TOP TEN TUESDAY – Books We Love That Are Beach Worthy Reads

TOP TEN TUESDAY - Books We Love That Are Beach Worthy Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week we get to talk about  Books We Love That Are Beach Worthy Reads. Soooo we missed last weeks TTT which was Beach Reads Week,  and this week was Ten Reasons We Love X.  So we decided that these 10 books are 10 reasons why we love beach worthy reads.  Sneaky huh? Ha.  🙂  So here are some books that are perfect to read when you have your toes in the sand and the sound of the waves is in the background.  Enjoy!

jesses girl miranda kenneally
(Laura’s Choice – Review)
This Lullaby Sarah Dessen
(Laura’s Choice)

1. Jesse’s Girl (Hundred Oaks #6) by Miranda Kenneally – It’s easy to read, humorous and makes the characters come to life in the most wonderful way. In addition to that her books have strong female leads and heroes that make you wish they were real, so you could date them.

2. This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen It’s one of those books I pick up when I need a story that makes me laugh or when I just feel the urge to meet Remy again! She’s one of my favorite heroines ever.

the distance between us kasie west
(Laura, Anna, Chelsea’s Choice – Review)
tessa dare romancing the duke
(Anna’s Choice – Review)

3. The Distance Between Us by Kasie West – From page one I was giggling, smiling ear-to-ear, and felt immediately lighter. The snarkiness of our main character was parallel to some of my all time favorite snark-masters and Xander was…oh my, what was Xander? Xander was the equivalent to every good person in the world I feel like I would date.

4. Romancing The Duke (Castles Ever After #1) by Tessa Dare – Their banter was wonderful, full of repartee and yet never filled with disrespect. This brings me to the absolutely delicious conversations between Izzie and Ransom : man, that was hilarious. Between their comments and the awkward situations they’re put into (the Army guys. Precious. I’ll let you discover it), I couldn’t help but laugh out loud like a total fool.

how to flirt with a naked werewolf molly harper
(Anna’s Choice – Review)
drink slay love sarah beth durst
(Anna’s Choice – Review)

5. How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf (Naked Werewolf #1) by Molly Harper Look → there’s an alpha-male. Who is a werewolf. Oh, FUCK. Save me from these protective douches who think that women are better rudely pinned against a wall before talked to – BUT WAIT! COOPER! I JUST LOVE THIS GRUMPY ASSHOLE! Wait – NO. He’s adorable : I can’t help it, there’s just something I found absolutely endearing when it comes to wolves. JACKASS. But so damn cute. FUCKING STUBBORN. Yet he respects Mo’s choices and never puts her down.

6. Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst – An alpha female vampire MC, who’s at the top of the food chain and intends to stay there, even though she starts feeling – UGH – emotions (so annoying). I loved Pearl : she’s unapologetic, selfish, kick-ass, smart, and hilarious. What not to love?

practice makes perfect julie james
(Anna & Chelsea’s Choice – Review)
Price Of A Kiss linda kage
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

7. Practice Makes Perfect by Julie James – I fell hard for these two and their hateful (yet, let’s admit it, heated) banter and scorching looks. I fell for their rivalry, for their tentative friendship, the realization that one or both of them have used hate as a cover for how they have always felt for one another.

8. Price of a Kiss (Forbidden Men #1) by Linda Kage – Sexy and fun and light without being too light, I fell under this book’s spell.

dairy queen catherine gilbert murdock
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)
Good Girl
(Jen’s Choice – Review)

9. Dairy Queen (Dairy Queen #1) by Catherine Gilbert Murdock – This book, while funny and outwardly mocking in and of itself, was also surprisingly deep, full of values that aren’t always put first in a teenager’s life. D.J.’s voice is one that, while a little different at first, is one that I think many young girls could relate to. Hell, I could relate to it.

10. Good Girl (Love Unexpectedly #2) by Lauren Layne – Sizzling sexy, laugh out loud funny and pulled at my heartstrings!  Upon closing that last page I knew that Good Girl was easily one of my favorite books of this year.  I mean, I read it in one sitting.  And that happens once in a blue moon for me.

So here are the  Books We Love That Are Beach Worthy Reads.  So have you read any of these?   Or do you have any to recommend that are your favorite Beach Worthy Reads?  We’d love to know!

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  1. Jess @ Little Book Heaven

    I love Miranda Kenneally’s books! Those are definitely perfect beach reads for sure. 🙂
    My TTT
    Jess @ Little Book Heaven recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday (16)My Profile

  2. Lauren @ Always Me

    I want to try Dairy Queen some day. 🙂

    Check out my TTT.

    • Chelsea (Peril Please)

      I absolutely adored that series…it’s so cute and makes you smile so big the entire time…I hope you enjoy it when you do read it! 😀

  3. Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog)

    I’ve read Practice Makes Perfect! It’s a really awesome book!
    Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog) recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #28: Top 10 Reasons Why I Love ReadingMy Profile

    • Anna

      YAY! It’s so funny and heartwarming <3

  4. Got My Book

    Unfortunately I don’t think I will be visiting a beach this summer. One of the reasons I love audiobooks though is that I can stare at the vacation scenery and read at the same time.

    My TTT list
    Got My Book recently posted…text: Audie Winner, Fantasy, 2016: Nice Dragons Finish Last | GiveawayMy Profile

    • Jen

      That’s a fabulous idea! Here’s hoping you have lots of moments this summer to listen to some wonderful books. 🙂

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