BOOK REVIEW: A Queen This Fierce and Deadly (Kingdom of Lies #4) by Stacia Stark

BOOK REVIEW: A Queen This Fierce and Deadly (Kingdom of Lies #4) by Stacia StarkA Queen This Fierce and Deadly (Kingdom of Lies #4)
by Stacia Stark
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The price of love is loss.
We all pay it eventually…

In every life…

Some moments are too painful to be endured.
Some moments will break you if you let them.

And yet I can’t afford to let anything break me. Because we have one chance to win this war. One chance to create a better life for everyone across the four kingdoms.

Even as our enemies ally with each other, and our own allies are forced to betray their kingdoms, their people…and themselves.
And even as Regner plans something so cruel, so wholly evil, he’s poised to douse the last remaining spark of hope in this world.

Unless we kill him first.


A Kingdom of Lies has become my favorite romantasy series!  I know that’s such a bold claim, but this series was breathtakingly beautiful.  The characters will embed themselves into your heart forever, and this story is one that was impossible to put down.  If you love fantasy, romantasy, romance, enemies to lovers, and found family, I can’t recommend this final book and series enough!

“In every life, wildcat.  No matter what happens, you hold on to that.  It’s you and me in every life.”

A Queen This Fierce and Deadly absolutely wrecked me in the best way possible.  This story had a wonderful recap and then started exactly where A Crown This Cold and Heavy ended.  The perilous moments in this book made my heart race and left me struggling to breathe normally at times!  The friendship and love that conquered all, was breathtaking.  And the found family will melt your heart.  So while bargains were made and trust was put in precarious positions, I was cheering them on every step of the way!

My rage was endless, as if it might swallow me whole.

Within those first few pages, I was already crying all of the tears.  And I found myself crying so many other times from the beginning to the end.  There were tears because I was terrified for who would live and die in this world, especially with the upcoming war.  I sobbed tears of relief and joy.  And there were also tears from pain because of moments that cut my heart into a million pieces.  This book will make you feel everything!

Every time I’d escaped certain death, every person I’d killed to save my own life, every near miss and lesson learned…all of them had led up to this.
It was me or him.

The characters in this story were unforgettable.  People’s actions shocked me in the best and worst of ways.  So when new light was shown on things, my mouth was on the floor multiple times!  We also got answers to unknowns and questions from previous books, and it was beautiful seeing all of the pieces fall into place.  But with war on their doorsteps, I loved watching those that were born to be leaders take charge, have clear heads, and rise above it all.  I actually clapped my hands out loud so many times.  But within these pages there was also so much death and destruction.  And the stakes were so high.  It all led to heart pounding action that laced throughout these pages!

This was all Prisca’s fault.
That bitch got beneath my skin. She made me care.
Now, I would be forced to watch as these people died one by one. 

We got multiple POVs again, and each one had my full attention.  My heart would beat faster as we left someone we cared for in a precarious situation!  But then that feeling would be back all over again, once we left the next one.  There were heartwarming moments that we could breathe and see them enjoying life within that moment.  Also there were steamy moments that were sigh worthy and so seductive.  This book truly had it all!

Whoever said vengeance didn’t help was lying.

I loved A Queen This Fierce and Deadly with my whole heart!  It was the most beautiful story of perseverance, friendship and love!  With perilous action, spies in the midst, sob worthy sacrifice, heart warming loyalty, beautiful found family, and everlasting love, this series was everything! 

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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1 Comment

  1. Lisa+Mandina+(Lisa+Loves+Literature)

    I don’t think I’ve heard of this series, but with the big romantasy trend right now, I need to give more of them a try. Great review!

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