoms on this list because I’ve been back and forth on if I should read it seeing it included with a bunch of other great books makes me feel like I’m for sure going to love it!
    Chloe @ It’s YA Girl recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Romance Freebie!My Profile

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      CARDAN AGH! It was SO weird, right?? Like…how do I handle him? AND THAT END OMG!!!! Dead.

      As for my baby Magnus…I don’t know if you’ve read any….but if you HAVE, you must push onward!!! The first is not very good. I mean, I fell for Magnus quickly, but I sure didn’t like where his interest was heading. IT GETS BETTER FOR HIM. He stays the cocky, mean jerk we all know and love, but he finds someone better suited. He is everything!!!!!! I’m also pretty sure he’s 90% of the reason that series even made it past book 2 lol. EVERYONE loves Magnus, far as I can tell! Hope you love that series! <3

  5. Tammy V.

    I’d have to add Shatter Me series by Mafi.

    • Jen

      I think Chelsea and I may be the only ones in the world who were on Team Adam and that clearly didn’t work out well for us *cries* :'(. But that’s definitely a great hate to love story between Juliette and Warner!

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      WHAT JEN SAID! Adam. Poor Adam.

  6. Raven

    I’m so glad to see so many of my favorites in this list! I loved Punk 57, Obsidian, Good Girl, The Hating Game, Angelfall, and Frost Blood. I haven’t read Cruel Prince and WInner’s trilogy yet but I can already predict they’ll go into my favorite list too. I have so many favorite hate to love romance books like Under the Never Sky By Veronica Rossi, Shatter Me by Mafi, The Chronicles Of Kaya by Charlotte McConaghy, These Broken Stars By Amie Kaufman, Bully By Penelope Douglas, and Flame In The Mist By Renee Ahdieh.
    Raven recently posted…Say You’ll Remember Me By Katie McGarry [Review]My Profile

    • Arielle

      Oh girlllll you just named off a ton more I forgot about lol. Loved Under the Never Sky, Chronicles of Kaya, and These Broke Stars were all great ones!

  7. alwayne arlando gray

    This is a superb list, i love it! Everless is awesome by sara holland.

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      IT’S AMAZING!!! And Liam….ugh. LOVE HIM. Love him from first glare lol

  8. AngelErin

    Oh, I just love the Lux series!! I still need to finish it. I think I have one left to read, but I can’t remember. LOL! Great list. 😀 😀
    AngelErin recently posted…The Witch Doesn’t Burn In This One By: Amanda Lovelace ARC Super Mini ReviewMy Profile

    • Jen

      I think you just had the final book to read….if I’m remembering correctly. 🙂 I ♥ Daemon with my whole heart and soul lol!

  9. Jennrenee

    I have only read a few of these. But oh obsidian. One of my all time favorites.

    • Jen

      Yessssss! One of my all time favorites too!!

  10. Zara

    Those are some really good books and I might try Dating You Hating You…😊. Also how about Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips? Its not a popular book so that’s why I’d like to point that one out. It’s focused on a marriage between a rich and kinda spoiled girl with a circus man(she doesn’t know at first). But there romance was really filled with tension and definitely had some hate/love at first!!!

    • Jen

      Thank you so much for the kind words, Zara! And none of us have read Kiss an Angel yet, but it sounds like we need to check it out. Thank you for the recommendation!

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