BOOK REVIEW – Death, Doom and Detention (Darklight #2) by Darynda Jones

BOOK REVIEW –  Death, Doom and Detention (Darklight #2) by Darynda JonesDeath, Doom and Detention (Darklight #2)
by Darynda Jones
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***Spoilers from Death and the Girl Next Door***

The normal part of Lorelei MacAlister's life didn't just slip away quietly the day Jared Kovach came to town. Nope. The normal part of her life shattered. It exploded. It burst into a gazillion shards of fleeting light.

It went out with a bang.
Goodbye normal.
Hello dark and eerie.

While her best friend, Brooklyn, is focusing all of her energy on helping Lorelei hone her abilities, Lorelei is dealing with the reality that Satan's second in command has taken up residence inside her body. Oh, and the fact that she has a crush on the Angel of Death. But what a beautiful death it is. If those weren't bad enough, something sinister has come to town and it wants nothing more than to hear Lorelei's dying breath as it strangles it out of her. Thank goodness the gang has a supernatural champion. But what happens when the only being who can save them switches sides midstream? How can a group of misfits capture one of the most powerful beings ever created? And will they find out how to bring Jared back to them before it's too late?


***Spoilers from Death and the Girl Next Door***

With sarcasm, intriguing characters, a wonderful pace and some twists and turns, Death, Doom, and Detention made for a pleasant second installment.  While I still didn’t care for some of the characters *cough Glitch and the twins cough*, and I was saddened that Jared didn’t fill the pages nearly enough, it was still a fun book to read!

My vision blurred as hot tears pooled between my lashes.  I gazed straight ahead.  “I don’t want to do this anymore,” I whispered to myself.

This time around, Lorelei was struggling.  Bad.  First, she had Satan’s second in command, Mal as she refers to it lol, inside her body.  Second,  her bestie Brooklyn was making her practice her abilities at every single chance she could get.  And third, the one boy she was madly in love with, Jared aka The Angel of Death, turned their relationship into just a friendship.  At the request of her grandparents.  And while I loved what a huge role her grandparents played in the books, they were definitely hurting Lorelei with their decision.  It felt as though life couldn’t be worse.  Or could it?  Wellll, it did get worse.  Because there seemed to something hunting Lorelei, and someone switched sides midstream *break my heart won’t you!*.  

“I’m sorry I woke you up,” I said to him as my lids drifted down.
“You didn’t.” he looked out into the darkness.  “Something else did.”

With all of those pressing issues, there was a lot more action in this book!  And I’m grateful that there was more going on, because we didn’t get to spend as much time with Jared.  Oh, this made me heartbroken, because I loved him.  I wanted moments filled with chemistry and kisses, so I felt frustrated at times.  And it didn’t help that I could care less about Glitch or the twins.  When they were on the pages, I just wanted to scream give me Jared instead!  What can I say?  I get super attached to characters I love.  

I felt a sprinkle then, a drop of rain, and I knew everything I’d ever known was about to change.

Thankfully I enjoyed Lorelei, Brooklyn and Cameron, and we spent lots of time with them!  With new presences, a new ability, and a lot of unknowns, they constantly had to count on one another.  It was fun watching their trust and respect for each other grow.  Strong friendships for the win!  There’s also an element of who’s bad and who’s good thrown in throughout the book.  It didn’t feel as though they were safe around anyone.  Even the kids they went to high school with.  So I was always on edge wondering what was going to happen next.  So while yes, it was a fun book, I definitely struggled at times.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the final book flows a little bit differently, because I am nervous and excited to see how this series wraps up!

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
death and the girl next door darynda jones
Death and the Girl Next Door #1

death, doom and detention darynda jones
Death, Doom and Detention #2
death and the girl he loves darynda jones
Death, and the Girl He Loves #3


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  1. Kim

    You need to start the Charley Davidson series ASAP my friend! I promise you’re going to LOVE it!🤗

    • Jen

      It’s on my list and I recommended my library get a copy of it. So maybe when I get back to normal with life, they’ll have a copy by then!

  2. AngelErin

    This sounds like a good series! I still need to read her second book in the Charley Davidson series. I’m glad you enjoyed this one! 😀
    AngelErin recently posted…Ashes to Ashes By: Valerie Thomas ReviewMy Profile

    • Jen

      Kim keeps telling me how much more amazing that series is, so I’m looking forward to it! I hope you like the 2nd book, when you pick it up!

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