BOOK REVIEW: Blindsided (Moo U #1) by Victoria Denault

BOOK REVIEW: Blindsided (Moo U #1) by Victoria DenaultBlindsided (Moo U #1)
by Victoria Denault
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What if Romeo wore hockey skates, and Juliet was raised on a farm next door?

As a life-long Vermonter, there are three beliefs I’ve always held true:
1. Our family farm is everything
2. Hockey is a close second
3. The Todds next door are our sworn enemies

But this season will test everything I stand for.

I have an illicit side job that could cost me my hockey scholarship. And now Maggie Todd knows my secret. She’s waiting for the right moment to use it against me. But every time I face off against her, I learn things I shouldn’t want to know. Like how deeply her competitive streak runs, and how sexy that is. And how easy it is to make her blush… everywhere.

An Adler and a Todd cannot be lovers. Breaking that rule is like pulling a pin on a grenade--everything in my life could blow up. Can we surrender to these feelings… or will our families’ feud make us its next casualty?


How can books about a sport I know nothing about be so comforting to me? I have no idea but here we are all the same. It felt like it had been a while now since I had read any book about college hockey players and when I was presented the opportunity to request some eARCs for the Moo U series in Sarina Bowen’s World of True North, I jumped for joy. Not only that but this in particular had hockey AND Vermont farmers. What more could I want?

Maggie Todd and Tate Adler’s families have been at it for YEARS. No one remembers why the feud started and no one is interesting in ending it. THAT IS…..until these two are forced to work together and find out that fierce dislike can easily morph into burning passion if they’re not careful (spoiler alert, they’re not). I really enjoyed the dynamic between these two and the push and pull that never ceased, even after they form a tentative truce that evolves into a whole lot more.

As family dramas tend to, this one unsurprisingly featured some twists and turns and secrets to be uncovered that kept me on my feet until the very end (though I had my suspicions, I did NOT figure things out correctly). I personally have never experienced that level of family chaos and am so thankful for it.

Overall I thought this was a solid start to the Moo U series and a great introduction to certain characters that I’m sure we will see in future books!

Huge thanks to HeartEyes Press and Sarina Bowen for allowing me to read this eARC in exchange for my honest opinion!♥

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  1. Sam@wlabb

    I was already excited to see a new hockey romance from Denault, but even more so to see it was set in the True North world. Glad to hear it was a solid book for you
    Sam@wlabb recently posted…Isn’t It Romantic?My Profile

    • Arielle

      The entire World of True North is so exciting to me, lol!! I can’t wait to see everything they come out with!

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