TOP TEN TUESDAY – Characters Where We Don’t Agree With The Majority

TOP TEN TUESDAY - Characters Where We Don't Agree With The Majority

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week was Characters Everyone Loves But We Just Don’t Get or Characters We LOVE But Others Seem To Dislike.  So we decided to do both!  And here at Star-Crossed, we definitely see characters differently from one another at times.  Take for example #5 below.  The infamous Warner from the Shatter Me Series.  Anna and Laura LOVE him, but Chelsea and Jen just don’t get it.  So if you disagree with our choices, that’s ok.  It happens between the 5 of us from time to time!  Or if you agree with us, please let us know so we aren’t all alone lol.  So sit back and enjoy, because here are Characters Where We Don’t Agree With The Majority.

Characters Everyone Loves But We Just Don’t Get:
The trouble with spells lacey weatherford
(Jen’s Choice)
the perfect game j sterling
(Jen’s Choice)

1. Vance Mangum from  The Trouble with Spells (Of Witches and Warlocks #1) by Lacey Weatherford

2. Jack Carter from The Perfect Game (The Perfect Game #1) by J. Sterling

blood will tell samantha young
(Jen’s Choice)
on every street karina halle
(Jen’s Choice – Review)

3. Eden Winslow from Blood Will Tell (Warriors of Ankh #1) by Samantha Young

4. Javier Bernal from On Every Street (The Artists Trilogy 0.5) by Karina Halle

shatter me tahereh mafi
(Jen Review & Chelsea Review)
magic bites ilona andrews
(Chelsea’s Choice)

5. Warner from Shatter Me (Shatter Me #1) by Tahereh Mafi

6. Kate Daniels from Magic Bites (Kate Daniels #1) by Ilona Andrews

the soul eaters cracked eliza crewe
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)
red queen victoria aveyard
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

7. Meda from Cracked (Soul Eaters #1) by Eliza Crewe

8. Maven from Red Queen (Red Queen #1) by Victoria Aveyard

Characters We LOVE But Others Seem To Dislike:
ugly love colleen hoover
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)
duff kody keplinger
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

9. Tate from Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

10. Bianca from The DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend by Kody Keplinger

So this is our list of Characters Where We Don’t Agree With The Majority!  Do you feel the same or completely disagree with the characters we chose?  Or are there other characters where you don’t agree with the majority?

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  1. AngelErin

    Oo I liked Tate from Ugly Love! I didn’t know people don’t like him. I don’t like the women in Colleen Hoover’s books though, but I think there are a lot of people that agree.
    AngelErin recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday- Top Ten Characters Everyone Loves, But I Just Don’t GetMy Profile

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Yeah, I never had a single problem with Tate…..We shouldn’t be asked why Tate for Miles. The question should really be: Who wouldn’t fall for Miles? I mean… seriously.

      Why all the hate?? lol *shrugs*

  2. Allyson

    This week was so hard to create, but now that I am reading other lists, I can see so many characters I forgot. I didn’t see much of Warner before I dropped Shatter Me, but I can totally see how he could make this list!

    My TTT.
    Allyson recently posted…Upcoming Releases: March 8thMy Profile

    • Jen

      Yeah, we weren’t big fans of his in Shatter Me. But then in the 2nd book, Adam and Warner’s personalities switched and we never finished the series or got everyone’s obsession with Warner. I wish I would have dropped Shatter Me, that was so smart! 🙂

  3. Giovanna

    I am also a lover of Bianca Piper! She is one of my top fave female characters EVER! Great Top Ten!
    My TTT.

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      Bianca was fabulous. Being inside her mind was so fun-she was so funny! There wasn’t a page that passed where I wasn’t nodding my head in agreement. (Okay, so, not when she was ignoring poor Wesley and not giving him the benefit of the doubt…but you get my point) Her inner thoughts were spot on-Come on, we ALL think these things. lol

  4. T.H. Hernandez

    I am totally with you on Jack Carter. Couldn’t.stand.him.
    T.H. Hernandez recently posted…Cover Reveal – Danny (Models on Top) by S.L. ScottMy Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you! After the choices he made, I was completely done with Jack Carter.

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