Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Today we’re sharing Books We LOVED with Fewer than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads. Technically this was last weeks topic, but my kiddos had that week off for ski week, so I didn’t get anything done lol. But I’m so thankful that we can share these hidden gems with you because we absolutely love these books and can’t recommend them enough! And they are…..

(Chelsea’s Choice)

(Chelsea’s Choice)
1. Deep in the Heart by Sharon Sala
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This goes down in history as one of my favorite books ever. A complete hidden gem that my mom picked out for me when I asked her to help me get back into reading, I will forever love this adorable, addicting, and unforgettable novel about a second chance at love.
2. Famous in a Small Town by Emma Mills
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I just recently discovered this author, but this shocks me all the same. Have you people not read anything by this amazing woman?? It may be YA, but every word, relationship, and tear screams true. You’re missing out
3. Trick (Foolish Kingdoms #1) by Natalia Jaster
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HOW?! Just…how??? This book is magical and sexy and heartbreaking and swoony and just so addicting. You’re missing out if you haven’t met Poet and Briar.
4. The Importance of Being Scandalous (A Tale of Two Sisters #1) by Kimberly Bell
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This is a must read for all historical lovers and everyone who adores any type of romance that makes your heart race, has strong friendships, and is laced with moments that will have you laughing and then sighing out loud. I desperately need more friends to gush about this book with! Especially in regards to Nicholas. He is beyond intoxicating and you have to meet him!
5. Broken Skies (Broken Skies #1) by Theresa Kay
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Not only is this trilogy complete but it’s beyond addicting! If you’re a fan of The Lux Series by JLA or SciFi books then there’s a good chance you’re going to love this just as much as me! It had me on the edge of my seat, had a swoon worthy boyfriend, a power couple that I was obsessed with, side characters I adored and I loved how so many moments were butterfly inducing. I loved this trilogy!
6. The Sweetest Oblivion (Made #1) by Danielle Lori
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If you love sexual tension or forbidden stories, then you should give this book a try! It has both of those in spades! It’s about the Mafia, and while that’s usually not my thing, oh my gosh this book sucked me right in! The writing was seamless, the story was explosive and I loved all of the twisted and also crazy hot moments. I’m definitely looking forward to picking up anything else that Danielle Lori writes!
7. The Raging Ones (The Raging Ones #1) by Krista Ritchie & Becca Ritchie
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When I found out that these two were writing a YA sci-fi/ dystopian-ish series you better believe I jumped on that in a second. It has a SUPER unique premise and true to their usual writing, has characters and relationships that gave me feels for days. It took a little bit to get into because we’re thrown into a world with an interesting social structure/ world building that was confusing to me at first but once you wrap your mind around it all and get to know the characters you won’t look back. I HIGHLY recommend.
8. Return Once More (The Historians #1) by Trisha Leigh
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I literally have no idea how more people don’t know about this series???? It’s a sci-fi time travel book about a spaceship of refugees from the wreck that was once earth. There is a group called the historians (basically cool, futuristic librarians) who travel back in time to different points in our history to basically study what went wrong and catalog each even meticulously. Another interesting aspect is that when you hit a certain age you can find out the identity of your True One–the person who is literally your soul mate, compatible in every sense. Of course they could have lived in the past or far future so that kind of sucks, haha. Again, super unique premise with great writing that will suck you in! Another HUGE recommend.

(Arielle’s Choice)
(Cassie’s Choice)
9. Light Years by Tammar Stein
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Okay people, I barely remember what this is about but I do remember that I read it when I was in high school and FELL IN LOVE. In short it’s the story of Maya, an Israeli girl whose boyfriend (and basically the love of her life) dies in a senseless suicide bombing while waiting for her at a cafe. To escape her shattered heart/ world she moves to the States to attend the University of Virginia. She tries to just be a “normal” student and obviously has to work through her grief and trying to fit in to what a normal university student is in America. She learns a lot about who she is and who she wants to be and honestly, after re-reading the synopsis on GR, I know I have to read this again immediately.
10. The Bakersville Dozen by Kristina McBride
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I honestly don’t understand how this book has so few reviews/ratings. Of all the YA thrillers I’ve read, this is easily one of my favorites. It’s darkly funny, has a creative theme and is ripe for a Netflix-movie adaptation. In addition, there’s a nice love triangle/romance angle as well. It’s probably been two years since I last read it, and I can still remember so many details from it, which I doesn’t usually happen for me with thrillers. If you enjoy any kind of YA mystery/thriller with some bonus romance, PLEASE read and review this. I’m due for a second reading soon and plan to write quite the detailed review.
(Cassie’s Choice)
(Cassie’s Choice – Review)
11. Top Ten by Katie Cotugno
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While this is certainly a Katie Cotugno book, the format is a bit different than most of her other YA offerings. Instead of following a mostly linear timeline, Top Ten jumps back and forth and switches perspectives between the two main characters and best friends, Ryan and Gabby. It’s inclusive, honest and completely refreshing from so many other YA contemporaries. I recommend anyone who likes real and messy and imperfect characters and relationships to read any of Cotugno’s books, but Top Ten is probably the most overlooked of her books and certainly doesn’t deserve to be.
12. #Murdertrending (MurderTrending #1) by Gretchen McNeil
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Along the lines of “The Bakersville Dozen,” #MurderTrending is another darkly funny YA thriller. Taking the concepts of social media and reality TV, McNeil creates a new world in which teenage criminals are placed on Alcatraz island and attempt to survive amid professional killers, all the while regular viewers follow along and comment and vote for their favorites. While the romance angle was a little underdeveloped, I loved the characters. I was rooting for them the entire time and often found myself laughing along with their dark humor. A fair warning that this isn’t for the faint of heart. While this is a YA novel, McNeil doesn’t skimp on the gory details.
So these are the Books We LOVED with Fewer than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads. Have you read any of these books yet? Or are they on your tbr? If not, then which books do you love that has fewer than 2,000 ratings on Goodreads?